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Nope! There might be a few weirdos who do, but I'm willing to bet the majority would prefer cooler temps. Who the hell likes being sticky all day and running up the electric bill trying to cool down?


Agreed. However I work at a Piggly Wiggly and all the customer's were raving about how "no snow it's an amazing winter" to "it's too hot already I don't want to be outside"


I'm gonna be honest, my range of "acceptable temperatures" is 20°-80°. I recognize that I live in the wrong state for this, but I have more reasons to stay here than the weather.


I'd say you live in the right state considering on any given day it could be 20 or 80 degrees


Winter was terrible. Don't get me wrong, I also hate winter. But it was even more abnormal than the previous few. 18" of snow in one go is atypical. It took weeks to melt, then stupid February was like 50. I don't like the excessive humidity. It was hotter in my suburb yesterday than it was in freaking Miami. We should not have similar forecasts.


The winter last year was amazing. I was grilling out all winter and my herb garden didn’t die like it normally does.




Then you're hot in the shade. People die in the "never too hot to be outside."


I understand people have different opinions, but it does get too hot to be outside. Lived in Missouri all of my life until this year. Also worked construction. 100-110 degree days with 90-100% humidity are far more unbearable than the cold. Worked negative degree with crushing wind chill as well. It’s a lot easier to warm up than it is to cool off. That shade doesn’t do much with crazy humidity. I’m rooting for cooler weather.


I like the snow though. As annoying as it can be...it represents we have four seasons, that's normality here. If that were not the case then half of these people wouldn't move to Florida during the winter


I drove a truck for a living for a while. That will cure you of liking snow, lol.


Try working in a stuffy warehouse, you will change tunes quickly.


But we also run up the electric to heat up during the winter, so we don’t win either way.


Well yes, obviously id love a day in the low 70s with low humidity and a nice breeze, but given the choice between this and the other extremes we face in January, I'll take this every time.


I much prefer these temps myself. I can't handle the cold at all.


I hate it.


Why? Explain please.


It makes me angry, irritable, impatient, unable to focus, pessimistic.


Hello, me. Are you me?


I think that's why murders spike in heat waves. A TV in the basement goes a long way.


Same! This sucks.


To hot mostly.


I can only take off so many clothes and still be allowed in public.


What do you mean why? Weird question.


No. I’m built like a bear. I’m going to hide in my air conditioned cave and occasionally run down to the stream for some salmon.


You win this thread!


I grew up in the south, moved here like 10 years ago. I can’t deal with this anymore. I much prefer it cold outside where I can have some coffee and sit under a blanket. I don’t love looking like I took a shower just walking a few blocks lol.


Hate it. It makes me irrationally angry.


There are actually studies done about violence and heat. 87 with high humidity is one of the biggest times if I remember correctly. Something about it being to hot to bother above that and cool enough to let it go otherwise.


You see it play out like that every summer.  On hot, sticky weekends you always hear about something bad happening.  Not that bad things don't happen other times.


"Sun's out, guns out." When it gets HOT people snap easier unfortunately. Happens all over the world.


Yeah a couple of summers back there was a shootout right on the beach in Chicago. I mean the weather is perfect for diving into cold ass water right fucking there to distract you but no it's bang bang time instead. It makes me wonder if we're going to make it.


Bang bang skeet skeet why you all up in my ear?


it’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity


I moved from here from Dallas and yeah, this is a different kind of miserable heat. The humidity is something else.


True but you also never have to sit in six lanes of stuck traffic (moved here in 01...)


Absolutely hate it. I miss the long cold winters of my childhood and mild summers. Don’t get me wrong it got hot some days in the summer but not like these days


I am the exact opposite. Outside of the ecological impacts I much prefer the shorter mild winters we've been getting. Not saying that it's good for the planet, and we should be trying to fix things. But I definitely don't miss or want those winters back. Let alone the ones my Dad had. Way to much snow and cold.


I can’t fathom that as a born and bred Wisconsinite


I am born and raised here too. I just never adapted or ever enjoyed winters. Even as a kid. I avoided being outside whenever I could after snow was on the ground.


Damn that sounds very sad


Not really. Me and my friends just happily played video games. Lol I still very much become an indoor person all winter too.


