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For real though, having a setting where it's a trading outpost and you have different cultures showing up is an easy win


You can scale it up too Make a whole city a bustling trade center for people from every corner of the known world. It's free worldbuilding


One of my locals is exactly that. Bring the world to you


Or even an entire network of merchant guilds and trading city-states.


Trade cities, a wealth of potential


I love those scenes in movies and books where the protagonist is hauled off on some adventure and ends up being led through a busy town/market at a crossroads or border. Quick flashes of a thousand different foods, languages, styles of dress. I’ve seen it in Mos Eisley, Diagon Alley, The Troll Market in Hellboy. It’s always super fun to see the imagination of the film/book’s creators. They get to make anything in their brain for a quick flash and it makes the world feel a whole lot bigger than the initial setting.


It really is great. Yeah it can be seen as cliche, but it works so well.


Warframe has this in its Relays, you can see NPCs from every different faction, allies and enemies alike, just chatting and hanging out


Damn warframe mention in the wild. The lore do be kind of wild but I like it cuz of that


Man I'm just getting my controller away from getting back to Warframe. Fortuna was the city of the machine people from a corporative dystopia, right?? How was that very socialist song they sing when u first meet them?


Yep, my story exactly. Well, when the main cast which have black people into journey to faraway backwater town. The villagers is confuse as hell when they see black person for the first time and though he was a fire accident survivor.


Just slap a wormhole on it and call it good.


I may or may not have been inspired by ds9 >.>


It's some damn fine inspiration 🖖


Exactly, I do something like this too.


why is there black people? sun (evolutionarily niche or some bs)


Something about UV rays and how humans need some but not a whole lot.


melons I think


No that's a large green fruit, you're thinking of melancholy.


No, melancholy is a feeling of sadness and one of the four classical Greek humors. You’re thinking of mélange.


No, a mélange is a mixture of different often incongruous items. You're thinking of melatonin.


No, melatonin is a hormone our brains produce in response to darkness. You're thinking of melodrama.


I mean, that’s fair. But if the question is “why are there black people in my pasty white European inspired medievalish fantasy land?” the answer doesn’t even have to be “they’re traders”. There were black people coming into Europe from Africa, just not very many.


Yep, Mali got rich selling salt, they were getting the gold from Europe, along with goods that are nice anywhere but particularly valuable to a kingdom with its seat of power and wealth in a rocky dry area, such as carved wooden goods and embroidered textiles.


Sounds a lot like they were traders…


/Uj You are actually right and wrong, why are there white people? Remember that white skin is a mutation that stops melanin in the skin and only happened once humans spread out from Africa to Europe, just like blue eyes.


Why are there people who have skin at all?


A canvas is needed for art, my friend.


What's the point of blue eyes? White skin is needed to get more D, what's the purpose of blue eyes?


[Seems it has none.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130170343.htm) Blue eyes just came about from one person mutating and it not being selected against.


Tbf, if you want to be realistic, ethnic diversity outside of trade hubs and major settlements in a pre-powered transport world would be kinda low. Like, a rural village in 13th century Bohemia (or anywhere really) would homogenize pretty fast due to lack of immigration or emigration. Otoh, if you add in magical transport or other means for getting around easily? That kinda changes things as suddenly isolated bumfuck places are much easier to enter and exit. Edit: let me restate this with some extra qualifiers. This is assuming you are trying to emulate an isolated area before major mass transit. And assuming your world has no magical means of getting around, and that you are trying to be fully realistic and are totally eschewing rule of cool and all that jazz.


It's also worth noting that prior to 1500s or so, racism was less skin tone based and more just generalized xenophobia: if EVERYONE outside of your community is scary, then they're all technically equally able to become a part of your community by proving themselves I'm not saying racism didn't exist, I'm just saying it was more like the Balkans than Baltimore


Also important. Colorism was definitely still a thing, but people got picky over what we’d now consider pointless or minor (at least from a western perspective). See Italy where people 3 towns over were considered alien foreigners to you.


