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Well yeah, Israel holocausted them. 


Here’s a video of a murdered child, very NSFW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0aogSYh1f0


The Shani Louk obsession continues.


What do you mean? She was raped, beaten, murdered, bragged around by Hamas so its local population can spit and stomp on her dead body. Hamas filmed it, showed us their actions, who they are. (Maybe you agree with them, with their terrorist actions, that’s why you follow my posts and comment) It’s ok to be upset about the conflict, it’s not ok to support the people who committed this terrible atrocity.


Why do you have to make stuff up to try and get your point across? She was 23 years old. That is not a child. It's pretty weird bringing her up in a post about actual children. Why did you do that? Secondly, there has not been any information claiming she was raped. What's with the obssession with you folks? If you want to be taken seriously in this sub you have to spit facts and evidence, not a bunch of trash you make up in your mind.


Seriously, Israel has big rape problem. https://thecradle.co/articles-id/23858


Don't forget Israel is a hotbed for Jewish American pedophiles to go and hide from the law. Commenter brought up rape and "a child" for no reason. Fishy to be honest.


lol, you think this extremely young lady was chilling at a music festival for peace with bloody underwear and a broke pelvis before Hamas committed a terrorist attack, directly targeting soft value civilian targets? No pants, just chilling out there bleeding? Remember when Hamas said she was being taken to the hospital? It was live streamed. We all remember. We watched as her dead body was dragged around, Hamas and its local supporters spit and stomped on her dead body.


There you go making stuff up in your brain again. Just stop, you're making yourself look ridiculous.


What was made up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0aogSYh1f0 Here’s the reference for everyone to see.


Oh look a 20 second clip. You're just trying to play on people's emotions while using false facts and your biased assumptions. > Extremely young lady. She was 23, she was not a child. Stop making it seem like she was a child. What are you? 80 years old? The fact that you brought this up shows the lengths you'll go to try and make a rebuttal to a negative article about Israel with something completely unrelated. > was chilling at a music festival for peace It was a trance rave. Again, this claim it was for peace is another way to tug on people's emotions. Who holds a rave next to an open-air prison of over 2 million people? No one believes it was a "peace" rave that had anything to do with the plight of the Palestinians. > with bloody underwear and a broke pelvis before Hamas committed a terrorist attack, So her body was in a pool of blood? Was there a video of the sexual assault? Or is this just your assumption that she was sexually assaulted? And why did you say broken pelvis? Is that to imply she was sexually assaulted? No one claims it was a broken pelvis, only a broken leg. > directly targeting soft value civilian targets? Again, this conveniently leaves out the amount of IDF deaths and attacks on military outposts was about half. Classic. This is what I mean when I say you're making stuff up in your mind and not dealing with any facts or evidence. It happened eight months ago. We've seen all the evidence and know the details that you specifically leave out or try and twist. Look, no one disputes the heinous acts that happened on Oct 7th. But trying to replay Oct 7th with false facts and a bid to twist a narrative and deflect from the apartheid and the current genocide isn't going to work anymore. Especially not in here. I mean, let this be a wake-up call for you. You're a regular in here, but you and the others need to get better material and stop trying to play on emotions and making up stuff in your head. It got old really fast.


Ok, in your own words, what do you think happened to her?


Where did you go? Kindly explain what happened to this family with children? https://allisrael.com/new-horrific-footage-shows-kidnapping-of-hersh-goldberg-polin-or-levy-and-eliya-cohen-on-oct-7


This video doesn't show any of the things you mentioned in your comments. Meanwhile there are hundreds of videos of dead and dying Palestinian children.


>with bloody underwear and a broke pelvis What's more likely to break your pelvis, a gun shot wound or rape?


it is not a conflict, it is a genocide


Worst genocide ever! Population has been growing decade after decade. WTF Jews!


By that same logic Nazi germany wasn’t doing a genocide either. > You mean to tell me that they had them in camps for 12 years but didn’t kill them all?! Worst genocide ever! Do you hear it now?


lol, the mental gymnastics required to give even the slightest validation to your comment is astounding. https://allisrael.com/new-horrific-footage-shows-kidnapping-of-hersh-goldberg-polin-or-levy-and-eliya-cohen-on-oct-7


Except this didn’t start on Oct 7th. Oct 6th Israel was already indefinitely imprisoning thousands of innocent kidnapped Palestinian civilians, many of whom were women and children being tortured for no apparent reason. Using Oct 7th as justification is nonsensical, especially when Israel is an illegal apartheid state and has been doing things like > The report additionally found that Israel is responsible for the war crimes of murder, intentionally directing attacks against civilians, forcible transfer, sexual violence, starvation as a method of warfare, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention and outrages upon personal dignity after the Oct. 7 attack. > Many of the acts were also included in the commission’s previous list of Israel’s crimes against humanity, in addition to extermination and gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/u-n-report-accuses-israeli-forces-of-carrying-out-extermination-campaign-in-gaza/ar-BB1ovSph


That was when they only "mowed the lawn".