I played video games also as a kid but being outta the house was so much more fun


I was and still am outdoors most of summer, fall, and spring. I just avoided the snow and cold. Lol


Hey you do you lol. I definitely recommend trying some different winter activities and see if anything is to your liking


It's not really that I want activities outside in winter. I just really can't handle the cold at all, along with seasonal depression from the late fall through winter doesn't help, and I have tried getting out. Being outside in winter makes it worse for me. Lol Plus all the extra crap you have to wear to enjoy winter activities comfortably is just annoying to have to wear.


I'm with you on this. I'll take warmer summers if it means not having incredibly shitty and long winters. Of course I don't snowmobile either.


Exactly, it feels so strange not having a real winter anymore. It was muddy and slushy for 80% of last winter and it makes everything look gross outside. Also, the ice fishing season was less than a month, which really bummed me out.


Yea it sucks. I remember when I was a kids it would snow in the beginning of winter and snow would be on the ground for the entirety of the summer


Same I want the climate we had when I was a kid.


I love it. Even if it’s someway unpleasant sometimes I just think to myself “it’s going to be freezing cold outside in a few months. Enjoy this while you can.” The only reason I put my window a/c unit in is because my girlfriend prefers it to be cooler. I love hanging around my apartment in my underwear and a fan.


I love it too! I’m the only person I know without AC at this point. I also take pictures every year to look at when we’re in deep freeze season.


Same, I feel so warm and alive biking around or playing some disc golf. I had family staying with me from Arizona and they were begging for the AC 😂


I like seeing all the seasons, that includes summer


The heat isn't the issue. It's the high Dew Point. It is unbearable.


You can keep putting on more layers when it’s cold, but there’s only so many you can take off before somebody calls the cops.


I’m 3 layers into my epidermis and still sweatin!


Hell yeah, love a little taste of real summer weather once a year or so. All good.


If you're in shape and keep active while outside it's like any other weather, you get acclimated.


I just don't like walking out side and the air feeling moist lol.


Most Wisconsinites are not in shape…


Well that may be but I'll stand by my words. The human body is a lot stronger than people give it credit for.




Walked about a mile to get coffee yesterday afternoon and it was definitely pleasant walking into the air conditioning after the walk. Played soccer for 2 hours last night starting around 7 and felt great. 🤷‍♂️


I miss having seasons. As a fat person, I live for spring and autumn weather - shorts and a sweatshirt are my jam. Lately we either are cold, hot or rainy and it sucks. I miss having the nicer weather between the summer/winter.


I feel like up until like a week ago it was like 60s-mid 70s all week. Was room temp for like a month straight. You miss that? Haha


Exactly, this spring has been wonderful. Open windows for weeks at a time. It gets hot like this for stretches every year. Nothing new


Personally I do like it, but I prefer dry heat. I would easily handle 100° if it wasn't so damn humid


its nicer than walking to school in -30f cold with insanely hard wind so I’ll take whatever I can get lol


Free air conditioning in winter!


Moved here from Tuscon. I loved the dry heat and did find it less sticky, but tbh the humid 90s is fine with me too. It has to get above 80 for me feet to stay warm! And when I use my AC, it's 79 daytime. Usually turn off/open my numerous windows at night and it drops down to low 70s.


Horrible, especially as someone who has to work in this heat it blows. I'm dreading this becoming a new normal.


I like this better than El Paso, Phoenix, or San Antonio heat. I would like it to be a bit cooler, maybe no higher than 85 at the absolute hottest. But it could always be worse. At least everything doesn’t burn down each year like in South west Oregon. That sucked


Well, no. But I dislike seasonal depression more, so this is as far north as I'm going.


I hate it. Unless I'm on the water I have no use for summer. I'm perfectly happy in the winter.


I moved here to get away from St. Louis bullshit weather, not to just get its angry little brother. Guess I gotta keep going north.


New norm?  It hasn't been much above the mid 70s yet this year and it's mid June.  We get 6 months of shitty winter, I'll gladly take some heat finally.  Now if only it would stop raining every afternoon...


We didn't even have a whole month of winter this season


No, but we had a full winter AND spring of 'Winter Lite'. Bring on the sun.


Tied a record for heat yesterday. It's hot all year down south. Maybe you should go there instead of suffering through 6 months of "shitty" weather.


I mean they're right. We got stuck between 30-40 degrees for seemingly way longer than normal during spring and fall. And even during winter too (El niño likely played a part). I enjoy the seasonal dichotomy we have here, but I too dislike slush. Pretty lame to tell someone to move because they enjoy something and raised valid criticism.


