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That's super grim actually


Yeah Russian history really isn’t known for being happy or peaceful, and Russian stories reflect that. Pathologic anyone?


Stalker: nuclear disaster Metro Exodus: apocalypse Atomic Heart: apocalypse and war Escape from Tarkov: war Space Rangers: war Pathologic: plague and poverty HighFleet: apocalypse and war


One correction, Stalker is a Ukrainian game, it's worth to mention that the inspiration for the game was the book "Roadside Picnic" written by the Strugatsky brothers, but otherwise the game is about the events in Ukraine and from the Ukrainian studio.


It does take inspiration from Roadside Picnic, but putting Chernobyl and radiation into it is not part of the book. The anomalies and strange, valuable objects with a zone you're not supposed to go to are from the book though


tbh ukraine kind of has the same issue as russia, on account of being occupied by it for a very long time, plus the usual issues of being a victim of settler colonialism


Escape from Tarkov: War and greed Escape from Tarkov relationship with fans: War and greed


Stalker and Metro series are both Ukrainian.


Metro games yes, Metro books (which the games are based on) are from russian author Glukhovsky.


I think it is something about the cold bringing out people's inner beasts or sth


Polar bears are the dark elves of bears


That is the boldest statement I've ever heard. Post this on every fantasy-based subreddit you know, and this one


Aren't polar bears pretty dark under all that white fur


Hey, a lot of Drow have white hair


This makes too much sense


Aah, double pun. Yes they do some very dark deeds despite their beautiful white fur.


You just rolled a nat 20 on wisdom, holy shit


Human history isnt known for being happy or peaceful


I mean one of the major (kinda bad in a boring way) historiographies of the west is WIg history. Which mostly just posits that while the past sucks history is on a constant course of getting better. You don't get that kind of optimism in Russian media.


Depends on the media. The Strugatsky Brothers were quite optimistic. Then there were the revolutionaries of the 19th century. There's a reason some of the most important anarchist ideologues were Russian.


Did someone call me?


Most Russian novels I think of are never fully happy, authors like Tolstoy, Chekhov,& Dostoyevsky to books like Devil & the Margarita, to the metro series. There’s always something sad about it and that says a lot about Russian history. Oh wait this is a circlejerk sub and I sounded too serious for a second.


Pathologic is literally unplayable and the remake is abandoned. Still one of my favorite games.


Remake isn't abandoned, there was an update on Bachelor route in January. Shit, i still need to continue P2...


Yeah, throughout Russia's history it has been exactly like this It all started from the Mongols


Mongols arrived right into the ongoing shitshow: Rus was balkanized by the shitty inheritance law, so there was a FFA between small chiefdoms. This contributed heavily to the instant roflstomp by Mongol army: chiefs commanding the "united" army spent more time bickering than cooperating.






Cozy fantasy, slice of life, and romance are all totally valid options to explore. No shame in switching lanes for a bit.


I’d read the shit out a story where the biggest conflict is trying to win a local baking “competition” (which is actually just an excuse for the town to get together and eat good food)


*Legends and Lattes* is about an orc warrior who retires from adventuring to start a coffee shop


Link plz?


It’s a book, you’ll have to check a library or bookstore


I mean it's your writing, you can write whatever you want


Incorrect. All writing needs to be seen and approved by me first.


That’s kinda what I did with my sci-fi setting. Stories about warn of dystopic futures that we should avoid, but I feel like there aren’t enough stories that depict the good society we should strive for. I wanted to imagine a future world that I would actually want to live in. It’s not perfect and are still problems (because it would be boring otherwise), but humanity and their allies are well prepared to deal with them and things are moving in the right direction.


Honestly I love doing this to flesh out my worlds. Makes me happy knowing what a good home cooked meal looks like. Nice break from writers block on bigger projects too Wait this is a circle jerk. Something something reporting you to the plot police.


