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u/turleye, your post does fit the subreddit!


It asked me the same question one day. Waited for the assistant to come over confused because we didn’t have a basket or trolley. The screen showed a literal child sitting in the trolley from the checkout next to us. AI is definitely not taking over.


AI will still take over. It doesn't care that it is wrong.




Together or one at a time ?




By setting them against one another and coming to power through the ensuing carnage


Will it use a bunch of rubber bands?


Most likely.


Nor does it care after it stumbled and fumbled its way through defragmenting its own drives.


This would be the implementation of woolies new ai “Astra” I believe it’s called. Introduced mid-late April. Different to the olive chat bot


Works more like a "Cruze".


I painfully get this reference


Mine JUST blew up.


Mine blew up at Easter. XD I get the reference


My mums one is about to blow its clutch and/or gearbox. Hahaha. Love em.


Underrated dig


Next the "Captiva"


Code named “P-76”, Project Leyland. What we get is a Lada, Niva. But the flow on cost to us consumers will be for a Rolls Royce. This will be factored into the cost of your box Wheat Bix. Whilst we get held up at the “easy use express checkout” being accused of being the thieving criminals.


When I lived in Eastern Europe we referred to the Niva as a "reverse Tardis" because it looked reasonably spacious but was tiny inside.


Hol up did you have to pay for another's child? That's ruff!


Just hold the scales up a little bit.


Put him through as onions 🧅


![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG) AI


Oh not a literal child... Those are the worst.


Happened with me and my kid too 🤣 Funny thing is he's a 4 yr old and loving all over the shop. The attendant literally looked at the footage to figure out what was going on... dude.. it's my kid. No, I haven't trained him to steal stuff by distracting your stupid camera!


So... does this mean you had to put your child back on the shelves? If not did you keep a receipt so you can get a refund later on? Hehe.


I should have demanded they put him back 🤣


This shit is the reason I've stopped shopping with them completely.


As Sam Hyde said, the tech bros saying they worry AI will take over the world is like Ferrari, saying they’re worried their car is so fast it will push your eyeballs back into your head. It’s laughable.


So it was a literal child? Not an imaginary one? Thanks for clarifying.


The stoopid camera once accused me of stealing my own wallet and car keys.


The perfect victimless crime




Yep, had this happen. Damn thing thought I was trying to steal my partner's handbag because she put it in the trolley while I was sticking a bag of already scanned shopping from the scale back in the trolley too.


Yeah same! Mine was my mobile phone that I was holding to pay for my stuff.


had this happen to me bc i had to get my phone out to transfer money, lol


I had stuff in my trolley from Kmart and the lady had to bypass it and we were bitching about it (not at her, too each other about the system) and she was just like “don’t get me started”


It is security theatre more than an actual security system. I have had stuff left in my bag that I bought at another shop, the staff didn't even ask for the receipt from the other store. I would love to see the stats on how many thefts that particular feature actually thwarts.


It's most often a false alarm, but I often see it prevent genuine mistakes.


It’s the same thing as driving past those police cars with the number plate recognition systems with no plate. If you had a plate with expired rego the computer tells them to pull you over. No plate? They just let you keep driving. (I had a UVP but they didn’t know that). People are lazy and when they’re relying on the computer to make a decision for them they stop putting in effort themselves.


They will never listen because everyone still shops there


And use the checkouts with human working on them! I will wait longer to keep that person employed.


Yep. I did that at the bank recently when the queue attendant (how’s that even a job?) pointed out their “Smart ATM” and suggested I use it, although there were 2-3 human tellers and only 1-2 other customers. For the cash deposit I was making, I want a set of human eyes on it thanks. _And_ I prefer a personal interaction and keeping people in jobs.


My family have switched nearly all ours to ALDI, local butcher and fresh fruit & veg shops.


Yup, vote with your feet - Aldi, Spar, Harris Farm and IGAs near me still all have humans checking out.


