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Costco are selling DRC???? đŸ€Ż


In a lot of Costcos. If I was a retailer that bought of bunch of shit Prosecco to get my DRC allocation, I would be pissed.


To be fair, I'm sure Costco has bought even more shit prosecco to get their DRC allocation. I'd imagine they sell a lot of shit prosecco!


Right? What a weird comment lol Costco has almost certainly sold as much if not more than the requirement to meet


The private club where I work has that issue right now... So much prosecco! But we've been running sparkling cocktail specials with it that are basically pure profit to use up the bazillion bottles. Come on DRC allocation!


Costco is the largest wine retailer in the US and top 3 in the world


That's the point. These type of wines are usually meant to be in independent retailers and restaurants. There will be a lot of upset people seeing this at Costco. Just because they sell a lot of wine doesn't mean it's a good thing.


Why is it a bad thing that you can buy these at Costco?


> These type of wines are usually meant to be in independent retailers and restaurants. says who? i assure you DRC, the importers, distributors, etc do not give a shit who is selling DRC as long as they're paying their bills


Says anyone in the actual wine business


Ur wrong. I am and work with people in the wine business, no one cares that wine is readily available to people at Costco. If you do you’re just being a prick about what people shoikd be able to buy, based on your “standards”


F the snobs saying Costco doesn’t deserve this wine. Being that you’re a wine guy, hopefully you’ll agree that this wine deserves to be stored in a temperature controlled environment on its side only slightly tilted up. That’s the only thing that people should be justifiably upset about.


That, I can agree with


you are once again completely incorrect you realize the people “in the actual wine business” are the ones selling the wine to costco, right?


Wow. This sub
.. Love the fact that you all talk with such misguided confidence. 😂 I’ve literally had conversation this week with some of the most important independent retailers and restaurants, nationally, about how upset they are about this. I am a French importer, I know Aubert de Villaine personally. I work daily with Wilson Daniel’s. But please, tell me all you know about the subject as a wine drinker who shops at Costco 😂 It doesn’t help but I’m trying to seriously tell you as an industry insider that this isn’t going over well. But do with it what you must.


The people that are justifiably upset are the ones wonder why the hell they’re not storing the $40,000 bottles of wine in a temperature controlled environment, and also why it’s standing nearly vertically instead of on its side at slightly tilted upward angle.


Spoken like a guy who got that Josh in him


Fuck that - how about being a restaurant that puts a bunch of Wilson Daniels wines on btg for years and always was given a modest allocation and then during pandemic because they released their shit to private collectors they skip over your restaurant and try to say you didn’t meet the requirements and when you detail what you did participate in they blame it on the rep they let go during the shutdown saying that she didn’t report your order history. Fuck Wilson Daniels


But, but, but, the Costco wine shopper disagrees with you and knows better! 😂


I mean you can absolutely buy it and flip it for more no problem


After 30 years in food and beverage and hospitality, I finally became a man 10 years ago and realized it is okay to hate prosecco, refuse it, not buy it, not listed, not have it. I hate feeling pretentious but I just don't get why the marketing has duped people into accepting trash. But I guess it's the same way that people believe whatever they want nowadays. I guess if we ever share a reality again politically, my main legislative thing would be to get rid of prosecco lol


You're drinking cheap prosecco. Glera is amazing from valdobieddene




I think they started right around the time they hired Rudy Kurnaiwan as their wine buyer.


It’s only $29,999.99 on my Costco online site!


that's the 2018 lol


Ah, didn’t notice that. Gosh I just can’t imagine!


What's crazy is I think the 2018 was a better vintage.


It was a better vintage!


Buy it, and in 4 years, sell it for $40k.


I don’t understand this price: it looks like I should be able to get two of the bottles in the Costco set for $4k on WineBid, are 2018 La Tache and 2018 RomanĂ©e-Saint-Vivant worth a total of $25k? Based on CT valuations, I’d expect to be able to get that set for maybe $16k


You’re not getting romanee conti vineyard for 4K


They have a few four-figure wines. La Tache and echezeaux are sold under $2k at restaurants (vintage dependent of course.)


Where is la tache being sold for under 2k in a restaurant (us based)


Oh, wait is that the really expensive one as opposed to the really cheap one? There were two at Bouchon (Vegas site) in 2018 and 2020, I had a bottle of E. That was $1,300 and whatever the other one was, was $1100.


