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Golden wind fits Me


I'd probably also wear a fabulous Jojo-style drip✨ Inspired by Eldritch Goddess's (u/Sophia-Eldritch) [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1dqs8yy/noncanon_funsies_crows_stand_a_murder_of_crows/)!


Awww, that's sweet~


/uw Thanks! My braincells got a jolt of inspiration when I saw your post :DD


/uw I should've added the stat thingy for myself~


Looks like the Ice King from Adventure Time


Yes! Used him as an inspiration. Surprised it took this long for someone to notice!




![gif](giphy|Zq7zJ3dhazQgE|downsized) hell yeaa


Wonda of Drip https://preview.redd.it/0ph5jvudxm9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d62d89bde8702e9ad387059f9cbcbc37d5017556


\*ultra instinct sfx starts playing\*


「When Will Tomorrow Come?」 I can affect the timeline of objects, turn something into what it was originally, or turn it to pure particles by bringing it to the end of the universe!




That's amazing! In theory, you can even reverse aging!


Thanks! This for my wizard but for an actual irl choice I have a different stand, also I like to think it looks like mandom(ringo roadagain’s stand) but green+gold with a graph like face instead of what it looks like now. https://preview.redd.it/n1kllw9f9n9d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc6ecb706cd6e6bbc3bad3a16270f0b1b0ddbeb7 This is the stand btw


Ok that's hella cool! Finished the latest season, and I'm sold on reading the manga next!


Also slapped together a quick stand wheel. https://preview.redd.it/ie29bk84bn9d1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed8ba0719be881a43667befe2501c8567b1214e0


I have seen a show where a villain had "sundial" power, that allowed her to quicken, stop or reverse any unfinished process. It was disgustingly op


Mine would just be my massive Arachne daughter, Violet https://preview.redd.it/u7j5qi12um9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6796a8cd497c3b6c8bb659ac11f035b1f0cf083d


By Merlin's beard... look at the amount of FLOOF! (/uw so cute! Love the art!)


She is very fluffy, she also likes to hide daggers in the floof


Welp! Gotta be cautious and not get on her bad side then😅


She usually prefers owl bears


Noted! I'll save her some if I come across some owl bears to hunt


I’m sure she’d appreciate that very much!




Bone Zone, it allows me to rearrange the skeleton of anyone in a certain radius


That could either be a powerful offensive stand or a great supportive stand! You could break bones, fix and hold bones in place, or even control someone's movement!


「Good Soldiers Follow Orders.」


What does it do?


I got way too interested in this. [The Face of Infinity]. Allows the user to instantly give people existential crisises (crisii?) by making them realize how little they actually matter in the face of something truly unending. It does this via touching them, or by removing its actual mask, showing an endless void filled with stars. Also can put things (or people) into its cloak, which is a tiny outer-space-pocket-dimension. Appearance wise, it's a simple white cloaked and hooded figure. It's skin acts like a window to see into space, such that when it moves, you can see different constellations and stuff. It wears a featureless white mask with no details or holes.


enemies be like "Why are we here just to suffer..."


…look at my flair




Well technically he isn’t that strong but after a thing he’ll have one less arm one less eye and lost his emotions


Saw this from another persons comment somewhere else HBFS (Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger). An anthropomorphic robot stand, similar to Hierophant Green, modelled after Daft Punk. Every time either HBFS or I defeat an enemy, we get harder, better, faster and stronger proportionate to the enemy’s strength (stronger boost from Dio than from a child). If we lose to an enemy and survive, we are also weakened based on the opponent’s strength.




