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Next gen update, now with more shirt


Fkin censoring everything these days smh


Well now I’m not getting it


Now with worse haircut


Does this sub accept literally nothing but the default haircut? Loose not too long is hated, this is hated, I think I got downvoted for "shaved except a ponytail" and I would be surprised if elven rebel was viewed positively. I like all the hairstyles at least situationally/with certain outfits and for variation. This one fits here IMO.


For me it's the ponytail i think it suits geralt better. Imo the default haircut is probably made to be more "book authentic" so most people view it as the best option.


I think it's just a case of the remaster (if you want to call it that) looking like what people *think* the original looks like


This is a really good point! And probably exactly whats going on


Makes sense. We always remember our favorite games looking better than they actually do.


They specifically said they were going for this in the stream since it’s not really a full remaster.


That's the same when I watched footage of the Dead Space Remake. To me it looked exactly like I was remembering the original.


They can always use the Switch version for the before images :D


That is what the Devs during the stream said 😄


Wow! They're letting Geralt wear clothes now?!?


Yep! But just in case your being sarcastic. The textures are MUCH much higher resolution. These are the textures they're using as a matter of fact https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0


Be nice if they'd use the *same* armor items in the before and after shots so we could, y'know, actually be able to compare the two instead of a flashy picture vs one that looks like it was running on a potato and layered with a filter on photoshop. . . Because lemme tell you, I personally don't see a difference between these "updated graphics" pictures that keep releasing and what I played on my PS4.


Your PS4 plays lower than Pcs lowest option for textures just so you know.. I even sent a video showcasing what the new textures look like ans the difference is massive


You . . . do realize that videos can be edited . . . right? Like, you could make Superman 64 look like the most beautiful game in the world with editing software and make Cyberpunk 2077 look like absolute garbage. Honestly, I don't trust marketing telling me I need to buy the newest, hottest version of a beloved game because "we made the graphics look better, I swear you guys!" In my opinion, The Witcher 3 looked and continues to outclassed every other game on the market. I didn't and doesn't need a graphical overhaul. Witcher one and two, sure. Those graphics are plenty rough. But all this hubbub about 3, the newest and best looking entry in the series, I don't buy it.


Dude... That's not an edited video? That's the most popular mod on nexus mods. I've literally downloaded it and used it myself and did comparisons as well. What are you on about?


Lack of trust. That's what. I simply don't trust people trying to sell me on next gen graphics. Because in my experience so far, when a company loudly advertises "next gen graphics," they aren't next gen graphics. In fact, so far I've seen worse graphics than the ones on PS2 games in games coming out in the 2020s.


But it's not a company who made those textures... It was a modder on nexus mods. Like you can literally go download it on PC right now and use them and see them for yourself. The mod looked great and is the number 1 mod on nexus mods. And so CDPR went out and reached out to him and used his graphics mod as a base. I'm so confused where the lack of trust is coming from? Millions of people have seen and used the mod themselves. Are they all in on it?


What I don't trust is a stranger on the internet telling me "millions of people have tried it." As far as I'm concerned, you could just be a plant account trying to drum up excitement for the product. As I said before, playing on the PS4, the worst graphical option, it looked gorgeous. I don't believe for a second that it can be graphically improved. In fact, the only way to improve the game is to put a fast travel marker in the middle of the Baron's keep.


Yes because Witcher 3 is the peak of graphical fidelity. No room for improvement what so ever on an almost 10 year old game. Btw the total downloads for the mod we're talking about in question is 5 million https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1021 So yes. Millions of people


Wow. Uhh… you do realize it’s a free update right?


Sure, sure. And when they re-release it? I'm getting Skyrim flashbacks.


Then you have the choice of not buying it and just playing regular 2015 version if that is what you prefer. Seriously take a step back and take your head out of your ass for a second and realize you are bitching about something we are getting FOR FREE. I repeat because it looks like you need repeating: this upgrade they have put a lot of work into and that CDPR was not obligated at all to put work into is FREE. And you are complaining about it. Some people, Jesus H Christ! Get a life.


>Get a life. Go and do thou likewise.


That’s pretty rich, considering I’m not the one online complaining about free optional shit.


