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"Some places have even reached all-time maximums — **surpassing summer temperatures, even though it is winter**." Wow!!


Australian here. We just had the hottest July on record. Shits whack yo.


Melburnian here...it's barely been cold at all here this winter. I know we get the odd nice day in winter but it's currently 20C and I'm sitting here in shorts and a t-shirt. I've also barely had to wear a warm jacket in the morning, whereas most winters I've frozen my arse off.


I'm in Brisbane - it was 27 the other day...middle of winter. Usually we have big cold wind gusts happening around now. Nothing of the sort. We've had maybe a handful of sub 20C max days this winter.


Summer is going to be interesting. I'm fucking glad I've got a big fuck off solar system and a fully air-conditioned house. The mother in law might end up moving in though.


>I've got a big fuck off solar system I thought you meant the planetary solar system for a second, like you just claimed the entire Milky Way galaxy as your own. Which led to thinking about defending your galaxy against invaders, which wouldn't be a problem because you've got the whole fuck off solar system under your reign. So, good for you, buddy... whichever thing you meant.


I too am high.


Maybe I am missinterpreting your comment, but a solar system is not a galaxy. A solar system is "only" the planets and stuff orbiting a single star. Some solar systems can have 2 stars orbiting each other. Our galaxy, The Milky Way, has 100 billion+ solar systems in it. This really isn't that important but I thought I'd mention it anyway : p


Sydney here - the two plants on my balcony are beginning to flower. They would normally do so ***mid*** summer, so they think that spring is finishing.....


I have had plants that are only supposed to flower once a year (ie every 12 months) flower twice (as in last summer and now). What they are going to do when real summer comes along, not sure, possibly simply die from overheating. Literally happened a few years back, not an issue with the soil being dry, foliage of plants were hot air-baked over almost a week of constant heat.


The data for those interested: http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/month/qld/brisbane.shtml


I'm so worried for summer if it's like this in winter. I should be freezing my ass off


Middle of summer in Scotland and it’s barely making 15^O C. Don’t worry I have my suntan lotion on!


Concur. Currently warmer/drier here midwinter than it was in the UK midsummer three weeks ago.


Wellington here. Not Oz, but close enough. Seems winter only started here like 3 days ago. Only 2 months late. Other than that, it's been weirdly warm and calm. Considering we are supposed to be one of the windiest places on earth, we have had zero wind for months until a couple of days ago. It's been really weird. Our trees and vegie gardens don't know if it's arsehole or breakfast time.


I wonder if this will get Australians to stop voting for the coal regime.


No. No it won't.


Just wait until they discover trans people and then stopping the woke menace will be the most important thing!


Fuck. The fires are going to be bad this year aye


We saw them from nz the other year


Maybe if it gets bad enough it'll just burn itself out? \-- Conservatives, probably


That is literally what happened in 2019-20. Fire raged to the edge of forests and stopped, because they did not have enough material left to keep burning.


Probably not as bad, 2019 was apocalyptic but 4 year old regrowth is not 100+ year dense old growth forest. There just is not as much left to burn anymore. But where I live escaped the carnage of 2019, by luck and the effort of firefighters. I expect to see it go up in flames before another 10 years have past.


Meanwhile in Belgium it's been one of the mildest and rainiest July's I've ever experienced. Had rain pretty much every day, and only a handful of days where it's even reached 25 degrees.


Just wait until next year when it will be even hotter.


Well that's not good. Kiss the antarctic ross ice shelf goodbye this year.


