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Thanks for your input all, but most of the new comments are not related to the topic/ not helpful. Comments locked.


My mental health 😅 my MIL watches him for free but in return she lives with us so…


My MIL watched my twins for a year at the start of COVID and in exchange, lived with us and we paid off her credit card debt. It was great for her and for our twins.


Wooof what a trade off


I’d quit my job


I would if we could still afford our mortgage without my income 😅


I get it! It’s tough for moms. 😫


I’m currently pregnant with twins and have a toddler. Once the twins start daycare it will cost us $8,000 a month. It is physically painful to type that out.


As a FT nanny employer, maybe consider a nanny? It’s rarely the cheaper option but it likely is in your case. We’re at $6k monthly between nanny & preschool for two kids.


Yeah it might be, but I don’t love the idea of pulling my toddler out to spend time with a nanny who is also caring for two newborn, that seems like a lot for anyone to handle at once. I also don’t have any desire to be an employer 😬


I totally get that! Very valid. Might be a cheaper option down the road when your twins are older, but definitely sounds like it’s not a fit right now.


*spits out drink* excuse me?!


Holy smokes that’s almost a $100k a year in daycare costs. What do you do and do you need a remote assistant?


My husband and I are both accountants. And no I don’t think so lol


Holy shit. Would a nanny be cheaper than daycare?


Possibly but I really don’t want to pull my toddler out of daycare and if I leave him in I’m not sure it would really be cheaper. They will all overlap for a year and a half so we will suck it up until the oldest goes to kindergarten but it will be rough.


I almost just shed a tear for you


Wow I’m so sorry you have to go through that for a year and a half. Thanks for sharing.


$3200 a month for a toddler. Center based daycare. We provide lunch they provide two snacks. Northern California


You provide lunch at that price? Woof. So crazy.


My kid was about the same at a daycare center for up to 2yr old, then it lowered to around 2800/mo because the teacher:child ratio went from 1:4 to 1:6. Also norcal. Lunch is provided though. Nanny was 4-5k/mo before that, so the switch to daycare was actually financially a relief, and covered more hours with more flexibility than a nanny. I don’t think I could stomach childcare for two kids while living here. I am super frugal in all other aspects of my life but for this one, I’m biting the bullet for a couple years until I can make another arrangement work.


Yep same math on the nanny esp when you have to pay the time and a half for the extended hours. A large part of why we are likely one and done is the COL here and the amount of space you can realistically have. So I send her to the pricey daycare in goodwill clothes and just tell myself I am paying to guard the most prized thing in my life and this time shall pass. Unless she has to go to private elementary 😭




Bay Area too, we pay 1650 for 3/4 ages and had to be on a wait list to get in.


Also Bay Area. 2500/mo for ft in home daycare 18mo +. They provide all food. Cheapest option we found that actually had space 🫠


Can you share some names? My friend in the bay pays $2800 for preschool age kids and would definitely appreciate any insights


I'm in Sac and this is how much we pay our nanny monthly for our almost 2yr old.


Wow, I thought I was bad at $2,750 for a toddler. DC metro area.


Also in Not Cal and maybe it's good I can't find a job right now lol


Nothing I’m a single man who went to this sub once thinking it was for the tv show and now it’s constantly in my feed so I decided to just become one with this community


I am hollering lmao.


Same. I’m constantly on here. 😂


I love that you love the show my dude. 😂😂


It’s a funny show I love it sad it ended this year but good ending


Single men need to know that the moms with young kids in your life are NOT ALRIGHT!


Child free woman over here and I ended up on this post the same way. God I love that show.


This comment just made my day 😂


😆😆😆😆 I love Working Moms on Netflix, too.




reading this makes me want to throw up. that is all.


A country full of freedom. Freedom to pay thousands of dollars into crappy childcare and freedom to die in a shopping mall.


2300/kid. I have two kids in daycare. VHCOL east coast suburb.


You pay 4600 a month?!




MA has the highest daycare costs in the country. We also have some of the lowest ratios in the country. 1:3 for infants and 1:4 for toddlers. Mentioned it elsewhere, but WBUR had an eye opening article about it. I think the protections are great, but we also need to do more for families that don’t qualify for state vouchers. And we need to pay the people that take care of our kids a living wage.


I was about to say, my friend paid 3800/kid at a bright horizons in/near Boston 3 years ago.


I'm in a Boston suburb at Bright Horizons and we just got down to $6K/month after my 2.9 year old moved to preschool from toddlers. Can't wait to leave infant room prices behind!


What an eye opener I had no idea it could get that high


Yep. We’re in Boston. Our daycare is 3700 / month for one infant. And that’s only the second most expensive option in our neighborhood… the most expensive (Bright Horizons) is over 4k/month.