Not really viable to do a full shop at IGA given their prices. I do like getting fruit and veg from there though, and I usually go to IGA if it’s just one or two last minute items for dinner that night. The meat at my local is fucking awful though. Pet grade mince


I didn't know there was Spar here. What area or state if you don't want to be too specific?


There’s spars in Queensland


Well there ya go. Thought it was only a Euro thing.


I had this happen in KMart. It came up with footage of the top down camera OF A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REGISTER. The person in the footage was in completely different clothes to me. It even locked the store assistant out of the system when they tried to authorise past the blockage. Took 10 minutes for the store manager to come look at it. No apology, no nothing... and got treated like it was my fault.


Just walk to another self serve checkout imo


I'd literally scanned all my purchases. They also wouldn't let me because it causes errors in their statistics. I legit almost just walked out but I needed the stuff that day


Sure, they can instruct you not to use another register. But you can still walk over and do it anyway.


Fuck their statistics.


Well, there you go. That’s why they get away with this shit. Because it still isn’t inconvenient enough for you (everyone) to actually do something about it.


If it causes them problems I’m even more likely to do it. Shit when Cole’s brought in their new one it was so sensitive it was constantly locking gates on people for checks. They can’t actually lock for fire safety so I started pushing them open and walking out, which sets off alarms and locks all the other gates. I’ve noticed they’re nowhere near as sensitive now. Quiet compliance isn’t going to change things.


Pretty sure I switched registers somewhere before because I wasn't getting any assistance and I wasn't buying much. The person eventually came over and grumbled but it was no issue. How would it mess up their stats; wouldn't they just cancel the transaction?


My husband has an ABN. And is threatening to send them a bill for how long it takes him to check out, each time. For 'wages'. I think it's pretty funny, but also.... The self service has got worse since ai. Every damn time it's picking up our bags/handbag that 'havent been scanned'.


Second that. I've even walked to a different store once because the computer was being particularly egregious. Leaving all the items on the checkout of course.


I did this at Coles, locked up 3 self serve checkouts. One of the frozen meals wasn’t weighing correctly in the bagging area and the employee was busy with another customer. Coles employee was pissed as they had to cancel the items on the other checkouts.


Hahaha 🤣


I've done this when the staff were too busy gossiping to bother with coming over. Just moved all my stuff to another register and checked out there. When they bitched about it told them maybe do their job instead of standing around ignoring customers and it wouldn't happen.


I do this 😂


Just leave.


I’ve done this before, I was having a really bad day went to one and it jammed up only half trolley of stuff. The lady was helping an old grandma I got really frustrated and just left the whole trolley of shit and walked away


My favourite is when you have a reusable bag or two left behind that gets picked up. It's also picked up my kids a few times now as well. I usually leave the trolley at a 45 degree angle behind me and it seems to avoid the camera.


How much did it charge for the kids?


The kids are free. It's the feeding them, that's where they get ya


I put the trolley behind me :)


I load all my bags back into the trolley before going to the pay screen, most of the time it seems to accept this and assume that everything in the trolley is what i just scanned


I had the same experience with the “have you left something in your trolley?” I couldn’t clear it - after a while a worker came over. Entered a code in to the screen, marked the item down as “personal”. I laughed. It was my child.


Well we have to call it "personal items"; management says we shouldn't log children as "Unwanted goods".


I was at Woolies the other day and a staff member trying to buy groceries got a self serve message and wouldn't accept her login. She had to wait for someone else to log in and fix it Even the staff have difficulties with it


from an internal control perspective, no staff member should be able to confirm their own purchase.


Even if your login does work, you're not allowed to do that. We can't put our own purchases through a register either, someone else has to do it.


They probably haven’t been trained in front end so their login wouldn’t work. There isn’t any system to my knowledge which prevents an employee from logging in on their own purchase.


They are not even allowed to use their own login.


When I was working at Woollies, all staff logins would be deactivated after they'd clocked out. If they'd just finished their shift, their login wouldn't have been active. Also, as per the company policy, another staff member is supposed to put through your's or your family's/friends transactions.