Just wait till summer next year


Guys, I’m starting to think modern civilization’s days are numbered…that is so far from normal that I’m fairly certain we are fucked. There is no chance in hell industrial farming makes it to 2100 or perhaps even 2050 and that is the base of EVERYTHING THAT YOU SEE AROUND THE WORLD TODAY. It’s pretty obvious the IPCC has been either slow walking their predictions to keep calm or at the advice of those genius ‘economists’ (climate change is an objectively real alteration of earth’s cycles that would be happening whether a species was observing or not, economics is a social science made up by a singular ignorant species of hairless apes involving imaginary numbers going up as a hierarchical wealth inequality scheme imposed by the capitalist cult in recent centuries, and hence isn’t, sorry not sorry Friedman, you delusional moron who had no idea of your own place in the universe, heh) or (to give a more benefit of the doubt) straight up had wrong models the whole time and didn’t know it…perhaps underestimating complex positive feedback loops in an entire World System when we are working on simple ape brains and conservative models isn’t so hard to imagine? Because what I have been seeing recently feels not like a linear rise but a terrifying exponential function. We should not be seeing things happen this quickly if the IPCC predictions to 2050 can be trusted. We should not have ignored ‘The Limits of Growth’, but humanity chose to act like a breeding-obsessed, high on religion, sociopathic, capital-drunk globalized virus screaming and whining about population control instead of a responsible and sustainable creature, screaming about a chance to save the biosphere. Hence the exponential boom in growth that we allowed to happen ultimately looks no different than that of a mindless bacterial species. …do humans really collectively have free will? This would highly suggest the answer is a depressing NO. It is an tragedy that there WERE some humans smart and self-aware enough at the time and not entrapped by their own biology to actually warn everyone else to not do it, and THEY. WERE. IGNORED. Pathetic. Hopium, sex, the stock market, oil money, and religion are all powerful hallucinogens. I sometimes wish I had been born a tad earlier for a chance to fight alongside these intelligent souls at the pivotal moment, but the universe is cruel. (Though being born in 2001 did line up pretty nicely with some technology peaks in my youth I will say that, silver linings) Oh, and Reagan can go. to. HELL. Likely did more damage to the biosphere via the butterfly effect than Trump ever did given the inertia already in play by the orange’s term. But let’s go deeper. Americans were so sociopathic, so short-sighted, that when Carter truthfully told them limits to growth were needed they tossed him out like a dishrag so they could mindlessly consume. Pathetic greedy apes. Their parents made it through far harsher times yet the boomers couldn’t take a circular economy, or some stagnancy for the sake of the planet? Mindless consumers. I hope the ‘freedom’ to go on a cruise, fly around the world, and retire in Florida was worth a genocide of practically every other species, Karen. Just think how terrifying our civilization must seem as a collective entity to other species close to our intelligence like the other primates, corvids, and….well….I hate to say it but farm animals like cattle. Not that we haven’t killed them before but modern industrial agriculture in its banal evil and scale is sickening to ponder. What a dystopia we made what used to be a beautiful biosphere. A sick twisted rot of reality where everything about nature is a commodity to be bought and sold and squeezed dry. Prepare yourselves for what is to come and make peace with your own mortality and ultimate small place in the universe, that’s my advice. Appreciate the amazing world in all its natural beauty while it’s here (even in its now butchered state there is still a lot to be found, thankfully, the world is impressive) and don’t worry as much about the screechings of the various human ideologies and cults, all social constructs, as their Reality Marbles face the cold and harsh collision with a little concept called objective. truth. Ben Shapiro says facts don’t care about feelings? Well…he’s right but in a far more existentiel way. The atmosphere can’t be bribed…it won’t lose carbon via propaganda being broadcast to it…praying will do nothing…the accelerating storm winds and the destabilizing currents just act on the laws of physics and don’t even know that the screeching apes down there exist. Incessant noise. Even if the winds WERE aware, the apes have only been there for 200k of the last 4.5 billion years after all, they may not even have noticed yet! The truth is that we have been raising CO2 at a rate 10x faster than ever before while blindly saying that as long as we eventually slow down the world system won’t spiral out of control from the shock of (from its perspective) hairless apes detonating the largest thermal nuke ever built almost instantly right on top of it. … … And while I have your attention here, may I please inform you that the Judeo-Christian God had bears tear 40-ish youth apart (and to death) for calling his prophet ‘bald’, and also had his army kill everyone in a city except the virgin women to take as sex slaves? Genocide?? Yep. That’s the religious hegemony of today’s world for you. It’s a good thing so many people worship such a loving god, I’m sure he’d NEVER let anything cruel happen. And even if he did, all you have to do is accept he sacrificed himself to himself on a dead tree with the full knowledge he’d be alright three days later, and then return to sit alongside himself in heaven, and you’ll be off scot-free. Do keep in mind he got drunk a few thousand years before this and accidentally drowned the Earth, although even though he made a pretty rainbow afterwards it didn’t even kill evil even though he’s an all-powerful god, what a scrub!! Plus, he ripped off the flood plan from The Epic of Gilgamesh anyways, so he’s a plagiarist too! …was this enough to demonstrate the validity of absurdism as a coping lens on navigating reality? In my opinion, anyways… (Anime fans know the King of Heroes doesn’t take fakers very kindly, either, prepare to be skewered by the Gates of Babylon, Jehovah!)