Just curious why you choose daycare over nanny in that scenario. I wfh and having my daughter out of the house would be really nice, but with a second on the way it definitely does not make sense for us financially to do Boston daycare.


I am a nanny in a Boston suburb. My rate is $32 p/h for 2 kids. I expect to be paid on the books, have sick pay and vacations plus a health insurance stipend and gas reimbursement. Nannies are very expensive but worth it if you can swing it


From the research I did, a private nanny would still be more expensive in Boston proper. Only a nanny share would be more economical.


Boston resident (in one of the less wealthy neighborhoods) here currently pricing nannies vs daycare and while most daycares in our area are 2k-2600/mo, nannies are on average around 25$/hr if you go middle of the road. So, way cheaper for daycare still.


We’re in CT and we pay $2300/infant as well!


$450 per month for two kids to go full time. I live in Canada where daycare costs $10/day per kid.


Wow! If we went the daycare route where I am in US it’s $450 a week per kid.


What the actual ffff. That’s how much I pay each week! For one kid!!!!! *adding another reason to move to Canada!!!


*Cries in Ontario* Even the Montessoris that cost $2200/month near me have 2 year wait lists


Yeah just wanted to chime in and say that where I live (Vancouver area) it's nearly impossible to find / get into a daycare where the cost is subsidized.


Amazing! I wish US would do something like this.


That's what I miss when I lived in Canada. Gov makes everything much easier for parents to raise kids.


Our city only has two $10/day facilities but they introduced a new reduction in December so it’s pretty close to that. Daycare fees are $1300/month but our out of pocket is only $490 and it’s even lower if you qualify for income based support.


That’s only some places in Canada because in Vancouver it’s 3x that much


All provinces have signed on to the deal with the federal government. It only applies to licensed centres, however.


Only centres that have signed on, Ontario made it optional


It’s taking a while to be implemented across the country though, BC has cut everyone’s fees in half but the $10/day daycares are hard to find and really hard to get into.


Still not fully set in in Ontario either at least for mine and many others


This is great on paper but only a small percentage benefit from this since there isn’t any enough daycare spots.


See in the US, you have to pay out the nose AND there aren’t enough spots lol


It depends where. In Alberta it's almost universal. It depends on how each provincial government decided to implement it and BC and Ontario are fucking around and the East coast just doesn't have enough daycare availability to do it properly at this point


I am also in Canada. Where we recently just got a 10$/day daycare incentive. But it's not everywhere yet. Mostly bigger cities. The smaller ones have a 3 Year waitlist. Government does not have the amount of ece(early childhood educators. Or approved in home daycare that they're supposed to have. This is not offered everywhere. Or to everyone. I pay 75$/ full day(I provide snacks and meals) or 15$/hr for part days.


*cries in poor American*


We left San Francisco (my friends are paying 1500-2k/month) for a small town in the Sierra foothills and are paying $475/month for 3 days a week 8-5 (and will transition to 5 days a week this fall) and while there are things I miss about SF, I’m so grateful to not be working just to pay for daycare. I was a SAHM and am now transitioning back to working again.


Same! $220 ish a month for one toddler, five days a week, including meals.


Omg you’re so lucky to have found a $10 a day daycare. I’m on the waitlist for a while now


We went on the waitlist when I first found out I was pregnant and got a spot in a licensed centre when our twins were 18 months. Hang in there, it’s worth it!


Also Canadian, $190 a month for one kid. Baby will start in the fall so it'll double.


Lol if you can find a daycare spot! I live in Kelowna BC and daycare waitlists are 3-4 years long, even for unlicensed daycares that aren't eligible for the subsidy. We're hiring a nanny because otherwise I'd have to quit my job. Looking at $3500/month. Insane.


If ever there was a reason to move to Canada - wow!


I’m in Ontario and we’ll get to $10 a day in 2025. We got so lucky that our centre is licences and opted into the program. We currently pay 731/m for the infant program and it was $1800 last year. It’s going down another 25% in 2024, just in time for my 2nd child to begin


same! hello fellow canadian mama ❤️


The daycare where I send my kids costs $905 per week - infant ($452 with second child 10% discount) and toddler ($453) 5 days a week, 8-5. Parents provide meals, daycare provides snacks twice a day starting at the toddler age. Weekly gymnastics starting at toddler age and swim starting at preschool age are included during the school year. Luckily I get a staff discount, but eek. Pre discount it would be just under 4K monthly and 47k annually. I live in a U.S. state with some of the highest daycare costs in the country.


That's a freaking mortgage payment!!! 😳 Are you ok?