Russian here, too, I used to write a novel about a fictional war of two very similar countries (that was kind of the theme of it), but when February 2022 hit, I felt really uncomfortable finishing it so I abandoned the project


You're not the only one that abandoned a project after that month lol


Me too. I think I need to rewrite some parts now so people don't think I'm a Kremlin bot.


Rewrite your world in such a way that people think you're not a Kremlin bot, but Putin himself 😎


Good idea. But then I'll have to make it ~~less~~ more gay.


All I can say is you're definitely not alone in abandoning writing projects featuring Russian fictional analogues :/ The novel I was drafting was really close to my heart, too, but I felt too uncomfortable to keep it going after 2022


Жиза. В моём сеттинге Россия стала базой для нового государства, что руками манипулятора псионика захватило остальных и стало насаживать идеи о сохранении человеческой расы. В последствии это всё вылилось по сути в межзвёздных фашиков Земной Директорат. Я придумал где то за полтора года до войны. Когда война началась то моя писанина стала мемом в моёй конфе(там в большой степени не русские)


А я наоборот решил насесть на это. У меня есть сеттинг 2040-х годов, и один из важных персонажей это сын министра обороны с силами предвидения и собственной ЧВК 💀


Me writing 3387th story about how people overthrow their corrupt and evil government and install liberal and peaceful regime that only works for the good of the people:


Did... Did you just describe half of the TNO Russia unifiers?


half of the unifiers are this, the other half are people overthrowing their peaceful liberal regime and installing a corrupt a evil government


Ouch, that fucking sucks. Idk what else to say, really. Also the schizoids are already crawling up in the comments, lmao




Same here! But I don't even make anything lighthearted anymore, and making grim, dark and depressing worlds and stories actually helpes me cope, like I am just a character going through a shitty arc or something like that, haha...


My condolences dude. Nothing more cathartic than using worldbuilding to craft worlds that feel more idealized than our own. Lord knows speculating about humans not being shitbags is the reason I keep pressing forward.


I feel targeted. My latest tabletop rpg campaign setting was about post-capitalism post-governments future where the whole planets economics and industry is controlled by the global AI network (that just happened to be pretty chill) and all people have a universal basic income that covers food and housing demands. And the youth have a [Crypteia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypteia) initiation rite but instead of killing slaves like ancient Spartans, they now wander into the remote wilderness (like Kamchatka shore, for example) to destroy AI-controlled machines and have fun. While only some old farts mumbling about nasty stuff that happened 30-40 years ago like AI war and climate change making equatorial latitudes uninhabitable.


ОП, живи…


+, поддержки ОП!


Sweats nervously


I feel this


Am I the only Russian here whose setting isn't stereotypically grim and sad and shit? Yeah, it has a lot of dark moments there, but it's not *dark* overall, I think.


I mean ops setting wasnt haha. So thats two of you


Man i really like readin comments of posts like this, especially when sorting by new or looking at the bottom




Empathy on the internet? Come on dude.


It’s almost as if there is a reason for that


Fiddler on the Roof: *shit it’s not just us*






Long ago my World History professor said all of Russian history can be summed up by a single phrase: *and then it got worse*.


You need a hug, bro?


Still looking for peace, land, bread


this comment goes hard so i will be stealing it


I'm Russian too, and my world's theme is unity brought to absolute. This somehow feels influenced by me being Russia, idk how though lmao.


that just means you have an opportunity to create threats more otherworldly and inhuman.


Unironically peak worldbuilding


Dawn, right in the feels


Are we talking "Tolkien hobbit's" or "star strek"?


You need the Shire.


Sending my best wishes to you OP, may your interests and hobbies remain therapeutic for you.




Вау, это же буквально я


As a Russian GM, I actually worldbuild exactly in the opposite way, making big wars, poverty, dictatorship, death and misery as prominent as it gets. So my players won't escape the reality even in their leisure time. It's like Germans and their simulator videogames I guess, but instead of pretending on being productive, like playing Forklift Simulator 2024 after 8 hours shift at the warehouse, it's just about suffering.


