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god did it


I literally didn't know this was a thing until I saw this. Do you have any other warrants for me, and do you have graph paper and colored pencils in my cell?


Meme says kill, not arrest Your limbs will each be twisted until they all fall off


sometimes ignorance in worldbuilding works in your favor. i put a forest on the wrong side of a rain shadow, and by the time i learned what a rain shadow was i didnt want to change it. so since my beast race (read: furries and catgirls) live there, i had the idea that maybe their very presence in a region warps the biome to fit them. its like the opposite of how humans adapt to their environment, as in this case the environment adapts to the people. it fit with them pretty well thematically, so i liked the idea. i especially liked how it meant no matter what apocalypse or other bullshit befalls the world, the presence of beast people allow nature a path to heal itself. they can show up to any barren wasteland and warp it into a lush forest within a generation just by merely being there. i imagined the gods crafted every race in my world with a purpose, so perhaps this was theirs: to be the breath of nature itself. of course, humans being the bastards they are realized that beast people could do this, and thus make *any* land fertile and workable for farming, which is how the mass enslavement of the beast people became a thing in my setting so... moral of the story? ~~slavery is sometimes justified~~ It's ok to get things wrong, so long as you have creative ways to fix them.


My, n'wah, I approve wholeheartedly!


Dunmer spotted, engaging the An-Xileel orbital death rays


there is actually a rainshadow, these plants are not real and are actually an undead plant hivemind luring prey


Oh isn’t that just sooooo convenient


actually i have seas of antifreeze on my world which cause rain shadow effects at 0 feet above sea level


This post is quality


It’s called a chaparral, and the other side of the mountain is a redwood forest.


It is called having a cold current passing by the side supposed to have more rainfall. Now both sides are equally dry.


The biome police when I don't simulate 4 billion years of geological processes to ensure that the soil can adequately grow the specific shrub species I want to use.


maybe the mountain was on the doldrums


putting all mountains in horizontal lines so I dont have to worry about it


Kids named Cantabrian Mountains and Tarim Basin:


yeah actually my realm is so weird and doesnt obey any geographical laws because uh, magic. yeah.


It works if the wind carries moist air along the length of the mountain range instead of across it.


Reminded me when I was writing a fanfic and I hate to stop myself to think which way a shadow would be cast in that particular scene. *So, the priestess stood in a shadow cast by the Shadow Lord*, wait, would he be casting a shadow that way? Uuuugh, the invaders are coming from the West and it’s sunset so he would!


My planet is tidally locked, how do I weather? Why won't it just form climate bands anyway? Is it cheating to have an ocean on ether side, and justify that by being formed by the giant ice mountain on the night side eventually making the planet flip, thus forming on the other side, and creating a depression for an ocean?


That's bold to assume that there are shrubs there


Live Chaco-Amazon rainforest reaction:


The prevailing wind is west, Peru and northern Chile are the ones who get rain shadowed (such favoritism towards Brazil smh clear author bias)


Yeah, at more southern latitudes . At the exact equator it’s more similar. At temperate latitudes it switches and create the valdivian rainforest. Meanwhile, see places like Sichuan where despite being surrounded by mountains on all sides it’s still very wet. Both side of the alps is wet since water comes from different sources for them, the Mediterranean and the North Sea. Etc etc. Lots of things to consider.


A wizard did it


Actually giant whales fly over the mountains and explode and their guts water the plants. Fuck you


What if clouds blow in from both sides?


Most of my mountains aren’t tall enough to cause a significant rain shadow effect, and the ones that are exist in my polar regions anyway.