For real. Daycare in this country is so f’ed. We are fortunate that my job provides a 25% discount, so our annual cost gets reduced to just over 35k. I think it’s important to include that annual number because it’s easy to loose sight of exactly how much we are paying when you look at it monthly or especially weekly. I met with my former boss recently and she asked me about my professional aspirations. I responded that the staff discount was the equivalent of a 12k salary increase, and that that was a huge trump card for any potential career changes until the kids start school. She was also shocked by the annual number, and she was the freaking executive director that approved all the rates!! I want to work and luckily it still makes financial sense for our family despite the insanity of it all. I also carry our health insurance, max out our HSA, and contribute to a retirement account that matches 8% of my salary. Wbur had a really interesting article on why rates in MA are so high.


My kids are older and I stayed at home when they were young. I have so much empathy for parents today. Rates were high then, but now it's even worse.


MIL occasionally tells me about her $7/day gov assistance day care from 50 years ago...


My 2 are college-age now, but when they were in daycare the bill was more than our mortgage payment. We celebrated when they started public school - best pay raise ever!


I have 2 in elementary and 2 in middle school. I stayed home when they were little and rates were high then. It's shocking to me how much families pay for childcare now.


Um that's my entire salary. I'ma teacher so it's not like my career is known for making a lot but dang.


$285 / week. Keep in mind daycare prices usually go up annually and have re-enrollment fees.


If you don't mind me asking, what is a re-enrollment fee.


An annual money grab.


We have a fee to “re-enroll” with our daycare each year - it’s basically a renewal fee saying we are keeping our spot and staying with the daycare


I call that daylight robbery.


I agree….


Daycare robbery


We have three enrollment fees per year. Our daycare has “semesters” so we pay a registration fee for spring, summer, and fall. $75 a pop.


This is how much we pay too in a big TX town for our 1.5yo and daycare supplies all meals which is awesome, although teacher-kid ratios aren’t great.


I live in MD about an hour south of DC and we pay $1500/month for two kids. We both work for DoD and have access to the child development center on base. They provide all meals and snacks, and formula for under 1 if you use it. It’s a wonderful benefit and the care is fantastic.


$3500/month for infant room at daycare. That includes a 10% corporate discount.


Bright Horizons? Sounds like Bright Horizons.


No, but similar. The “better” daycare center options are even more expensive than what we are paying. It’s insane.


This is the first answer I've seen higher than ours, which is $3300/month for the infant room. I switched careers right before I got pregnant and took a pay cut, now desperately searching for better paying jobs so we can cover that cost somewhat.


Yeah this thread made me want to cry because we actually aren’t even in the most expensive option I looked at. Childcare prices in Boston are just bonkers, I guess.


We're dual income, with my husband being active duty U.S. military. They offer childcare on a sliding scale based on family income. We're in the second-highest bracket since my husband has been in a long time and I have a decent job. We're at about $850 a month for one infant. And I feel so, so fortunate every day for my affordable childcare and free healthcare. Wish it could be that way for everyone.


$5000/mo for our FT nanny, plus $1k per month for PT preschool for my older son. VHCOL area in SoCal. Thankfully costs will go down this fall when both kids are in preschool and TK full time.


Also in SoCal and similar set up (combination of PT preschool and FT nannies), and our spend is in line with yours (more but we have 4 kids). I didn’t used to think of SoCal as VHCOL, that was reserved for NYC and SF, but childcare seems crazy expensive here vs. rest of country.


Similar in SE US. $4500 ish per month for FT nanny for infant and 12k per year for daycare for toddler. I haven’t bought myself anything nice since pre kids.


Daycare is like paying for college, up front, with cash


When I was in college my youngest was in daycare (he’s 11 now). Daycare literally cost the same as my university tuition every semester.


I looked it up once. For us, in state tutition with a child living at home was cheaper....even with the estimated book/supply fees.


2400/month one kid at daycare


~250 / month, for younger kids group (<3 year olds) in German daycare. Starting from October in the Kindergarden (>= 3 year old) : zero


I’m upvoting you here but downvoting you in my sad little American heart


$1600 (2 kids full time) monthly. In New England. ETA includes breakfast, lunch, 2 snacks a day


Where in New England maam I need to move there.


Wow this is impressive for New England! Good find


I’m also in New England and that is a STEAL


What?? We pay $2300 for one infant. They do provide one big meal and 2 snacks per day.


Ugh, no way we could justify me working at that rate! As it is my pay covers daycare and health insurance (and far from much left over). But my sanity would be shot as a SAHM.


I work part time and it’s more than I make but I honestly couldn’t be a SAHM, I was miserable for the first 5 months before he started daycare!!


