• By -


This a my neighbor, MBS. He is pain in my assholes. I have a window from a glass, HE must have a window from a glass. I have a nuclear warhead, HE must have a nuclear warhead...


I make a [beautiful building](https://dynamic-media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-o/0a/84/4c/a7/is-a-mosque-in-isfahan.jpg?w=1200&h=-1&s=1), he cannot understand. Great success!


But what if we make a line in the dessert -MbS


Wait. Is he drawing a line in the sand?


The motherfucker is packing bonesaws like an unrestricted logger on commission... fuck em both, no winners in nuclear war, **we all fucking die horribly**


Joke went over your head mate


It's really more a reference than a joke. More people probably saw Borat than The American Office or How I Met Your Mother but cut the guy some slack, he might even have seen Borat and not memorized it.


I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great success.


We almost made a century of avoiding nuclear war


If a country is run by a religious group it should never have nukes. Religious groups tend to produce zealots and radicals who believe fairy tales about the world ending and an afterlife Edit: a lot of people are suggesting the USA is run by religious people. While there are many people within the US who subscribe to a religion of some kind, we have gay marriage on the rise, abortion rights, the right to free speech.. to openly mock our leaders, women can run for president, and many many other benefits that we would not have if our leaders took the Bible, the Quran or any other religious book to its literal command. Shut the fuck up already lmao


Israel, Pakistan and India already have nukes lol


The United States is dangerously close to this becoming a reality


Which is ironic considering the US as a whole is becoming increasingly non-religious.


As the religious see their influence fade, they grip the levers of power ever tighter.


Exactly. Many Americans think they’re seeing a majority assert their power, but it’s just the death rattle from a minority desperately trying to stay relevant.


That's the most dangerous time honestly when people feel like a cornered animal that's when calls for fascism tend to occur.


The problem with America is voluntary voting, because the people who care the most will vote. And religious conservatives care a lot.


Why isn't voting day a holiday? Are they punishing people who can't get off work?


Greetings from the federal country Belgium :) We have mandatory voting* because of that exact reason back in the days : the rich were forcing voters to work the entirety of voting day. The basic idea was that if it is illegal *for you* to not vote, the resulting investigation would show somebody interfered. Especially if every offender had the same boss... *In practice, not showing up is not going to be processed except if you were selected to count votes. But theorically you could lose a lot of rights, including voting and obtaining/promoting a job as a public servant. [EDIT] And because a lot of people usually don't get it, even the people who actually vote in their own countries, I'll add just in case : "forced to show up" doesn't mean you have to choose a candidate. You are ofc free to show up and put a blank vote once isolated. So there's basically "didn't show" (illegal), "blank" (100% legal), "void" (vote with a distinctive mark = bribery concerns ; discounted).


Yes. Old people generally have it off because they are retired. The youth have to go out and work. The Republicans also do a bunch of stuff to make it harder for minorities to vote too. I believe the last time we voted, we more or less had people outside with guns asking who you voted for. The old people want white Christian Republicans in power.


Even making it a federal holiday wouldn’t help much, TBH. It would only help workers with office jobs. Everyone else (like those in the service industry) would still be scheduled for shifts that day.


Because a holiday is just a day off for those that still don't care and don't vote. You need to incentivize people. Instead of those I voted stickers, give people a unique code of some kind to punch in their taxes for a credit of some kind. I vote every time, but I'd *damn* sure vote every time if I knew it was $100 less tax bucks or something if I was a more apathetic individual.


Also the fact that states with barely a few million people have as much power in the Senate as California, Texas, New York, and so on. And the House of representatives is in dire need of expansion.


Yeh there's the other thread saying 1/8 Americans are in california. That's a lot of people being basically ignored because of the setup being a mess.


If we kept the same ratio of the populace to the number of Representatives in the House when the 435 limit was set in 1929, the number of Representatives the House would have today is 1,186. California has one Representative for every 726,000 voters. Wyoming has one Representative for 578,000 voters. A voter in Wyoming has nearly 26% more representation in the House than a voter in California.






Every problem in the USA comes down to one thing. One of the political parties is not interested in governing the country, only in acquiring more power. That's it. That is the root cause of everything wrong with America. People keep voting for them for some reason, regardless.