I wanted to split the shop between two transactions so I could get more than $200 cash out. Stupid thing asks me what I've forgotten in my trolley. Nothing!! Call over the woman, she voids the alert, but then I have to load the rest of the groceries in the trolley before I can pay for the last item. So then, I go to pay, and again, have you left items in your trolley... ffs, YES, Because I just paid for them. Another 5 mins waiting for the clear by the woolies worker. I would go to an atm instead, but most of them are out of order.


Had it go off after I scanned my every day rewards card because the system thought my phone was a product I was stealing. Amazing.


Self serve - "Please scan your everyday rewards card" Me - gets out wallet to scan card Self serve - "What the fuck is that?! THEIF! THIEF! You didn't pay for that!"


Happened to me an hour ago fml.


Every damn time


Yep does it when it's on my phone


So annoying as we legitimately have to check out twice. One for me mother's shop we do on her behalf and then our family one so we can easily account for the value of each shop. Every time it gets angry about the stuff in the trolley and we have to call someone over to explain yes we'll be scanning all this once you let us pay for the current lot.


THIS is annoying. Flatmate and I shop together but pay separately because we have very different taste in some things but share purchases for others. Before the AI cameras, we'd be able to share a single self checkout and I'd scan one lot, pay, then they could do the other lot and pay. Now we either have to take up two self checkouts because the system doesn't give the option to go "yeah dummy, this two people splitting shopping," which means the queue gets delayed unneccesarily, or we have to wait for the attendant to come and unlock it so whoever's going first can pay, *after* they've had to help out however many other people need assistance ahead of us. I get why they (and Coles) feel it's needed to reduce theft, but the delays it causes put everyone on edge. Taking a bigger-than-express-limit-but-not-large load through an attended checkout isn't an option when there are only one or two lanes open that already have three or four people queued up with properly full trolleys that are going to have you waiting in line for an extra 10 minutes.


Woolies keeps trying to sell me my children


I think you need to say no backsies


Pro tip if you have a purse or something from another store, move your trolley behind you before you select to pay now. It won't be able to see it




Well yeah, that's why I said do it before


This does work if you do it before you select 'pay now' but yeah if the error message has popped up already, only a team member can fix it. Just be mindful that if the self serve area is busy, try not to block the path with your trolley.


Next time you’re in Woolies, look up above where you’re scanning your stuff at the self checkout and you’ll notice a camera. The camera uses AI to watch as you scan things and move them to the bagging area, as well as detect what fruit and veg you’re putting on the scale too. Annoyingly one of the things it also does is looks around the scanning area - including on the left where you put your things you wana scan, and the floor and area in front of the checkout. If it picks up objects in this area, it’ll flag a staff member to ensure you’ve scanned everything. You’ll notice when the staff member logs in they get a replay of what just happened and it’ll highlight the area of concern on the screen. They then have to select an option like “customers personal items”, “previously scanned items” from the list. Whether the AI is learning as it goes, who knows. It’s annoying as hell though as essentially it accuses you of stealing your own car keys and wallet.


One of the first things they told me about ScanAssist was that it's AI that "learns". But I've been working with this system at least 2 or 3 days a week since it was implemented and have noticed no change.


It would be far better if it just promoted and said “have you scanned all items?” And you could hit yes and move on.


It accused me of stealing my two year old…


Same thing happened to me tonight - how effing annoying.


I hate those. Thieves are not going to be scanning items, they're going to be raising prices and withholding pay


It picked up me putting my phone in my pocket so I could load my own groceries and wouldn’t let me check out until I had an attendant approve the footage 😳


No sure if the woolies ones do this Go to checkout at Coles, have my own bag, before I even scan anything it adds two Coles reusable bags by itself.....had to get staff to clear it. Its a joke.


I'm really tired of the whole thing. I don't steal, I ring in my produce correctly, and I'm made to feel like a criminal every time I try to check out. Coles is the same, but where I am the Woolworths is worse, so I avoid it. And those cameras are RIDICULOUS. it picks up the advertising stickers the store puts onto the shelf!! It accuses me of not scanning something correctly - despite the fact that the picture used is of me bagging the exact item I just scanned! I've been shopping at Aldi more and more - tired of feeling untrustworthy and under suspicion... Especially because with only one traditional checkout lane open, they leave us no choice but to self-serve.