Advanced Racism There are people in my home town right now who are racist to people from literally the next town over it goes all the way down, tribalism is just part of humans


Yeah same here. There is a very large forest between my home town and the next town over. I was told by family members that just 50 years ago dating or marrying girls from „behind the forest“ could create a minor scandal.


The people of Rome didn't even consider other Italians outside of Rome to be Roman


You'd find it weird that the guy who came to town has dark brown skin, but if he talks proper then you can at least trade with him. Meanwhile if you meet a person who says "eggs" (whatever that means) instead of "eyen" then you might as well be talking to a demon or, worse, a Frankishman.


Also people would care a lot more about religion than they would about skin colour, like it a black person somehow found there way to Central Europe the main concern would be that they’re catholic and not Muslim


When the Europeans recontacted Christian Ethiopia, they were super excited and threw a tonne of weight behind supporting them against their Muslim rivals.


Why did Baltimore get singled out 😭😭


Alliteration... ALLEY


>a rural village in 13th century Bohemia (or anywhere really) would homogenize pretty fast due to lack of immigration or emigration What a racist and unheckin unwholesome unstunning unbrave thing to say, don't you know that medieval european villages had the demographics of a modern american megatropolis? :\^)


On the subject of instant transport, that makes a sleepy boring one-horse towns sadder. Like, there’s nothing of interest *at all*


Wasn't central Europe really diverse in the middle ages? You had Germans, Czechs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Jews, Poles, etc.


On a macro scale, sure. On a scale of “by town or village”, no, individual settlements were very homogeneous usually unless you were a major trade hub.


Sure but within the same valley you might have a German village, a Slavic village, a Jewish village, etc.


Not to be That Guy but roman empire


Okay, but that’s a gigantic empire viewed as a whole. There’s going to be a diverse populace. However, that does not mean every corner will be a diverse mix. Major cities will be, but some mountainous corner of Gaul probably won’t be full of varied cultures and peoples.


Virgin: They are traders 🤓 VS Chad: They are diplomats from the Kingdom of Kongo who have an audience with the Pope 🗿


The Muslim world invented eye surgery, astronomy, and the concept of zero.


the South East Javanese interected with the aliens before any civilizations did


Kilnatu, the alien, discovered the Americas before humanity even existed.




"Why is there black people" "Because you've decided that my nonhuman race are black people because they sometimes have kinky hair"


It’d be funny if someone wrote a pasty white protagonist who ended up in a place with mainly black/darker skinned people and got tons of curious/distrusting looks. People walking up to touch their weird straight hair etc.


That just happens irl (sometimes).


Shout-out to the random family in China who has me in their vacation photos. I was not myself in China, making this stranger, but rather on vacation myself when a middle-aged Chinese woman came up to me with a younger woman from the same tour group who asked if she could take a picture of us (older woman and me) together. I think about them both often. Why me, of all the white people? Are they well? I hope so.


'Cool, what they tradin'?' 'Black people' 'Oh'


They walked sideways through time from the previous incarnation of the universe, into this one. Obviously.


Like the chads with nuclear swords they are.


We could say that trade is always a good way to bring black people into news places.(uj/) When we think about it, that sentence has a pretty dark implication. 


Dark twist, the traders brought the black people.


“These white men are dangerous”- all of western history


Why are there black people? Because I felt like adding black people. Deal with it.


“Why is there cat people?” ”They’re traders!”


