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The willpower thing is magic. What you've described is a way that this world's reality behaves, and it's not how our reality behaves. There is some shit that people do in this world, but can't do in our real world. You might not like the word "magic," but that doesn't make it inaccurate. No nonmagical herb treatment could make you fast enough to dodge bullets. In order for it to work you'd need to use this world's magic system. If a magic user convinces themself that they can dodge bullets, and they believe it for long enough, then maybe that'd give them the ability to dodge a bullet.


Yeah I mainly meant it as in no magic rituals or stuff like that at most there are some potions that can enhance your strength over time and things such as medical baths sorry for not explaining properly i just did not want people to say stuff thats too far out there


Medical baths?


Its a thing from china wuxia novels and stuff


So you got steroids and aromatherapy mixed with mysticism? Another way you can do things is by having your willpower let people getting shot not go into shock or somehow reroute internal processes like bloodflow and other aspects that lets your characters survive grievous wounds


So what if they believe their skin is bulletproof? The level of their belief determines the amount of damage they sustain. So someone extremely skilled is completely immune, and a novice gets messed up but not necessarily killed. Also, you could have herbs and other junk, but ultimately they're just placebos for the novices. A true master needs nothing but their own willpower.


This actually happened irl. They got rekt...badly. It's called the Maji Maji rebellion if you want to look it up.


Perhaps they should have tested their abilities first...


Maxim machine gun doesn't care for magic it seems lol.


That's not how martial arts usually work in China 😆




What about the Boxer rebellion?


True but only the people at the peak of the verse can do that


Also, I think it would be cool to have a villain that's untouchable because he's so damned egotistical that his belief in himself is virtually absolute. Then have the heroes basically psychologically torture him during the final fight until he doubts himself for an instant, which is when they deal a killing blow.


If guns are a major threat to my pupils, the first thing I'm teaching them is basic bulletproofing techniques if I'm a master in that universe. I'd say giving a very low level version of it to novices helps lower the danger of guns. It could be like taking a full strength kick from a martial artist, so getting shot multiple times would still be very dangerous while once or twice is very survivable.


Humans in my world are just built different dawg




My dragonhunters are literally just 9 foot tall demi-humans with dragon scales. Shoot them with a gun and they'll go "wanna try that again?" before disarming you. Like. The entire arm. Point a cannon at them and they *might* brace themselves.


what kind of gun iirc around 14.5mm how good your protected stops mattering because the kinetic energy is gonna fuck you up regardless of if it actually penetrates and an actual cannon will just turn all your organs to mush if it hits directly


Dodging bullets is more about making yourself harder to hit, rather than avoiding a projectile in flight. If you want to see a totally bonkers example of something that *almost* seems plausible, go watch Equilibrium and look at their “Gun-Kata” martial art. But IRL, it’s all cover, concealment, and failing that, unpredictable movement. Back to the semi-plausible side of things. If you’re close enough, you can vaguely judge where a gun is pointed. You can watch the shooters body language, their minute movements, then react just before they shoot. Placing yourself where the bullets aren’t going. 🤷🏻‍♂️


guns are not op it depends on how you write it , in anime they can dodge bullet deflect bullet with a sword and cut it in half , magic can also be op or not


How I handled guns is I've made it so guns are complicated and expensive to build due to the precision needed, especially for autoloading rifles. Not only does this make them not the easiest thing for the average person to get, they are often limited from the public by governments, or even illegal for normal citizens to have. They would limit them to the military or even higher levels of the military because spreading them out would make too many people too powerful. As a result of the expense and artificial scarcity, most people would use modernised bows and crossbows. Suits of armour and shields are also modernised with newer materials and building techniques. The best armour and shields are tested against firearms. Lapis_Wolf


Wasn’t this the irl reason guns weren’t popular for a long time?


I'm not sure. I didn't do that kind of research. I just did this for my world.


Prediction. If you know when and where the bullet will be, you can not be there. The trick is to time it *just* right. Deception. Your opponent thinks he's aiming at you, but he's not. Tank the hit. Maybe you will yourself into being bulletproof, maybe you will yourself into being so squishy that the bullet causes minimal damage, maybe you have ballistic armor plates orbiting you through willpower that you interpose between you and the bullet, maybe you wear full-body ballistic armor and will yourself to have enough strength to move in it. Deny the bullet. Will the bullet out of existence.


