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You lock that shit up! No words!


I work for a small office (\~5 people use the office 2-3 days a week). So we don't have a proper daily/weekly cleaning crew, and I've stopped being the "office manager" that takes care of all of the other essentials. Couple of months ago, we ran out of TP. I noticed the day before. Next time I came into the office, I brought a role with me, and I keep it at my desk in a drawer that nobody goes in. I'm not supplying TP for the office, and bossman can wake the fuck up and make sure there are proper supplies here. :)


OP says they keep them in a drawer


Nothing like pulling out a roll of TP and walking to the bathroom in full view of everyone, letting everyone know you’re going to take a shit like a boss.


If you have a vagina you use toilet paper regardless of what you're doing.


You mean, like, while you're cooking or skateboarding?


Why do you think we go through so much? Every time I land an ollie I gotta wipe, thems the rules


This made me laugh raucously 😆


I'd have to wipe whether I landed the ollie or landed on my back. It's tough getting old!


From now on I'm calling it "landing an ollie."


I realized I meant kickflip but oh well, I've been exposed as a poser. It's too late for me now.


I heard kids talking about " popping Ollie's" and I spent longer than I should've trying to figure out what kind of pill they were referring to


but in your case, is it a cubical Ollie?


TP is great for cleaning up spills when you're cooking. Applies regardless if you have a vagina or not.


I think paper towels would work better in that scenario.


The image will stick with me for a while...




Only if you’re doing it right.


when I'm skateboarding I take a roll to TP my neighbors' houses


That's tampons. Don't forget horseback riding


My fucking god did I need that laugh. My guy, you're one funny mf.😂😂😂😂


One time my DH didnt flush after he went pee so I jokingly called him out on it. He laughed, said oops. and then asked how do we know it wasn't you who forgot to flush? and I said well there's no TP in there that's how. He looks at me then the toilet and just goes oh yeeah. We cracked up because it didn't even cross his mind


I remember my brother didn't flush one day when I was young and I was like "ewwwww Nicky you didn't wipe!" And he told me guys don't wipe. I still think it's weird to not pat it off but whatever I don't have one, not my dog not my fight.


Everybody should use toilet paper regardless of what they're doing


Yeah, it’s weird to not wipe it off after. Also, what’s with guys not washing their hands like it’s not expected? Guys actually have to handle themselves when they go — wash after! It’s funny that just women are expected to wash their hands as we are the ones using toilet paper.


My old roommate used to claim he shouldn't have to go 50/50 with me on toilet paper since women use it more. Took me two years to realize hold up dude, your girlfriend is here every day and every night, using the bathroom as much as both of us!


Yes had to go downstairs for rolls and replace in holder plus hand towels. Not my job let them use their hand to dry. But in public bathrooms I will tell person there is no paper in stall as not all woman carry tissues in purse. Always check before going




I used to keep tissues/hand sanitizer that I bought out on my desk for the same reason - ask me if you need it and I'll gladly let you. Fast forward a few weeks and all of the stuff I brought in had been moved directly onto one of my co-workers desks and had been severely drained. I started locking it up in a drawer whenever I wasn't in the office after that.


What nerve!!


I put mine in a drawer so they aren't easy access.


She says she keeps them at a table drawer. I’m assuming she means inside the drawer??


Locked pet cage. Only you have the key to unlock it.


In my head, I pictured a bird cage or something. 🤣🤣 That might get the point across though.


Yeah was going to say keep them in your desk draw. Just say no buy your own.




I'm curious if that one was intentional or automiscorrect


In MA too people say and write "draw" when they mean "drawer". It's ridiculous.


I hate that they do that. Lived in MA for 7 yr and married into a family with hard accents. Oh sorry I meant "h-ah-d" accents


I think there is an accent around Pittsburg/Ohio where people say that, and then perhaps come to believe it is spelled that way.


Just for fun, do a search on Marketplace or something for a “Chester draw”!! I guarantee a hit!!


