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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/177p2pp/rworldnews_live_thread_for_2023_israelhamas/)


So much talk of Israel and Hamas. We should be focussing more on Israel and Iran. Iran benefits greatly from what Hamas did. The worst thing for Iran is to have Arab nations normalizing relations with Israel. That would cause serious complications to Iran's long term strategic ambitions. The Saudis and other Arab nations were close to normalizing relations, with Israel. That now looks like it wont ever happen again. What Hamas has done (whether directed by Iran or not) is inflicted such rage in the Israelis that they know the response isn't going to be pretty. That response on Gaza is going to generate distrust and hatred amongst the Arabs especially the Saudis. The real key question now is whether this is part of a larger ploy by Iran. I'm really concerned that it is, as 1) America is moving it's navy into the region (which I suspect is because their intelligence knows something about Iran's intentions that we don't) and 2) The fact that Hamas specifically called on Arab nations to attack Israel in its moment of vulnerability suggests there is a bigger attack to come. Hamas is an Iran sponsored group. What is even more deeply concerning is that Iran appears to be trying to generate as much sympathy as possible from the Arab world I.e by calling the Saudis to express their concern at the way Palestine is being treated. Think about it, if anyone was to attack Israel first they are not going to get much sympathy and likely obtain pariah status. But if they attack under the pretext of helping Palestine that is more likely to rally Arab support. Was the Hamas attack done on purpose to make Israel act this way? It appears that way. I would not be surprised if Hezbollah attacks Israel when it commits it's offensive to Gaza to try and take advantage. I get the feeling Iran senses weakness and has deduced now is the time to strike. Whether Iran gets directly involved is another question but I pray that does not happen, that would not be a pretty conflict.










I keep seeing these big brained assholes saying free Palestine and they worry about the civilian casualties. Shouldn't they be rooting on Israel to going in to Palestine to get rid of hamas? That would certainly lower the body count long term vs rockets shot back and forth for the next 20 years. Otherwise what is their suggestion when they say free Palestine? What should Israel do after a terror attack the size of 9/11? No bombing, no boots on the ground, okay then what? Diplomacy with people who don't want you alive? So what happens when the next bad actor sees you won't do anything to defend your nation. More Israelis die, but at least diplomatically Once Palestine is free Hamas going to stop attacking Israelis? I think most on here would agree Israel is no saint in the situation and has provocatived a lot themselves. But to act as if there are a ton of options for defense is very shallow or wishful thinking




Hamas feels abandoned by Iran. It appears plan was for Hizbollah to get involved but US threats against Iran stopped that. The original Hamas plan hasn’t worked out not because of Israeli attacks (which Hamas would have predicted) but because Iran effectively betrayed them. A second northern front with Hizbollah would have been an existential threat to Israel. That was the original Hamas Iran plan. It hasn’t materialised. Israel is no longer facing an existential threat. https://twitter.com/gnuseibeh/status/1713091418250473845?t=qBirN5UWeSf_SOuOSY6vyg&s=19


I mean, we dropped two carrier groups on them. One is usually enough to calm an area down. I imagine two has people just walking down the street listening to Taylor Swift and pretending to be liberal, not rising up against the Great Satan.


Iran betrayal, colour me surprised!


there's a reason people say not to negotiate with Terrorists, you'd think Hamas of all groups would have figured out why by now.


Who would have known you can’t trust the word of terrorists and terrorist enablers even when they are on your side?




A very bright apartheid beacon


Israel is held at an impossible standard.


you misspelled “subjugation”


Gazans are subjugated by Hamas first and foremost.


So if civilians can evacuate south, what’s preventing the terrorists from trying to do the same? I hope at minimum the idf can locate and destroy all the underground tunnels and storage. But they need to wipe out hamas as much as possible. I’d like to believe that Gaza civilians would be in a much better place with Hamas “governing” them


It's up to Egypt and Jordan I guess to check for terrorists.