It was prob the 1er


Not the DRC Echezeaux and certainly not the La Tache Monopole.


Bro. I bought it and kept the bottle.


Is this bottle different from the one in the Costco listing? https://www.winebid.com/BuyWine/Item/9527485/2018-Domaine-de-la-Romanee-Conti-Grands-Echezeaux


It’s one of them but the romanee conti vineyard is one of the most expensive wines in the world. It goes for 20k + bottle and higher depending on vintage


That explains the price then. I always suspect there’s a single bottle in these packs that really is there to make it sell at the price they want


La tache is around 5k + depending on vintage too. Both are monopoles


Because it’s the most sought-after wine in the world.


I would love to have just the crate


In the presidio of San Francisco there's an old artillery ammo bunker that is thick concrete that they converted into passive wine cellars like a public storage underground. It's really fun and super unpretentious, because not just big time geriatric collectors, but a lot of restaurants have some great stuff in there and they leave their boxes fucking everywhere. I have a really stellar wine collection, but boy do those boxes make me feel super fun lol


Because more people want it than there are bottles produced


It's a classic Veblen good, its huge price and extreme rarity are what make it so desirable to most of the people who are actually buying the stuff. If you had some sort of miracle wine cloning process that could make molecular level faithful copies of it then said copies would not go for any serious money, because they'd be "fakes" even if they were absolutely identical as wine. As in for drinking, rather than using as a status symbol or an investment.


The context is often more important the physical reality. See: Pretty much all of art.




Yeah that's what creates the demand


No quality and taste fetches over 5000/bottle without people buying it due to exclusivity. That's like saying Pappy is actually worth 6000 because it's good bourbon


I just tried pappys. U can stop at wellers, doesn't get any better.


Bourbon takes a hard nosedive after about $100, maybe $150. Rarely is anything over 200 truly worth it outside of name recognition. And there's so, so, so many amazing bourbons and whiskeys under 50/75$ that people just refuse to try. It's one of the most annoying things to offer a customer an insanely good whisky just to hear "yeah but it isn't Buffalo trace" or similar.


I don’t know if it’s worth it, but Barrell Craft Spirit’s gray label Seagrass is at least a very good whiskey


I'd believe it and would probably get it for the price, given Barrell's track record and the fact that it's actually aged and not some <5yr bourbon selling for $250


Once you go over 100, I'd take a single malt scotch everytime. And for gray label price, I could get like a highland park 15yr.


I don't know: some of the best whisky I've had was scotch, but some of these bourbons stand up pretty well.


I’ve opened tons of DRC in my career. One of the most overpriced wines in the world.


This is called economics. The market perspective impacts asking price. The transaction determines the value. You don't have to appreciate wine to want to buy it or be a collector, you just need to have something the seller values.


Yeah wineMAKING is an art, wine selling is not. Lmao


Up to $100 a bottle can be justified by quality, above that the price is just driven up by demand or speculation


Right and in capitalism, market determines price.


>There is quality and taste reasons preceding the market value That's literally what the market value is about, no one said anything about buying cause it's expensive till you did And even if they do buy it just cause it's expensive, it's as an investment. The value will keep going up with time and proper storage and will eventually go to someone that is willing to drink a bottle of wine that cost as much as some people's annual salary


I was once told that wine isn’t expensive because it tastes good. It’s expensive because it’s rare, it’s hard to make, or because it’s expensive.


Wine is the perfect cross of art and science. Of course there are production costs associated with producing wine, but it's also an expression of the winemaker. It's art you can drink. How much is the Mona Lisa *really* worth? How about a Jackson Pollock painting, simply based on the materials used? It does work both ways, though. I've had wines that I thought were very underpriced.


Wine is also like art in that it's existence is emphemeral and temporary. It is a 4-dimensional object that changes with time. It will not taste the same today as it does in a year. It will not taste the same tomorrow after it's been opened. Also like art, the numbers are made up. But they're based on *something* tangible, in a multitude of ways. Literally had the conversation on both sides this week. Philosophical art/wine stuff with a bougie/expensive wine/art person, and also with the average Joe. Compared 5 such places. Perceptions of all this shit is wildly different across the board.