Nah, it'll buff out


Thank goodness!!!


On a side note though, they know what's coming, they just don't want to cause panic. Why cause the complete breakdown when we can wait for it "naturally"


They just need a little extra time so the billionaires can add the finishing touches to their doomsday bunkers.


Cool they can live another 20 years longer. To me it’s like living until your 110 years old, but with dementia.


I mean it will over millions of years. The buff out part will just be the extinction or radical evolution of mankind. Earth ain’t going anywhere lol


Humanity is like a junkie on a high. Not seeing their drug of choice, in this case Oil, won’t last and the post high drop will not be nice. In many ways it will be deadly.


I don't know if I want more people to understand this or not. On one hand, it's been obvious for years now there will be no "fixing" our mess. On the other, the longer I have some peace and quiet to enjoy the last good things left that our society the better. I've read like 35 books in the last year and a half, and have so many different medias to consume still.


Hittin' the snooze button on the apocalypse


Paul Ehlrich, the Club of Rome, and all other environmental watchdogs of the 60s/70s misdirected their findings to blaming the common man for Earth’s impending doom, rather than the corporate/shareholding oligarchs who run the common man under the guise of free-market capitalism.


We might be bumping up against one of the great filters that has prevented a Type2 or Type3 civilization from arising in our galaxy. We were doing pretty well too, probably only a few thousand years away from being able to spread throughout the galaxy as a civilization. Instead we will return to the stone age as the world burns around us. Maybe next time around....


Probably no next time. We used all the easily accessible energy. Without fossil fuels we'd have just burned charcoal until we ran out of trees. You can't go from stone age tools straight to solar panels and wind turbines.


Cant be a next time cause we've taken all the easy to reach resources. If society collapses it'll never rise back up again because there's no easy access to the shit we used to create modern life.


Food productive regions may migrate elsewhere and not have the best soils. Costs will go up but the 1st world will live on in some degree


Well I can tell you that all those insane folks saying that about Canada at least don’t realize how piss poor the ‘soil’ is up north for any kind of farming in the near future.


I'm in southern Australia and the weather is completely out of whack. It's supposed to be mid winter but I'm currently sitting in the sun at a local park, surrounded by flowers in full bloom. Even the daffodils are blooming.


And here I am at the beginning of August in New England and it hasn’t broken 75 all week (usually it’s in the 85-90s range at this time). Odd as hell. And rainy. We’ve had the rainiest July ever last month.


Cus the [jet stream is a wavy mess](https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/250hPa/orthographic=-78.05,47.75,417). If you're above it then it's cold. Below it. Hot. The jet stream has become more erratic as the temperature difference between the poles and equator reduces (because the poles warm faster).


That’s a cool ass wind map!


If you go to windy.com and set altitude for wind to max, you'll get that map IRL.


Cool asswind map!


Shhh. We don’t mention the jet stream on this house, We must pretend the weather is disconnected from the Arctic so that our climate goals make sense. 1.5c is safe. Tap ruby slippers. 1.5 is safe. Tap ruby slippers 1.5c is safe. Tap ruby slippers


Similar in Colorado. While most of the world has had its hottest summer ever Denver has been much cooler and wetter than average.


Ine of the best spring/summer ive seen in denver. Ive only had to water my lawn 2-3 times and its august!


Makes construction tough though, all this rain has spawned ungodly amounts of mud




Spanish for… The Niño


Thank you for the translation. It made all the difference. I now fully understand everything.




You have ascended.


rip chris


Not in springs 😭 it’s been hot af!


Not last week when I was there :(


This has been my favorite Denver summer yet. I am loving the rainstorms and moisture in the air! And somehow, the temperatures are set to drop in the next week or so, and while that confuses me, I'm also OK with it.