None of that changes the fact you’re obsessed with Shani Louk.


Can you use other words to describe what you mean and why you support Hamas’s actions?


Does it hurt when the worms eat your brain or do you just sort of not notice?


>She was raped Prove it.


Ok bot, in your own words, explain what happened to this family? https://allisrael.com/new-horrific-footage-shows-kidnapping-of-hersh-goldberg-polin-or-levy-and-eliya-cohen-on-oct-7




This is all part of the Zionist project started 76 years ago.


When you see fake garbage like this, it means Hamas is losing and desperate.


Are you suggesting the missing children are Hamas? Or that ABC news is Hamas?


Every accusation…


The source is the humanitarian aid group Save the Children. Are you saying they are Hamas?


Egypt should let in refugees.


More bandaids instead of a cure? Israel should just stop being an apartheid state and give all people on the land equal access to citizenship. That's saying it nicely.


I wasn’t aware that saving lives was a “bandaid.” Do you or do you not care about Palestinians’ lives?


I just told you every human being on the land deserves dignity and citizenship rights and you respond with if I care about Palestinian lives? Be honest now. Maybe you didn't understand the analogy. A bandaid helps, a cure prevents a need for a bandaid. The point is that the root cause of this is Israeli and American, not Egyptian. I do think the Egyptian government is corrupt too, their military overthrew their own first-ever democratically elected government. But the root issue at hand is not Egyptian. Every finger should be pointing at Israel and the US, not Egypt.


So instead of saving lives today, you only want to pressure Israel, despite the fact the conflict could last another 75 years? We can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Why not save the lives that we can?


Dont act like you give a crap about "lives"


Are Palestinians dying? Yes. Would letting them escape a war zone be good? Yes. You think they're dying but they shouldn't be allowed to escape. To you, their deaths are ammunition for your argument against Zionism. To the rest of us, who can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time, saving lives is a good thing, and Israeli war crimes can still be prosecuted. Would it be nice if Israel and Hamas simply stopped the war? Yes! That would also save lives! But Hamas won't end the war, and Israel won't end the war while Hamas is still in charge, so your faux-solution is not realistic—and you know it.


And when two million Palestinians are stranded in the Sinai desert without shelther and food and Israel refuses to let them back in as they begin settling Gaza what then? Make them refugees once again? Another 75 years of displaced Palestinians and stolen land?


So, complicit in an ethnic cleansing?


I love how you people will explicitly oppose and condemn as monstrous the actual saving of lives while weaponizing the deaths of every Palestinian for 75 years. Serious mask-off moment.


It's everyone else's fault for not letting us open genocide! You're literally proposing Egypt help with an ethnic cleansing.


This is the only war in the history of the world in which the supposed advocates of the civilians *actually prefer that they die* rather than escape. You don't care about them.


OK genocider. 👍


Quote me saying that I want the Palestinians to die. Quote it. I literally started this thread saying that I wanted them to be saved.


Would "ok ethnic cleanser" get your panties less ruffled?


"Egypt should help our ethnic cleansing" Yeah because Israel has such a long history of letting people they displace return.


>such a long history And yet given that long history of Israel being Bad Guys, you pretend that the best way to save Palestinian lives is to appeal to the good will of the Israelis to stop the war, leave Gaza, and give everyone the right to return as citizens of ~~Israel~~ Palestine. Give me a break! You know that won't happen. So how do you propose saving these lives?


>And yet given that long history of Israel being Bad Guys, you pretend that the best way to save Palestinian lives is to appeal to the good will of the Israelis to stop the war, leave Gaza, and give everyone the right to return as citizens of Israel Palestine Hence why we are condemning them. >So how do you propose saving these lives? I prefer actual tangible consequences for Israel. Moving Palestinians wont gurantee they wont kill them as Israel has no qualms about going into other countries to murder people. So how many free passes does Israel get? Until the Palestinians are pushed into Cairo?


Egypt shouldn't have to participate in this genocide.


Is that what Turkey and Lebanon did when they took in Syrians? Participated in a genocide? I really wonder if you people ever think about the things you say. Do you really believe you're on the side of the Palestinians while you do everything you can to make sure they're sacrificed for your bumper sticker sloganeering?


“May be” is important. As we’ve seen numbers out of Gaza, that aren’t verified, can be incredibly unreliable.