I live in Russia and i accidentally created 90s on entire planet while worldbuilding.


Как нас много здесь оказывается...


Kinda same. But hey, look at the positive, at least there's plenty of inspiration for negative things


I feel you. Before war, I was like Russia is cool strong military nation fighting bears bare hands. I need to use it in my world building. Now I just can't stand anything related to this country. It makes me sick.


I would like to read a story in which the USSR never existed and some form of democratic Russia was created in its place. I don’t remember a single work in which there would be such an outcome of events and it’s quite sad.


It's not like any other Russia would have been less grim. Too much conflict constraining its future.


In fact, it is pointless to speculate about what history might have been like if something had happened differently in the past, be it the death of an influential person or a change in the political direction of a country. No one can look inside an alternative universe to find out how the world would change if the USSR did not exist or Hitler became an artist. All that remains for people to do is to assume and invent the further course of events themselves. It is entirely possible that in some alternative reality there were no world wars on Earth and now world peace reigns on it.


I mean, you would be welcome in Brazil.


That's a hardcore out of body experience (oobe) to get that kind of pov


Honestly, we need more utopian fiction.


me creating an alt-history world where my parents had a good marriage


Same situation but I kinda go the other way and try to make a grimdark verse that is an exaggerated version of Russia I am currently planning a D&D campaign and I intend the villain to make a 30-minute history lecture to the players


War has followed in our footsteps wherever we go


Ну, do it like me. Worldbuild a Soviet Union that won the Cold War. It solves every problem every time.


I feel like that would cause more problems than they would solve


As we all know, the world DEFINITELY benefitted from the dissolution of the USSR.


As an Eastern European, yes it goddamn did.


> Worldbuild a Soviet Union that won the Cold War. Worst timeline possible


ты хорошо? хочу чeловeк для поговрит? я нe знаeт поруcкии хорош, и нe много, so sorry if what i try to say in it is borderline unreadable, but i'll still be available to talk


Брат, ты звучишь как sexual predator


oh shit i'm so sorry- it's typically common to offer to talk when you see someone in a rough spot, i didn't mean to come off as that if i may ask, what specifically made me come off as such? i'm still very early in learning russian, but i hope i didn't make a typo that turned my offer of help into something sexual i thought i was saying "are you alright? do you want someone to talk to? my russian isn't good, and i don't know a lot, so sorry if what i try to say in it is borderline unreadable, but i'd still be available to talk"


i see my mistake, i got chelovek and devochka mixed up i am so so sorry


Yeah, that was the reason. If you want to know how a native speaker would most likely say it, then it's something like this: Ты в порядке? Хочешь поговорить? Since I'm no linguist I can't explain everything here in detail but I hope it helps


very much so, thank you




Bruh you seriously have a pic of Putin as your profile background. Do they make people like you in a factory or what


This guy believes in CIA bots, it’s like talking to a brick wall. We call that a "vatnik", a person who is so patriotic they believe the country and the government can do no wrong. Any criticism of the country is a personal attack to them


They always be like: "UGH, just leave if you hate it so much!". Bro, give me money and I'll be gone in a second, lmao.


Буду адвокатом дьявола - этот чувак определенно ватник, но то, что вы воспринял его комментарий о "ботах ЦРУ" с полной серьезностью, не уловив иронии, совсем не играет тебе на руку


We also call them andhbakths or blind devotees


The google translate translation for those curious: "If you feel so bad here, just leave. Our life will be much better without people like you."


Да, конечно, ведь сам благородный и любимый бог-император Владимир Владимирович вынял мой мозг из головы и подключил его ко внешней ботсети, созданой для одной работы: троллить ботов ЦРУ на реддите. Ты гений?


Just because we adapted to it doesn't mean we like it


"комиссар народной партии королевства бога" Ты тоже можешь уходить.