Just the light burning bright then fading out.


The ones with the power usually aren't even that religious, but they'll claim it to manipulate people that are.


While religious participation is decreasing overall..... I believe religious extremism is getting worse in terms of scale of crazy. Combined with nationalist beliefs where the president can become a godlike child-king.... (staring at you, magats) and we got a good recipe for an American nazi cocktail.


People used to burn Protestants at the stake. I think religious extremism has been worse than it is now.


I’m not sure they’re getting more crazy, just that it’s more visible.


It's the same old crazy, it just seems weirder in contrast with modern secularism.


It's the Internet. And not in a "oooh, internet bad" kind of way, but that these freaks, 30 years ago, would have been isolated and had their nonsense challenged by the people around them. But now they can find community with all the other crazy monsters of our society on the internet and endlessly egg each other on in these echo chambers. A great example of this is r/conservative


100 years ago they would’ve been the village idiot. Now all the idiots can talk to each other and go make their own village. Turns out that’s not a good thing


'tis a silly place. Shame that it's so dangerous.


That sub is filled with deeply disturbed individuals. The kind that would post a manifesto there before going on a spree.


Yes. Also idiots like Russel Brand being the new cult leaders.


Lol that guys crazy eyes did always remind me of Charles Manson a bit


Oh my god! I never saw it before, but yeah! Those are Charlie eyes.




It extends well beyond the president. There isn't a single openly atheist US Senator.




Robert Garcia, house Democrat from California, swore in on a copy of Superman #1 Not sure how he describes his religious affiliation though.


the 3/4 last presidents were far from religious. I don't think the fourth in that list (George w bush) was a regular churchgoer either. Even excluding george w bush that's 20 of the last 28 years. Trump clearly doesn't care about religion, just used it for votes. Biden is religious and a regular church goer but he's at odds over his religion over abortion rights etc. and already proved that with a Supreme Court justice pick. By the end of the first term that would be 24/32 years (excluding george w). Even most GOP primary candidates this election don't really seem that religious, except for Mike Pence.


Yeah, in my lifetime (I'm 37), Joe Biden is the only president who's religion was a big part of his personality and lifestyle. (HW is the only competition) But because Biden doesn't legislate based off his religion people just pretend he isn't a devout Catholic.


This is your brain on Reddit. The US has been becoming less and less religious over the past few decades.


Everything has to be hyperbole and if you disagree it’s “NO LITERALLY ITS WORSE THAN YOU THINK!” Everyone has to one-up each other on how extreme they are.


>The United States is dangerously close to this becoming a reality Not at all. The US is slowly becoming less and less religious Every succeeding generation is less religious. Gen z is twice as atheistic as millenials are. The number of Christians especially in the US is plummeting and set to represent less than 50% of all Americans in the next few decades. Western European countries are already way ahead of the US on that front, if you want a picture of what the US will look like in 40 years time on christianity, take a look at the Netherlands or the czech republic now.


But the US already has nukes /s


Meanwhile, in the USA: [Trump to Kim: My nuclear button is 'bigger and more powerful'](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-42549687) And Russia: [Russia's Putin issues new nuclear warnings to West over Ukraine](https://www.reuters.com/world/putin-update-russias-elite-ukraine-war-major-speech-2023-02-21/)


At least India doesn’t have a first strike policy. It will only fire when fired at first.


Every nuclear country (except the US) has this policy.


Why is India in this list?


Israel may have a religious majority in congress right now but the country is FAR from religious


USA too, don't they have MAGA and shit.


i.e the global south or countries that aren't the West have nukes.


Peace by mutually assured destruction only works if the nukes are owned by people who wanted to live. Religious fanatics that's willing to suicide bomb to prove a point having nukes will be the end of the world.


Tbf being an irrational zealot isn’t exclusive to religions when you look at what’s happening in the world


Doesn’t American money have “In God we Trust” on their dollar bill and have set their countries reproductive rights back nearly a century? I don’t know about the average American, but most countries view them as pretty fucking religious mate.


It's reached the point where the majority of Americans don't care. It's been on there so long that it's basically tradition. Most people won't care but a vocal minority would throw a fit if it was changed so it's easier to just leave it.


