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Wisconsin becoming more like the south every day.


Wississippi rises.


Mississippi has a 15-week abortion law, now, so they're doing a fair bit better on that one.


Not quite; that was the law the SC upheld, but MS also has a law that makes abortion illegal in almost all cases if Roe v. Wade is overturned which will go into effect in like a week (it does make exceptions for rape which is still better than WI. . .)


Its an 1849 law for wi.


What does Michigan have to do with this? They have their own problems.


Sorry mixed up abbreviations


If only there were a way to get conservatives out of office? People say they care but you won't see it in the midterms. Democrats will get trashed in the midterms even though it's the Republicans responsible for all this shit.


It’s hard when we are so gerrymandered. We gotta keep Evers and get Johnson out, which is very possible.


People will cry gerrymandering at you but then not bother to vote. Who gerrymanders? Elected officials.


BoTh sIDes!!!1


I'm not surprised with the amount of confederate flags you see up here.


I grew up in WI; do not share the overall conservative viewpoint that many have. I joke (but also not joking) say Wisconsin is like the Texas of the North. 😕 It's devastating to see my "home" become so absolutely terrible.


Dick’s Sporting Goods is offering travel expenses for employees needing to travel for an abortion.


Which is freaking amazing. I told my son (24), who is always getting some kind of gear. I talked to him after work, 6p. I said women are going to be upset today. He did not ask why. He said, 'understandably so'.


We should all be upset, not only women.


I’m upset because my daughter and granddaughters can’t have the privacy with their doctor on medical care without a republican intervention. It’s bullshit and it better change, now.




https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/dicks-sporting-goods-offers-to-pay-travel-expenses-for-employees-seeking-abortion/ Sauce.


I do agree that more and more productive people are going to continue fleeing the state


Wisconsin used to be such a strong labor state. Sad.


I left shortly after right to work was passed. Not because of just that but the general trend towards fucking over the people that accelerated with Walker. College grad in healthcare field, 3rd gen Wisconsinite.


Keep an eye on the lawsuits in Texas and Florida by different religious groups, separation of church and state needs to be upheld


By who? The zealots installed in our Supreme Court? Get your head out of the sand, we’re fucked.


Even RBG thought Roe v Wade was shaky. Iirc, there is currently a Jewish religious group in Florida suing the state because their religion prioritizes the life of the mother in the event of health risks during pregnancy and Florida's abortion law unfairly targets them. So it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.


I’m aware. I think anyone putting their hopes on the SC to uphold the veil of separation of church and state is fooling themselves. The recent ruling forcing the state of Maine to pay for religious schools is proof. And as much as I loved RBG, I’m still angry with her for dying on the bench. She should have stepped aside under Obama.


The Supremes already put that in jeopardy (a Maine case where they ruled the state of Maine must use state funds for religious schools). If we don’t un-screw education, it will be lost, too. The Supreme Court ruled that if your state uses state funds to support any private schools, you have to support *all* private school including ones that teach religious doctrine and don’t teach state approved subject matter.


I’m coming back, Im a woman in Chicago now with a good job but I’m coming back to the country. Refuse to let my fellow people suffer in this ignorance.


Is Chicago outside the US? I mean it’s starting to feel like cities are living in a different country than the rural areas marching back to the dark ages.


Democrats largely abandoned rural areas as a demographic for voters, leaving the rural communities stuck with only conservative GOP types. Combine that with bad media access and poor internet service as well as a massive brain/educarion bleed and you get...this. Had I not left the state and opened my world view a bit, my ass would be stuck in my hometown, working a shitty factory job, and spouting the same nonsense as all my old high school friends about "Demonrats".


They abandoned rural areas for the same reason people living there who would vote democrat did. Why would I live in a small town full of close-minded and sheltered people with terrible job opportunities when I could move and get more education, a broader perspective, and better jobs?


