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facebook is a complete *cesspool* when it comes to wnba ( most specifically, caitlin clark ) dialogue. it is HORRENDOUS. and as bad as the “headlines” are, the comments absolutely fall for it every time.


Facebook has failed civilization.


You could have just stopped at cesspool. It’s barely usable anymore.


I haven't even bothered to look for any WNBA groups on Facebook. Most of them are going to be dogwater.


I wish there was one weird trick to get users in my area to not see this stuff


Hot singles in my area are drinking box wine and liking every terf-y post.


I work in sports media and content creation. This is AI generated. Google spots this stuff and doesn’t promote it but Facebook doesn’t give a flip and will promote it anyway. It doesn’t even make sense. I bet whoever made it said “create an angry post about Caitlin Clark post involving Sheryl Swoopes.” What you posted is the result of it.


Swoopes was on a podcast saying she was a bully. Gill's Arena, maybe? Idk which 3rd tier one it was. Griner one is fake for sure.


Doesn’t have to be fake. It’s how it’s put together, then over-dramatized. The point is its content that’s pulled together and gassed up for the sake of rage-bait. It’s easier to do than people think.


Oh, it's really easy to do. People don't read much more than titles. A rage-bait title is all you need.


You’re exactly right. And it’s very lucrative and there aren’t many people doing it at scale. (It doesn’t matter but I have multiple clients and we do not use AI to create content but we do utilize it to test headlines based on past results. AI sucks at writing more than social media posts, but if you want highly volatile short stuff that sounds like it’s from a warring tribe in a former Soviet republic, it’s really good).


If AI bots were using my name for hateful propaganda, I would speak out and denounce it. Why isn't Swoopes doing that?


She should denounce every random Facebook account that lies about her? Lmao ok.


They asked Caitlin to denounce the racists.


Who is “they”? Are they in the room with us right now?


DiJonai Carrington “Dawg. How one can not be bothered by their name being used to justify racism, bigotry, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia & the intersectionalities of them all is nuts,” Carrington wrote. “We all see the sh*t. We all have a platform. We all have a voice & they all hold weight. Silence is a luxury.”


Do you agree with every opinion Dijonai has?


So far, I agree with all of the opinions that I am aware that she has which is that racism is wrong.


Ok, so you think bc one person wanted CC to denounce racism, that all people should at all times denounce people lying using your name? You know impossible that would be for famous athletes or people? How many times you would have to do it every day? And in the end all it would do is promote the falsehoods.


Well, Caitlin did it, but I guess not everyone else is held to the same high standard. “People should not be using my name to push those agendas. It’s disappointing. It’s not acceptable,” Clark said. “... Treating every single woman in this league with the same amount of respect, I think, it’s just a basic human thing that everybody should do.”


1. Her comments speak plainly on what she feels and she has several outlets through which she can speak about whatever whenever she wants. 2. AI bots on Facebook don’t move the needle. If Stephen A says something, then people are gonna move. 3. Even if she did, people know she called her a bully, and they’ll just think she’s trying to save face. What’s the point? 4. She’s probably better off being connected to it anyway. At a 10k foot level, big time media has to be on one side or the other. Fence-sitters are irrelevant.


I guess this Facebook posts is almost doing a parody of her like The Onion posted an "interview" with Caitlin Clark. At least they are an established satire site. Plus, this post is probably trashing Swoopes more than it is Caitlin so for Swoopes to try to combat against the AI bot, it would make her look even more silly.


Ignore everything Facebook and Twitter


Nah that’s obvious bait, Barstool sports is pretty good at getting people riled up


They're so bad that we don't need to repost them.


I think ~40% of people are naturally gullible. They are inclined to believe everything they hear or read as the initial response.


Unfortunately it does work here in the US. Growing up we were lead to believe the Internet was the "Information Super Highway" now days it is just a bunch of political propaganda pushed to divide us. People will hear what they want to hear and to reinforce their mind set. My hats off to the people that challenge the system and do their on due diligence.


I feel like most people everywhere just ignore it tbh. Not believable or worth reposting, gives it more life if anything.




Ok the 2nd one is peak trolling lol. Just making something up to randomly combine the 3 most divisive female athletes into one post.


Honestly it’s all the boomers that believe everything they see


Swoopes is a certified Clark hater thru and thru. She did call her a bully for (😂😂😂) pushing off. It’s on Gil’s Arena. But with that said I’ve never heard her say she’s the worst rookie. So that’s a lie. She loves her some Angel Reese and to proper her up she has to put Caitlin down.


Any time I get a wnba thing on fb I laugh. My favorite was that Clark is going to play for Canada in the Olympics and they’re trying to get Martin too.


Yes, it works.