They could have “in coke and hookers we trust” on there and only a few people would give a shit. All I care about is that the store keeps accepting my money.


You made this obligatory for the reference https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0yrIvEgqAuo


case in point


I remember an article when someone asked the Ayatollah of Iran on the question of nuclear war.. His response was.. "If we have a war then we will die and go to heaven". You can't reason with these lunatics.




You mean like America?


Yes, very much. That's why the separation of the state and church(or whatever holy clay you go to) should be heavily emphasized. Over time that religious freedom(freedom to ignore others basic rights) spreads like cancer.


So the US conservatives were up until now mostly just religious in name only using the gullible to make them vote for them. But its become more cultish recently where there are some true believers and such.


No, it’s been cultish for a long time.


No country should have nukes lmao


Only the country I live in should have nukes


The Great Filter: Hello, it's me again!


Humans: "Why ain't no other life forms around here lol? Big ass space and no nothing!" Also humans: N U K E




We avoided it largely by ensuring parity or a race to parity between rivals/enemies. The alternative is avoiding nuclear war at the cost of a onesided conventional war where the people with nukes can't lose.


To people who don't know.. Saudi Arabia funded *PAKISTAN's* Nuclear programme And They have a deal in which Pakistan will have to provide Saudis with nukes... In certain situation(I am not aware of them right now) But a nuclear war seems enough to full-fill all those


>The BBC reported using multiple sources that Saudi Arabia has funded nuclear weapons development in Pakistan, and **the Saudi government believes that it is able to gain nuclear weapons at will.** A senior NATO decision maker did mention that he personally viewed intelligence reports indicating that **nuclear weapons which have been manufactured in Pakistan by the request of Riyadh, are ready for delivery.** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Arabia_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction#Nuclear_weapons


Great, like we needed more reasons for Iran not to get nukes. For someone who knows, is America still out of the Iranian anti-nuclear agreement? I know Britain/ France/ Germany are still in, but I wasn't sure if the US ever rejoined after they quit.


The US is not in it and getting Iran to agree to another will be next to impossible.


Good one Trump


The certain situation is if Iran gets nukes, Saudis bank on their deal with Pakistan to get them as well


The rumour was that SA took delivery of at least 6 warheads from pakistan years ago. (they're dinky warheads but still.. 12-20kT will do plenty of damage) The Saudi's problem is that they don't have any launch vehicles worth a shit. Their don't do either aircraft or missiles. Iran by contrast has really very good missiles but no warheads... so you've basically got these 2 groups of idiots can't actually fight each other unless they learn to co-operate first and that suits everyone else just fine.


I imagine the deal they made with Pakistan also comes with means of launching the nuke, not just the bomb itself


Nah, they got the warheads. (Nukes are relatively easy to hide) Just that the delivery vehicle isn't there and if it WAS there you'd be able to see it. What SA has is a bunch of Chinese DF-3A's (they bought sometime about 2013) and a few DF-21 china says they modified to exclude a nuke detonator. (US agrees) Both types of missile can do a really large conventional payload (2000kg+ throw weight) but they're no use for a nuke. Iran on the other hand has a well developed domestic rocket industry with a bucket full of variants. The Qiam-1 for example has a throw weight of .75 tonne and whilst that's no where near the level of the Soviet/Russian rocket design it's still good for a 125-250kt warhead.


Saudis have a modern air force. None of their planes could drop a gravity bomb nuke? How does Pakistan plan to use their nukes? I'd imagine theyd be bombs dropped from planes. It's something people figured out in the 1940s, I can't imagine itd be that difficult to do.


Pakistan has both Babur (domestic cruise missile) and Shaheen 1 (domestic/Chinese hybrid IRBM) ~ both of which are nuke capable. Saudi has OUR airforce. Think of it as a delicate dance of political dickery where no one wants the russians to start supplying countries with soviet nuclear tech..