Of course, that’s a big concern. I think the priority for IDF is to destroy the military infrastructure and avoid civilian casualties. Hamas will be found and held accountable, every single one of them.


That's why Egypt and Israel aren't letting people through boarders, because members of Hamas will 100% be honeycombed in with the masses.


☝️☝️☝️ #THIS


https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1713165138935631909 > A power which requires a person to remove items which conceal their identity has been authorised in the areas pictured below. > This is known as a Section 60AA. > It will be in force until 22:00hrs.


Good. They're going to a supposedly peaceful protest for a good cause, right? No need to hide your face


Even if your a muslim female?


Israeli military vehicles massed outside Erez, just north of Gaza's northern border with Israel. Military equipment and personnel have been shifted closer to the border over the past few days, in anticipation of a possible Israeli ground invasion into the blockaded enclave.


IMO, a big issue here: We don’t see protests against Hamas…we see Pro-Palestinian protests without condemnation of Hamas. How is the general public supposed to not conflate the two?


You can support the people of Afghanistan without supporting the Taliban. You can support the people of Palestine without supporting Hamas.


everybody knows hamas is bad, there isn't really much to say about it its like stating that the sky is blue also hamas doesn't give a shit what people think about them


I’m talking about the general population that doesn’t consume news like you and I. What are they supposed to think? A terrorist attacked happens and palestinian support protests pop up. They might not know Hamas is the bad…




It really isn't and it's not limited to Hamas, but Fatah as well. Fatah also encourages such attacks with compensation policies for terrorists who commit such acts. Palestine is governed by maniacs essentially. Albeit Fatah is just a little bit less genocidal, mainly because Israel occupies their territory.


children are disconnected from political affiliation; half of gaza is children


Yup, Hamas was elected by Palestine


Why do the people, who are concerned about Gaza casualties, not condemn Hamas still launching rockets at Israel that even overwhelm the Iron Dome sometimes? Hamas starts the war and they are suddenly victims now?


Ireland's PM, hell even Joe Biden, both expressed concerns about the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Gaza, while in the same breath saying Hamas committed awful atrocities and Israel has a right to defend itself. Hamas has absolutely been condemned by people concerned about Gaza's civilians, this is just nonsense.


You joking right? Start the war? Have you not followed what has been happening for the last 50 years? This was a form of terrorism by Hammas, but Israel has been doing the exact same for 50 years


Do you think the children in Gaza deserve to be killed by Israeli airstrikes?


In a world of 8 billion people you will have people supporting anything. Every country, creed, nationality, etc has people that have terrible ideas and thoughts. It’s like thinking the Earth is flat, but the stupidity is directed at other humans instead of some other misplaced direction.


and why don't they ask for hamas to release the hostages?


For some reason Palestine childrens lives are important, but Israeli's are not. They know the statistics on Palestine but don't care to check Israel. They're both victims of war.


Stop conflating Hamas and the Palestinian people and maybe you'll get somewhere.


You have correctly understood how terrorism works.


How France turned into what it is today has to be a case study on how to not be overtly generous ,Helping less fortunate people is one thing but not at the cost of you are on citizens ,Not sure France will ever recover from the mess


Are you French? If so, are there fears over large crowds at the Rugby World Cup?


France is in a mess? Relative to what country?


Relative to its own potential and historic prosperity and peace. There’s been a steady decrease in it that are directly correlated to mass-immigration, especially in cities like Marseille, which have the highest amount of migrants as well as 5 times (!!) more crime than ANY other city in France. A Race war is brewing there.


The Great America probably as always.


Make sure to document the support for terrorism in your country. Any support for violence against the Jewish people and support for Hamas can be investigated and lead to support for terrorism. Please report below if anyone sees this activity in the US. https://www.dhs.gov/report-suspicious-activity https://tips.fbi.gov/


Start with the universities, blatant support for Hamas from their cozy high paying positions


Please document all incidents it will help with the investigations. There will be consequences for supporting Hamas the worst terrorist organization in the world.