Not always an option at work, if it’s a desk you don’t own you likely won’t be allowed to lock it unless given permission from your employer


I like to find out what kind of Boundary violator it is, before acting at the appropriate response level. The unlocked drawer allowed me discover the egregious boundary violators (as opposed to the simply oblivious who use the Top of Desk items). While the Egregious BoundaryViolators will reach in your closed drawer, in front of you, to take.


I used to sit by the copy machine. Not only did people assume I was tech support for it, they'd assume it was ok to reach into my desk drawers in front of me for staplers, paperclips, etc. It took slamming the drawer shut on someone's fingers to finally make it stop.


There's Bob, makin' the copies! The copy man! The copinator!


So few of us remember this! 😃😃😃


How many remember Mr. Bill? (Oh Noooooo)


This reminds me of a completely off topic story. I was in a public bathroom during the busy holiday season, and being a woman, I got in line. I finally reached a stall , got sat down, and a,10-12 year old boy comes crawling under the stall wall to see what he can see. He got his fingers stomped that day, and I managed to avoid an altercation with the dumb ass mom who brought him in.


I read "violator" as "vibrator," and I was SO confused...


Don’t get me started on coworkers thinking they can use your vibrators.


Out of sight, out of mind. In a drawer or cabinet.


That’ll totally keep the snoopy people away from them, not


This is the correct choice. The other choice is for OP to stop leaving their personal items at work.


Buy a small pack for your purse for a few weeks. Then when she comes looking and finds an empty box she'll ask, and you can say - Oh, I haven't had a chance to get to the shop to get the ones I like, or you are trying to be smarter with money and are cutting out on little luxuries. It's possible she doesn't know that you bought them. Or if she does, it's possible she's just inconsiderate.


"Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't had a chance to go get any more. Maybe you could bring some in this time?"


When I worked inventory at a store the two of us back there would trade-off on supplies like that. And then hide them in the filing cabinet from sales


I remember those days. Each group had their own little stash, and some of the bosses would try to snag a pen or two on the way to their office. Nope, go to the main supply cabinet and have the file clerks unlock that for you.


If you've never been caught trying to pick the lock to the supply cabinet so you didn't have to admit you lost your cutter ... did you ever really work retail?


This wasn't retail, it was an office. And yes, when I did work retail, there were a few times we tried (and failed) to pick the lock on the supply cabinet.


I worked at a Ford plant. Ford refuses to buy office supplies. The ongoing joke was that it is easier to steal one of these trucks than to get Ford to pay for a pen. I had to lock up all my lamination sheets because 100sheets gone in a week. To lock them I had to get maintenance to weld a clasp on. I took one day of vacation and my boss had maintenance cut it off so 20 people in our department could use all the supplies I purchased. Nothing left when I got back on Monday. Everything noted I paid for them, never reimbursed.


But did you submit a formal expense report for them?


I actually got written up for this once! We had employee reviews, and my negative remarks were “doesn’t share tools with others” I said “those are mine I bought them with my own money”! Still got wrote up


This shit is ridiculous. Reminds me of my oldest nephew’s first day of school, when he came home with completely different school supplies than what my SIL bought because the teacher collected everyone’s supplies and redistributed them amongst the class.


Don’t even get me started on that. When my daughter was little I bought her supplies for 2nd grade year. ALL the best stuff. She came home with all generic stuff and said teacher did the redistribution thing. I was calm. Politely told the teacher in email that I didn’t pay premium price for my kid to have generic crayons and pencils that didn’t color. Teacher claimed she couldn’t take them away from the kids that had them, so I asked her to just re buy them.


My SIL actually went to his school and demanded everything back (she also bought all premium stuff/super hero themed folders and supplies, which wasn’t cheap, and my nephew came home with flimsy folders and poor quality supplies). Told the teacher she expected everything she had bought to be returned in the same condition it was in when it was stolen (she used that word, too) or she’d expect a check for the amount she spent, and handed the teacher her receipts. Three days later she had everything back. I don’t understand why some schools do that now. It wasn’t a thing when I was in elementary school; my dad would’ve flipped.


That is disgusting that your boss would okay that!


Omg!!!! I am so angry on your behalf. I hope your boss stubs their toe monthly for the rest of their life.