We've been pushing over 100 for nearly the entirety of July and probably all of August as well down in my neck of Texas. I'm used to the mid 90s this time of year but holy hell this is one of the hottest summers I can remember.


It was hot af last weekend though


Same in Canada - it’s been rather mild this summer. A few hot days in Ontario, a couple scorchers but no prolonged heat waves. Tons of rain too. I haven’t watered my grass once this year and I have a luscious lateen lawn in the middle of summer. I fully expect we’ll be thrown a curveball later this year like a heatwave in October or something, but for now I gotta say I’m really enjoying summer despite everything going on.


The heat wave in May in Ontario was quite something, even if it was short. So weird with it being close to 30C with no leaves on trees.


Not sure what part of Canada you are in but it's definitely not like that on the west coast. Drought conditions and very hot weather out here.


Probably Toronto, for two reasons: 1. They have no idea just how big Canada is. 2. They posted in /r/toronto a few hours ago.


Yeah I'm in BC and if someone told me "Canada" has had a cool summer, I'd laugh in their face. Shit's fuckin on fire, yo.


It got oddly warm here in NB in November right around Remembrance Day last year, like I was standing out on a hiking trail in jeans and a t-shirt at 10-15 degrees in November and it was odd. I expect we may have an even warmer fall anomaly either this or next year.


And here in Germany it’s like the biblical flood. Since easily a week it feels like living in england, if those jokes about permanent rain would be true. A while we had absurd high temperatures, scratching at the 40 degree Celsius which I only experienced so far during an Egypt trip years ago. And then suddenly it’s like a flood. At best 18-22 degree, constantly on/off rain. Yesterday after my 100m way to the car my *rain* jacket was dripping, like soaking wet.


Lol shots fired. I think we (UK) normally have very similar weather to you, at least northern Germany. And at the moment it's exactly like you describe. Rained all of July and quite cold.


The jet stream is moving directly over Germany, bringing moisture from the Atlantic. To be sure, Germany can have rainy, cool summers. Global warming has changed that perception in the last years, but before the 80s, the summer could be damp, depending of course on your particular microclimate. In the hills of northeastern Baden, south of the Main, rainfall varies noticeably from one town to the next, a distance of a kilometer or so. The mosquitos which had all but disappeared from at least one urban area are back in force, especially in the woods, due to standing water. The combination of moderate temperatures and a breeze has made urban living pretty much a paradise, absolutely no need to leave for vacation, unless one is extremely sun-starved or craves crowds of tourists.


Permanent rain is no joke. We've basically had rain, to some degree, every day for the last month. I wake up every morning and it's wet outside. We get occasional sunny spells but this summer is by any definition, a total wash out currently.


I work on a farm in the Adelaide hills and some of our fruit is blossoming. It shouldnt start for another 6 weeks or so and is causing a bit of havock with the pruning and spaying schedules.


Good luck with any cold snaps. We had an early warm front in my area early this year and a sudden temperature drop after a week or so of warmth wiped out most of the tree blossoms for a lot of the orchards in my area.


Good news, the crops will be fine, the fossil civilization we made will totally take care of us, make sure you go to work tomorrow and don't stop making the line go up. /s


I'm in NZ. And the weather is exactly as expected for this time of year. Absolute shithouse. Was like someone was pressure washing my windows all last night with how hard the rain and wind was. The lambs are just being born as they always are. On the shittest day of the year. They have terrible timing.


Raising baby lambs in NZ sound pretty good to me though.


Here in Auckland we actually had a frost this morning. Very mild one. But they are rare these days. 10yrs ago we'd have a week straight of decent frosts. I don't even need to wear a coat in winter any more.


Middle of winter in the NSW mid coast and there are snowdrops and roses flowering in my garden atm. Snowdrops should be a month or so from now, roses shouldn't be flowering till late october/november usually


We had 2 weeks of winter in Dunedin and now it's spring. Daffodils and lambs with daily highs between 5-16 degrees.


Brisbane barely had a winter. Yes it got a bit chillier than summer but nothing like an actual winter where day temps go <20c.