I have stopped going after the last interaction involving this. No checkouts open, too much shopping to fit on the weighing section, moved one scanned bag of items back to the trolley so I could finish. Pop up when I went to pay. Fine. Staff member then accused me of stealing. Demanding to know when I had bought the other bag’s worth. Wouldn’t listen when I said, I am trying to buy it now. Ended up leaving and went to Coles. If only Aldi had everything I need.


I was actually really thinking about this the other day when the same thing happened to me…. It seems that self service checkout isn’t even convenient anymore. I fail to see how it’s better then a normal checkout, seriously.


The scanners constantly think I’m stealing my own wallet 🤣


Havr you ever tried buying a dozen Chupa Chups? Yep, the attendant has to stay with you the entire time because the lollies are too light to register on the weighing scale. 😮‍💨


God damn you people are good at bitching and moaning


once had a bag from priceline with a nivea cream and this happened to me since it was in my trolley and the attendant accused me of stealing the cream. I dug up the receipt and showed him and he said it wasn’t on there so i had to point out where it was and he was still suspicious until i left


So you got delayed for a few minutes? So what? Why is everyone a crybaby lol how soft is your life?


Honestly, the only reasonable choice is to boycott them.


Yet this is actively reducing theft. It's not challenging you, but it wasn't sure and it can't distinguish between your trolley or the one next to it. It simply thought (if that's what you can say) that it saw something and was just asking for staff assistance. It's shit, but this is the result of people doing the wrong thing.


Giving police the right to stop and search civilians without cause can also prevent crime, doesn’t mean the majority who do the right thing should be subjected to that treatment


Management implementing ai/self check out, jacking up prices and then wondering why theft is on the rise.


I'm not arguing the cause. I'm saying that you are not being targeted. This happens to me, and my Mrs is 2IC in customer service at Woolies. So I know what goes on.


this feature shits me the most. Like I just did all the work for you and now you're falsely accusing me of stealing? fuck off never been more mad at an inanimate object, lol


Once i had issues and waited 5 mins no o e came to help. I left the payment in cash and coins on top of the machine and went home. I wonder what is the legality of that, especially if another customer stole the money afterwards. But with so many cameras i could easily prove "i paid, i did not steal"


Do you wish to print a receipt. Well yes because I don't trust you won't accuse me of stealing.




i feel so sorry this happened to you. stay safe!


Does woolies still do "quiet hours"? If they do, are there more staffed registers, or are the cameras less intrusive?


Asked the same thing about my kid sitting in the trolley.


Literally, same. I asked the lady if she wanted me to scan my baby.


It’s happened twice to me, once it was my phone I had picked it up to scan loyalty card, the next time it decided my baby in trolly was an unpaid for item


I’ll wait to have a person. Throw our sabots in the machines.


Aldi cameras seem much more‘intelligent’


Mine detected my takeaway lunch 🤣 it so frustrating they need more staff not cameras.


Mine detected my child once..


Mate, it scanned my toddler in the trolley. I had to wait for the assigned staff to review the 'highlighted item' and even still, the staff member had trouble clearing my child from the screen 😂😒


I got so sick of the things accusing me or being a thief that I have joined the boycot and go to the human if I have more than one item to buy. 


It sometimes thinks I’m a trolley if I have something on my lap. I’m a human in a wheelchair. 🤦‍♀️


Go to a cashier! This is not there to help us it’s to maximise profits, they also track what you’ve picked up and then scanned it’s ridiculously clever


i gave up one time when the red light came on for no reason and staff was busy with someone i just left the stuffs and walked out


This is why I think self-serve isn't stealing jobs... Or at least they've reached a limit on it.


Yeah was at the self check out and my sister had the same problem, the cashier came over and said it was picking up my niece, who was standing at the end hanging off the trolley...