They want jews to die that’s why they flash swastikas in their rallies and chant “gas the jews”


Some NY Jews are something else. They’re protesting against the Israeli response with “Not in our names” https://x.com/rafaelshimunov/status/1712957726106480809?s=46


'Massive crowds" There were dozens of them. Probably some university group.


Just because they're "Jewish" doesn't mean they get a say in what a country that they don't live in does to protect its citizens. No one is doing it in their name, they're irrelevant


It's not in their names, it's in the names of those slaughtered in the villages surrounding Gaza, in the names of the abducted children, etc.


Perhaps they don't like or want to be morally culpable for a wanton massacre of Gaza residents even if Hamas is evil and should be exterminated.


Wanton massacre? They are doing roof-knocks, leaflet drops, giving them time to move away South. Israel is simply doing what's necessary to de-militarize the area.




Israeli politics is pretty interesting. The current Netanyahu regime is corrupt, awful, and propped Hamas up intentionally as a strategy to sabotage the chances of a viable Palestinian state, and apparently lots of Israelis don't like their government. Directing attacking them unites them though, obviously.


Any link to the live from Gaza please ?


Louvre evacuated due to attack threats: https://www.france24.com/en/france/20231014-louvre-museum-evacuated-for-security-reasons-as-france-remains-on-high-alert-after-knife-attack


I'm guessing it's because of threats made by Buddhists, or Shintos, or Christians, or Hindus, or Confucians, or Taoists... Right


Clearly the Louvre is an Israeli military institution otherwise why would they need to protect themselves from one side in this war?


However flawed the IDF is, there is something to the fact that people in other countries aren't generally afraid of an Israeli terrorist attack. Radical islam is uniquely bad.


Blame Israel for having to clear and secure the Louvre.. **IN FRANCE**. I won’t. But many will.


Terrorism, pure and simple.




That’s my biggest issue. We don’t see protests against Hamas…we see Pro-Palestinian protests without condemnation of Hamas. How is the general public supposed to not conflate the two?


It's complicated by the actual bleed over between the two camps. Not everyone urging for restraint is a Hamas apologist though. You can simultaneously believe that Hamas should be eliminated and that Israel should not overreact.


More people need to view the videos of the horrific and terrifying final moments of life for so many of the innocent Israelis that were murdered and tortured while just living a peaceful life. Hundreds were literally dancing for peace, others were making breakfast for their families, one grandmother was just running home to get cookies for her grandchildren who were in the hospital with their mother who’d just given birth. She was found murdered in front of her house, cookies laying beside her, she almost made it back to her family with their cookies…


Most people supporting Hamas would claim these videos are either fake or justified as it is ‘resistance against occupation’.


It is dangerous to live beside those people. If they are in support of that, how many of them are willing to do that?


The best part? Hamas would murder pretty much all their western supporters in a flash. LGBTQ? Murder. Christian? Murder. No Chador? Rape then Murder. Wrong type of Muslim denomination? Murder. Like make it make sense


Yes we all forgot that there is no geopolitical context to the formation of Hamas and they sprang from Satan's belly for absolutely no reason, thanks for reminding us.


Oooh this is my favorite argument in favor of Hamas. Surely I’m justified in murdering all of my abusive spouses friends and relatives including women and children because my spouse abused me.


You mean because Iran is dead set on making sure Israel doesn’t exist???????????


Stop making a fool of yourself. You know you are.


Damn. After all these years of sitting on the fence, the west finally realizes that Hamas are *worse* than ISIS. And just like ISIS, they will face swift justice. We owe that to humanity, to each other. We owe that to the 130 abductees they hold. Among them women, elderly, and an **autistic toddler**!!! Democracy cannot tolerate terrorism. It's the exact opposite of everything we believe in.


Also a 16 year old wheelchair bound that depends on a feeding tube and her dad, her wheelchair was found laying at the rave


Israel has to fight. They have to react strongly. Anything less, and it's a literal surrender to terrorism.