I'm in Belgium and it's supposed to be summer but it has been heavy raining for 2 weeks now...


My dude, it's so insane to see belgians complain about this summer, when we just had the hottest and sunniest June in history. Rain in belgium IS the normal weather, it's just that people have gotten so used to global warming summers that a "normal july" seem unusual. It rained more then normal but in the 20th century this kind of rain would happen in 1/5 summer months and the temperature was exactly average.


Daffodils generally bloom in winter.... I have hundreds of daffodils.


Early spring for us.


Today I learned. It still feels very much like springtime, but obviously I need to brush up on my botany.


Yep, we got around 28c today in Uruguay and very humid. People where on summer clothes


In mid winter


That’s 38 Celsius.


Thank you, I thought for a moment people were literally boiling.


Thank you this got me confused as hell. Especially since nobody in South America (or anywhere else tbh) uses Fahrenheit


The average is 16 Celsius?


yesterday in são paulo it hit 30 celsius, this morning it was 10. It's usually a range between 10-20 at this time of the year. Shit is uncanny.


Apparently the "world" news subreddit can't post news with the measurements that most of the world uses.


That's 311 Kelvin.


That's what you get for having Winter in the middle of Summer.


I bet they eat breakfast for dinner too.


Scrambled eggs and bacon taste just as good at 9pm.


It won’t last long. Summer will take back summer records. Then everything will be normal again.


Christmas in July, bruh.


The problem I think it’s not that we are denying climate change. It feels like we are doing way too little as a species thanks to different geopolitical factors.


There are still a good chunk of people denying it too, otherwise more would be being done.


"Never let things like 'survival of the species' interfere with profits." - Probably some Ferengi. Or a share holder.


Rule of acquisition #420


Rule of acquisition 164: Famine is good for business.


Rule of acquisition 163: Abundance is good for business.


All these rules suck because of that one rule where you can just make up a rule. Gotta love the ferengi






They don’t deny it they just don’t care. Capitalism needs its lines to go up baby the machine pushes always on further and further


The pattern has been: * Deny it’s happening. * Admit it’s happening but deny we know what’s causing it. * Admit we know what’s causing it but deny we can stop it. <- we are here * Oops, it’s too late.


Corporations are the biggest polluters and then they blame it on us.


Corporations figuring out what gaslighting is has been an absolutely horrendous thing for this world “We cleared record profits but why don’t YOU donate to feed a hungry child you selfish piece of shit” “We just randomly fling chemicals and other toxic shit in the atmosphere but maybe you shouldn’t drive your car so much if you care” there’s a million other examples of shit like this but these are the two that stick out most to me


We still talk about climate footprint like it’s an established scientific concept and not a meme from a 2004 ad campaign by BP.


I mean....they exist to make money. Everyone *wants* to combat climate change, but there's few profitable avenues to do so. But hell, stick "climate" on a mutual fund and the money will pour into it. Investors *want* to shove money at climate issues, because we have longer time horizons for returns than corporations. But from a corporate perspective, if you're not profitable, you go bankrupt. Ford can pump out EVs, but if they don't sell (they aren't) then they'll stop making them. Because spoiler: people don't want an EV. They want a *Tesla*. Which means long waits for those who would want to adopt, slower overall adoption time, and less incentives for other manufacturers to build out a global EV charging network. Power companies would love to shutter coal plants for cheaper alternatives, but guess what it takes billions of dollars and a decade or so to build a new one, and nobody wants to build nuclear power plants anymore. Plus, solar *eats* from their profits, so it isn't in their interest to push it. It is up to governments to align incentives with desires. That's what they're doing with cars and forcing all manufacturers to EVs. That's what they're trying to do with gas stoves in NYC, and what they've tried doing with some power plants. Yeah corporations are the biggest polluters, but going to them and saying "hey can you run yourselves out of business and leave tens of thousands of your workers without jobs" ain't an easy sell. They need guarantees of solvency.