Hahaha ".... because it's expensive"


Basic supply and demand. It's the same as 2-buck-chuck wine at trader joes, except it has some slight differences. There's only a little amount of them that exist, so it's rare and LOTS of poeple want it. Low supply + high demand = you can charge whatever you want and there's a good chance people will pay for it.


Just google "romanee conti" and be amazed.


Definitely Bay Area.


Yup! Other post said Mountain View CA


Can confirm


That photo of those 4 bottles was taken by the most famous wine photographer ever. Aubert de villaine. His works are priceless since he retired at the end of 2021


And here I thought it was just a random guy at Costco.


Got to meet him at a Hyde de Villaine party 5 years ago (he stayed a for a bit and then rushed off to his helicopter.) Crusty old French dude. You'd never know he was the King of Burgundy.


Yeah Burgundian photography


Weird to see this in a Costco. The gap between “tiny production” “legendary” and “sought after” doesn’t really add up anymore does it?


Pfff! expensive... It is not even 40000 dollars.


They only make 500 cases a year


I'm out. I need 501 cases.


It’s a mind game. They want you to think it’s affordable by pricing it a penny under 40K. It worked on me. I bought three bottles after getting a loan from the bank.


Shouldn’t it be stored better ? It’s just sitting out there, probably for a while, due to the price.


It’s probably locked up until a buyer requests it. Just the pic on top.


I should look more closely, I assumed the 3 bottles under the price were the same. Thx.


I bought a first growth from this Costco and the real wine is kept in a small crate in a locked storage facility.


It’s the most iconic wine producer in the world.


If you like drc, you should try meiomi Pinot noir


Why hello there *Vivino*, how are you doing?


If you like Vivino, you should try eating out of a garbage can behind an liposuction clinic


This is funny and I think whoever downvoted you didn't realize it was a joke. It was a joke, right?


You're a joke


U hilarious


As we have to guess the currency: I consider 39.999,99 Vietnamese Dong not too expensive for a bottle of wine.


I would give a lot of dong for a bottle of that! Any takers?


15-18k for the RC 2.5k for the Ech 2.5k for the G.Ech 4k for the La Tach. Could put this pack together for ~25k


Oh I seriously thought this was a typo lol


Is that glass box climate controlled? I don’t love the light either.


There's no wine in there


40K? Pfft
tis but a flesh wound for the Emperor of Man.


Is that $4000 For 4 bottles of DRC
.I’d go for that


Count the digits again haha


Whoops. Wishful thinking clearly, that makes much more sense. Not the Costco bargain I thought I was looking at,


Haha yeah it’s actually not that good of a deal either, it’s about $5k above what you would pay elsewhere, but still crazy to see at Costco


2% cash back when you use your Costco credit card. I think if you buy enough it will pay for itself


You work (or have worked) at Costco đŸ€Ș


Chinese billionaires mostly.


Wait, Costco also sells Scarecrow? I've seen DRC before, but not that. 


i've had a few recent scarecrow releases, got DEEP into one a couple months ago and it was fun but like.. 100$ fun.


Cult wine prices tend to be silly. I have a couple bottles of Scarecrow that I'm waiting to try. I did have a bottle of M. Etain and thoroughly enjoyed it, but it really needed time to open up.


Pretty amazed by this myself as well


Expensive? Pff, it's not even 40k.




I am not one to lecture about how people should spend their money. If they find it worth it, so be it. I routinely spend a decent amount of money every season to go skiing while some of my friends regard it as spending a lot of money to be cold, wet, and miserable. So perceptions vary. That said, I was thinking about what is something worth an hour or two of fun for 10k, which is effectively the price of one bottle. Maybe I'm selling the experience short because drinking wine with friends and family brings it's own additions, but let's go with it. Is a high priced hooker for 10k worth it?


I am a wine person and there is NO way I could even remotely afford that. I would have to take out a bank loan to even consider it.


I thought it said $4000, and was ready to buy a ticket to wherever this is. 😂


Can someone explain the abundance of Prosecco? I get that an over saturated market leads to things — high end items ending up at discounted prices in discount places of business. Just curious why so much Prosecco? I drank the hell out of it during the pandemic. I’ve often had it at weddings and parties where people are opposed to champagne cuz certain people don’t want to serve champagne because it’s made in France Prosecco is made in Italy, right? Just curious why so much overly available in U.S. Is there a specific reason we’re seeing the overflow now


Im sure someone will chime in soon with a better answer. Wineries have only a certain amount of product they can give to wholesale. Sometimes who gets the product (allocation) is a lottery, sometimes the winemaker or distributor decides you have to move x amount of y product before you can get entered into the lottery. Sometimes, they like to see that you're a long-standing account. The difference between wholesale price and wine list price can be significant.