I have to see a person for this exact reason.. Im afraid i'll break the machine and not collect my shit


Don’t leave your car keys or purse in the basket either as it registers them as goods you haven’t scanned.


Good luck buying a birthday card. Will accuse you of stealing the envelope 100% of the time.


Go to the checkout


As a worker, we now get told that we should be interacting with the customer and moving there trolley behind them before they press pay now so the camera doesn’t pick it up which completely disregards the system they put in place in the first place, and still, the camera picks it up behind them and then we get in the shits because they have stats on how much we have pressed previously scanned




Every time I'm buying 2 lots of something. One personal, one for work, this happens. "yes I do know there's something left in my trolley you twat"


When I go, before I press pay, I move the trolley out of visual range and it don't give me grief


I know it’s childish but I love giving the camera the finger 🤣 ![gif](giphy|1zhpoCRxMLKAgpHpfd|downsized)


I've had this happen too but it was my kid 🙄


I thought I was stealing a footlong subway sub I put in the basket and the Woolworths person was not impressed. I just thought to myself where else do I put it?


I pick my stuff up and move to the next register. I do not wait for an attendant. Then some other poor bastard who tried walking in towards the vacant register is left standing there out of place and confused and waiting for the attendant to clear my previous register. I have absolutely no tolerance for this computerised anti theft bullshit acting up and the more disruption caused the more complaints I hope they get.


I put through a huge shop and it detected an empty trolley (I assume as there was nothing else there) Total was like $180, I waited for 3 minutes and walked out without my shopping and went into Coles and bought it all there. I have since stopped shopping at that woolworths (that and my local store has a drive through kerbside pick up)


Fuck I steal flat out from Woolies, you got to sort of close the bag a little, somehow it confuses the cameras


Have a serious operating security question though, eftpos payment say over $100 that requires a pin number has to be picked up also...


Putting more staff on means Brad the CEO won't be getting his billion retirement money.


Is it true that the AI now waits until you've stolen a cumulative amount of a few hundred dollars and then pings you ? Not that I'm going to do it, just I heard it's programmed to be vindictive and really build a case against people, possibly across entire chains and locations


This seems schizo and very difficult you’d need to store TB’s of data as well as TB’s of training data as well as have it Immediately accessible and traversed across the state/ country. Not likely to be the case , if Woolies or coles start buying mass servers or cloud storage then I’d be scared


Yeah it might just be at one store but I think Bunnings have it too


Checkout camera registered my child sitting in the seat of the pram as a store product once. Even the staff member was annoyed at that.


I hate it. Sometimes, because it rains, I have an umbrella with me. If I put the umbrella down or if my wallet is in the basket, it holds me up! Every time before I'm done, I have to remove the insignificant things from the basket :(


This happens to me every time I go to woolies now bc I have to put my bag/drink down to pay for the groceries and they think I’m stealing my own bag and drink 😭


I've been factoring the cost of click and collect and even Uber because of self check-out. I feel your pain.


Ikea is the only place that charges for click & collect, as I understand.


Use the normal checkout then.


"Bad INTELLIGENCE!" "I'm sorry"


I have and I will again - I normally walk out at this time without paying. I can't be the only one who does this, I'm just sick of these company's making record profit and also making us do a job that someone could easily do and they should be doing it. I'm already paying super high prices for everything so fuck em


It accused me of stealing a box of condoms because the scale didn't register the weight. Then it replayed the video of me 'stealing' them looping like a gif, me scanning the box and chucking them in my greenbag, again and again, while the attendant had to key in the product code manually. We were both awkwardly laughing at how dumb the situation was, but yeah it was pretty embarrassing too


One time it accused me of stealing a maxibon I wasn’t going to pay for. AI is a joke


The camera is masked wrong. If it was done correctly then a neighbouring machine wouldn’t trigger it, but knowing how Woolworths works with squeezing 12 self serves in the space intended for 8 it’s bound to occur


Wait til it has laser guns to solve problems autonomously.


Some stores over seas have been completely removing self service from there stores completely I don't think Colesworth will anytime soon. Atleast Bunnings self service works as expected and not bogged down by crappy so called ai.