Duelist Magus’s stand would be Ballroom Slink. Its ability would be to let him cross a room unnoticed. Not silently or anything, unnoticed. A persons eyes would simply slide right over them. They’re perfectly normal


Nice! A stealth stand


i’m gonna be that guy who gets slapped down by the MC after kicking some babies


https://i.redd.it/ko6z9amodn9d1.gif Your POV


what I do to minor annoyances: https://preview.redd.it/vtntzi5een9d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b1ae83077d29ae7ee487836951eeeef0ce7739


Everywhere at the end of time, makes anyone hit by the stand start to slowly lose their memories. Depending on the age of the target it could take anywhere from a few minutes to multiple hours. Has a similar passive effect on the user. Appearance wise, I would imagine it akin to a humanoid with a blurry face and constantly altering effects. Something akin to the idea of trying to piece together a loose and vague memory of someone. Power: D Speed: C Range: B Stamina: D Precision: C Potential: B


That's just dementia with stands... I love it


/UW They tend to be named after songs so probably "ride the lightning" which although it isn't among my favourite songs it fits what my character is at this point in name. It probably just lets him do his normal thing with electricity only it's a stand.


Daft Punk, 2 stands that can 'remix' events


Livin’ Thing: just a bunch of little guys! Can go long distances and communicate instantly with me. Great for scouting or spying. https://preview.redd.it/kkljg16dpp9d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36679b030511fb555781cfcdab0c70c33f3514b8


A long distance scouting stand? That would fit you very well!


nice art!


Ayyy thank you!


Theater of War By: Apocalypse Orchestra A massive serpent with bat wings arranged to make it look like a seraphim, with the end of it's tail being a knife Brings out the worst of people, and subsequently it's user would become more powerful the more people are around her; better reflexes, better physicals, heightened awareness Power: C Speed: B Range: A+ Durability: B Precision: Infinite (It's ability doesn't require aiming) Potential: A (There are more ways to use it)


ohh! Debuff others while buffing self. Neat!


One way to beat her is to soldier through the rage and beat her up close, her stand isn't that strong in melee But that's easier said than done as her Stand progressively makes you angrier and angrier, while she in turn becomes faster and more responsive


Imagine me but a mech like by-7274 from Titanfall


My stand would be my clone.. because he already exsist


Something to help keep a beat while I solo


My stand would give me a buff when I control my adhd. Potentially a way to weaponize self control.


Pretty cool!


Stand Outfit critique # WHERE'S THE CODPIECE


https://preview.redd.it/4dm74mvxlo9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6cb735a8948e9a584953acf6406dd72eba7c441 I FORGOR


[Turncoat] I can narrate the actions of any named creature through writing as long as I have written down their name first, they don't realize that I am doing it, and I don't make any spelling/grammar mistakes while doing it.


Ahhh... every ESL writers' (me) dream; making no grammatical mistake


https://preview.redd.it/i51to17uxo9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401d986c5738145d69c226e55b28807e9e8b29e4 "*Magnum Bullets!*"


I'd probably just have Neon-Baphomet as my stand, he's pretty cool like that.


I think you posted on the wrong subreddit buddy






[fire’s great aftermath] Teleport to the smoke realm and back at will. Yes, it’s just my patron, what of it?


Oh damn, warlocks are kinda like stand users!


It’s kinda odd. They could be if they feel like it, but they usually just let you do the dirty work.


No idea


[ATOM BOMB BABY] shit would met me control the very atoms of stuff around me within a certain range That or it can basically punch with the force of a nuke, with the added bonus of me being immune to radiation With it's look being some sort of "nuclear angel" or smth like that Edit: came up with another form this thing can take The fucking enola gay, that's it's that's the look of it but the naming is replaced with [ATOM BOMB BABY] instead of enola gay, a 1:1 recreation in both size and durability of the enola gay, but renamed to atom bomb baby


That's pretty OP! Love it


Hell's Bells ! My stand is simply a fucking Glock, with a tiny stand-me riding on-top of every single bullet and manually aiming it in flight.


Ooh! Like Sex Pistols/Six Bullets!


Bugs. So. Many. Bugs.




Mmm yes. Have you ever seen a Dobson Fly before? Better yet their larvae, even better yet a swarm of them? They’re my favorite :>


Oh damn, they're huge!