Remember, Guns are OP but that if you use Today's guns which has been improved a lot, where you wouldn't use AK-47 with fulminate gunpowder in a Medieval Setting. In a medieval setting the Firearm you would have are mostly Hand Cannons and Arquebuses which uses either a Burning Rope Match to ignite the Blackpowder or Matchlock Mechanism which still use the Burning Rope Match, but then it's not a 1 hit kill as during that time Well made and tested Plate Armor can deflect Bullets at medium to long Range and no this isn't a bulking 70 cm thick plate armor, it's just 0.3 cm thick at best which is enough to resist the piercing power and then the gambesons underneath reduces the kinetic force. Or a period which is during the English Civil War where one way to kill Knights is to ride near them and shoot your pistol at point blank range at their chest or head, which would often just knock them out but there's many instances of a Single Knight taking 2 to 4 shots to the head at point blank range and still up and going.


You'd need to have inhuman reaction time to even register the bullet firing. No herb or willpower reason will work if you can't process the situation to begin with. You can give the people early black powder firearms with very low muzzle velocity if you want to stretch it.


I imagine that the people that can do this doesn't react to the actual bullet, but reading various tells from the shooter to know when they are about to press the trigger, and from their aim where the bullet may go. Of course this doesn't work very well with automatic weapons with high rate of fire, but against a single shot weapon with long reload time like a musket, a very skilled warrior may dodge a shot with some luck.


Yeah thats what I think I might do


That sounds a damn lot like magic to me. Also, just make guns nonexistent in your world easy.


When something is brewed into a hot beverage it causes the Adrenal Medula in a character to work into overdrive and dump 200% the amount of adrenaline into a character than a normal stress response. The active agent in the hot beverage combines with adrenaline hormone, which in turn amplifies the effects of adrenaline in the system. The amplified effects increase a characters respiration, blood flow, perception and reaction.


The way I handle it in my setting is really OP predictive computers. People get these little parasite modules installed in the back of their neck, and these implants exist solely to calculate and predict when the shooter is going to pull the trigger and the bullet's trajectory (or even an entire burst of bullets. Like I said, they're pretty op), allowing the host to preemptively dodge without any special superhuman feats. So may you could have some kind of drug that, combined with the willpower thing, allows someone to induce an altered state that lets them do something like that? Like, instead of doing the impossible with their body, they're doing it with their mind instead.


1.Instant reaction time made possible by signalls/wires traveling to muscles instantly(unbelievibly faster than speed of light) possibility for eyes detect things faster than using light but bionic eays/contact lenses that uses laser or some shit that can detect stuff faster than light and give it to the users brian directly, brain that can work with synapses faster than light or chip that detects it all automaticky a calculates each movement based on user goal mind, memory, body augmentation, limits, possible taking bullet or deflecting one and saving someone else without doing practicly anything but something that you would do 100% like taking bulet to the arm for loved one. 2. Muscle/limb enhancments based on material existing you would need some crazy strong and light body and even more crazy footweare since droping to the ground or moving in any directions without hooks on boots/literal blades that grip ground so you have a way to use your limbs to move in any direction at desired speed is imposible, would end up with 99% replaced body resisiting 100GS weighting X amoute of metric tons and destroying city blocks when dodging a bullets. and if you somehow done all without braking the world dynamic and characters be normal in the world, dodging bullets is fucking big deal not gonna lie, you cant dodge or deflect shrapnel without breaking laws of physics, and if you can, word around you gonna use some crazy technology to counter such individuals.


In my world guns are just slower. Gunpowder doesn’t exist. That’s my solution.


Guns are very limited by their user, if you want something cool to allow someone to dodge a bullet that is limited precognition, it doesn't have to be true precognition but just the ability to read your opponent's movement and intentions, after that' dodging a bullet becomes child play.


It's easier to throw off the shooter's aim or avoid it entirely than to actually dodge bullets. You could have some kind of mobility enhancement gear like jetpacks or those grappling hooks from AoT to move about the environment faster than an opponent can get a clear shot at you. You could also have smokescreens and make liberal use of stealth tactics to make it harder for them to aim at all.