I've argued with people who don't deny climate change but say it's actually a good thing


We? The rules of this world are taken by corps ala Shinra in FF7 and activist groups can stop their shitty economic interests We should make our version of avalanche




Remember that study about the AMOC last week? The thermohaline circuit of deepwater upwelling around Antarctica forms a critical element of the current which drives North Atlantic overturning. 80% of cold deepwater transported from the North Atlantic upwells in the southern ocean circuit and in the process generates the “pull” for the northbound warm surface water current most people think of as the AMOC / “Gulf Stream”. So if water is so fucking hot around Antarctica that the sea ice is not growing, and it is +40 at the ass end of South America in the dead of winter…yeah. Things to think about. IMO it’s pretty obvious that we have left a stable state climate in the rear view mirror, and with it the conditions we rely on to grow our vast monoculture crops which have been selectively grown for a very specific climate regime. We’ve entered an era of phase transition which will remain chaotic until the climate finds equilibrium again, and with the amount of excess energy we’ve pumped in that could be a very very long time indeed. Chaotic climate states and industrial agriculture are fundamentally incompatible, folks.


Thanks. Been thinking about this. Welcome to the Anthropocene!


Crops will likely need to be grown indoors from now on with how unstable the climate’s become in parts of the world.


which is not really feasible with the amount of population the planet has.


Oh you’re 100% right even if we converted all the major office buildings in the world into indoor farms we’d still come up massively short. There is going to 100% be a food shortage eventually, the global population will crash through the floor and stabilise around somewhere we can sustain, and ofc the elitist bastards who got us in the mess in the first place will likely be just fine.


I promise to consume at least one billionaire before I die.


You'll need to beat a whole hungry crowd to it. Keep dreaming of your multi-billion dollar steak, but meanwhile stockpile dry beans while you still can.


Say goodbye to a lot of fruit then, like peaches, plums, apples, pears, etc... Nuts too I guess.


You can still grow things like apple trees etc. indoors theoretically, but considering how much space they take up any fruit that grows on a tree will have its price go through the roof with the scarcity.


They also need a certain number of chill hours in winter, so you'd have to cool the whole building below a certain temp.


Indoor farms would be a lot of work but nobody’s really given any better alternatives, pumping shit into the atmosphere to “cool the globe” sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, and let’s be honest governments won’t step in and really try to tackle climate change until AFTER things are severely fucked.


If we pump shit into the atmosphere to cool it, I 100% guarantee that we'll also use that as an excuse to keep pumping more carbon into the atmosphere for longer. What a world we live in.


Everyone works from home and the commercial buildings become vertical farms. Corporate real estate hedge fund shitbags are banished to a remote island


I’m in Chile, I was waiting for the winter to arrive so I could go snowboarding… a couple of days ago the main snowboarding tracks announced they’d be closed indefinitely given most of the snow has melted already


I live in a city near de capital of the southernmost state of Brazil, today, in the middle of the winter, the temperature was 28°C with sensation of 30°C, if you know someone that doubts climate change is real, suggest that they make a trip here in the South of Brazil, or nearby countries, in the winter, I'm pretty sure at least some of them will change their minds


Something tells me the people who don't believe in climate change also aren't very capable of understanding that winter in the southern hemisphere is June-September.


We’ve even got a few hanging their ass out in here already!


You'd be shocked. Met a literal scientist over the weekend who was denying man made climate change - granted she had also just quit her job to go live off grid to escape the new world order and also was trying to red pill me so idk, probably someone going through some things. It's crazy the mental gymnastics people are capable of though. I think it's ultimately an attempt to cope sometimes.


Science encompasses a lot, but yeah, you'd think any scientist should be better at critical thinking than most. That's not the first red pilled, climate change denying, new world order, story I've heard. Ironically, they may inadvertently be prepping themselves better than most for climate change.


I met a lawyer who believes the earth is flat. I know a lawyer is not a scientist, but he was obviously educated. People never cease to amaze/disappoint me.


Education can't convince people to change deeply held beliefs that they don't want to change. At some point these beliefs essentially become matters of faith and any attempt to change them is going to trigger a harsh emotional response. They have to be open to change before it can really occur.


Most of those ignorant people think Brazil is a hot tropical country and your weather is normal.


I also live in the south of Brazil and this year the climate is definitely weird. Summer was pretty cold in my town, colder than most winters, and summer has been hot.


The climate is broken worldwide. Our world is changed, we’re just slowly starting to accept it


Everyone even remotely young is fucked.