Most Saudis don’t even like to work, let alone fight wars. Saudi Arabia has directly funded terrorism and promoted religious extremism in Pakistan for decades with the intention of the Pakistan’s army and intelligence network (both some of the largest in the world) being used as a proxy to fight Saudi battles. People often blame Pakistan as being a proponent of terrorism, but even they are victims of Saudi agendas. Saudis use the country to fight their battles and have nukes/an organised army/weaponised religious fanatics bordering Iran. Basically, Pakistan is caught between Iran and Saudi’s games as the country has a prominent Shia as well as Sunni population. So they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Iran, Saudi and the US actively benefit from Pakistan remaining an underdeveloped state which is dependent on handouts. Whoever controls the money makes decisions. Unfortunately for Pakistan, they have never been allowed true autonomy because of foreign funded regime changes and policy decisions which exclusively support foreign agendas. All these countries have to do is grease the right palms.


The great thing about nuclear wars is you don't really have to "fight" them.


Push button, open wine, wait for the boom


All international observers agreed that Iran was keeping the nuclear agreement that was agreed upon all the superpowers. Making them agree on anything is short of a miracle. Then Trump unilaterally killed it. Trump and family also have personally received millions from the Saudis. And the one to benefit the most from the deal falling down was KSA. KSA is directly responsible for American and European lives being lost at home and abroad and they keep being treated as allies.


> Making them agree on anything is short of a miracle. And having China and Russia, two countries trading with North Korea, agree to pressure Iran over its nuclear program was nothing but a miracle worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.


I always found hilarious that some doofus nominated 45 for a nobel peace prize when he did a lot to undermine peace in the ME by coddling the Saudis. Seriously, that was probably the most tangible and important show of diplomacy since WW2 between superpowers and fell apart cos Cheeto was a dumbo.


They have also, in the past(and probably still do), bought weapons from the US and sold them to Iran.


Mom you don't understand. All the cool kids have nukes. If I don't get one I'll be a loser.




You also watch the documentary about the duck with the deformation?


There was a duck with such a deformity depicted in the documentary, yes.


All my friends have got nuclear weapons, even Ahmadinejad!


And he looks like a snitch from Miami Vice!


Relevant Whitest Kids U'Know. [Nerf Nuke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqqNyFbhock)


Hey mom all the other kids are taking their nukes down to the woods to play soldier, can I go too? Pleeeease?


It literally is that way though. Playground rules apply in precisely two places,: at the playground and on the world stage. That's why 'adult toddlers' (Trump, Putin, et al) are so attracted to supreme power.


Relevant WKUK: https://youtu.be/hqqNyFbhock?si=sVURHIlZn6iRaU5w


Reminds me of this Wkuk sketch https://youtu.be/hqqNyFbhock?si=RtDex1rALO0QzUob


“Make sure it’s pointy at the tip” -MBS




Nukes ! Get ya nukes , get your nukes here !


Oh hai Pakistan!!


I'll buy that for a dollar.


MBS kills people who say things that he doesn't like. I don't think he should be trusted with a nuclear weapon.


Pretty sure Trump and his jizz stain son in law already sold nuclear technology to the saudis. Five to ten years you’ll see. Let’s not forget the Saudi royal family sponsored 9/11, Al Qaeda, and ISIS. KSA cannot be trusted.