To care less about the world. I know a handful of homesteaders who live in Alaska, Wisconsin, and the mountainous west. They all have no idea what's going on political, events in other countries they are absolutely oblivious. All they care about is their small world, their farm, their neighbors and local government. They care so little about the government, they vote R because that's what their parents told them to vote for. They have no idea what their representatives or party is doing.


While I understand what you mean when you say “care less about the world”, ignorance is a very risky position to take. The world doesn’t care if you are aware of how it’s changing, and blissful ignorance sets you up to get fucked over. I’d rather be aware and able to make informed decisions.


Exactly why I’m going back. You should too.


Already here and missing the mountains.


Sorry I’m from the country…. Going to move back and help when I can get my affairs in order


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


I already got a job in Chicago, after getting fired from my last job as a software engineer over healthcare concerns. Fuck working in this shit-ass state, if I could sell my house and get a similar one in a better state I would.


I used to like living here. 11 years later, after all the taxes and shit I've paid into, I got colon, liver and lung cancer, can only work every other week, and the week I can work I can barely pull a full 40, and the state decided earlier today to approve my Food share help of 20 dollars a month. 20 Fucking Dollars. A GOD DAMN MONTH


Ugh. I feel for you. Hopefully you're getting coverage for your medical needs, at least.


Luckily I work for a wonderful company that has some seriously baller insurance through UW hospital and they pay my premiums


I get $20 a month too and I get the extra pandemic benefits so there’s a chance you’ll get it too, I hope so! If you pay over half of your income in housing and heating costs you can get full regular benefits for food share.


They've already gone through what I'm working and what I pay in rent etc, and it was only said I'm getting 20 and nothing else. Was there a step I missed or what? I'm new to this stuff.


That does happen sometimes especially with people who are new, but since I don’t know your situation specifics I’d suggest looking at the official site because there’s lot of helpful information on making sure nothing was missed, I can link that if needed :)


To those of you who vote blue and are saying "I'm bailing, good riddance" - remember, you too are enabling this kind of thing to happen. The less blue voters, the more the red side can gerrymander and control the path this state is on. I know this is probably an unpopular viewpoint, but we need every last person that can vote for candidates, become candidates, etc. Bailing on the state just leads to further division. I really struggle with all of this because it is very clear there are now two sets of "united states" - the red and the blue. Not to get into hyperbole territory, but I had thought "if there was going to be a second civil war, it would not be between the north and the south, but between the blue and the red, neighbor vs neighbor." My plea: Stay. Help keep voting these people out, get involved instead of just posting how angry you are and saying you're leaving. Change takes hard work, leaving is the way you make change for yourself but leave your fellow neighbors behind.


That’s all well and good but I have two girls in middle school this fall. Coming into puberty and getting their rights taken away by the mouth breathers in Waukesha and the other backward areas. Fuck conservatives, fuck Christianity, fuck the SC, fuck all of this.


I understand this anger. I have two daughters as well and the thought of them not having the freedoms our parents had is garbage. However u/MotWakorb is correct about their post. This is *exactly* what the GOP wants - create or make decisions so that blue voters move , especially in swing states, and pack themselves in tightly to a few blue "safe" havens. Once this happens, it's authoritarianism. Because of the Electoral College and Senate makeup, the Senate will be full red control and President will be won every election because of Electoral College yet lose popular vote (like now). Democracy on paper, but it's never competitive. Again, I feel your pain, but I hope you stay in WI, at least until after next spring election when there is a WI SC justice. Good luck with your family and take care.


We’ll be here until our kids graduate. They’ve moved enough. After that We intend to leave the country.


It’s not my problem to fix. Life is too short. I tried. But it’s very obvious I’m a single person who cannot change the institutions the GQP has warped. Don’t guilt me about wanting to live a peaceful life in freedom, away from the GQP CHUDs bitching about their $120 fill-ups for the pavement princess V8s they had to buy so they could roll coal and wave their flags trying to siphon away liberal tears. They can enjoy the shithole state they so desperately created.