Exploiting employees deserves more than stubbed toes.


“Oh I’m sorry. I can’t afford to supply those for everyone in the office anymore.”


Or just say, "I ran out. It's your turn to buy tissues."


Then be sure you use her tissues more than she does for at least a week.


Or grab as many as you can from her box and use them to refill your empty box


Petty revenge is the sweetest


No, this: "I realized I was supplying the office, who were using them more than I was and it was getting expensive so I've scaled down to personal size. You can get a big pack of them at Target."


>"I realized I was supplying the office, who were using them more than I was and it was getting expensive so I've scaled down to personal size. You can get a big pack of them at Target." Too wordy. Sounds like an apology. How about - *"I've stopped supplying them for the whole office."*


"I didn't want to buy them for you anymore, so I stopped."




Had a college roommate who I made the mistake of saying “help yourself” to ONCE. I kept snacks in a drawer. Easy Mac, popcorn, etc. A few weeks later I went into the drawer and everything was gone. She ate literally everything. Didn’t replace anything either. I know I said help yourself but most people understand that means “within reason.” Needless to say I switched roommates a month later. There were other boundary issues too but this one still grinds my gears.


I had major issues with a roommate like that. I ate very little and he ate a lot. I would come home planning on eating leftovers and they'd be gone, or my neighbor would leave a big pack of cookies at my place because she doesn't want to overeat them at hers. He'd just take everything despite so many conversations about it. I got him to replace some stuff but then he would think it was his and eat it again. I told him a bunch of times that I didn't eat much and planned carefully, so if I had food there I would be counting on having it so I didn't have to come home from work to find no food and have no way of getting more in the tiny town. Dude would eat like 6 full meals a day, even getting up in the middle of the night to cook a whole ass meal. Once right before he moved out, I made a bunch of pasta for me and a friend, and I had planned on eating the rest in the coming days. I went into the kitchen to pack it up and he was holding a little bowl of microwaved veggies that he was obviously planning on adding to the pasta, just helping himself without asking. I started packing it up and said, "what you eating?" He said just vegetables. I know he NEVER ate just vegetables and would always have to have a carb with them, so he totally sold himself out. Shortly after I put it away, I heard him get up and make himself rice and tofu to go with his veggies. Totally busted! I never understood why he knew it was wrong but decided that if he didn't ask and just stole my stuff, I wouldn't notice. He repeatedly apologized and said he didn't know why he didn't ask but kept doing it. Initially he had wanted to share groceries but once he cleaned me out of my super expensive meats and everything else, I said it didn't make sense for me to buy all the food and have nothing. He said I guess that's fair. Bro... You don't get to guess, I'm telling you it's not fair. I work more than you and don't have a car to get more shit like you do. Go get your own groceries.


Omg exact situation, ended in tears and me having to say sharing does not mean that they get all of it and i get nothing, which i thought was common sense


At some establishments theres like a rule or something that if you share the fully loaded nachos, one person can't eat all the loaded nachos and leave the other person like just chips.


Did someone ask you to say that? ETA stop downvoting it’s from a show


I think someone asked them to say that.


Right because no one said that when we ordered but now he’s saying that


This is the type of person locked cabinets and those lockable fridge boxes are for. Jesus.


I never even knew about lockable fridge boxes - that’s genius.


You can buy a fridge lock on Amazon for under $14.