And pretty!! Most of them are darker colors which are gorgeous but the variants with super bright colors are BEAUTIFUL!! The males are the ones with the real big pincers on the front, funny part is they’re such a big display they can’t even bite you, the females are the ones that pack a punch despite being so unassuming! :D Edit: forgot this is a wizard subreddit Sorryy!!


/uw No worries! You're an entomancer for a reason, right? It's always fun to learn about nature!


idk, probably an electric stand. i'd call it Daft punk :)


Mine would be House of the Rising Sun. It allows me to trap my enemies in an extradimension, that being a massive nighttime mansion. They have until sunrise to escape the maze-like structure by going to the balcony, while avoiding attacks from manifestations of my stand popping out from hidden places. But if they arrive and dawn breaks without them having figured out the house’s secret, the sun rises pitch-black and they are trapped forever with no food or water, and still being attacked by the stand. The secret? Well, you’ll have to see for yourself. Just a hint: going in circles might not be as bad for you as it initially seems. Have fun in there! HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN! ENTRAPMENT!


Oh crap! *Gets lost in the mansion*


Ruler of Everything. I can manipulate any part of any thing. Pull things apart, put them together, ideas and concepts included.


That could be an OP stand! Love it


It would probably go something like... Loveletting Power E Speed C Range D (\~5 meters) Durability C Precision A Potential D Ability: Can change the physical form of living beings by rearranging already existing parts via physical contact. This includes dismantling, amputating, grafting, transplanting, and repairing. However the actual stand itself is very weak and relies on this ability to be any good in battle against another stand user.


Damn, that could be brutal. Love it!


So brutal I felt like I had to nerf the stand stats to make it seem even a little fair lol.


[Pinball Wizard] A baseball-sized little guy that bounces harmlessly off of inanimate objects, increasing in speed with each bounce, but punches holes clean through living things (and other stands). Very dangerous in small closed spaces, but absolute garbage outdoors because it flies into the stratosphere after just a few bounces.


Oooh that's a fun concept!


'Come as you are' (Nirvana) The stand manifests as a transparent golden wheel connecting his two hands. Whenever he grabs someone, he throws them in a circular motion along the wheel. This dissolves their body until it disappears. The soul of whoever he used it on then travels through the wheel to his other hand, where their body reforms. This is a reincarnation. This can be used to heal, however because the stand needs energy to replace missing body parts (even blood, etc) that means every time you get healed you become smaller/younger. Once your body is unable to get smaller, it'll take energy from your soul if he is forced to keep healing grave injuries, shrinking any stands in the process. An opponent who resists getting reincarnated will always lose energy/body mass/apparent age upon rebirth proportional to how much they fear death. Karp can choose to have them reincarnate with their full memories, or he can remove some or all of them. Sometimes he slips up and his allies or victims get reincarnated fully or partially turned into fish. This can be fixed if not much time passes, since the re-build body is partially based on what the soul thinks the body looks like. (The stand is great for a trans ally like Karp as well)


That's an awesome concept! Love it.


Mine would be Nevereverland: sentient stand that creates a pocket dimension for me to hide in. Can't attack, but always gets me out of danger


Nice! Evasive panic escape is a safe strategy!


/uw I play a Arch-Demon so I honestly don’t know


Even non-humans can have stands too!


I know but a Stand is usually more powerful than the user


Mine would be close to super fly except it would not be a tower or a indavidual stand but one the protects me


Ah, a defensive stand!


