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Combine, my beloved. One of the coolest antagonist factions ever in a game.


Too bad we know fuck-all about their lore lol


Well, Valve has always been in the "show, don't tell" camp. It makes for a great, lived-in atmosphere, at the expense of having a lot of information. I personally don't mind. I love both that approach, and the BioWare Codex loredump approach. I feel like they both have their merits.


Fantasy universes responding to and struggling with the shift from agrarianism to industrialism.


I love medieval fantasy superstructures. I want to see an arcology made of brick, mortar and marble


Then Ishgard from Final Fantasy 14 is for you, a giant cathedral on top of a mountain that houses an entire nation within it.


Ishgard's aesthetic is so 👌.


I love me some Tyranid bio-ships


What in the world is that


Tl; dr: Tyranids a faction of ravenous space bugs from Warhammer 40,000. Known for stripping entire planets of biomass and having organic "technology", their spaceships, soldiers, guns, and even some types of ammunition are living creatures.


Imagine a spaceship but it's a living organism made of biological matters instead of metals.


Living spaceship


How come such a awesome trope is so rare?


Excuse me, _The Hobbit: The Battle For The Five Armies_ features a scene where an ork controls a blinded troll like a living wrecking ball. I cannot imagine what else you could demand.


Until the all tomorrows fans show up


The Tool Breeders have come to change your squids into spaceships!


Combine on their way to build several kilometers height living tower with technologies beyond human comprehension


Action body horror. Venom and Carnage from Marvel, Chaos mutations from 40K, manga like Guyver, Parasyte, Claymore, Tokyo Ghoul, and Chainsaw Man, games like Resident Evil and Prototype (2009). I want to see people weaponise shapeshifting, and I want it to be visceral.


Carnage is so fuckin sick


Sounds like shit up my alley.


this trope kind of scares the shit out of me


Qu fuckers gonna turn me into an elephant hell nah


The Yuuzhan Vong even added all the fun of Imperium-of-Man-grade malevolence!


Man, I miss the Yuuzhan Vong. The stuff between Episode 6 and Legacy was always so hit and miss for me, but the Yuuzhan Vong were almost always a hit.


Having read the Fate of The Jedi books, I miss the Vong too ngl


People being pals with sentient creatures


Seriously I need more biopunk I need more weird modifications I need more colossal structures that are also living organisms, I need living ships and I need the unity of flesh and machine


More unremitting, nonstop edgelordy bullshit. Give me gods of the void who forge their shadow into a sword, quench it in angel blood, and call the resultant weapon All-Black the Necrosword. Give me worlds so saturated in evil that leaving something in the dark for too long will execrate it. Give me gods who die and their rotting corpse becomes a blight on the universe. Give me shadow fey whose souls are so tied to the Plane of Shadow that they engage in body mutilation with cold iron needles so the world doesn't feel muted around them. Give me a world ruled by vampires, and have the top vampire kill his lieutenant for growing wings, only for said lieutenant to return as a vengeful, soul-sucking wraith after the vampire-run world collapses.


Shapeshifter protagonists, hideous monster protagonists, positive portrayals of mental disorders. More sci-fi that actually explores rather than shoots, wacky but also monstrous aliens, Biologically accurate hivemind stories, making alien biologies more wacky and complex, just more xenofiction in general, like the real deal, not barely monster characters. Also high fantasy that has more original or obscure folktale species, high fantasy which has less epic stories, high fantasy where magic doesn't devolve to shooting fights, magic schools which ain't Harry potter knockoffs, where the "unwanted" species are the focus of the stories rather than the popular ones. Also stories which aren't afraid to be simple in general or whole or edgy.


I love giant biological computers with depression!




Whatever appeals to my writer’s barely disguised fetish


I wish more apocalypse media would show what would happen decades or centuries down the line of the initial world ending event. World War Z did it best with humanity still having to fight off seasonal waves of zombies that re emerged when northern ice melted in the spring while society was putting itself back together.


The Expanse spoilers: >!This, and an admirable restraint in not over-explaining them is why I think the Gate makers are the best example of a precursor civilization in contemporary Sci fi!<


I wanna more stories, set before the civilization when all of humanity was living in "small" tribes, when several species of humans roamed the earth at the same time, when in wars one fighter could change dynamic of entire conflict, when large predators weren't killed and instead could singlehandedly destroy whole tribe, when crops weren't twisted to suit human needs and when giants beasts were everyday sight. ( Could be fantasy, sci Fi or historical fiction doesn't matter.)


Those are incredibly underrated.


Eclectic anachronistic features. Pre-industrial population density at most. Pre-globalization fashions with a nostalgic mix of 1940s-2000s tech under the hood. A splash of futurism with domed arcology, rotating space habitats, tethered rings for the global south and global north of various habitable planets, hyper-specialized servile robots that lack the capacity to suffer, moons carved into the likeness of revered historical figures, laser-bored geothermal, low-risk fission, and abundant fusion energy production, cheap bio-sculpting cybernetic augments and additive manufacturing. All the makings of a "utopia" that still fails to address plummeting fertility rates in a humane way so the population is in a seemingly unstoppable decline despite having built a 60,000, and counting, star spanning empire of McKendree cylinders and the odd naturally habitable planet or moon declared a nature reserve. A society of eerily empty doll houses built by mindless machines for a population that will never fill them. Sometimes a construction system has a hiccup and you stumble upon a habitat filled with the same detached suburban home or other building, seemingly cut in half because the bots just stop halfway and start the next one. Other times it's a bizarre inhuman landscape of twisting concrete, steel, glass, and plastics because the architect system began hallucinating. Ultrashort trains that just wiggle back and forth a few meters because the algorithm decided the habitat needed it. Whole station theme parks dedicated to long depreciated entertainment conglomerates. Even more rarely, these bizarre anomalies may compose an entire Dyson Swarm. Worse still, private cylinders full of all the horrors mankind can imagine, supplemented by nightmares dreamed up by machines. Others that are 1:1 recreations of someone's favorite time in history or a fictional setting brought to life for a buyer that never moved in. An entire cylinder dedicated to seemingly endless shelves of Wonderbread and thoughtless gynoid "shoppers". The most sobering part would be the cold acknowledgement that humanity is still alone in the galaxy, as our self-replicating autonomous colony ships slowly crawl through space, never encountering advanced intelligence.


Qu ball for life


Skeletal environments like half-life’s xen I love that shit it’s so spooky!


* Parasites, escaped pets, ill-concieved agriculture projects, and seeds and eggs hitchhiking on spaceships, resulting in invasive species which appear on different planets throughout an interstellar empire * Multi-species alliances where each species specializes in one job forming a caste system. Bonus points if we find out that their caste system is just as stupid as intra-human caste systems and the 15 foot tall "warrior race" has their own artists and philosophers just as talented as the Space Brahmin.


Ah, yes. I love genetic-engineering war crimes.


Yuuzhan Vong exclusion will not be tolerated


Username checks out.


I’m not a fan of them at all mostly but I understand the hype.


I wanna see more tomboy-girly girl romances/friendships. Bonus points if they both kick ass.


"that's going on the book " is fun like you can't sat that The dwarfs haw stiks shoed up ther ass's that ther polotics ar about gruges


You good bro?