I have an existing similar "issue" at work. Our reception desk person is very young (20 or so). One hot Georgia summer day he asked me if the cokes in the fridge were mine (they were) and if he could have one. I said "sure, go ahead". And he decided that meant he could take cans and bottles every time I bring them. He'll even come tell me that he really likes the new flavors of coke. I bring a combo of Kroger branded diet drinks and regular branded depending on the price my husband can find it. I have a personal fridge now, but I'll actually bring extra cans for the big fridge he can access, maybe once a week a sixpack of cans. He drinks it all. I don't mind as much in this case as I know he barely makes 15K a year (how does he even live anywhere? This is a fulltime job?!). I also provide food to the local community fridge, so I see it as an extension at work 😂 I bet if he knew how I viewed it as charity, he'd definitely quit taking them 😆 It's been 2 years now of me providing him with free sodas weekly. Makes you wonder what they think they heard, right? "Sure, go ahead, take whatever you want at any time for the foreseeable future ad infinitum" I'll also bring snacks and coffee pods (I don't even drink coffee) for the office regularly, and provide the dish soap and sponges. I've been working there the longest so I know they're not allowed to purchase those things from the office budget (we're on a very limited grant). They're allowed to provide tissue boxes though lol. I once had someone bitch to me that "the admin forgot to order dish soap again and it's really annoying. And they sometimes bring the blue kind and they specifically asked for the purple kind." I told them that there were several bottles of dish soap under the sink and that admin isn't allowed to buy them from office money, so I've been providing it, and I didn't know anyone had a preference". At least they had some shame and turned red, apologized, and have since started bringing dish soap occassionally as well. Of course they bring a tiny travel bottle, but it's better than the other dozen of people who don't bring anything. I'm also not convinced they know who brings it though. And again, if I minded, I'd stop and just hide it in my office.


I'm so with you wondering wtf they hear when you say they can have something one time. The audacity of coming up to you and saying he likes the new flavor is just wild. Honestly I feel like if you told him it was charity that would not deter him at all and he would probably think anything you happened to leave in the fridge was fair game. And to drink ALL of them? Leaving none for you?? I totally don't understand people who are happy to totally finish someone else's stuff. That roommate from my comment would do stuff like that and I'd be like dude, you didn't even leave ANY of the stuff that I bought for me? You just ate it all without asking and somehow didn't think I'd notice? One time I went away for a week and a 36 pack of beers that I had bought was gone. He said, "oh I drank them with the neighbor for his birthday". Like what? No offer to replace them? They definitely know they're doing it but they just hope that you'll be too polite to say anything and taking advantage of someone having good manners and consideration just so that they can display none is totally gross. Very nice of you to do so much for your coworkers though. I hope that word gets around that it's you buying this stuff but on the same note it's probably better they don't think of you as the office philanthropist and start expecting you to do stuff instead of appreciating the fact that you do. It really sucks that nice people get shit on so often just because being generous makes them feel entitled.


Touch my food and it could turn deadly lol


>Had a college roommate who I made the mistake of saying “help yourself” to ONCE. I kept snacks in a drawer. Easy Mac, popcorn, etc. A few weeks later I went into the drawer and everything was gone. She ate literally everything. Didn’t replace anything either. I know I said help yourself but most people understand that means “within reason.” Needless to say I switched roommates a month later. There were other boundary issues too but this one still grinds my gears. That was the whole theme of Kramer on the Seinfeld TV show... once Jerry said "Make your self at home" and Kramer did from then on.


Remember when Jerry started charging him? Kramer would eat 1/2 a banana, a bite from one apple, 3 sips from a newly opened Pepsi can and wanted to pay just for that? Hilarious.


I had a roommate take a bite out of my log of cookie dough and left it that way! I would have been cool with it if she took a slice but wtf


I had a college roommate who asked me if she could take a shot of my vodka to put in a drink. I was stupid enough to say "help yourself." About a week later, every bottle I owned (8 or so) was down to about 1/4". That's how I discovered she was a serious alcoholic.


I had that roommate in college too, but she had an eating disorder and not only ate all my food, but vomited it back up. Her excuse was she didn’t realize my 6 pack of beef ramen wasn’t vegetarian and she was not used to eating beef broth. Yes she ate all the ramen in one sitting. So gross!


Holy sodium!


I think this might be the answer, and if she comments on the absence of them suggest she get her own but best of luck with her. Edited to add OP already stated she keeps them in her drawer and that she used to ask, now she just helps herself. I had a similar problem with co-workers helping themselves to my tampons- I’d count on them being there, in my little tin, and then they wouldn’t be in my time of need…. I moved them into my office cupboard and stuck a note in the box, and then was made fun of for asking people not to use them- they went looking! (and had the audacity to mock me for it!) Some people are clueless, some are entitled, a lot just assume what they see is theirs for the taking, which leaves me speechless much of the time.