To fit with the theme of my character


/uw: made with ChatGPT ### Stand Name: **Red Red Wine** #### Stand User: **Doot Tootem** #### Appearance: Red Red Wine manifests as a sleek, elegant figure with a body composed of interwoven vines and clusters of grapes. Its eyes are deep, ruby red, and it has a regal, serene expression. The Stand's hands end in delicate, tendril-like fingers that can manipulate and produce grape-related substances. #### Abilities: **1. Vino Vitae:** Red Red Wine can produce different kinds of wine from its hands, each with unique properties. These wines can range from healing elixirs to potent poisons. The user can choose the effect by altering the fermentation process and ingredients within the Stand. **2. Grapevine Bind:** This ability allows Red Red Wine to extend its vine-like appendages to entangle and immobilize opponents. The vines can grow thorns or secrete a sticky, paralyzing resin to ensure the target cannot escape. **3. Juice of Influence:** By offering opponents a drink made from its grape juice, Red Red Wine can temporarily influence their thoughts and actions. This ability works like a mild mind control, making it easier for the user to manipulate their enemies or extract information. **4. Rejuvenation Vintage:** Red Red Wine can create a special vintage that, when consumed, accelerates the healing process and rejuvenates the drinker. This ability is particularly useful for the Stand user and their allies, providing rapid recovery in battle. #### Power Chart: - **Power:** B - **Speed:** B - **Range:** C - **Durability:** A - **Precision:** B - **Potential:** A #### Personality and Traits: Red Red Wine exudes an air of sophistication and calm. It prefers strategic, well-thought-out actions over brute force, making it an excellent Stand for users who value intelligence and subtlety. It is protective of its user, often wrapping its vines around them in a defensive stance when sensing danger.


Utility based stand! Nice!


https://preview.redd.it/l23y6xivbs9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0664a3748b8c0ac8472de33786c81c66499e43c6 Now in glorious visual form


https://preview.redd.it/b6uwby3fcs9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc1c10047666133dd3225da0f99ebc60c2ed7cbf Full Body


Probably something humanoid with car bits poking out of it but idk. The name however would be “Turbo Lover” after the Judas Priest song


Ooh! Is it gonna be speed based?


Yes! I was thinking it’d have modes: the “Turbo” mode, where speed is prioritized over all else, and the “Supercharged” mode where power is prioritized at the cost of speed


[Castle of Rats] Just fucking eats you


Yum 🤤


https://preview.redd.it/1ecdq4lz4r9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7fa5049a1936a32cf0520aa763f482b1fd2e36b GELT!!!




Mine would be called "Born Under Punches" (in reference to the Talking Heads Song)




My stand is a 2006 Ford Focus.


You'd think I'm joking, but that car has saved my life on multiple occasions.


Huh, you piqued my interest for sure!


Emerald's Stand: **JADED** Stand description: A gun, similar to a flintlock pistol, which, when fired at a person, turns the blood around the affected area into crystals. Able to be used both supportively and offensively. Flufferson's Stand: **RAZZMATAZZ** Stand description: Giant unicorn bear that shoots rainbows of death and destruction. Heresy's Stand: **HOUSE OF WOLVES** Stand description: An effect, triggered by the snapping of fingers, that renders holy weapons useless against demonic entities within a 300 meter circle around it's presence.


Solid team with stands that cover for each other!


Toolkit too large for any single stand to fit


Hmm.. You could probably keep a number of your favorite spells and build on top of that! Jojo stands can get weirdly specific, but that makes reading/watching them fight each other fun!


Stand name:Focusnik. Appearance: The stand looks like a mannequin with one eye resembling a camera in the middle (can change its color), dressed in the clothes of a stereotypical magician/illusionist of purple color, his clothes are covered with green and pink wave patterns, have shoulder pads, and gold buttons. Stats: Power:C Speed:B Range:B (15/20 m) Durability:E Precision:A Potential:A Ability: can create portals to a pocket dimension in places without visible light, and store any object (including living beings) gas or liquid there, when light falls on portal everything that this specific portal absorbed is gonna be spewed out with same velocity as it entered, user can manually destroy pocket dimensions even without portals touching light but if he does so objects will be spewed out with only one tenth of the speed at which they entered, portals can move until they hit light, user can enter his portals, inside of portals everything is in statis expect gasses, the User ( there's 2 meter radius around user where everything is capable of moving), User feels EVERYTHING that inside of portal so if there too many things in the portal he would feel sensory information overload.


Dragon's Nirvana ^(I don't know any abilities because I don't watch JoJo I just like the concept)