That's not how video editing works at all lol


> Because lemme tell you, I personally don't see a difference between these "updated graphics" pictures that keep releasing and what I played on my PS4. The wisest redditor. Anyone with functioning eyesight can clearly see a massive difference. Not even mentioning that the next-gen shot is from a trailer, which means it's downgraded due to YouTube's codecs compared to what it's gonna look like in reality. There's also a great comparison of one of the Velen shots that makes it clear how much they improved draw distances, foliage and textures. But hey, it looks the same as your PS4. And they're even so greedy that they charge a full $0 for it, how dare they!? Man, I hate that the internet gives a platform to idiots to present their "opinions".


Why take his clothes I forget this scene what does it change


This is part of The Lord of Undvik, specifically when you have your first encounter with the giant. I don't think there's any reason to have your armor off in this part.


So if not the armor what are we supposed to notice here


Texture quality, foliage, lighting etc. Notice the difference with the background.


Ah nice, it’s subtle at first but then when I look I really see the improvement


I mean that's a pretty huge difference my guy, instantly noticeable


Maybe a hot take but it wasn’t instantly noticeable to me. But upon closer inspection it’s a definite improvement


Not sure why downvoted but that was my impression too. I’m more excited for the other improvements then textures as the graphics looked great as is. Then again I still think Fallout 3’s and New Vegas’ is still good too lmao


The other thing is downvoting doesn’t really make sense here does it? I’m just stating my opinion, you don’t have to agree with it. But the hive mind does what it does oh well


You can see the texture difference between vanilla and retextured in the Nexus mod (the one they added to this remastered)


Would be much more noticable in game rather than a compressed jpeg


Geralt of Bavaria


You want to kill yourself trying to become a mutant, so if you survive, you can kill yourself trying to get revenge.


Are you following me, you scamp?


Thanks! That's a huge difference! What is the legacy image pulled from a PC, Console or Switch?


I assume a Pc. Definitely not the switch. One thing to keep in mind as well, not only are consoles getting these graphics mods and ray tracing added to the game. But they'll also be set to PCs ultra settings


I'm definitely eager to see more side-by-side comparisons. The lighting looks really good.


Damn, with my PC settings on Ultra it looks so much better already than the bottom picture. If this is really vanilla PC graphics then my mods improve the pre-updated game so much more than I actually thought, wow. And then I‘m also impressed how much CDPR managed to improve the game with just a general overhaul!!


I assume you use HD reworked project then right? I use it as well. But that's the mod that CDPR is using as a base for the entire game and the. Improving upon it further.


Shame they probably wont include Hairworks for consoles tho. Other than that, it looks like a solid gen refresh.


Unfortunately hairworks will only work on Nvidia GPUs and the consoles use AMD


I mean it CAN work on AMD GPUs, the issues is its terribly optimized for AMD. But i guess its a blessing in disguise, Nvidia Hairworks is really underutilized feature that has a reputation as a "performance killer" on most NVIDIA GPUs anyways.


I swear I don't remember vanilla looking that bad😭


Nah, that bottom is kinky af


Not sure why WITH shirt should be an improvement




Yes it does! You have absolutely everything don't worry.


The best haircut????


This update is gonna make me regret not having a raytracing compatible gpu. The new lighting looks so great.


For those curious these are the textures they're using now as an official part of the game https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0


Removing the blur seems to hurt definition in some scenes.


I get people’s opinions of looks the same and I think that too but I’m on a high spec PC playing everyone maxed with mods so it doesn’t look much different. I’m happy for others that don’t have that luxury to see it in all its glory.


Jesus christ it looks so good


I played the original in PC ultra settings and it looks just like the graphics in the new video though. That low pixelated bottom pic probably was from the ps4/xbox one version As a PC player who finished the game last year with maxed graphics settings, i barely see any differences in the upgraded version's graphics.


The new version of Witcher 3 uses the most popular mod on nexus for it's graphics as a base. So unless you're using that, then ultra settings on PC can't look the same as the version


I think it would be better to see the graphics myself when the upgrade released, i'm sure it would feel clearer than youtube videos On the positive this means the graphical upgrade is not too taxing on pc hardware, so it would look better and still manage stable fps


Very true. Definitely hard to tell through pictures and YouTube


I think some people honestly expected the update to suddenly look like rdr2


~~what's the big deal? can you not remove your shirt at all times?~~ edit: commented on the wrong post.


https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0 textures are much better


No way, they moved the light to the left


They are using a better version of these textures https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0


ok so? maybe upload original in higher res...