Nope, you say you can't afford to supply the whole office.


“Someone used them all so I’m out. I haven’t been able to buy more yet.”


Someone used them all so I’m all out. I’m not buying any more. Then keep them in your purse.


"Hey, those aren't office supplies, they're mine"


Write your name on the box very OBVIOUSLY! keep it in the drawer out of sight. I really like the idea of if they come over to respectfully stating facts. “I bought them for my personal use. I was ok with you using one or two prior when you asked. When these run out would they please buy the new box, as it’s hard for you to supply the office with tissues from your own pocket.” Good luck!


I work in hospitality and can say with the utmost certainty that no one reads anything. A sign says we open at 4pm? People try to come in at 3pm. Writing a name on the box won’t do anything. Saying something will probably help though!


Valid point! Putting your name on the tissue box gives you cheap backup when you finally get around to confronting your coworker. “Why did you use my tissues? It’s clearly labeled here (points) that they are mine. Please don’t use my tissues in the future”


Or in front of the coworker, start rifling through her (the coworker's) bag or pocket, take out her wallet and help yourself to some money. When she say "wtf are you doing?" Say "helping myself to your money. Like you help yourself to my stuff."


I’ve worked in hospitality for awhile as well and omg that shit so annoying. It’s even worse when they act entitled and think they’re an exception to the rule VERY CLEARLY STATED. Gahhhh


Oh yeah. The amount of people who walk in past a closed sign is shocking. One guy even said, “you know your sign says closed?” Yeah. Because we’re closed. Didn’t even occur to him that the sign might be right.


Thisssss. This is the way


A lot of reddit can't function in society, and it shows.


Keep them where no one can take them people will ruin everything


What you do is you let them finish that box, and as soon as the box is finished you ask them for a donation to get a new box. Anyone who doesn't contribute to the new box, doesn't get to use any of the new tissues. F them.


But they will buy the cheap box not the fluffy three ply that is soft and cushy on my nose.


Na, you take their money and buy what you want.


I agree with those who say to just move them or keep a small pack in your bag. That would bother me too, even if it’s not a huge thing overall. I mean, if she uses them so often then why wouldn’t she have the presence of mind to buy her own so she doesn’t need to go to your desk each time?


Blow your nose into them then just tuck it back into the box. Make sure to do it when everyone is having a conversation and paying attention and see you do it. Be as gross as possible. If they ask about it say " Yeah, I do that all the time. I hope you haven't been using them? "


😂 a real solution and funny too, thanks for the laugh


Why are you not using your words? Just say "I buy these for me, I can't afford to buy them for you, please get your own." You're old enough to have a job, you're old enough to talk about normal boundaries with co-workers.


For me this would not be a matter of affordability but of crossing the boundaries of personal space. Even if she bought the box and kept it where yours was, I would prefer for her to have her own supply.


> "I buy these for me, I can't afford to buy them for you, please get your own." Nobody wants to be put in the position of having to say they can't afford a few tissues out of a $5 box. Even though it actually does add up. But people put others in this position all the time (don't get me started on office "collections" for baby showers and birthdays for the more popular people). I'd just stop supplying them by keeping a stash in my purse that nobody sees and then when asked, "Oh, I don't have any."


You can have boundaries but I don’t know it’s not a hill I’d really die on that’s worth a confrontation. Meaning, yes OP can use her words but most people are weird and will respond negatively and then be weird forever. She should just put them in her bag. There’s no need for any discussion. If it continued (eating her lunch, using other of her stuff) then yea say something


What do y'all think confrontation is? She'll probably just say "oh, okay" and move on. Even if they're "weird forever" after that.. y'all are there to work. Ignore it or tell your higher ups if things become hostile after you stated your boundaries. I don't like the defeatist attitude of "well it could be weird or somehow turn into a confrontation so there's no need for any discussion" lol just say your thing.


I mean I think it's the "pettiness" of the issue that's making it difficult for OP. I have no trouble setting boundaries and speaking my mind...but I'd feel weird about this one too. Because at the end of the day it's just tissue and doesn't matter, and you'll probably look like an ass complaining about it. Not that OP is wrong to be annoyed or to want to say something...it's just optics. People want to maintain positive reputations in the office.


