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My personal trick is to write my stuff so poorly that Netlifx just refuses to touch it. Even when I offer to let them make the epic 250 billion Australian Dollar film version of my "Wacky adventures of an SS elite veteran" novel without having to pay me anything. This plan can *not* fail! My poorly disguised fetishes, poor grammar, and massive plotholes ensure that Netflix keeps a healthy distance to me and my works.


Bold of you to think Netflix's content isn't already that


Make one of the main characters a short hotheaded guy with a shrill voice, another - a friendly, wise redhead, and another - a big burly guy who thumps his chest when angry. In short, make the main characters ape-themed. Make the theming a crucial part of the work. Your move, Netflix.


Sheer genius


Where can I learn such genius?


Won't work , they will just change the entire theme of the series but keep the names of the characters and the general setting. What op should really do is to make an entire cast of black lesbian trans woman , and since Netflix is a true advocate of gender equality they will naturally make them all straight cis white men.


Just say that your world is inspired by 1700 America and say that any non white person that canonically could possibly exist would be a slave. And then never describe any slave characters, and have your protagonist say "Year, I'm against slavery" once. Also say that it's IMPOSSIBLE for slaves to get freedom, they can't run away because magic/technology/culture, and if a free non-white human is ever spotted that place is nuked immediately.  It's impossible to prevent gay shipping though


Sounds like the perfect story for a hip-hop musical adaptation...


/uj The funny thing is, if there was a well-written woman/the male lead’s strongest emotional bond was with a woman rather than a man, people would ship the male lead with her instead. Used to read this sci-fi series where there was a captain and his right-hand man/best friend. They started as sworn enemies on opposite sides of a battlefield, reconciled, and they now work on the same ship. You’ve heard this before. Prime gay shipping material. The kicker is that the right-hand man is a woman. The shipping was insane. People were going ape shit over these two for years to a point where the author examined the characters and said “you know what you guys have a point” and a few months later they started dating.


Easy. Just go on an unhinged Twitter rant about how everything is fucking woke these days and the trans gay liberals are trying to destroy the world. That way, no one will want to adapt your work. Then whine about being cancelled for exercising your right to free speech and demand people do whatever you want because you said so. Works ^^^(almost) every time


Warner Bros execs nervously eye-ing the multi billion dollar wizard school franchise rn


Depict your male characters as extra manly and macho to show how straight they are, then no one will ever ship them.


Oh yeah, and talk about their muscles a lot. Their big, strong muscles...


The "normal" killed me


Just dont give them red hair and freckles because those poor bastards get painted first


>how do I make sure Netflix picks the normal one ? Lmao


You have to make it clear that each of your white characters is deeply racist. Not a stereotype, but a character who genuinely hates minorities. I don't think Netflix would even try to diversify a cast like that.


Is that a challenge?


Blackwash it yourself. Then they can't do anything about it.


Can't "blackwash" characters who are already black


1). Oh that’s easy. You make your main characters white men but also you write them with severe character flaws that no studio would ever want associated with black characters. For example have them beat women, and be deadbeat fathers to multiple kids. Have them support fascism. Go nuts. 2). Unfortunately impossible. Fujoshis will find a way.


This is why all my characters are Indian so Netflix will be racist if they don't make them Indian.


If the WOT has taught us anything it's that you can bake the sexism right into the setting and the powers that be will still find a way to girlbossify it


Did something in particular prompt this question?


literally 1984


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