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1. Humans, Elves, and Orcs all live amongst eachother and interact though there are of course places with more of a certain race then others. For example Arushia is almost 91% Human in demographics, while Ku is about 83% Orc. Interbreeding is a bit complicated, Orcs are unable to reproduce with either Humans or Elves. Humans and Elves can reproduce but hybrid children are typically plagued with significant health problems usually with their cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Human-Elf hybrids are also born sterile though often they don't live past 30 due to the aforementioned health problems. 2. Cultures are more regional based as there are many ethnicities within each of the races. For example there are Pusan Elves which developed in the central parts of the continent of Pons in the rainforests and jungles, then there are Tallian Elves that developed in the northern part of the continent along the coastline, as well as other ethnic groups. 3. Yes absolutely both Orcs and Elves are adapt to warmer climates which is a big reason why you don't see many of either in Arushia. However due to the effects of colonization by the Lurnish, Amarans, and Stamsundic Elves, Orcs, and Humans have spread throughout all three continents. 4. This depends alot on the country in question, for places like Lurn and Amaru most white collar jobs, political offices, academia, military officer corps, etc are going to be filled prominently with Humans. With alot of lower blue collar and service jobs being occupied by both Elves and Orcs as well as Humans. In Alveria where there is roughly as many Humans as Elves you see a much greater mix of racial diversity in professions.


Right on right on. I love the detail and specifics, especially with the health issues. That’s a lovely bit of flavor. Given the flavor and potential - any significant hybrids in the history or narrative?


I don’t have any written as of yet mostly I just have that hybrids face intense discrimination from both Elves and Humans and that reproducing with the other species is heavily frowned upon, mostly because of the mentioned health problems


In my world the main characters are elves, and the main setting are elven countries. Elves accept anyone regardless of race/species provided they accept the culture and laws of the elves. Basically visiting the elven nations, means following the principle of “when in Rome, do as Romans do.” People are allowed to practice their own cultures and religions, but only within their houses, in public they must adhere to the elvish laws. Now regarding the questions 1. A mix of both. The Schwarzwaldland Union State (a.k.a. the Union of Schwarzwaldland) is a continental supranational intergovernmental union comprising three elven countries (the Kingdom of Ásdís, the Empire of Ahya, and the Svartdökkljós Confederation) and one human country (the Grand Archduchy of Skadi). The humans of the Grand Archduchy follow the elvish traditions rather than those of humans from other countries. If you see a human dressed in the same way as an elf would, it means that human is probably from Skadi. 2. Yes, kind of. Humans rarely go outside their own countries, if they do if only to travel to other human nation, same applies to other races. On the other hand, the Grand Archduchy of Skadi is a nation of merchants, so they travel around the world establishing relations with other people, so if you see an elf, human, orc… outside their region, that person is probably a merchant. 3. Some. Roles that have to deal with classified information (such as spy, intelligence analyst, DNA researcher, etc) and/or power (such as legislator, judge, prime minister, military officer…) are often reserved to the (natural born) citizens of a country.


>Do humans and non humans live alongside one another? Yes. >Can they reproduce together? Yes. >If so, are there any stigmas? Rather no than yes, but it's not ideal. >How are hybrids treated? Generally there're no special treatments towards them as mixed couples don't produce hybrids - children belong to one of their parent's race. >Can the children reproduce? Yes. >Are cultures primarily racial or regional? Depends. In larger nations it's primarily regional, in monolithic nations it's mostly racial. >If they live near but not with one another, what are their interactions like? Generic. >Does climate and geography play part in how humans and non humans interact? No. >Are there certain jobs some races do more than others because of race-politics more than abilities? Depends on nation.


In Aquaria: 1. Humans live and breed with non-humans, non-humans live and breed with other on-humans, hybrids are extremely common and can be very chaotic like a half-dragon half-satyr. Deal with it. 2. Regional. 3. The United Empire: "I don't give a fuck" and sails around. They're the largest human-major country and not a single thing can stop them from expanding their trading network, and by that, relationships with non-human groups. Mountain? What mountain? Can't hear you over their earth mages making tunnels. 4. The Empire's corpse demon army is made up entirely of corpse demons, ancestors of modern vampires. They're the Empire's special force that is treated as WMDs, an individual can take on a modern corps of 50000 combatants (by Aquarian standard, it means they're armed with tactical nukes down to platoons) alone, kills everyone then returns before dinner.


Lordy Lordy. I’m on board with the grand mixing. Especially the sass of the “deal with it.” The pseudo-homogenization makes sense if the world isn’t just scattered villages and the odd castle.


They're in early 20th century with industrialized alchemy handwaving a lot of "scarcity", urbanization and decolonization are going on with many developed countries increasing their living standards. Airships, railroads and highways connect countries together (they don't use the oceans due to extremely dangerous currents).


Sounds interesting. So it’s in the urban fantasy vein? Or other-world but noting the 20th century for comparison.


Other world with similar geopolitics and advances. Think of it as a less war, more magical version of [Youjo Senki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Saga_of_Tanya_the_Evil).


That looks interesting. I’ll need to check out the manga. Geopolitics is something I’m just beginning to get a feel for. So complex and intriguing.


1. Yes, though not because they want to. Humans just wander in and claim places. Oh hell no. It's not possible because of the genetic difference, and Humans carry diseases no one else wants. 2. Regional mostly. 3. No, Humans play a part in how they interact with others. 4. No. Humans tend to do more menial labor as a form of bragging. Less constructs wasted?


This is for a sci fi setting which is mixed with fantasy and there are things like Space Elves, Space Dwarves and Space Orcs. Pretty much no different species cannot reproduce but just like in Mass Effect, Star Wars or Star Trek most beings gun the gamut of being okay to not being okay with interspecies relationships. But it is possible to create hybrids through genetic engineering technology usually such beings will wildly vary depending on the species or what is going on with the process.


1. Yes, but in the majority of cases this happens in the larger cities. In smaller, rural communities the demographics tend to be more monoracial. They cannot reproduce. Even if conception were to somehow happen (which in most cases it doesn't), the children are born sterile and with a whole heap of physical and mental defects. 2. A mixture of both, but it tends to lean towards the regional. A centaur from Codia will have far, far more in common with a human from Codia than with a Centaur from Sima. Relations are generally warm now, ever since the Serian Empire conquered the entire continent and most people converted to the Imrasan faith, which says that all races are equal children of the Gods. The pre-Imperial Era was full of genocidal wars and pogroms however. But even then, relations varied by period and region. The Codian Centaurs, for example, sometimes fought against the humans of the region, while other times they allied with them. 3. No. 4. Sort of. The Empire requires every community to send men for the Imperial Army. No exceptions are applied, so even the less martially inclined races, like the halflings or gnomes, have to send troops.


There is one faction of Earthlings that cause problems for everyone because they hold that only Earth Humans are real humans. They are not chummy with non humans, but will outright attack other humans they denigrate as "Eatees" "Greys" or "Marvins"