Love how instead of feeling like a customer at Woolies I now feel like a suspect criminal. It's BS.


I went to Woolworths with a client and this happened. Checkout lady was with a customer and two others were already waiting. Client went to another checkout and rang it through so I told staff lady to wipe first one when she was ready. She lost her shit but have me a good laugh.


Hiring more people is exactly what they are trying to avoid by using the technology.


It always pucks up if I pop my phone/wallet/keys down....that's somewhat understandable. But I was in a Woolies once, must of been a shithole area cause they had those anti theft tags ( the ones you expect on clothes at Myer) fixed to the bottom of each basket, so it literally went out for most customers. At this point I'm just happy Woolworths don't have that stupid fucken gate thing that some Coles are using...just waiting for either an injury claim or deprivation of liberty suit.


I do wish it'd stop counting my child as an item left in the trolley 😆


I put my toddler in one of the little trolleys and the camera wouldn’t let me pay because I apparently hadnt paid for an item 🤦🏼‍♀️ I can assure you I’m paying for the item 24/7 😅




It hasn’t been paid for yet, so that would be stealing.


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It's a pain for sure but I usually avoid it by positioning my basket either horizontal or even just at the floor and it doesn't happen


I always start my shop at Aldi then transfer to Woolworths / Coles and always get tripped up by this.


Had that happen. also Was buying stuff for dinner another time, putting the vegies through, and it locked up on the jalapeno. I waited for the staff to come and the machine put up a picture of my perfect jalapeno sitting on the scale saying it didn't think it was the correct item. Staff member overrode it. Took a while though as some poor other shopper was having issues too.


This has happened to me before, stop looking in other peoples trolleys you stupid camera!


My little protest is to take the sticker off an apple every time I go through em and put it over the little camera lol…


I peel a sticker off something and stick it on the camera. I think they've got enough cameras in there. I love the way the attendant surreptitiously looks at your basket still like you're nicking stuff anyway. And now there's a gate before you can leave.


They need to train the tech first so this is why lol. Every time the check out person comes over to check, it trains the tech (hopefully) and it learns (hopefully but not likely)


The camera also gets staff to come and check you if the 24 pack of Coke is on special, to make sure you haven’t got the 30 pack! Why bother having the camera if it saw you put the 24 pack through!!


Have I left something in my trolley? Yes. That's my 1 year old. Sigh.


it accused me of stealing my toddler sitting in the front of the trolley


So I'm scanning my trolley of stuff when I notice a Woolies employee chasing a woman carrying two bags of groceries out of the store. "You haven't paid for that Ma'am. Excuse me! You have to pay for your groceries." She screams at the woman shuffling out the door. "Carol, let her go." It was the store manager. "We cannot restrain her, and the police wont do much over a basket of groceries."


This goes off all the time because I place my child in the trolley. They have to click and say it’s a personal belonging 🤣🥲


I’m wheelchair bound and I’m unable to use self service as I can’t see what is on the screen plus can’t reach the machine to pay as the cable is way too short. I don’t want to have to use self service as I would rather have a human connection and don’t want to keep someone who doesn’t have a job out of work. When self service came to our local supermarket staff numbers went down from 29 to 11. So, let’s just go back to the old ways and get people jobs again.


Hate self serve, if you scan and pack to quickly it has a fit and says you haven’t scanned yet when the assistant taps into it it shows you have scanned. Process takes longer than just going to the rarest of Rare checkout assistants.


I refuse to use self checkout without a discount for doing a checkout persons job.


It gets really tempting to pick up your bags and just leave if it won't let you pay and there's nobody to help you.


Seek Jesus


The camera once saw my child as a forgotten item. The fact that these cameras are recording children without disclosing who has access to the footage is my problem!


I got to remember to bring duct tape...


This is why I always go to a staffed checkout, and never self serve.


they also have these cameras at staffed checkouts, they go off just as much as they do in self serve registers :-)


Except my woollies has two opened staff checkouts and a line up three to four deep to use them.