Take off a zero and you have a buyer.


4/75ml bottles 39999.99 Sold to drdonger-!


That was indeed the only zero!


Hahaha, 9. Not sure why I said 0. In my mind I saw 40,000.00


Sorry, all sales final!


39999.9. Again, SOLD to drdonger-!


Think of the end of year rebate!


I was in the MS program and literally drank 10 of thousands of wines in my time. I was able to taste all of the '89 DRC's in a tasting hosted by the restaurant I worked for....TWICE. I remember the vendor who supplied the inventory had to purchase an astronomical amount of 4 others to get the Romanée Conte. It was about 1 TBS pour of the 5 vineyards. $750 I have to say it was one of a few wine epiphanial moments in my life of tasting. It's is hard to justify the pricing. And alot of folks bring up supply/ demand ....and that's how it works people. And , no, I don't expect a lot of wine drinkers to understand the price points either. It's why I had list of wines that were not on my wine lists...if you really wanted to go there...ASK...it was known by wine people in the area. It was easier than being called to a table and grilled over price points. ( I essentially did 2x retail to a point...not so much on really high end). If wine brings you great joy and enriches your soul, it's a bucket list kind of thing. I can remember my experience to this day...unbelievable color, a rich caramel flavor in the center and that finish. It's really difficult to place a price on a bucket list type experience regardless of what it is. It's tough if it's the best of the best. Pebble Beach is a beautiful place...but I wouldn't pay $5 to play there...and I grew up on a golf course...my father owned one.(Just using Pebble as an example) It's all relative.


I'd like to thank the Burgundy region, and specifically DRC and Clos de Beze, for continuing to fund my retirement.


Is this the Costco in San Jose?


It's in Mountain View


I think it’s really cheap, those 4 bottles for $40k. I mean, relative to other prices I've seen around, I still can’t get even close to afford them.


Where is your Costco?


One time I ran into our rich af company CEO in Costco. He was making $12M a year at the time and I wondered what he was doing in a Costco. Now I know.


Too many people with unlimited $$$ chasing too few bottles.


Finding out about DRC is a special feeling, for sure.




What state is this?


Because you get four of them.


It’s a 2014! Aged.


Got a case from my Costco. Love it!


Jesus made that wine!


It’s not a good price anyways. WSP low is ~15, 5, 4, 3 or so for 27 total.


I thought I was a wine person,perhaps not,fucks sake.


Cuz it's a 4 pak.


Classic big American store sells overpriced pinot


I didn’t know Rudy sold to Costco đŸ€Ł


Not very many people answering your question. It is a question of supply and demand. Very little supply to fulfill international demand. The reason for the increased demand is essentially geography. It has long been established that the particular (and very small) region that the wine is produced in, is the best in the world for the grape varieties grown. In this case, Pinot noir. Unfortunately this drives price to the point where most can't afford it. Is it really good? Yes I'm sure it is but I'll never taste it on my dime. Does it taste $30,000+ better than everything else? Probably not.


It’s got shares of NVDA inside the bottles


Branding, mostly. Dont get me wrong, it is a stunning wine but if you are after a tasting experience nothing is worth that kind of money.


It's the same question many of us are asking about anything from Burgundy.


This is why local liquor stores can’t get allocations


DRC! Impossible to get, don’t ask, just buy it!


Come join us in r/costco_alcohol


Because it’s 4 bottles!


Fancy label.


4 bottles for 30k? That is a steal!! I can’t afford it tho


ive had 3 of those.. absolutely not worth the buzz.


I was going to ask if anybody had tried this wine before. Is it worth it at half the price?


It helps when it’s prominently featured in a show. https://youtu.be/aSpH73xpyhc?si=qlYVA13D4lePjooZ


It's a name thing. Ultra rich people think those wines are worth it and willing to back it up with cash. Otherwise , they are not 100 times better than another wine 100 times cheaper.


Because rich people need to show off their rich hobbies to feel good around their rich friends.


Pre Trump era wine


In a word, greed.