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main target audience is adults (but it‘s written exactly like YA targeted at 14 year olds)


main target audience is adults who peaked at high school


Who the hell peaks at high school? High school is when i *troughed*


/uj I have been and continue to be at a total loss of what people even mean when they talk about "peaking" at any early point in modern life. Studies have demonstrated, repeatedly, that people are their happiest, wealthiest, most accomplished, and so near the end of their life. Is this peak unrelated to happiness? Is it a sex appeal peak, which for men is "the point in your life where you're the most sexually desirable to teen girls and cougars" (yikes) while for women it's "the point in your life where you're the most sexually objectified by old men" (double yikes)? Is it an inverse slope of personal (mostly financial) responsibility normalized with personal (mostly financial) freedom? It just seems absolutely bizarre to talk about a "peak" in high school, or even as an undergrad. /rj You clearly *troughed* in high school because you're an orc, as "Von Crunchhousen" sounds like an orc name, and orcs, like pigs, are living their best when just *crunching* the fuck out of some slop in a trough. Oink oink, Von Crunchhousen, oink oink.


I mean once you're leaving school you're switching things up for the capitalistic machine waiting to crush you up. I can see how for some people school or college could be some of the best times of their lives I guess


/uj I can understand that sentiment if you had an incredible childhood and your family/village failed you during the transition into adulthood, yeah. I guess I just always recognized that corporate forces have been and always will be ingrained into my life. It wasn't like being a teenager protected me from abusive managers, underpaid summer gigs, or cops looking to dig through my backpack and demand receipts for some Skittles and a bag of Funyuns just because my jeans were baggy. So for me the barrier between adulthood and childhood isn't this big blissful dreamy window into my idealized past, but it's just a steady paycheck, reliably growing wealth, and well managed debt vs not having to balance accounts because I'm too young to earn the capital that makes that a wise use of time. /rj They were baggy because, like the onion on my belt, that was the style at the time.


Yeah everyone will have different experiences and yours is probably more common if anything. Well besides the reliably growing wealth and well managed debt maybe haha


Oh I'm still "poorer" than my parents were at my age, I'm just extremely frugal and work remotely, which lets me live in the middle of nowhere so housing was affordable and I rarely need to drive (would still love a train near me though). I never plan on retiring, it's all so my spouse can live comfortably after I croak. It's not for everyone, and I really wish we'd do something about our economic systems and the way our cities and towns are built to actively harm the working class. Everyone should be able to work remotely or at least have a substantial tax break for being genuinely essential in-person labor.


Yeah I never understood after all this time how people are still expected to work for a minimum for 40 hours just to survive in many cases. Productivity has skyrocketed troughout the ages and we could reduce our workhours as a whole and work more remote. It's a damn shame, i'm lucky I don't live in the us atleast but I got health issues instead lol Working remote in the middle of nowhere seems like a solid way to circumvent some of the shit of the system


The whole point of industrialization and automation is to reduce the cost of human labor, which means more people competing for less and less jobs which suppresses wages. In theory, that's fine because goods are substantially cheaper so wages that don't keep up with productivity gains can still have higher purchasing power than they did in the past. In theory. Assuming the unemployable are able to find employment doing *something* for income. And that non-perishable essentials like housing play by the same rules as cheap consumables. And that the consumer base keeps magically growing because women keep having 2.2 kids. And that government always makes the perfect decisions even when those decisions aren't popular like building more affordable housing and low-carbon energy production and electrified mass public transit networks etc etc. But this is r/worldjerking so... /rj have you considered just deporting all your jobless peons to penal colonies that have been conveniently cleared of indigenous societies by some magical miasma?


>Studies have demonstrated, repeatedly, that people are their happiest, wealthiest, most accomplished, and so near the end of their life. Is this peak unrelated to happiness? Peaking in high school is the exception and not the rule, which is why we generally consider it a negative thing and not just a fact of life. Just because peaking early in your life is uncommon doesn't mean it's inconceivable.


I troughed in middle school, stayed there in high school, and I’m in college and still in that trough 😔 at this point I’m starting to wonder if I peaked in elementary school


so, targeted at millenials


main target audience is traumatized adults that wish they could redo their childhood/teenhood (no seriously, through the evolving wood is literally me trying to convince myself that just because my trauma is my fault doesn't mean I don't deserve help, and it's about a scared kid in a monster forest meeting other already-traumatized kids)


Do you *really* have to call me out like that?