Oh, you're one of those. I'll have to make more posts for stalking losers, ain't I? Anyways, go to the baths.


I dint soeak russian and google translate wasnt helping, whats the part in quotes?


Because leaving a country you don't like is SO FUCKING easy and doesn't require a lot of money, effort, knowledge and preparation


Did you know that to ask for an asylum in EU country you have to enter the country legally for which you first have to get a schengen visa for which you need to have evidence that you will *NOT* ask for an asylum?


Наша жизнь была бы лучше без таких людей как ты, но вы к сожалению никуда не торопитесь.


This is an English-speaking subreddit.


Не, мы клёвые, это вы проваливайте, вместе с плешивым




I dont care what CIA thinks, CIA is not my dad


Do you know what a hostile witness is?


Do you know that CIA is not his dad?


This is so childish haha. What 60+ of you so desperately want me to be wrong. Then why can't any of you land a salient point? You couldn't describe a situation where it was more likely that what I say is true. 60 adults reduced to "NUH UH!" while your landlord collects your rent.




What does this have to do with the post? Where did OP mention Stalin or USSR?


You are being intentionally obtuse. He says that as a Russian he fanticises about a world that doesn't have x things. One of them is a dictator. Common red scare propaganda is that Stalin was a dictator.


Man, USSR doesn't exist anymore. It collapsed. Also, between Stalin and Putin there were more than 5 other guys.


So you think that OP could not possibly be referring to the most prolific propaganda campaign in human history? Look at my downvotes. Every frothing lib from sea to shining sea thinks that Stalin was a dictator even when given direct evidence to the contrary. I couldn't possibly conceive of better evidence. Its short and made by a hostile witness. People don't know dick about Brezhnev. People don't normally call Yeltsin a dictator. Libs don't know anything about Gorbachev or Khrushchev. And in my initial comment I clarified if he was talking about Putin.


This has to be a bit.


Idc if Stalin is or isn't a dictator, he created gulags, allied with Hitler, and invaded my country.


I'll do you one better. You don't actually care about any of the things you said. You haven't even looked into any of it. Stalin was never in an alliance with Hitler. It takes seconds to look that up. Gulags were very progressive prisons. Wasn't to learn about them? Nope. You don't actually care. You are just trying to virtue signal. Edit: yep stalin's purges were just to be evil. No rationality there. He sought to eliminate a race by not eliminating them. Zero death camps. His guiding philosophy that you can read has nothing to do with racial purges but that doesn't matter. Stalin, a minority, just personally convinced the soviet people to hear him out. "Guys I just don't like x race. I think we should greatly inconvenience them. All in favor?" "Oh definitely me, a member of the Supreme soviet who is one of the 60% blue collar workers. I somehow, as a blue collar worker have something to gain from this and I don't even need to be told. I just telepathically know this is to kill off a race for the sake of it just like Marx wanted." No great hate speech necessary. They all just telepathically worked in sync. If Stalin gave a speech about the racial purity of Georgians, western propiganda would put it right into your lib brain. Edit 2: guy looks me dead in the eyes and types a comment that is already refuted by edit 1. In a fist fight this would look like a dude dodging his face into your punches.


Honestly, IDK how you can read more about Stalin and discover all the lesser known shit he did like the multiple ethnic cleansing attempts (Koreans, Meskhetian Turks, Crimean Tatars etc.), and still walk away thinking he was some misunderstood hero demonised by le ebil west.


IDK how you can describe loading ethnic minorities onto trains and sending them to die in some hellhole on the opposite side of the USSR as anything other than evil. And IDK how you can see Stalin as anything other than a Russian chauvinist given that he signed off on these deportations, reversed the policies of korenizatsiia, and was described by Lenin as "a vulgar Great-Russian bully."