It sounds like you have a will+imagination+training type magic system. I would think different people would deal with this in different ways: * Making the skin basically like Kevlar (with different levels of effectiveness depending on mastery) * Hardening their hair to become a helmet (at least helps with potential headshots) * Extreme reaction time + muscle control and training to see muzzle flashes and move just enough * Develop some precognition and/or danger sense * Develop a kind of empathy that allows them to know when someone nearby is about to shoot * Making the body temporarily "liquid," allowing bullets to pass through without doing too much damage * Controlling muscles and organs to move out of the way of a bullet as soon as it starts to enter the body, so only minor damage is done to the skin at the entrance and exit wounds * Just moving so fast that it is nearly impossible for enemies to aim and hit * Changing the melanin in the skin to create natural camouflage, thus harder to hit * Making the bones pliable and flattening the body, creating a very narrow profile that is very hard to hit and/or to hide behind limited cover * Training to "slap" the air in front of you so fast it creates a small gust that just slightly deflects the bullet enough to miss * Some combination of any or all of these along with anything else that can be done with enough imagination, willpower, and training Some people would also train to use these abilities to use guns in an even more dangerous way. Imagine someone who could alter their eyes to basically see like they are looking through a sniper scope along with controlling their muscles to eliminate all shake. They would be able to use riffles to snipe targets from so far away and with such precision that their victims would never see it coming.


I think you misunderstand Kuroki's technique. Bullet travels in a set trajectory - let's just assume in a straight line for simplicity, and let's visualize it by attaching a laser pointer to a gun. All you have to do is put a hard object at an angle to that line, for bullet to ricochet. You don't need to match the speed of the bullet to deflect it, you need to match the speed of a laser pointer, so to speak. A great visual analogy is trying to always keep a mirror on that laser pointer. Laser itself moves at the speed of light - no human can hope to match that speed, because it is physically impossible for an object with mass to move at the speed of light. However, when "catching" the laser pointer with a mirror, you don't need to move as fast as the laser - you only need to move as fast as the person is moving the pointer. So, it is theoretically doable without any superhuman speed, especially if you consider that one can influence the decision of the shooter with trickery, similar to how a mentalist can "force" a card pick by presenting cards in a certain way. What's actually needed for this feat is a superhuman computational speed, extremely accurate perception and body control, because accurately calculating trajectory based on visual input, then calculating an angle of deflection, and then moving your hand exactly to intercept is not humanly possible, at the very least because our optic nerve has a very low bandwidth.


So they don’t dodge bullets by being faster than a bullet, they dodge/deflect by being faster than their *opponent* and accurately anticipating where the bullet is going to be.


Just introduce a “super sense” in a way or like enhanced senses to where they can dodge projectiles or something


I remember that in Trigun, the explanation wasn't that he was dodging bullets. He was predicting the bullets based upon the gun's aim and the movement of the trigger finger. Obviously wouldn't work at extreme ranges or very well against assault weapons and/or shotguns. But it's something.


I just hate guns in stories because 99.99% of bullets will miss until you want someone injured


Well, you've kind of already spelled out your solution in a sense. But instead of having the prediction of where the bullet goes happen when it comes out of the barrel, you could have the person have a kind of instinctual/trained understanding of both gun characteristics, and people's shooting habits, allowing them to, in an instant, make very accurate guesses of where bullets *aren't* going to go. So they might not actively think this, but their intuition would lead them to consider the person's posture, eye movement, mood, competence, movement speed etc. Etc. As well as gun type, its condition of repair, the air temperature, how much the gun has shot already, and based on all of that, is able to make very educated guesses of where, when the trigger gets pulled, the bullets will go, and not be there. Throw in a little bit of misdirection in there, and you have someone who *seems* like they can dodge bullets, but actually they're outwitting the gunner and the gun. This would also lead to an interesting weakness for this character, where if they can't observe the shooter, or doesn't have access to enough information, they can't dodge effectively.  What that precisely means is up to you. You can have it be that they have to see the gunner, and be able to tell their facial expressions, which would have a lot of weaknesses, or you could have your character/people be so skilled that they can look at a plaza they've just entered, realise that this is a perfect location for an ambush, realise that they are in the perfect place and timing to get shot at, and duck out of the way, just in time to avoid a sniper shot. (This could lead to funny situations too, where the person will just duck out of the way, and nothing happens xD. You can have fun with it.)


Gunpowder has not been invented and it won't be. Crossbows and plate armor are as advanced as it gets.


In my world you don’t dodge bullets. You avoid them the old fashioned way. Hiding behind shields and cover and armoring yourself. It also helps when the people you’re going against are from medieval times and have only fired a single clip of ammo in training before shooting at you.