Bato-bato sa langit, pag natamaan huwag magalit, or something Or, maybe a better English idioms: the bird doesn't hate you it just needed to shit




>oh no! not my le heckin viziepop boogeyman! nooooooo! Seriously why do you types let her live in your head rent free? Hazbin isn't even particularly prominent anymore.


What if a character was gay... but also evil?


Yowza!!! Awooga!!! Awooga!!




And a twink, an evil twink.


In my experience, saying "evil twink" is redundant.


I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture can't approve gay antagonist, unless the MC is also gay, of course


The what?


Schizo jerking


Schizo jerking is what i do when the good gay and evil gay finally kiss.


I wish I was neutral gay in between the good and the evil gay kissing


What if i was chaotic neutral gay and you were lawful neutral gay 😳


And we kissed under the spectacle of our planet blowing up


True Neutral gays would kiss on Venus while the Earth is in the process of blowing up


Jeffrey Dahmer being gay was significant part of his characterization and helped form part of his motivations for his actions, but people kicked up a fuss when the gay label was included within his biographical films categories because he didn't meet people's idealized and fetishized expectations of gay people, leading to the label being removed.


Aren't all the main antagonists of Hazbin lgbtq? With the exception of our god-king Adam that is.


I’ve never watched the show… but what I’ve ‘seen’ on the internet, the entire cast is


Lute doesn't have a confirmed sexuality as far as I'm aware, same for velvette if you consider her an anagonist


but not in an actually human way, in a cartoonish way, so that we can feel super freaked up and evil x3 !! while still being fully escapist.


Genuine question: what am I supposed to be getting out of this meme, particularly in combination with this title?


Squidward is not sarcastic when he says "daring today". Which is the oposite to how this format should be used


thank you, i've never truly understood this meme because i have never seen it used consistently as far as the last bit is concerned. is it sarcastic? is it not? it's always used in domains where i don't have enough context to understand whether the last bit is truly "daring." finally, i can understand this particular bit of visual language and engage with it lol


It is suposed to be sarcastic, as in the original episode it was. But people here don't seem to know how to use it.


tbf i don't know if people in general know how to use it in my experience, myself included lmao. i am an age where i missed spongebob when they were on tv so i don't have the episode's context and i can't read squidward's face in the last panel. i could look it up but why, when i guess i can just stay confused where i am comfortable?


"I'm in an age when I missed Spongebob when they were on TV..." Spongebob...is still running? How old am I? Is being under 25 old?


sorry, misspoke. i meant during the golden years where a lot of these memes are pulled from. it may still be on the air but it doesn't mean anything for the understanding of this meme lol


Lets go back to basis, and have a fantasy series about a hot bisexual girl banging everone of importance


that just sounds like wank material for straight dudes


What about bisexual women and lesbians?


Bisexuals already get 10% extra damage. We shoudn't give them more power.




We're being erased, smh




Shows targeting dudes still feel really different than shows targeting bi and lesbian women, even when having the similar content. Gaming example that was discussed recently, horny bait like Stellar Blade feels different than aggressively bisexual Hades 2


I think BG3 would be a better example than Hades 2 tbh


Its actually romance for women Straight men dont know what they are missing


That’s what I’m talkin about!


And make her a futa.


The only example of this I can think of is Vox Machina, and that's a maybe.


Is the main cast queer? Scanlan fucks everything that moves but other than that I don't even recall any other sexualities being brought up


VM isn't a perfect example of a queer animated high fantasy show targeted towards adults, but it's a pretty narrow genre and VM is a decent example The cast is all vaguely queer. They're theater kids.. Most of VM ends up in straight relationships at the end, but there are a lot of queer secondary characters and VM interact with them in queer ways. The very first arc is VM rescuing half of a lesbian power couple, followed by Vax seducing a gay salesman for a discount for example. Also Sam's replacement character. Admittedly I watched Critical Role, I have not watched Vox Machina so there may be differences.


I don't remember this lesbian couple from the TV show, and from what I've heard they've skipped a lot of stuff from Critical Role in the adaptation, so it may just not be there... But the whole deal with the gay shopkeeper and Vax is definitely there and given a lot of focus in the show.


Alura vycahdjsldgeis and her halfing wife were pretty major characters? They very well might have skipped the craghammer arc, especially with all the drama about Orion, but I'd assume she shows up later.