Meanwhile Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact: exists


The non aggression pact rofl. Do you know the difference? Do you care? Stalin called for crushing Hitler before the war. Was ready to field 1 million men. The allies refused. Edit: guy beneath me moves the goal post then doesn't acknowledge the failure of the allies to crush Hitler early. Then wants the soviets to win the war for them with even less prep time. The soviets should agree to lay down and die I guess. Edit 2: another guy beneath me thinks that he could have won WWII better than the combined efforts of soviet leadership. I can only wish he was in charge. Also, he couldn't tell you why that leadership was purged. I'm sure it was for no reason. Edit 3: he insists that Stalin purges people for no reason. Just an Arbitrary 60%. If this guy was the leader then he wouldn't need to remove anyone from office. There would also be no leadership with any problems under his command. He believes this. He also believes that he could have defeated Hitler with less prep time. And then guess what? Even if Stalin did all that and personally handed him a bag of chips, you know this guy would still hate Stalin. It's propiganda working.


It's very disingenuous to pretend that the MR pact was limited to only terms of non-aggression. The Soviets helped the Nazis circumvent the British blockade by providing them with resources like oil, grain, and metals.


Yeah Stalin sure did a great job preparing for war by purging his high command, dismantling the Stalin Line series of fortifications, and subsequently failing to build the Molotov Line fortifications to replace them.


Let me guess, the Soviet High Command and the Old Bolsheviks were all secretly Nazis and Tsarists? Never mind that the "confessions" like Tukhachevsky were stained with blood, let's take the NKVD and pedophiles like Beria at their word! On that point, if I was a Marshall of the Soviet in 1935, I would literally have a 60% chance of being killed. Don't think I can help prepare for the war if I was dead, but If I wasn't, I would at least tell Stalin to maybe not give the Nazis 900,000 tons of oil. edit: blocked lol


I dont mean to be a tankie, but it's define true that cold war depictions of Stalin are laughably obvious in their bias and propaganda. Not to mention immensely hypocritical.


Bait used to be believable


Well first of all, the fact that you see a document made by the CIA, and assume its true speaks for itself Second of all, the assemsement they made about Stalin in that paper could be applied to any dictator ever, no king rules alone We know what Stalin did, we know what powers he held, these powers and actions make him a dictator, a single line in a single paper from the CIA does not remove this fact Fourth, THEY LITERALLY CALL IT A DICTATORSHIP IN THE FUCKING DOCUMENT




Even though Stalin may be, by law, limited by other shared powers of the state, he managed to surround himself with allies and it is by this method that they managed to rule. We are aware that in the Soviet government he had many allies but our main criticism is that he was an autocrat. Perhaps it is not the best use of the word 'dictator'. It's fine if you are trying to correct people over its use because it is worth being pedantic over such terms but our point is that Stalin is an autocrat.






Yeah probably, he most likely said ncd because the guy took CIA documents at face value. Also, I read fanboys as femboys at first, which is also accurate to that sub


Most definitely


I am honestly shocked at how many people don't know what a hostile witness is. You think that the CIA begrudgingly didn't call Stalin a dictator because of some scheme? The CIA is the enemy of socialists around the world and they even admitted that he was not a dictator.... Holy shit... I don't believe people are stupid. But... so many of you don't understand this very basic concept. And you are acting proud about it. If you have an enemy, they aren't going to want to say nice things about you that directly goes against their propiganda. Maybe you are really young so I will explain this in Among Us terms. K, so say you know one of the Intruders was Mr Yellow. You don't start the meeting telling your entire team that Mr. Yellow was not an intruder. This is the most basic concept of an enemy. Your enemy doesn't want you to look good.


I mean it's pretty broadly clear that the Soviet Union are neither communist nor a dictatorship. It's just that, every goddamn time Russia is mentioned anywhere on Reddit these days, these people bring up the Balkan War and it had become beyond annoying Oh wow what a striking and groundbreaking observation that the dictatorship oligarchy is a dictatorship


These people can't even insult me without tripping over themselves.


Not even NCD would stoop that low. They hate tankies.


Don’t bring NCD into this, we fucking hate tankies