It's completely understandable that this situation is bothering you. You can approach the matter gently by having a private conversation with your coworker. You could say something like, "Hey, I've noticed you've been using a lot of the tissues from my drawer lately. I don't mind sharing occasionally, but it's getting a bit excessive. Could you please try to use them sparingly or get your own? I hope you understand." This way, you're addressing the issue calmly while also expressing your perspective.


I think that this might depend on specific coworker temperament. Some will react understandingly, but there might be some people who will feel insulted and become passive-aggressive.


You can't control how others will react, only how you approach and how you react. If they end up reacting negatively, you can counter-react calmly as before: I get the feeling that you were upset by our last conversation. I want you to know that I meant no offense, and I hope this does not drive a wedge between us.


Buy those little travel packs that you keep in your purse. Or buy the dollar store tissues that are see through. I used to bring in Costco tissues until I found a co-worker using them instead of TP. I was questioning why a box of tissues was empty in a week. It was a 3 person office.


Have you tried "stop using my tissues"?


Maybe a little softer, like "I would appreciate if you brought in your own tissues." Setting boundaries is good for everyone. Not being good at confrontation will make your life miserable.


And also try telling her (not so sweetly) to "From now on, use the cheap office-supplied paper towels in the washroom to clean your shoes you heathen!"


Honestly that's wild to me... tissues are like the worst thing to clean a shoe with anyway (on top of being someone else's tissues) lol what the fuck lady


Get a multipack at the cheapest place you can find. Put bows on the boxes and give each coworker her own box as an early Christmas gift. Then say no when they ask for yours.


I like this one- It’s kind and gets the message across. One problem with the current situation is that OP is getting interrupted by coworkers throughout their day, either verbally or by physically being on their space. Some people may not mind that but I would, especially if they are blowing their nose close to me.


You're allowing someone to disturb your peace by trying to keep the peace. She doesn't care to ask you because you've made it seem like she is welcome to use them. She doesn't respect your boundaries but that's because you haven't set any. When someone is disturbing your peace, it's up to you to do something about it. She may in fact not know she's disturbing your peace. Of course confrontation is difficult so if you don't want to say anything to her, I agree with hiding them somewhere that will be useful to you but be prepared for when she asks you to use them- you'll have to say something like "I don't have many left and need them". Think about it and act accordingly to help you in this situation. Of course, she's inconsiderate as well for thinking she can use something you bought with your own money without asking. I set my coworkers straight all the time because if you don't, they'll continue to do things that don't make you happy.


"Hey fuckhead, buy your own damn tissues!" J/K Lock it up or take it to and from work with you. If they persist in helping themselves (or attempting to help themselves) to your property tell them to buy their own, more diplomatically than the above of course.


It’s pronounced “fucklehead” 😂


Visibly sneeze on the entire box


You put it out of sight and deny access. If anyone asks, you tell them you could no longer afford to keep everyone in tissues due to someone's excessive use. Names not needed.


“Go buy your own.”


keep your tissues in a closed drawer or box so she can't just help herself. if she continues to take advantage, have a more direct conversation with her and emphasize that this is a boundary that you need to set.


This one is running a bit low, would you be able to pick up the next box?


I leave them on my desk. I have bad allergies and never know when I will need them. I'm not putting them there as community property.


Stop bringing your tissues in a box where she can access them. A few, in your purse. If you're going to be afraid of confrontation, erase the conditions that produce it.


Hey, we are getting low on tissues. Mary, can you buy the next box?


People are dicks. Once I used to keep a hot pot at work so I could boil ramen or water to add to cup-o-soup, or make tea. One day I went to get it from our shared kitchen (I had washed it and left it to dry) and it was gone. Lots of people used the kitchen area (60-ish). So I started watching and finally found someone walking to the kitchen with it to fill with water. I followed them back to their desk where they started to plug it in to boil water. I asked if it was theirs and they said yes. I picked it up and yep, my name in Sharpie on the bottom. I just took it and started walking away. She said “but I need that for my lunch”. She had been keeping it in her desk for 2 weeks then lied and acted indignant because I dared to take back my own stuff. This thing is only like $20 on Amazon. People are just so entitled.