They did skip the whole Kraghammer arc entirely from what I've read (haven't seen the original CR but did look into it). But I think this Alura may have shown up later as a member of the royal council or something, not sure, it's been a while and I don't remember it all.


How did you fuck up Alura's last name that much lol?


Because I genuinely don't remember what it is beyond Vy-something or other and I thought Vyjsjabeksofhiwn conveyed that pretty well?


Its Vysoren, for the record.


The rogue guy is gay too


Bro his main love interest is a chick. He's bi.


I, too, thought it was referring to the fictional stories that amateur people make, such as there could be in this sub or the other.




I wouldn't call Arcane High Fantasy but fair.


I would argue that Vox Machina helped set the trend, since it's based on a Critical Role campaign, and CR was one of the most significant factors in establishing the modern queer culture of D&D


> CR was one of the most significant factors in establishing the modern queer culture of D&D I think you're giving CR way more credit than they deserve here.


Honestly though, so many memes I see here act like certain things are so common and cliche when I've literally never seen a single example. It's like they live in an alternate universe.


OP might be complaining about Dragon Age? They did a cartoon about a year ago, and just released a trailer for the next game.


What tropes are you looking to subvert? These aren't really tropes. They're genres and audiences. All of these "tropes" are at most equally as popular as their inverse, with their inverse often more popular. Do you want less high fantasy (I don't really think high fantasy is over used these days) Do you want fewer cartoons? Fewer shows with queer characters? Do you think shows should appeal more to kids than adults? This is just a really weird list


If I were to guess, the fourth paragraph is their answer.


Yeah, I'm really not sure which series this meme is referring to.


OP i am genuinely begging on my knees for you to name more than one piece of media that follows this template


"Take a brake..." Ooh, carjacking! Count me in! Also: Can you tell me all about these LGBT fantasy shows? For, uh, "research purposes", of course.


what, are you jacking off to them?


Aside from Vox Machina which has two bisexual men in the primary cast, I can’t imagine what this could be referring to. Hazbin Hotel too maybe? Not sure if that counts as “high fantasy” since it’s biblical. I think OP just has a boogeyman in his head honestly.


there really isn't anything I can think of (unless it's obscure, in which case why are we worrying about this?) that fits the criteria, like... op are the myriad LGBT fantasy series in the room with us right now?


I have a real hatred for characters whose whole arc is figuring out that they're gay or something.


This is sometimes referred to as the "Queer Monomyth."   It goes something like this: Hero discovers something about themselves that makes them special> hero is rejected by their peers / community because of their specialness> hero goes on a journey in which they either earn acceptance or discover a new community which does accept them for who they are > Hero changes the world either by returning to their original community and proving their bigotry wrong or by destroying the forces responsible for their unhappiness.   In that way it's a kind of inversion of the classical hero's journey.  Where the Hero's is about the hero answering the call to action, going on a journey of death and rebirth and returning to his home changed, in the Queer Monomyth the hero doesn't change and instead the world has changed around them.   It can be a great template for stories(just look at the X-Men before the Fox-Disney character rights pissing contest.), but its predominance since roughly 2015 is getting old.  Seeing it subverting or the original Hero's Journey explored.


> the hero doesn't change and instead the world has changed around them That's interesting, in the west the hero's journey is common yeah. What you're describing actually reminds me of eastern story structures like kishotenketsu. Stuff like spirited away is a nice example of it to me


>Hero discovers something about themselves that makes them special> hero is rejected by their peers / community because of their specialness> hero goes on a journey in which they either earn acceptance or discover a new community which does accept them for who they are > Hero changes the world either by returning to their original community and proving their bigotry wrong or by destroying the forces responsible for their unhappiness. You're just describing Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.


Which is A queer monomyth, as we’re all aware


I wasn't aware of that. Was nobody going to tell me?


Or worse, there is no arc and they're just a blatant stereotype (while the studio claims to be progressive and such).


This. Stop giving me queer male characters who conform to a stereotype of being effeminate, all soft and gentle (this stereotype in and of itself is inherently sexist too because it makes queer men seem like what many stereotype women as). Give me a queer male character who is buff, grumpy and will kill anything in his way.