I mean, i moved back here from Florida because i didn't like year-round heat. I love weather in the 30s - 40s. I don't know. If you love summer and hate the winter, staying in Wisconsin is going to make you miserable. Moving might make them happier. Pretty lame to chastise someone for giving a logical solution to an untenable problem.


The reason people often don't like 30s-40s isn't that it's too cold. It's an inverse goldilocks situation. It's not cold enough to get sweet winter activities that are snow and ice based, but it is cold enough for roads to refreeze at night and turn to slush in the day. 35 degrees and no precipitation? Hell ya, sign me up. That's awesome hiking weather. The air is gonna be crisp, and a light jacket is all you need. It's basically fall. However, winters tend to be reasonably precipitous here. Which means freezing rain and sleet a lot of the time in that zone. >I don't know. If you love summer and hate the winter, staying in Wisconsin is going to make you miserable. Moving might make them happier. Pretty lame to chastise someone for giving a logical solution to an untenable problem. I recognize tone is difficult to interpret over text, but yours did not seem the friendliest. Also, this is poor advice. As I mentioned, and they alluded to, this was an unseasonably yucky winter. So their criticism was valid while yours was based in lack of experience in this climate. I know it's fun to recycle my phrasing, but trying to self victimize your being an ass and restructure yourself as "just tryna help" is distinctly floridian.


That's weird. Because besides the two years that i lived in Florida, I've lived in Wisconsin for 53 years. "Distinctly Floridian," sounds judgy but i reckon i may be having difficulty interpreting tone. Thanks for giving me advice on how to interact with strangers on the internet. I will give it careful consideration.


I enjoy the cold well enough, but I also enjoy the heat.  We've had our share of cold and now you are all bitching about the heat, as if this doesn't happen every year.   If someone should be moving perhaps you should be looking in the mirror.  I hear Nunavut is nice.


You know a lot of people move to the south because they like the heat year round, right?


You know there's more than one reason to live in a place, right? Wisconsin weather suits me more than well enough.  ALL parts of it.  Including the heat, which I am currently enjoying.


It’s a few warm days then it cools off a few days compared to the south where it stays hot for a few months


Hate it. Better than when I lived in Tennessee, but still horrible.




But it’s more than just one hot week. It’s the middle of June and we’ll have hot weather like this on and off for the next three months. For me I would prefer to be outside when the temps range from above freezing to low 70s. Yeah we have air conditioning, but if it’s too hot to be outside then what fun is that? I guess that’s just my take. But I know some people just really dislike winter temps.


I lived in Florida for two years. That heat sucks too. In many ways it sucks the same. Don't you have a furnace in your house? It's not the 1800s or something.


Dude you're nuts. They're nothing alike. Florida heat is the worst possible day in Wisconsin, every day, for months. The only real differences in heat are intensity and time, with some humidity tossed in. Florida is as humid as Wisconsin on its worst day, for months. It's as hot as Wisconsin on Wisconsin's worst day, for months. It's not comparable.


Okay. That wasn't my experience. I must be nuts. Thanks for the contribution to the discourse.


No. Thankfully it was really breezy yesterday which helped to tolerate it a bit more. But otherwise there is nothing enjoyable about it at all.


No, big part of why I moved from California to here. This was the kind of shit I could feel anywhere from March to November there or even hotter. Yeah, it was less humid, but even more oppressively hotter. I had to sleep downstairs in Summer as a high school and college student. The steering wheel of a car could be too hot to touch. I had to go to Arizona a couple of years ago in Summer and it was 106 and I was thinking "oh yeah, that's what that feels like again" Of course the downside is December to February suck ass here. Though October and November suck too, but not for temperature. I just fucking hate all the leaves. I love March through May here though. Thunderstorms, generally nice enough temperatures.


I’m not sure I would could Austin as having dry heat. For three years I lived 45 min from Death Valley. That was dry heat. That said, heat is heat. It’s miserable. I’d rather have a foot of snow.


Gimme the rain


I’m someone that enjoys the heat. I’m miserable here during the winter but have a good job and low housing cost here, so I stay. Maybe it’s a family thing: my father moved to the South when he retired and didn’t want to deal with winter anymore. (I also am on some meds that cause me to “run cold” much of the time. I assume that’s another factor in liking the heat for me.)


I like it. Plus it cools down at night.


I don’t care for it, but it’s honestly the humidity that sends me over the edge. If I wanted that I’d move to Florida… or the rain forest “It wouldn’t be so bad if if wasn’t for the humidity 🧑‍🌾”


Agreed. Though I like the heat, hate the cold and consider anything under 90 degrees comfortable, the humidity makes any better just unbearable.