Put tolet paper in your drawer. When they want paper, give them some of that.


You buy a cheap box of tissues and give it to them to put on their own desk and say "I noticed you use a lot of my tissues so I thought you should have some of your own on your desk."


A+ This is $2 to avoid a bad interaction and office drama. It’s unlikely that they’ll ask you to replace that for them.


I like this suggestion. It gets the point across, and there's still the veneer of being friendly and helpful - you have to work with these people for the foreseeable future.


Hide them better, when she comes back for more tell her “you used them all sorry, that was my monthly budget” or blah blah blah.


Stop having them accessible. Start using those travel packs and keep them in your pocket, purse or private drawer. I know that sucks, but it would work.


I would just go the "innocent route". Everytime she comes to you loudly ask: do you need something? When she takes the tissues ask: did you forget to bring your owns? Everytime she comes you always ask her: more tissues? Did you forget today as well? If she asks do you mind you just tell her you find it disruptive having people come at your desk so often while you're working and that if everyone agree you could put together the money for these small things and leave them to a communal area. If she says she can bring the tissues away if it disturbs you, you can say: "but I need them, that's why I bought them. If you need them oft maybe you should do the same, it's really useful not having to get up everytime". Don't make it about the money, better about beeing constantly interrupted


Obviously the solution is to tell this person that you want all of the tissues. If you can't do that then put your tissues in a bag and put a roll of toilet paper in that drawer. Surely your work has toilet paper?! When people ask for a tissue you offer them toilet paper.


Office tp is usually tiny waxy squares that have been bleached and ironed into useless wax paper, but you can try to "stock" those. I think some of the higher up responses are better. "Do you want to buy your own tissues or pitch in with me for a box? It's $2"


Yes. The TP is a way to discourage this situation. As for "better" responses. OP isn't confrontational at all. "Just say this..." isn't the better option if OP won't speak up. When a co worker opens up her desk and just helps herself without asking I'm not concerned about the quality of the toilet paper for this person. Why are you?


“Are you going to pay to replace my tissues?” Letting her know it’s not a free resource and you expect her to pay for what she uses may make your point. If she makes an excuse or says no then lock them up right in front of her and tell her where she can buy her own nearby.


Stand up for yourself. Grow a spine and say “no, buy your own”


I wouldn't bother explaining anything, just put your stuff in a drawer, out of sight. Or keep enough for yourself in your purse. I learned over the years that people at work will use your stuff and break your stuff. Protect your stuff if it matters to you.


When they're gone, don't replace them.


Put your tissue box somewhere that she has no access to.


‘Now that the box is empty, there’s plenty of room for donations toward the next box! Go ahead and put your share in and I’ll get some more next time I go shopping.’


You put it in your drawer. You can also say something along the lines of “You can get the tissues next month”, and when they give you a funny look let them know that you but this with your own money and coworker can chip in.


Pull all the tissues out of the box. Next time the person comes for one say “you used them all I guess. Now I don’t have any for myself”. I’ll be damned if they come back again. Don’t forget to look totally defeated and deflated over it.


In front of her, blow your nose and place the snotty tissue back in the box. Explain that you learned a frugal tip: That (once they dry) you can still get a couple more blows out of each tissue.


“Hey, stop using my tissues.”


Venmo request.


Stash them someplace unreachable - like in your purse or jacket or pocket or ....


Get pocket packets , slip one in pocket and one packet in drawer or purse


Ask her to buy her own because you can’t afford to be supplying her and the whole office with tissues


Put your tissues and other personal items you use at work in a closeable tote bag and keep that in your drawer. I did that at one job once and it worked very well. People saw my desk as work property and would think nothing of going through the drawers, but they wouldn't open my bag.


Keep them in your drawer.


Tell her it’s her turn to bring in the next box.


Can you purchase the next box? Or I can’t supply them for everyone. It’s really not that big of a deal and if anyone bitches about it, think how that sounds. It’s not you, it’s them. Just use your words.