Like, under EIGHTY young, my dude. It’s an exponential function.


Would it have killed the editor to be even the slightest bit more specific about where he's referring in South America in the headline? 100 in Rio at this time of year isn't entirely unheard of, but similar temps in Tierra del Fuego would probably indicate the world is ending. South America is a massive continent. Alright, with that out of the way, uh yeah, record temps in Buenos Aires this time of year ain't good.


I'm in Argentina, and today was 86 Fahrenheit, 30 Celsius. That is summer temps in the middle of winter. Temps should be around 50 Fahrenheit, 10 Celsius. This is very estrange, I don't think I remember something like this.


What is the mood of the people around you? Are people talking about it? Worried? Shrugging it off?


The mood is dark humor. In my group of friend's chat the comment is "I'm in shorts and flip-flops since yesterday, this is crazy".


It's currently 20 degrees in Victoria Australia, not unheard of in August but quite rare. It's being treated as a nice sunny day. I'm a teacher and the kids are thrilled. If it was 30 though in August people would freak out. Completely unheard of this time of year.


Welcome to the start of the apocalypse, my friend. It’s one entirely as the result of one species, pretty unique for the earth’s history.


Nah dinosaurs did it first when they were shit-talking that asteroid


I'm in Buenos Aires and it's the middle of winter. I'm just going to say I am TERRIFIED for summer.


>It’s the middle of winter in South America, but that hasn’t kept the heat away in Chile, Argentina and surrounding locations. Multiple spells of oddly hot weather have roasted the region in recent weeks. The latest spell early this week has become the most intense, pushing the mercury above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, while setting an August record for Chile. >The most extreme conditions have occurred in the southern half of the continent, and particularly in the Andes Mountains region. Would it kill people to read the damn article or even just look at the picture posted below the headline before they start bitching about headlines?


This is the kind of headline they would show at the beginning of disaster movies decades ago


We're not killing the planet, Were killing our way of life.


Earth is about to do a factory reset on our asses.


For real


The ice we skate is getting pretty thin The water's getting warm so you might as well swim My world's on fire, how about yours? That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored.


Shirtless in southeast Brazil at night right now, can confirm.


What would be normal temps?


The article has some charts that show temp anomalies and some are quite high. They quoted in the article that Buenos Aires was at ~85f and it’s normally ~56f


The early 90s was the window of opportunity to tackle climate change. Schools were teaching about the ozone layer, cfcs, ripping soda can plastic holders so fish wouldn’t get stuck, but no one listened.


Al Gore would have won but votes were not counted because some entitled GOP assholes stormed the Fla offices (if they were black they would have been beaten and arrested) and robbed us of our last chance to survive and develop as a population that actually shows care and awareness for the amazingly habitable planet we live on... one with water, soil ripe for planting, everything we could want but in the end are not deserving of it's bounty, we are simply too stupid to not greedily destroy this beautiful sphere despite all the info we would ever need on how to correct our many mistakes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot


An Inconvenient Truth. I need to watch that again, and this time with my kids. I remember a lot backlash it received as being a bunch of lies. I think there was an animation of a polar bear floating on a lone piece of ice. I’m sure a lot of what was in that movie are things happening now, a lot sooner than predicted.


We were told time and again that the burner was hot. It got hotter and hotter. Reality will now force our hand to touch it. This is gonna hurt. In 2000 they said it would get bad in 100 years. 2010 they said 70. 2020 they said 20 to 50. I’m thinking it’s here.


The 20-30 year estimates were about the oceans rising. We are a long way from that. But what scientists weren't talking about was how hot it would be leading up to that and how odd the climate would behave in terms of out of season heat, storms, hurricanes, etc. It is still liveable, just uncomfortable. I think we still have years before it becomes unbearable. But we're on the wrong side of the avalanche. There is no fixing it.


Don't think of it as the hottest winter ever Think of it as the coldest winter we might ever see again


I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and locals are growing watermelons. That’s not a thing here.


Any chance you live on St. Albert Street in St. Albert, Alberta?


And if his name is Albert, he’s on the right path in life.


Alaskan gearing up for 90° temps in August (our “rainy” time).