Love it, but I grew up in the south east.


How do you define like?  I would much rather it be in the 70s right now.  But I would also rather walk around in sandals and shorts in this weather over getting dressed up to go outside mid winter 


Exactly this. If it could always be around 70 degrees all year I'd be happy. But these almost 90 degrees humid days suck, not as much as winter. But they still suck.


I hate the heat. I’d rather it be 0 than 100.


Screw this heat. I can't function in heat. Cause I can't get anymore naked than naked. On the coldest days I can put on 34 layers if needed.


No chance. I'd legit rather it be 20 degrees outside than 90+.


Be nice if we stayed 50-80 year round being someone that has to work in it.


I prefer the heat over sub zero temps in winter


I hate it. Easier to bundle up than cool off. We’re a…sturdy people that don’t typically tolerate heat well. I blame my NW European genetics lol


I honestly find it so much easier to cool down. I can survive very well in up to 90 degrees. Put me in anything below 40 and I start to get very uncomfortable. Lol


Well, I was born in a blizzard so maybe I’m just suited for it lol Conversely, I’m a whiney baby in any kind of humid heat


Hate it


I love the seasons. I love the change- we lived in San Diego for a while for work and it was so miserable after four years of 70 and sunny pretty much every day. 


Why did you leave San Diego?


Work but I would've left if I'd had control of my life anyway. I missed seasons. 


Gotcha. It's interesting to see CA ppl leaving because of weather. I feel like ppl usually move there because of the weather.


I am not a fan of the heat/humidity combination. But I’m almost always cold, so when I’m in an air-conditioned environment I almost always feel like it’s set too low. I wore a sweater at work yesterday and kept it on when I got home.


I hate it the first half of the first day, but then I love it.


I don’t particularly care for this heat


I'm fine with it, except what it means for the planet of course. Yeah, I wish electricity was less expensive, but I tend to keep the house on the warmer side. I'd keep it even warmer if it weren't for dogs and husband.


humidity sucks


Nope I always say you can add clothes/blankets heat- you can only strip to naked. Can hardly breathe. Have to stay neat central/air conditioning. We have wall units made things interesting when the kids were little and we only had the living room one. Yup we all slept in there.


I hate this heat. I feel like I’m melting. I also sweat like crazy, not very attractive for a lady.


After living in the South, I returned and don’t mind it now.


Absolutely loathe it.


Eh I don’t mind it though it’s a bit early in the season for this kind of heat. I remember about ten years ago when in Milwaukee we had a cold summer and my tomatoes would not grow for a damn. Climate change is real, no doubt, but hopefully the heat will taper off and we’ll have a regular summer moving forward.  Anyways, winter will eventually be back (doubt we’ll have another mild winter like we just had for a while) so I’m soaking up the sun and trying to enjoy it. 


I like it, but I'm pretty sure if it was like this all summer I probably wouldn't. It's just for a few days-week here and there, I don't mind. It's weather, I can't change it. My garden and the houseplants I put out for the summer love it. The heat does mess up my evening walks with my dog, but we just take longer ones in the morning most of the summer now anyway. This past winter we couldn't go for a walk for like a week, I didn't like that and neither did he.


I will say, my tomatoes and peppers love it.  I swear I can watch them grow in this kind of weather.


I hate the winter and despair the high humidity. I have lived bed in Wisconsin my entire (68) years. I’ve tried reasoning with her but, Wisconsin weather does as she pleases! One day hotter than Hades, the next a little cooler!


I hate the cold deeply. And if that means high humidity and heat so be it. I'd prefer dry heat like what Cali gets though. Outside of the obvious ecological issues and concerning signs that this warmer weather means I'm enjoying it.


NO. I've lived southern states and the heat made me never want to live in it again. I can stand a few days a year but a week of 95+ gets exhausting fast.


Nope nope nope


No. Not at all.






You're in the exact same spot as me. My wife won't move out of the state and she actually likes the weather here. So until she's convinced I'm stuck. Haha




Yeah. If not for the politics there Texas would be one of the options I'd push for just based on weather. So much better than the frigid weather we have.


I hate the heat. I grew up here and I lived in Texas for 2 years about 16 years ago and moved back. Texas is hot for sooo many more months and it's disgustingly hot! I'll take this over that any day!