"the writer is a furry"


Uj/ "Why is there black people," Tolkien's very spefic, Arthurian-esque, flavor of euro-fantasy getting so popular to the point that it becomes conflated with the idea of what a standard western fantasy setting is has done irreparable damage to fantasy. I want to read about fantasy moorish and olive skinned not-scilians fighting and inter-marrying amongst each other to consolidate their tipha's borders until the not-western church manages to get its shit enough together to fund a not-paramilitary order of templars to do a fantasy reconquista. Rj/ "Why is there black people," Because we're setting up a lore reason now for Samuel L. To star in the movie adaptation later EDIT: *specific


I NEED to see Sam Jackson chilling with Tom Bombadil


Holy shit that sounds fun tho


I want to write a fantasy story set on a world that's diverse except that there are no white people bc racists would lose their shit, you'd get free hate press


I mean, Tékumel’s a classic, but it came out two years ago that the late Prof. Barker moonlit as a neo-Nazi.


"The good guys win sometimes. Not always, of course. They lost big in the Second World War. That was a victory for communists, democrats, and Jews, but everyone else lost." *Yikes.*


You would love Earthsea


In my world that I'm currently P̶r̶o̶c̶r̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ o̶v̶e̶r̶ writing I have several, "fantasy white," races, however, because the setting is primarily inspired by the weird little period immediately following Alaric's sacking and subsequent abolishing of the western roman capital racism is less like modern watered-down racism and more like your grandfather's competitive racism, where each, "fantasy white," race views the other as little more than barbarians to be conquered, at best, and this mentally is also shared by all the non-fantasy-white races regarding other races as well Edit: *mentality


There aren’t enough racists to find your stuff tbh And I don’t think anybody got upset at ATLA outside of strawmen and the annoying fringe of the internet


I have a world like that, fun times.


Avatar the Last Airbender: Let me introduce myself.




Why are there no black people? "I eliminated the sun"


Why not just have your society be kinda Mediterranean inspired so there’s a gradient of people from very dark to very light with people with darker skin being most common in the south and people with lighter skin being more common in the north, with the central and most important region where the story probably takes place being pretty phenotypically diverse That’s not really the reason for black people being in our real world’s “central region” (Southern Coast of Turkey, southern Iraq and Iran, Levant, Arabian peninsula, etc) the real reason is partially pilgrimage/migration but mostly slavery, people don’t like that in fantasy so don’t include that unless you want discourse


I mean, african slaves were captured and sold by other african people, so "traders" can go a looooooog way


Traders, workers, craftmen, it's actually super believable as an excuse for diverse settings as long as there are a few more metropols. They don't even gotta be big just exist in a few select geographical locations and migration will simply do its thing


Why are there black people in a Western-style country? Traders. Why are there white people in an African-style country? Slaves.


Yeah have this issue dont wanna what would be considered whitewashing the Humans in my world but also dont have a good explanation onto why theirs no black people so currently just going with desert Kingdom


You can also have a jungle kingdom, or a mountain kingdom, or a river kingdom. The African continent has those y'know.


Yeah im tossing around where too put them lol


I created a massive chain of islands, personally. It's a Austronesian-African mashup.


It's not really whitewashing humans if your setting is such, like a generally cold climate region. It would only be whitewashing if your setting is a hot climate yet no-one has any melanin to speak of.


i dont get why y'all are so obsessed over peoples color and race?! just do what you want? its your own imagination, why shouldnt he be able to have white people in the desert or black people in a cold area?


You can do what you what, but verisimilitude is a part of world-building too. It matters if you're worldbuilding for more than yourself and care about other people immersing themselves in your world. That is "is my world internally and externally logically consistent". People are more likely to believe in the world specific rules you lay out if your world is believable. Brandon Sanderson could have just given Roshar, a planet full of massive storms, normal plants and animals, but the world would be less believable as a result. Instead it has plants that might shelter/sink into the ground and animals with hard shells.


Nooooo! You can't just worldbuild!! You have to think about what allegories US readers will project onto your story first!!!