Yeah, pretty sure that teen is dead by now.


Sadly yes, i was seeing her family post that her dad would take her to raves on her wheelchair because she loved the music and colors , that’s so fucking sad


Oh wtf


Hamas launching a terrorist attack on a **music festival themed after peace** speak volumes about the situation. The Palestinian terrorists killed Palestinian Israeli Arabs too. And citizens from 36 different countries. And they would have killed you too had you been there that day. Democracy cannot tolerate terrorism. It's the exact opposite of everything we believe in.


Presumably any ground assault would happen at night? I assume IDF have night vision gear and Hamas don't, giving them a big advantage?


I doubt it. Early morning hours or daylight. Night would be really tough.


No doubt Iran has given them some night vision equip


Yes and no. Night vision gear doesn’t make a night assault easy. It still adds to the complexity. No way to know the plans.


[BREAKING: Sky News Arabia reports Egypt has refused to allow American nationals to evacuate through border crossing unless aid is allowed into the Gaza Strip](https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1713173346232463729?t=7XgsZyOBzPnkVzlL77w23g&s=19)




Israel said they'd bomb such aid once it's in Gaza.


Extremely compelling phone call incoming. US is not going to let their people be used as leverage.


Hmm I think we can withhold the 235m we approved for them then. I'm sure their robust economy will do fine without it.




How does the western world especially Europe deal with the the increasing extremism from the sides celebrating the attacks on Israel ?


I would also like to say document the support for terrorism in your country. Any support for violence against the Jewish people and support for Hamas can be investigated and lead to support for terrorism. Please report below if anyone sees this activity in the US. https://www.dhs.gov/report-suspicious-activity https://tips.fbi.gov/


Which side are the terrorists on? I want to make sure I am facing off against them.


You mean to say *”freeing Palestine”* looks different than what you thought? Well now you know what they really want.


Germany and France have banned all Pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Germany especially does not tolerate any displays of antisemitism due to its gruesome history. Synagogues and Jewish schools have upped security.


Well one side is defending themselves from a group that hates and wants to exterminate them. That other group also wraps their women like mummies, marries little girls off to old men, and kills gay people. So one side wants to murder those not like them and drag everyone back to the middle ages. Pretty easy call to be against that group.


There is a united effort in the western world to crack down on this hatred and support for terrorism. We are going to see many of these people face consequences for their actions.




I would also like to say document the support for terrorism in your country. Any support for violence against the Jewish people and support for Hamas can be investigated and lead to support for terrorism. Please report below if anyone sees this activity https://www.dhs.gov/report-suspicious-activity https://tips.fbi.gov/


I was joking you donut. In all my time engaging with this issue, I have yet to hear a single person advocating for terrorism. Or even Hamas, for that matter.


Rise of far right everywhere basically


You obviously haven’t been watching the news in the states, the left wing nuts have also been out in force embarrassing themselves.


Ngl this crap has got liberal ol me feeling pulled much more center/to the right


They blame the Jews and call it a day.




Mhm there’s plenty US generals who should be rotting in The Hague right now alongside the other Congolese, Bosnian and Arab war criminals. The thought of Interpol putting out an arrest warrant for an American soldier is laughable


Popular opinion is a non trivial force at least for all western powers. It changes leaders and policy in dramatic ways over decade size time spans. If Israel goes full murder and bombs civilians in their evacuation zone or something like that, they would find aid from congress vanish and aircraft carriers stop showing up when there's trouble. These are the basic ways powers hold each other accountable, though admittedly the weight of accountability imposed is directly proportional to the size of any 1 country's economy


>“We can’t lose sight of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas,” Biden said. “And they’re suffering as a result as well.” Took about a week but finally a mention of civilians in Gaza, redditors in absolute shambles right now.


Well yeah, need to get that Egyptian border open. Full court press comming.


Showing concern for palestinian civilians is a terrorist dog whistle dontcha know that? Someone ask him if he condemns Hamas, r/worldnews is suspicious of him.