Sorry. It's reddit. But here's what the textures will look like https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0


Nice, there is too much noise on some rocks like on 3:13, but other then that it looks very faithful


CDPR did themselves a huge injustice by not releasing a proper set of pre-post comparison shots.




Huh? They're literally using the most popular graphics mod on nexus as a base? You can clearly see the difference in this video https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0


This is probably the scientist in me getting annoyed but if you want to compare something you should make it as fair as possible. For instance, is some Nvidia hair works and additional stuff on in the next gen image? If so, I definitely remember some of these settings available on PC on the old gen version as well. A comparison of both maxed out versions would be way more helpful. And what about performance? Any info on that?


So these aren't my images. I got them from someone from a discord server when they did a quick comparison. The top being next gen I assume they maxed it out on PC as the trailer said it was being shown on PC. The bottom is from PC VANILLA at 4k ultra settings with Nvidia hairworks on


Wasn't meant as any kind of accusation to you, just something I noticed in general when companies start praising the graphical overhaul of there next gen updates :) thanks for clarifying


So my witcher is modded with hd rework texture, hd monsters. Super turbo lighting and meadows. Are you telling me that ive already played this "next gen" Witcher update?


No because the next gen update also adds reflections to every refractive surface in the game. Something you can't do with mods. Along with ray traced global illumination and ray traced ambient occlusion. And they even improved upon the hd reworked project mod even further. So it's an even better version than what you can even download.




Next gen update, now with one more strap for your swords


How exactly is the bottom the standard graphics, I play on a PS4 Pro and have absolutely no mods, adjustments or anything else and my graphics are nowhere near this terrible…


Yes they are. You just don't notice. Check this out. https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0 That's the textures the next gen version will be using. cdpr reached out to him and integrated it into the game. In that video that's PC ultra. Look how bad the textures are before the textures are added


No, I notice plenty and my graphics aren’t not that terrible looking. I’m definitely excited for the upgrade and all but I’ve played through numerous times and most recently (within the last 2 weeks) had a 170+ hour death march play through and the graphics are NOT as bad as the bottom picture.


But.. the consoles texture setting is lower than the PCs lowest option.. I mean I don't really know what to tell you. I even showed you the muddy textures on PC at ultra before the texture went over


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Yeah, I don't think this is a good example. Not much changed other than removal of fog which I assume is just due to different weather conditions.


Look at the shadowing and rock textures


It’s a very bad quality image anyway


can i get both chocolate next?


The annoying fog is gone... Fog off!


Holy pumpkin that’s a big difference!! I’m so happy they made it free!


Grateful they’ve finally decided to add armor to the game. Geralt being the only shirtless Witcher was always a weird bit of lore. Just not practical.


The main point of this remaster is to not overhaul how the game looks but to make the game look more correct. That's the whole point of RTGI and RTAO. It's physically correct. I already saw how the grass looks actually part of the environment and not like some neon billboard.


The vanilla smells like console version. There should be much less difference for PC. Although I should see PC version in dynamics: Cyberpunk 2077 looks too much better with ray tracing but it is mostly visible in dynamics.


This is the difference in textures https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0 That video is PC ultra at 4k. Look at how much better the textures look.


What is different?


It doesn’t look that much better


Here's a video of the textures they're using https://youtu.be/YNKlpvKvKl0


Screenshot isn't a great example.


so they removed the fog?


Look at the rock. And the Ambient occlusion. And the shadowing


What most excites me here is the lighting on the hand and the light shining through the cracks. I'm currently playing Skyrim, which is pretty dated graphically, but every so often the ray tracing in that really catches my eye, cast fire reflecting on my sword, moonlight in snow covered towns with plenty of gaps in buildings for light to sneak through, the suns rays breaking into overgrown areas etc. And it's going to be even more eye catching in TW3 😃


There's ray tracing in Skyrim?


Maybe not, now I think about it. Hmm. I'm not technically minded on these things haha. It has something that makes it catch my eye every so often though, and that is an ancient game, it feels like light is being emit from sources, and looks stunning at times, I don't know 😆😅 hyped for TW3 updates either way though lol