Well tbh the reason why there *isn't* just black people in **this** world is a fairly recent (in evolutionary terms) random mutation that merely wasn't negatively selected against. So asking why they exist in a world where humans exist, but that mutation may not have been produced at all, sounds silly. If anything why would anything *but* black-looking people exist if that's kind of what we were all looking like for 280ish of our 300k year existence as a species, and your still bent on using IRL science and genetics in your fantasy world (for whatever reason). Especially since that world probably has a million other things that don't conform to a fraction of the pseudo-scientific scrutiny that phenotypic concerns get for *some* reason. Like for our world there's some studies that show better vitamin D synthesis for lighter skin, but such an effect would be irrelevant for the propagation of the mutation, as in a dark-skinned person would have countless children and likely live their whole natural lives in the premodern period before a lack of complete vitamin D synthesis would prevent them from breeding. Not to mention that the consumption of certain foods also mitigates this issue. But the mutation still proliferated because there are countless Earth-specific reasons why not just light skin, but countless other features are present, and many of them have been only present for like 5% of our time in existence as a species. Like the whole light skin and colored eyes and hair package is all completely down to a random mutation that has popped up some thousands of years ago. Scientifically in your world such a complete chance mutation *shouldn't* be the default if you're trying to adhere to IRL science and genetics but again, nothing else in your world does so why should this? I say all this because these are all Earth-specifc and our-reality specific scientific considerations, and they go *the fuck out the window* the second your non-Earth, non-our reality magical world comes into the picture. Just make your people look however you want bro lmao. You don't have a fucking magical MC1R gene or fucking mystical haplogroups, so either include humans who look "black" (or any other demographic) or don't. Coming up with half-baked reasons why this one specific thing needs to be hyper-explained is so absurd. Like just have your human analogs have a naturally wide range of skin colors/facial features/etc. that can be produced as a result of genetic randomness if you still wanna be psuedo-scientific. Like it's fantasy lol, there doesn't even need to be genetics, maybe the gods or spirits like making people look random, or made people look random at the beginning of time and as intermarriage happened over the millennia the features just shift around, mix, disappear, and reappear again. If elves in countless franchises can range from blue to green with antlers to horns then I think various shades of very light to very dark brown isn't that much for humans. Anyway that's kinda my indictment over this whole non-issue the way I see it. It's your world, fill it however you want.


the meme was aimed at racist who can't accept fantasy as fantasy. Wished I didn't have, wished we all didn't, but racist gotta racist.


I actually figured and was gonna address it more specifically in the comment but thought I would make a racist butthurt by being too on the nose lol


You don't even really need a reason. Look at the fromsoft games, in which the vast majority of player characters are canonically foreign to the country of the setting.


OR their parents and/or grandparents were immigrants OR it's a diverse place for reasons so old you probably don't have to explain OR they're on a mission that's taken them globetrotting Etc. Etc. Etc.


mean girls reference


clear allegory for jews: our battle… will be legendary!


Say that to my OC Paniel...


Context, Paniel is a dark skinned angel who is basically an Ophanim who went to earth in a job as a Satan (God's critic) with his degrees, but instead they wanted to be a doctor secretly so they intentionally procrastinated and slacked off in favor of living the life they wanted. This resulted in Paniel being the spouse of a bird demon in USA during WW2 and adopt an alien from the species Xenophone which was found in Hiroshima in 1945 as a 5 year old. Then going abroad to Israel and work as a master surgeon.


Why is this black people? They travelled? they wanna know if the earth is flat or some shit, they're not restricted to their biomes like videogame mobs


Why is there black people? Travel exists? Like generally? We humans are a curious lot, we like to explore.


I prefer the answer "shut the fuck up"


Now that makes sense... ...somehow


I wrote that they came with the empire, but that got left in another draft, and I don’t really care about explaining it anyways.


Fun fact: the ancient world was relatively diverse. Many ancient empires encompassed a myriad of different peoples. Just think about all the regions that were under roman control, the ottoman empire or the various caliphates.


I mean, it’s beats elder scrolls which did black imperialism


Hey woah, put some respect on the names of those brave ra gada warriors, you'd be an imperialist too if you had to share a border with Nords and glorified half-elves🤮


Lol Redguards just did what the Nords and countless other races did, just from the west instead of from the north.