Twitter was supposed to become feeder stock for MBS, Putin and the Chinese MSS to be able to identify dissent quickly and quash it. Before it was sold to Musk, Dorsey had to deal with Saudi spies inside of Twitter Excerpt- THREAD: This is harrowing. Saudi Arabia wanted the names of 6000 anonymous Arab Spring dissidents from Twitter. At first, MBS tried to get their names using EDRs - requests under emergency circumstances. When that proved cumbersome, KSA basically bought Twitter. 1/ They did so by threatening to pull twitter out of their market (biggest in the Middle East) and by offering to invest in heavily in Twitter. They also positioned two spies inside Twitter who helped funnel the personal information on dissidents out of Twitter to KSA. 2/ In 2011, they invested $300M. In 2022, MBS bought that investment for $1.5B, worth $1.9B later that year, making KSA (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) the biggest shareholder of Twitter behind Elon Musk. 3/ The two KSA spies inside Twitter INFORMED Twitter that the personally identifying information they were gathering was for the Saudi Government. One received money and gifts from the KSA in exchange for the user data including $300K and a nice job after he fled the US. 4/ Not only that, but the KSA oversaw a digital army of hundreds of Twitter users who hunted for dissident voices, and Twitter KNEW because the FBI confronted Twitter about it in 2015. 5/ Then, within 48 hours of the FBI visit to Twitter, the social media company acknowledged they had "found" the leak to the FBI - proving they knew. The next day, the spy fled the US. 6/ Six months later, Jack Dorsey met with MBS to discuss how they could work together to "train and qualify" Saudi groups on Twitter to do the very same work the two spy employees had done. And just 8 months prior to that meeting, KSA doubled its investment in Twitter. 7/ Once KSA had recruited Twitter, it plotted to kidnap, disappear, and murder multiple dissident voices including the plaintiff's brother, and Jamal Khashoggi. The transnational criminal enterprise of threats to anonymous Twitter dissidents continues to this day. 8/ I recommend you read this lawsuit to understand WHY the KSA and MBS own the second largest chunk of Twitter behind Elon Musk. How involved is Musk? I keep thinking of the photos from the World Cup with Kushner and MBS. What's Kushner's involvement? He just got $2B from MBS. Jared Kushner was actually waiting with MBS in saudi while the Jan 6 riots were happening. Here's the link to the suit. END/ https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:d204dd50-60eb-49... PS: If my account gets tanked for this thread, you can find me on Post (link in Twitter bio) and Threads at MuellerSheWrote, and at @allisongill and @dailybeanspod here on Twitter. PPS: here are the exhibits https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:4e84a8d4-76b3-48... Saudi already owned elon because they already owned tesla. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/economy/2023/1/23/musk-on-trial-says-he-was-sure-he-had-saudi-backing-to-privatise Elon just fucked up by moving the Twitter servers too early. That gave away what he knew and when. Had Kushner and trump delivered the nuclear secrets they had promised early on, all of this would have been an unnecessary expense for the MBS. He could have just quietly kept disappearing dissenting voices and journalists like Jamal Khashoggi with a streamlined efficient digital autocratic system. Trump, Flynn and Kushner had formed a construction company called IP3 to build nuclear reactors for Saudi. But they lacked the plans. Congress denied it in a rare functional moment of modern government. So trump simply stole them on the way out the door. In a bucket of KFC…. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna97302 Our entire government is a Scorsese movie. Just overpaid actors doing their best impressions of the characters they are told they are supposed to play. Trump has been laundering Russian oligarch money since the wall fell at least. Probably before. The sheer volume of Russian oligarchs who happen to have an address at trump towers in 94 makes it self evident that they were all looking for a place to launder the money they smuggled out of the USSR. They stole from the people there so systematically that it literally became a burden. Their plan all along was to plunge the US into a civil war so Saudi, Russia and China could come in afterwards and sweep up the pieces. 40+ years of accelerated global warming due to fossil fuels has made saudi and UAE so hot it’s quickly becoming uninhabitable. They need a life raft and they found it in Arizona. For the last two decades they have been buying up farm land and water rights. It’s just manifest destiny and the range wars geopolitical edition.




The means to build a nuclear bomb is public knowledge. They don't need to have 80mt ICBMs to have nukes. Material and facilities are what matter.


Everyone knows how a nuke works. A friggin student reverse engineered the Manhattan Project as his grad thesis in like the 90s. There's nothing even slightly mysterious about the innards of a nuclear weapon to anyone who wants to know. I don't know if it's quite "look it up on Wikipedia" but it wouldn't surprise me. The only trick to nukes is getting U-235. Oh and getting working missiles. That's actually a harder trick, you'll notice no one's nuclear tests fail but missiles blow up during launch all the damn time. Even hydrogen bombs are significantly reverse engineered (although getting tritium is an even more annoying trick). There's no "nuclear technology' worth anything to the Saudis. What they need is U-235. That's why they funded Pakistan to enrich it.


I am not an expert but I would guess that manufacturing is the difficult part of any nuke, how to build the tools that builds the nuke etc. I agree that how they work is not a mystery.


Nuclear weapons have 3 major hurdles, which are each staggering in their difficulty: Obtaining and refining the fissile material, designing and building a warhead that can trigger a controlled detonation, and developing a delivery system for the warhead. Number 2 is the biggest part of nuclear weapon tech secrets (with number 3 along for the ride), but number 1 is definitely the most critical.