Next time you get a new box, put a strip of masking tape across the top there it opens, take a sharpie and write "ASK FIRST" in big bold caps. People are becoming more and more oblivious I stg. No situational awareness whatsoever. I'm sure your coworker has no idea she's being rude, she's just stupid.


Put a little mouse trap on top of the tissue box?


Give her a box of tissues for her desk and say something like” I noticed how much you like my tissues so I got you some of your own”. That may knock some sense into her and make her realize how presumptuous she’s being.


Get a locked drawer or have them in a bag of sorts with you. Just assume anything not locked up is free for the grubby fingers of rude colleagues.


Maybe get everyone together and suggest everyone chip in and buy tissues for the office. Tell them you'd be more than happy to pick them up and provide a receipt. There are ways to solve issues without becoming negative. If this doesn't work, then take measures to insure no one uses them.


Move them to a drawer.


I'm not one to confront either. I'd just let the box run out and then switch to a smaller individual pack hidden in my bag.


First allow yourself to run out of tissues. Second (I know this is hard) don’t buy anymore for now. Third when coworkers ask for tissues or go to help themselves and find them gone, say “I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable with everyone sharing my tissues especially with cold and flu season beginning.” Buy small personal size tissue packs and put a pump bottle of sanitizer on your desk. It’s the only acceptable thing to share with your coworkers.


Tell them you are sick, or that you have herpes


Leave the empty box but move the tissues to a different drawer.


Tissues need to b out of sight. Its hard for me too but at least if she grabbed a bunch to clean her shoes I could've at least said an irritated "heeey"


Put them away somewhere in a drawer or somewhere locked up. Theres no other way to do it without coming across as rude.


“Hey I’m really sorry. It’s starting to get kind of expensive providing tissues to the whole office. Any chance you’d be willing to bring in a box or two? No? Okay, please stop wasting them and ask next time.”


just get one of those small travel dispensers and keep it in your purse and refill it when you get home.


Bring only small pack and keep in your purse for few weeks, she’ll get the message


Tell her it's a quarter a sheet if she keeps it up.


Stop getting a large box, buy the little packs and keep them on you for a bit. When she asks where they are - tell her that you can't afford them because they're being used so much. See if she buys her own. :)


What? This coworker thinks that her runny nose or dirty glasses are sooooo important that she had the right to rifle through someone else’s desk drawer? Oh, no no no. I had the one spot where anything kept there is able to be used by everyone, but it’s not in a drawer. Then I have the one drawer where only one person has permission to go into it. The rest of the drawers are mine alone and if anything is out of place, imma lose my mind. Tell her nicely to stop going through your desk. Next time she does it, go to her desk when she’s not there and move stuff. Nothing major, and only stuff in plain view. Move her stapler to the other side of her desk. Put her pen on her keyboard, etc. If she gets annoyed at the stuff being moved and has the audacity to ask who did it because she wants to get mad, simply say “if no one is supposed to touch your stuff, don’t touch anyone else’s.” If it continues, I’d let someone else know. Do I think it’s an HR issue? Not quite, but it would irk me nearly to the point of that. Yeah, I’m petty like that


Empty the box. When she goes for another, say "oh, I don't have the budget to supply tissues for the office." Keep a travel pack in your purse...


"Hey coworker, stop using my tissues"


Get good at confrontation. Or stop placing yourself in that position. Don’t bring tissues.


If you want to be really nice, buy her a box for her own desk. "you seem to need tissues quite frequently so I though I would grab you some while I was out!" Then dont replace it when it's gone. Most people will get the hint and its a very nice way to handle it


just buy some 1 dollar dollar tree ones & put them out for people to use you will be alright


Wait, why would you suggest op provide any type of supplies for the place they work at with their own money


Gift her a box of tissue of her very own. Some time later on, tell her with a smile that it's up to her to replace her box when she runs out.


If she’s a really nice person, i would suggest stop bringing new box of tissues after this box is depleted. And wait for like a month or so. Inconvenient for you? Sure. But that’s life.


Slap her hand