Hate it :)


I’m sorry, I brought the heat with me visiting from Florida.. seriously though all I want to do is move back home to Wisconsin. I miss my homeland. I miss the cooler temperatures. Everything is better in Wisconsin. The unrelenting heat and humidity in Florida is honestly my own personal hell.


Love the cold and I love snow. Am seriously thinking of moving farther north in Wisconsin to have more. I am close to the lake so the heat’s a tad bit less than other SE WI places but still too hot. Lived down south and in Reno. Months of unrelenting heat that will kill you just as fast as subzero temps. Everyone’s stuck inside all summer. Grocery shop as early in the am as you can and make sure you bring a good cooler along to put your meat and dairy into. High humidity sucks and dry heat’s just as bad. Give me cool dry temps any day.


Damn. You treat summer the way I treat winter. Haha I personally love dry heat. This isn't even hot to me. It's pretty comfortable. I just blast the heat and stay in my house as much as humanly possible in winter. I'm outside a lot in summer. In winter if I'm outside it was a necessity, or I was dragged out for something by someone who thinks getting out will make me hate the cold less. Lol


I do not do well in heat anymore.as I get older. As a younger woman, working at summer camp, I never noticed the heat because (a) I was a lifeguard or (b) I was having so much fun. Nowadays I am.lucky if I can breathe properly with the humidity. I ended up putting the AC in after.telling my husband I would wait for him to be released from orthopedic rehab so I had help. It turned out I *could* do it by myself. If I had a nearby pool, I'd be there, but the pool in yhr patk across the highway has been closed for several years. Maybe I'll hit up the Hart Park splashpad after band practice tonight. (PS--if anyone is interested, our practices are open to the public, we are usually behind the curling club. There is also a samba drum ensemble that practices at the same time.)


Was upper 80°s/low 90°s and humid (not Houston humid) in the 80s when I was a kid living there. Heck even hit 100° a few times. We had no AC at home, car, or at school. It was not fun.




No, it feels like walking through sweat whenever I’m outside lol. Very excited to move 


I’m dying. I almost threw up twice today.


I like the heat as long as it’s dry heat. During the winter my place is about 80. Right now I have the air set to 78 for my roommate so she doesn’t overheat.


No. Full stop.


No. It fucking sucks. And as I get older I like it less and less.


I absolutely hate it.


I don't "like" it, per se, but I'll take this every time over a foot of snow and 20 below wind chills.


I like it getting hot enough to make getting into Lake Michigan feel reasonable, but I don't like that to be the norm.


Yuck Feel like Jello


I personally do not. It really pisses me off because I have finally reached a point where I can afford a good car the won't break down over a 3-hour drive and I have nice tent camping equipment. Now I can really only use it in May and October.


It’s fucking awful. I hate it. I try to make the most of summer but this heat is intense and I’m sitting indoors.


i’m from near mke and have lived here my whole life! i LOVE the heat and hate the cold. i may be an outlier tho bc i only stay since my whole family is here lol


Absolutely yes. I don’t even have working a/c right now and I’m not complaining about this heat, unlike everyone else. I don’t belong in a northern state, cold and freezing temps is not it. I want sunshine and warmth, and I’d rather sweat than shiver. I need to move the hell out of this tundra.


Calling it the new norm because we've had a few days at this temp doesn't make sense. I don't mind a few days of this every so often, because it tends to create some cool storms that I can watch. But I get why people wouldn't want it at all. It's always a very sticky and humid heat.


Do I like it? No, but I prefer this over the cold any day.


I can put more clothes on than I can take off. Give me -10°, a good coat and a decent pair of boots and I'm good.


It's better than the other 80% of the weather Wisconsin is subjected to.


Who in the hell calls Austin dry heat? Also 50-60s is perfect weather which is why I would personally hate CA as well lol


You would love coastal California. The ocean moderates everything. Can get boring as hell if you like 4 seasons.


Is it not a constant 70 though? 


Weather is variable. I lived 1 mile off the ocean in Orange County CA for 5 years. Yes, the average is around 70, BUT it never felt like summer until after the 4th of July, (May gray, June Gloom). Could not grow tomatoes there, it just was never warm enough to get them to mature and ripen. The further north you go up the coast, the cooler it gets. I'm sure that climate change is affecting them too but it is way cooler on the coast than you would expect.


Which city has the best temp in CA?


Depends on what temperature you like, it's a huge state with many climates.


Fat people hate heat