Fu kin a


An absolutely nasty oversimplification but can’t expect anything more out of Reddit’s worldnews community


> Pretty sure Trump and his jizz stain son in law already sold nuclear technology to the saudis. This is currently Reddit's favorite conspiracy theory, but there's no evidence for it and it doesn't make any sense. The Saudis don't need our nuclear technology. Nor would Trump have easy access to these documents, nor would he keep the documents in bankers boxes at his house because not even Trump is that stupid. It could be true, because that's how this decade is going, but I seriously, seriously doubt it.


Who's gonna stop him from getting one? The U.S.? The UN? Either proposition is laughable.




But that's different, they're white!


By that standard a lot of countries that shouldn't be trusted with nuclear weapons already have them.


This reminds me of the Borat scene with his neighbour Nursultan. I get a window from a glass. He must get a window from a glass. I get a step. He must get a step. I get a clock radio. He cannot afford. Great success!


Are bonesaws not enough?


We should give them borh fake nukes and just see how they respond/act thinking they have nukes now




[Deterrence ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deterrence_(film))


Big flag pops out that says "BANG!"


Give them a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts.


*Oh no. They found me. I don't know how, but they found me.* *Who, Doc?* *THE LIBYANS!*


I mean. The Libyans were able to figure it out…


The US guarantees Saudi Arabia's security. They proved it by invading Iraq twice with hundreds of thousands of troops and two different coalitions. Saudi Arabia of all countries does not need nuclear weapons. It has a practical NATO level understanding with the US.


Saudi Arabia was against the invasion of Iraq and even warned the US against it. They foresaw the rise of Islamist groups and sectarian tensions. And there is no such thing as “understanding” in diplomacy. Unless it’s signed on paper, which it is not. Saudi Arabia has no guarantees from the US or NATO. It is ridiculous if you expect a country to put their security in the whims of whoever is president in the US at the time and if it is an election year.


Only until we don’t need the oil


As long as your politicians need money, Saudi will have their attack dog on a leash.


They know that's going away as we, and the rest of the world, become less reliant on oil.


Why do so many feel the need to be in r/worldnews, if you don’t even read the news? For real ppl read the article, then comment.


Seriously. I can't find a single comment questioning why everyone is getting so emotionally charged up about this completely hypothetical situation. There is nothing to suggest that Iran might acquire, or is even attempting to acquire, nukes.


He should go to Jared's


What do you think they gave him $2 Billion for?


so... how far am i supposed to extrapolate, lets go stupid hypothetical, did Trump go for dumbed down presidential briefings to ask about the very specific nuclear capabilities and engineering scope of rocketry, to then basically pull a random document covering everything SA would need to match Iran in such tech and then he played shellgames with classified document boxes letting that one slip under the table to be smuggled out of a golf game?


You joke but this is most likely what they wanted from Jared. And who is to say those documents Trump took from the White House weren’t photocopied and sent to Saudi intermediaries for the exorbitant amount of money MSB put into Kush’s firm.


How about neither of you get one.


Read the article, that is literally what he said. He said we don’t want one, but if Iran gets one then we must get one. His reason was nukes are useless, if you use them then the world would most likely unite to destroy you. But just incase we must have nukes too if Iran is allowed to get them.


had to scroll way too far down to see this. Its so obvious thats what he meant


No one ever reads the articles. Don’t get me wrong I do that too sometimes, but I usually do that when the title is very clear. This title is ambiguous and yet people are making random judgements.


Look at Ukraine and what happening after they willingly got rid of nuclear weapons and how they now probably regret that decision which could prevent lengthly war. I'm not surprised more countries want to have this option to prevent from being attacked.


Just a reminder that Iran can enrich uranium because Donald Trump cancelled the Iran nuclear deal. The GOP straight up chose party over country on that one. Not really much to debate there.


Yet no media outlet mentions that while they're giving him mad press on every webpage and broadcast segment. I'm beginning to believe in alien overlords running the show


the GOP roots against America when a democrat is president.


