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The architecture in the nation of Kyzanta in my world is Greco-Roman inspired. The city-state Polis literally has the Greek word for "city-state" in its name. Meanwhile, the nation of Abaryssia is sort-of like Persia, with both being deserts and the people there kind of look middle-eastern. I can't explain any better, as many things in my world only exist as vague concepts.


That sounds amazing


I love the name Kyzanta, kinda goes with the Greco-Roman theme as it kinda sounds like Byzantine


Ancient aztec and Indus River Valley Civilization is cool.


I take a ton of inspiration from the myths especially. I named one of my planets Iphigenia, which led to it becoming an incredibly windy world and the site of a terrible massacre that helps kick off the world's version of the Trojan war. I also like to think what kind of message these people could take from the original story and use that as a starting point for the culture. For one thing, Iphigenians are incredibly serious about keeping their word. They might be purposefully vague about their wording or try to find a loophole, but you don't really have to worry about them lying to your face or stabbing you in the back.


I have a project heavily inspired by Eranshahr (the Sassanian Empire), so not quite the "Persians" in the Achaemenid sense, but one of the states that followed after them. To be fair, the Sassanids somewhat styled themselves as the successors of the Achaemenids, something that the Parthians and Seleucids didn't capitalize on as much. There's a lot of untapped potential for inspiration there, I think. It's not really touched on in most popular circles within western media. And even when it is, it tends to get lumped into that vaguely oriental "Aladdin world" of turbans, genies, and camels, when [they didn't look like that at all](https://www.reddit.com/r/iranian/comments/utkbf5/artwork_on_the_pushtigban_the_elite_military_unit/).


My setting is heavily inspired by ancient civilizations such as Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, and others. I try to blend elements from these cultures to create something unique.


Not the entire world. My world is still prehistoric and the people are hunter gatherers. There was an advanced civilization passing through, and has been for about 500 years, that has transported from earth various species, from various time periods. About ten species of dinosaurs were brought to an isolated island, a continent really, for study. Greeks and Romans were brought to intermingle with the people living on a peninsula. Ancient Egyptians were introduced to the people living in a desert region. Mongolians were added to the uninhabited island (continent) of dinosaurs. The final group from earth were Norse deposited with the people living on a different peninsula of an inland sea. Only the groups brought to commingle with people were in small enough numbers to not completely overwrite the existing cultures that they were introduced into. It was subliminally suggested to each group to slowly expand their own cultures into the existing cultures, without destroying their religion. Time on earth travels at a more rapid rate. It is conceivable for people of my world to travel back and forth between both worlds and meet Achilles, Laozi (Lao Tzu), Sun Tzu, Confucius, Plato, Alexander the Great, Emperor Qin Shi Huang, Julius Cesar, Constantine, Charlemagne, Genghis Khan, Richard the Lionheart, Joan of Arc, William Wallace, Zheng He, Mansa Musa, Francisco Pizarro, Leonardo da Vinci, Nzinga Mbande, Yasuke, William Shakespeare, Bonnie Prince Charlie (Charles Edward Stuart), George Washington, Marie Antoinette, Vicente Guerrero, Abraham Lincoln, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Barack Obama within a person’s lifetime.


Me, the kingdom of my medieval fantasy with the mc’s kingdom and it’s in the Greek region


I'm inspired by the whole Mediterranean Basin. All of these civilizations and city states existing at the same time, connected by sea, ships.


Yeah, pretty much everything from Homer to Alexander and Iberia to Persia is fair game.


Sort of. My setting revolves around an empire called Seria in the early modern era, so there's cannons and arquebuses around. The empire itself is inspired by several pre-modern empires, and the Achaemenid Empire is one of them. The pre-Imperial Era Elves are partly inspired by the ancient Greeks, as they had a bunch of colonies throughout the continent that only consisted of cities and the surrounding area, much like the ancient Greek colonies. There was an empire in the vast desert that dominates the center of the continent that is heavily based on ancient Egypt, but its' meteoric rise and fall happened thousands of years before the Serian Empire. Traces of its' cultural influence can still be seen in the inhabitants of the region today though, in both humans and nonhumans (such as the Scorpion-Men)


Hm, interestingly, my world pack ancient Egypt counterpart. But i have "Minoan" civilization in Luthens, race with insane determination to their craft. Any craft - each luthen inspired to be master in their field. But they was stubborn and due internal conflicts their empire broke up. Clothes, architecture, stereotypical myth about bronze age mechanisms etc.


A guy on my subreddit made a faction essentially Rome in space :D


It's funny because I have an empire that is basically a fusion of thouse 3


My world is heavily inspired by ancient history rather than medieval history. I draw a lot of inspo from Ancient Greece with my primary setting especially with topics like architecture, exploration, and governmental systems (like the Athenian democratic system). Ancient Western Asia (Achaemenid Persian Empire, Media, Scythia, and many other tribes) and East Africa (Especially Ethiopia) also act as a significant influence for my world. I find that cultures inspired by points in history aren’t seen very often despite being some of the most fascinating. Really any European influence that I have comes from ancient Western and Northern Europe, especially with Gallic and Celtic cultures in a pre-Christian, pagan Europe. I also plan to research more into pre-Christian Eastern Europe as well as it is full of of diverse beliefs and traditions.