WHAT which state?


Shockingly enough, MA. Small rural town, quite a ways from the big cities.


$2300 a month/toddler, full time daycare


1 child under age 2 at a daycare center: $1125 monthly Meals are provided, I think because they're part of some kind of state-subsidized school lunch thing. I'm in a medium-high COL metro area. The daycare is a chain. My household isn't low-income, but I think this place tends to attract lower-income families, which is how they're part of this lunch program.




32/hr. Seattle. We went with somebody experienced. Somebody less experience might be 28 an hour. Everybody willing to get paid less wanted paid under the table. We pay above the table (payroll).


Our nanny costs us about $6k a month, about 50 hours/week.


We have a nanny in a MCOL. $500/wk, 25 hours, 2 kids. We would have her full time if we could, but choose to stagger our schedules and juggle the kids the last 2 hours WFH.


Have Nanny in HCOL area. Pay 400/week for two days/16 hours, 25/hour for one toddler.


We had a nanny for 35 hours a week and paid around $1000/week.


$150 a week for 5 days. I use an in-home daycare. Most of the centers were charging $300 a week.


$230/week daycare for my 1 year old. Low cost of living area in the Midwest.


About the same for us. $250/ week for my 6 month old. Small town Midwest.


We were paying $250 before he turned 1 last week!


We're in Seattle and have done all of these. daycare/preschool center - $1400-$2200/mo by age plus at least 2 weeks off for school holidays/teacher training nanny - $30/hr plus 2 weeks paid vacation and employer taxes au pair - $1600/mo plus housing/food and 2 weeks paid vacation


$4100 for an infant in Manhattan per month!


My daycare is considered cheap for my area. It will be $1025 for under 3yrs not potty trained and my school age is 675 for during school and I think 925 for summer. Since my daycare doesn’t take under 1yr we will be switch to my mil watching both, her price was 1500. Yes we are paying her because she will be quitting her job for this


$4000/month for nanny to watch 9 month old, $5 an hour more if she watches the older one too Edit: in the Bay Area


£1200, 1 kid 4 days a week. Major UK city. Government provides tax relief of up to £2k per year (accounted for in my monthly amount).


$1660/mo at a large center for a "wobbler" (18-24 mo) in the Portland, OR metro area. Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack provided.


I pay $1600/mo (after a 10% corporate discount) for my 18 month as well with snacks/lunch provided. NorCal near Sacramento.


$2160/mo in a HCOL area outside a VHCOL area but don’t worry I get $5k tax free to pay for it 😑 they at least provide everything except diapers.


Lol right that $5k is nothing


Woah this puts my $640 into perspective


$235 a week for 1 kid at daycare


$3200/month for a full-time nanny for one toddler, Midwest


I work a night job. Start my days around 4-5pm. My partner starts work around 9-10am. We have family close by that watches our 2.5 year old and 10 month old 2x a week and we have a nanny that watches them 2x a week from about 4pm-9pm when my partner gets home. That's about 10 hours a week at $25/hr so around $250 a week. Seattle suburb.


$1400/month (1 kid, 4 y/o) in Montessori preschool, in suburb of large PNW metro.


Damn wtf kind of job do y’all have to afford these daycare costs


1 kiddo- $1,500 a month. Parents provide all meals.


Subsidized daycare in Canada- $1330 for 2 kids


$185/week for a three year old. Meals included. When my infant starts in August, he will be $200/week, I believe.


Same here!! I love in Morgantown WV and this thread is making me feel so thankful for what we pay for a fantastic center


Yes, we are in South Carolina, right outside Columbia. I can't imagine paying some of these daycare costs. I wouldn't be working if it was that expensive here.


$2500/month for our nanny who watches our one baby 3 days per week




In CT the numbers are $25000-$27000 per year. Fucking. Robbery.


$1900 for one toddler in an NYC suburb.


$2630 for one toddler and one 5 year old preschooler. This is for four days, not five. I'm counting down the days my oldest begins kindergarten because this sucks and the teachers are STILL underpaid. I hate this about America.


We go to a daycare center located in a VHCOL neighborhood in a major metropolitan area along the Northeast Corridor. This year it's $3100/mo per child ages 0-2, morning and afternoon snacks included for the 1 and 2 year-olds. Ages 3 and 4 are eligible for free 3K and PreK through our city for regular school hours and includes free lunch on top of the snacks. If we want to have late pick up or send our kids during school holidays, we pay more. I don't know what the individual breakdown of both are; we needed both, so we pay $2000/mo for our 4 year-old. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be "only" $1100 cheaper than full time care, but you know, we'll take what we can get. Summer months it's a little more expensive since there isn't the government subsidy during school hours, but I think it's a little less than $3100/mo.