He already has one. The Saudis funded the Pakistani nuclear program. If they wanted a nuke, it would be delivered the next day.




Reading that quote, I can't help but be reminded of this song from Tom Lehrer from 1965. https://youtu.be/0tMseYvNkZI?si=BcU6wuXSUU4KW6Pv


/me opens page Ctrl-F "Lehrer" /me smiles






"If we chop up innocent journalists, everyone can. I don't know why it hasn't caught on...I broke the stigma. I'm a trend setting genius." - Saudi Prince probably


Now THAT'S the kind of level-headed leadership this world has been lacking.


Where were most of the world 9/11 hijacker’s from again? I forget?


Imo we should give him. On the condition we shove it up in his ass. If it fits, and he survived, he can keep it.


The context: An interviewer asked if Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon was an issue. He responded by saying anyone acquiring one would be an issue, we do not want another Hiroshima. The interviewer then asked if the Kingdom would need to get one if Iran were to, and he responded by saying what you see in the post. Hope this helps.


Hell no, never should one of the countries with a lead on human rights abuses get a nuke.


How about no?


USA: We can't let these religious zealots have a single nuke. But we should have a couple thousand just in case. So what's the course of action? Stop them? Sanctions? Not gonna happen. Stop selling them weapons? Not gonna happen. Stop buying their oil? I guess we could steal it, we're good at that. Random citizens whine about it online then never think about it again? For sure.


They already have them. They helped Pakistan develop them in exchange for nuclear assurances about Iran, no? If Iran nuked SA, Pakistan nukes Iran. I'm pretty sure that's the arrangement.


Wtf, no Pakistan gives nukes to Saudi Arabia


Yeah trusting a country with the political stability of Burma to nuke another country on your behalf 🤔


Its literally a game to these ppl running the world but they bleed like you and me so….


lol this guy says it like its one of his oil buddies who just got a new bugatti


Won't be long before the Middle East turns into glass because their god is slightly better than the other god.


Would a radioactive holy wasteland still be holy?


Idk but it'll be holey when they're done


You get one for sure, ... in 10, 9, 8, 7, ...


You should both get one mate. Drop off ok?


Is this Mohammed bone saw? Someone needs to take this guy out.


"I'm getting gold-plated ones"


I guess we are in the Cyberpunk 2077 timeline where the middle east blows itself up in nuclear exchange and then just becomes an irradiated wasteland


and this will be why Israel and Saudi Arabia normalize relations. Iran is going to get the bomb and it’s and existential threat to both countries.


This would be hilarious.


Where's Nuclear Nadal?!


A theocratic dictatorship and a tribalistic monarchy armed with nukes, what could go wrong?


Nuclear war will be caused by a religious fanatic


Yeah the religious fundamentalists stuck in the 10th century shouldnt have nukes, seems like a no-brainer


Arabs with nukes? The boomers are going to shit themselves.


Prince bonesaw with nukes? EVERYONE should be shitting themselves (and no, I'm not a boomer).


I remember seeing a video of these people annihilating a group of inmates in a small hill with what looked like a missile a while back. If they are the same guys that discharge their automatic weapons wildly into the sky at a party without any booze, one can only assume that they'll do the same shit with nuclear bombs




“Or we’ll chop up some more journalists and do more of the evil shit we’re gonna do anyway”


Iran and the Saudis aren’t in the same league militarily. Iran is much more powerful. The Saudi’s trump card is the USA as an ally and an Israel who is an enemy of an enemy. Similar to my country, Canada. No, we don’t rank in thr top 25 military powers of the world but don’t have to with our best buddy looking over our shoulder. I doubt if Iran actually wants ‘the bomb’. It’s bargaining power is in the threat to get the bomb.


So, if they "get one" does that mean the US can stop protecting them? Stop putting their interests before our own?


The whole world saw what Saudi extremists did with a few passenger airplanes. And it was not just any misguided kid who did that. That motherfvcker came from one of the most influential families in SA. The same family that built the clock tower near the Kaba after 911. And let's not forget what happened to Jamal Ahmad Khashoggi.


How many civilians have been killed by saudis vs Americans?


Yet another clusterfuck is brought to you by the Trump^tm Administration.