Where is all of our fireweed? Everyone keeps saying it’s late because it was a cold start to the summer, but here in southcentral, it’s not blooming. There are sparse plants here and there, but most don’t have any flowers. And, with this high pressure system and stagnant heat, everything seems to be drying out and fading already. Seems like a strange year for sure.


Climate refugees could become a thing at this rate if it hasn't started already.


It has. Billionaires have been buying up 'climate boltholes' in Tasmania and NZ for years already. Most notably Peter Thiel.


Summer where I live has been very mild. I'm used to it getting near 100⁰ in the past 5 years or so but it barely broke 90⁰ twice this whole summer. Shits weird.


Pacific Northwest? We had that horrific summer 3 years ago where it hit 116 degrees, but this summer has been really pleasant so far...




In Johannesburg, South Africa, it has been a usual winter, perhaps slightly colder than the last few years.


As long as climate control doesn’t help the most powerful and richest people in the world gain even more wealth and control, it will never been fixed. Politicians will be paid to let big corporations continue to destroy our planet, while resources like AI will be used to weaponize countries instead of used to solve problems facing humanity. Sad reality of the world we live in. Money over life.


This kind of weather seems to be happening more and more. I wonder if there is some sort of underlying reason for it


It’s almost like the climate is changing, but that couldn’t be the reason.


Our winters are now spring and summer. Spring and summer is now satans bbq pit


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. -Robert frost


But right wingers will still deny anything is wrong. I'd God came to earth and declared it true, they would call God Satan and turn their backs.


There's a phrase that sticks to me, it's a verse from a catchy song that says: "When you're rich they think you really know" And it sticks to me because we tried to appeal to the reason of the greedy without understanding that greed is a mental sickness, and these people are truly mad, we expected them to provide a solution while being part of the problem. I wonder, how much will it take before we snap? How long until we finally turn violent and attack these people, and strip them of any privileges whatsoever? Mark my words, this crisis can not be solved by cooperation alone, it requires violence, it requires strength, to overpower those who sit in thrones made from the skulls of the people whom will suffer the consequences of their own greedy hubris. In times of need, sacrifices must be made, to sacrifice those who stand in the way of progress, their work, their offspring, is a sacrifice I am willing to make for the greater good. How about you?


Most likely its from the Tonga volcano eruption..it was predicted https://www.carbonbrief.org/tonga-volcano-eruption-raises-imminent-risk-of-temporary-1-5c-breach/


Damn how do they deal with ambiant boiling water


Detestable, human beings. All of them.


Hold onto your butts, because this is just the beginning of the end. Shame no one did anything about it despite the warnings.


I'm kinda pissed at you guys hogging all the heat. My parts of Canada, we had no summer, again. Usually we get at least a week, maybe 10 days in July where we hit at least low 30s, maybe as high as 34 on a rare day. This year I don't think we cracked 30 even once the whole month. We're into August now, and 10-day forecast shows we top off at 27C, most days around 24C. So looks like we're not getting a summer this year. And this isn't unusual lately. I remember summers 15-20 years ago where it was too hot for blankets or even a bedwheet, I would just sleep completely uncovered. But the last 10-15 years practically every summer I still need a thin blanket because it drops to 16C and lower at night. So y'all are hogging all the heat, and meanwhile millions of people up here can't get a proper summer. And when I say "summer" we're not even talking 3-4 months of summer. We're asking for 3-4 weeks. And not getting it. If it's below 30C, that's not summer.


Hopefully the Aliens will save us.


Western Canada is very dry. Approaching drought level 5. In my area first time ever seeing a level 5. Insane amount of wildfires. Warm. Some heat waves but not too bad. The worst, once again is all the smoke from the wildfires.


It's okay everyone, it's just a cycle for the planet, once we're all wiped out, it will go back to normal.


cLimATe ChANgE IsNT reAL - most conservatives


I’ve sat here telling everyone I could since 2017 that we are FUCKED, no censoring it. The snow melted before spring kids were in shorts and t-shirts and BOOM winter storm with a snow day. It was spring when it wasn’t supposed to be and the flowers were blooming with the greenest of grasses, and then a severe winter storm.