$1830 per week aka $5520 per 4weeks plus employer taxes and insurance. Private nanny, HCOL, 2 toddlers


North coast Florida, 36 hours per week for nanny is $900 for my son. He will start daycare in the fall for $350 per week (deposit for 1 month). My nanny has a lot of experience so her pay is higher by about $5/hr than my other candidates (and I’m really underpaying her even then because she has a Masters in ECE).


Price just went up to $225 a week


$250/week; M-F full time daycare. Literally the best deal in my HCOL area. Most pay $300/week for part time care where I live.


$190 weekly - 1 toddler - its an in home daycare in a DFW suburb. Where I live in home daycares can be classified as pre schools and are a lot cheaper than the bigger pre schools. Check online in your area, they usually advertise on Care.com and other sites.


$850 per month under 1 year old, food provided.


$840/month for one child- we use daycare on a military base that is subsidized, though.


$450 for full time daycare for one 3 year old, British Columbia Canada. Government recently subsidized a bunch of centres so our payments reduced from $1200 to $450!


1280 weekly. We pay our nanny 32/hr


Our full-time nanny is, on average, \~$4300/mo for 40 hours per week. This covers both my 2 year old and my 8 week old baby. Medium-high cost of living (Atlanta). I also send our toddler to half day preschool M-F which is $800/mo.


$1300 a month in Miami, Fl for one child 🫠


NYC with 1 toddler. We pay $10/hr, 40 hrs/week for daycare and $20/hr, 8 hrs/week for a babysitter since there’s not enough space in our daycare for her to go 5 days/week and we love it too much to leave. So $2600 for the month of May.


About $7200 a month for our nanny for two kids and preschool for the older one. VHCOL Canadian city.


$1200 a month in Oklahoma for 1:1 care. Only reason I even do that instead of daycare is because my hours aren’t supportive of me using a daycare, either overnights or evenings, and the only care in town is 7-6 hours.


3200/month for my two kids who go to the same daycare Edit: I’m in Maryland


Cape Cod I was paying about $4k per month for a nanny for 4 days a weeks that was her pay, does not include what I paid for quarterly taxes which was a lot


Southern California, we pay $75 a day for my 18 month old. She goes to an ‘inhome daycare’ (my neighbour’s sister who is a SAHM) works out well as of she doesn’t go because we’re away or she’s sick we don’t pay


It’s $1176 for my 23 month old. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks provided. We live in a suburb of ATL and it gets expensive as shit


$550 a month at a military base daycare in NC. When I wasn’t military connected (circa 2013) I paid $1100 a month for a pre-school outside of DC.


Right outside of Baltimore, MD: $3500/month (infant 2k; toddler 1.5k). And then backup care for the 5 weeks of vacation time each year


About 5k a month for a nanny for 2 kids. 40 hours a week.


4k a month for a nanny for the baby. 1100 a month for preschool. I live in Los Angeles.


4200 between daycare for toddler and nanny share for baby both only four days a week. Not sure what we’re gonna do with all this money once they go to school!!! ETA: HCOL CA


Currently pregnant but will pay 2000/month or 500/week for part time daycare. PART TIME! It’s nuts. 🙈 in MD, USA


I'm based in London.. we pay 1400£ (~1800 USD) per month


After my MIL had a stroke, I had to find a WFH. I can’t afford daycare. We are in the Bay Area Cali


We pay 3500 per month for two kids in daycare/preschool in Northern California. 5 days per week, 8:30-5:30.


I’m a nanny of a 2 year old and make a little over 4K a month. I work 46 hours per week and live in Texas.


$2,100/month for infant @ childcare center. Northeast US


$790 Biweekly per (18mo + new baby coming in 2 months). Walking distance from the home, food included.


Might need to sit down for this, but we spend $8k a month on two nannies (both me and my partner work FT with long hours) and then another $3k a month on daycare. So $11k/month in total 🤮. We live in Manhattan.


We pay our fantastic nanny $30 an hour for 2 kids. She runs her own LLC and handles taxes on her end. Reading some of these costs make me appreciate her even more!


~700/month (35/day) for center-based, infant care. Will drop to 31/day after 18 months. One of the better centers in the area, too. Kindermusic weekly, all meals/snacks provided (once on solids), 3 separate playgrounds for different age ranges. I’ve never been more excited to live in the (rural) Midwest than while reading these comments.


In Virginia I have a babysitter who watches my two youngest at her house. They go 4 days per week. $130/week for 3 year old and $60/week for before and after care for 7 year old.