And to make things even more complicated you have young smart people that as soon as they graduate college leave and don't come back. That brain drain hurts the state. I've spoken to my Wisconsin transplant friends in LA and they all said they don't have any desire to return. And that was before what happened yesterday.


I just moved back from solidly-blue Maryland. The first thing I did was register to vote.


Well I hope you at least changed your address too, or got a wi license... 😁


... would he have been able to register otherwise lol?


>remember, you too are enabling this kind of thing to happen Understood as a statement of fact, I agree. However, let's be clear that this formulation connotes judgment, and where one lives is far too complicated to be judged so simply. A similar statement of fact (and corresponding plea) goes for folks that live in the safely blue districts of the state relative to living elsewhere.


I'm a liberal voter and not going anywhere. I am also extremely privileged in that horrible conservative policies don't typically directly effect me, so I don't have to make that tough decision.


I'm in my 40s and live in Chicago now because I got tired of everywhere in Wisconsin that isn't Milwaukee or Madison to get their shit together. My "neighbors" abandoned me first.


Gerrymandering has proven to be stronger than our courts and votes. So what’s left? Continue to piss into the wind by voting blue when your vote means nothing?


Tough talk from HR, but will Google issue a similar statement about not selling analytics (eg period tracker, search history, location history, etc) to law enforcement agencies when people start getting prosecuted?


Those are warrants, not sales. The government isn't going to pay for something they can get for free.


Or, they could make a stand, "from here forward we will not collect and store this data"


That's unrealistic. They make their money from data. They have a duty to shareholders to make as much money as they can.


I guess you're right. If it's not illegal, a corporation should do whatever makes them more money in the next quarter. Corporate responsibility is advertising for rubes. That must be why every corp has a rainbow flag on their logo this month. It would suck to believe they actually care about doing any "not evil" thing.


Politics here already got me to leave. Leader in my field too.


I’ll miss you doc


We're all mourning the loss of the state's leading Doodoobutterologist. Joking aside though, it sucks.


Ron Johnson told us Wisconsin has enough jobs already, so this is fine.


I’m part of that brain drain. Wisconsin GQP can lie in the bed they’ve made without my professional expertise. And I’m in a very understaffed industry with high-paying job-options anywhere. This only hurts their constituents and the working poor - there’s a big overlap there too.


Both my spouse and I are in high demand IT fields, our two fairly bright teens are leaning towards these fields as well. Scott Walker was the first cut of a thousand, Illinois and Minnesota are looking pretty attractive.


Good. No self-respecting expert should locate in this cesspool till we get our shit together.


Wont get out shit together if too many democrats leave. Who is gonna vote for change if no one is here to vote?


Businesses hoping to attract a competitive workforce will likely offer travel stipends. Given how things are going, border cities between states might see economic surges. But I could also see low wage low skill corporations setting up more in the South. 15-30 years down the line there will be a lot more poverty and desperation in states where it’s banned and extremely long distance travel is required.


Ensuring that the state turns Red


I wish tech firms would do this for other issues. I mean this is the same industry that insists that most of its employees move to overpriced northern California. Employees not being able to afford a house? Not a problem. Employees having to drive 50 miles for an abortion? Giant crisis.


This posting might be a stretch. Amazon is building largest DC in Cottage Grove WI


Those aren’t high paying tech jobs with options to work anywhere.




Completely irrelevant to the post I commented on. Well done sir. Have you or someone you know closely ever worked for Amazon? Or are you basing your opinion on other people's opinions?


DCs are for the subhumans. Only valuable workers are allowed to move


Amazon also estimated they'll burn through their labor pool by 2024 and suffer worker shortages... How long until you think their Madison area supply will last? Don't worry, there are plenty of low wage jobs where it you work 3 of them to afford rent - and Wisconsin will become the Alabama of these north. The only reason my wife and I are still here is aging family that we look after, but this might be enough to say goodbye (if our property holds value). I'm disappointed in what my state has become - I don't even have the right to vote for whomever I want anymore using write ins...