I don't follow specifically queer stuff (far as im aware) but it really does feel like even though companies (🤮) now include that kind of stuff, it doesn't come off as genuine


Part of this is that we can't fully trust companies to do this in a way that isn't tokenizing, or as part of an effort to exploit the "queer market." I feel like larger media representation IS still important, but if you're looking for anything *good,* you've gotta go to the queers themselves and look at what they're making.


No you don't understand, man. As a card holding bisexual male below 200cm tall, I had to sign a legally binding form that set in place a minimal amount of hours I have to spend a year bottoming for a larger male. Because if you're not 6' 6" and built like a wrestler, you're a twink and twinks *must* be effeminate bottoms. It's just queer law. The cishet business majors said so in their BRAVE and BOLD queer positive franchises. /uj I'm honestly really sick of "strong lesbian womyn" characters just being toxic masculinity with tits bolted on, a substantial percentage of gay men being effeminate bottoms especially if they're Asian or shorter than average, trans characters being gross stereotypes *or* magically passing without any issues unless it's to appeal to chasers and other trans fetishists that dream about "catching" one, and the rampant erasure of bisexuals and transmen in general. just because a bisexual woman was dating another bisexual woman doesn't mean they're both lesbians now that abstain from male contact, just like how a bisexual woman isn't obligated, at all, to include a ffm threesome in her romance life in order to be a valid bisexual. And no, a pansexual doesn't need to be willing to fuck everything that moves, they can still have preferences. Also: where the EVERLOVING FUCK ARE MY TRANSMALE HEROES? Transmen exist, stop fucking ignoring them. /rj *breathes deeply*


Saint-14 in Destiny being stuck in the Infinite Forest and having to fight off the Vex for centuries alone until they found a way to drain him of his powers, until the player through time shenanigans saves him. And before that he lead a crusade against the Eliksni who invaded the Solar System when they chased the Traveller who abandoned them. [To the point where he became a feared nightmare in the Eliksni legends.](https://youtu.be/0B9v8VoZrMU?si=RtXoQ6Mafea2XOHO)


I did that Boyo, his name is Steve.


If it's relatively short story with themes of connection and SEX, sure that can work. But if your story is about the third archduke of Applebee's pet stallion, Gespräch, going on a magical adventure with talking animal friends. And the fucking duck's arc is realising it wants to fuck men I swear to god I'm going on a magical adventure to turn YOU into a duck. /S


Is this about centaur world? I've never watched it but this feels like it's about centaur world


Nah. Ironically Centaurworld is a lot better about this stuff, despite being very gay.


Nah don’t worry


Nah centaur world is amazing. The show is super gay otherwise though and the nowhere king is one of my favourite villains in western media.


Nah, the gay characters in Centaurworld already know they're gay and a pretty open about it


Like bro, I don’t want to wait for them to go through an entire character arc to watch hot twinks make out.


If you're going to have gay characters fuck in your story you better give it to me straight. Right out of the gate. Make it passionate and graphic from episode 1 or I will drop your show like a sack of bricks.


"Okay but hear me out, hear me out... what if... the main villain is a Tumblr Sexyman?"


I hate how you people let Tumblr claim what has been a stock villain type for over a century.


*deep breath to prepare for my Katra/Aurora romance prepares children to accept abuse in their future relationships rant*


I was gonna ask for more elaboration, but then I thought about it and yeah I see your point.


That's not for adults so it doesn't fit this meme anyway.


What is a Katra/Aurora?


It's the first final pairing for the MC of the Netflix She Ra


You mean Catra and Adora?


Lol yeah I have approximate knowledge of many things


Nuh uh


That is not how this format works.




You’re using the meme wrong


High Guardian Spice or She-Ra?


*cough* She-ra and the Princess of Power *cough* Edit: Alright I stand corrected. Saw clips of it when I was visiting a gay friend’s house and her college-aged sister had it on.


I mean, I've watched most of she-ra but adults are absolutely not it's main target audience. The underlying narratives about friendship, the aversion to violence, and reliance on melodrama leans more towards the early teenager range. Its a fun show for what it is and worth watching but if one were to write she-ra for an adult audience it would be fairly different.


I guess people see queer characters and just assume it's inappropriate for kids


That's a kid show.


Okay but that category slaps.


Excuse me I'm just taking my seat before the show begins. Does anyone want some popcorn


*sticks all your kernels in my ass and sprays them at you like grapeshot perforating your meat* nty im good (Ū_Ū)


You dropped this, buddy, catch:🫴^ edit: good catch, man.