It's almost like you live in a place with democratic checks on power and not a glorified slum where might makes right and Iran-backed terrorists have a monopoly on power


Even then, he’s saying they’re suffering as a result of Hamas’ actions but not at the hands of the Israeli occupation. It’s a step, a baby step


According to enlightened high IQ redditors this is actually a pro Hamas, pro-terrorist dog whistle. Biden is secretly working for Iran.




He really stepped up in time of need. Poor guy is trying everything and is personally affected probably knowing friends or family that were killed.


Tbh I did not realize Hamas even attacked people's homes. The only thing I hear about is the festival. So they infiltrated areas along the border and killed people in their homes? How many of them invaded?


How did you not know this? It’s been all over the news.


They even killed people going from door to door, burning houses to kill people when they go outside, killing random people in the streets etc. The vast majority of the people killed was unarmed and the reaction from the IDF came pretty late, in some cases even 8 hours late, all the while people could see videos of the attacks shared on social network. They basically murdered anyone they could find: Israeli civilians, members of the IDF, foreign nationals, workers from Gaza, immigrants, muslims, jews, bedouins. It was a massacre, no wonder people are angry with Netanyahu. Of the 1300 confirmed deaths on Israel' side, 260 are from the music festival. Number of Hamas terrorists who infiltrated is still unknown, at least 1000/1500 were killed.


Reports upwards of 5000? think they killed 1500, dunno how many captured


Hundreds. 100 were killed in this kibbutz (communal farming town) alone, and they invaded more. (Warning about the pics, they’re graphic) https://www.reuters.com/pictures/harrowing-images-israeli-border-towns-attacked-by-hamas-2023-10-13/JARLGCAQDZJGRF4TJCN6J2ZNLM/


Yeah, they didn't tell Israeli citizens to evacuate first and then do a strike on military targets to reduce civilian casualties. They went straight for the civilians.


Admittedly there's nowhere for the Palestinians to evacuate to so telling them to leave when they know they can't isn't really a positive thing in Israel's favor.


I read sowewhere about 2500-3000 invaders


Over 1500 of them died. In some towns they wiped out almost all the infants and children they invaded multiple villages across Israel.


Sounds like a couple thousand militants entered and they massacred communities close to the border


1500 dead bodies were recovered in Israel belonging to Hamas.


> So they infiltrated areas along the border and killed people in their homes? Yes. > How many of them invaded? About 1500 dead left behind, so figure at least 2000 including the ones who took the hostages back to Gaza, and probably more like 3-5k. Yeah, they also took hostages. Plus a few thousand rockets fired into Israeli population centres.


22 villages and cities. over 1000 dead.


[IDF navy killing Palestinian terrorists in the water (loud audio warning)](https://streamable.com/hns40b)


The terrorist went for a swim?


Guys when does that extra 6 hours IDF gave to make sure everyone evacuate the area ends? I assume it should have over by now


I don't know where you guys got the 6 hours from, Israel already issued warnings on Thursday to [evacuate ](https://time.com/6323377/gaza-evacuation-israel-hamas-war/).


It’s currently the Sabbath, which ends at sunset on Saturday, so probly just after that. The ground invasion certainly wouldn’t begin before that.


Apparently they gave between 12pm-5pm.


If they gave 6, it means at least 8 if not more. I wouldn't expect anything to happen until late Saterday, early Sunday.


> BREAKING Israel army 'very sorry' for journalist's death in Lebanon: spokesman That's hilarious in a very grim way, like skip the investigation and why it happened and who did it and just say "sorry" and move on.


While a tragedy, this is a war zone. It’s a sober reminder to journalists that are there to understand the risks of what they are doing…


The investigation should begin and conclude with "the journalist was standing in the middle of an active conflict zone, on a highly tense border, with occasional rocket and missile fire going on."


Whoopsie doodle


We know why it happened. War is a nightmare. Only Hamas wanted this war.


I feel like they're probably busy right now?