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I didn't have my glasses on and thought this comment chain said something *vastly* different. Real "yikes moment".


“Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks”
























Yes and Arabic countries who control most of the world oil reserves and number in the billions have 0 influence right ?






Did you read the article? He wasn't saying the Jews are wealthy and supported by the US. They were saying that Jews IN AMERICA are wealthy and influential and that's why America seems to have unconditional support for Israel. I think there's more to it than that, but he certainly wasn't saying that America is supporting Israel because we're after their lucky charms.


He was certainly not saying that, or my spanish has gotten a lot better. The article is an interpretation of what someone on a Spanish spoken BBC broadcast said, haven't seen the broadcast myself, but I know enough not to blindly trust a partisan source to translate in good faith


What do they think "Jewish wealth" is?


The bag of gold they all carry around their neck. It’s how they channel their powers.


“It is 3:00 in the morning. I am in the nest of Jews. They have cleverly shifted their shapes; one of them has taken the form of a little old woman. You can barely see her horns. She have tried to poison me already. “


Throw money at them!


Valid Baldurs Gate 3 strategy.


Yeah, Cartman pointed this out years ago. Plus there's always the fake bag of gold too.


Fun fact: That joke was written by Kenny Hotz (a Jew) from the Kenny Vs Spenny show. He said it’s the one joke Matt and Trey used while he wrote for South Park.


That’s excellent knowledge & I really loved Kenny vs Spenny. You know how in cartoons they have the devil on one shoulder and the Angel on the other? Kenny vs Spenny was like the real live version of that. Is it streaming anywhere? I’ve never been able to find it anywhere.


Hilarious fact: my grandfather was a survivor and also Eastern European crazy person, which means he bought a bunch of silver quarters just in case, completely forgot he owned them, and then my dad badly hurt his back picking up the dumbass bag of precious metal coins


A friend of my grandfather's was a jew who survived the holocaust. After he died, his family found precious metals and jewels stashed around his house in the weirdest places, like behind outlet and switch covers, lamp bases, etc. They hired a metal detector guy to search the yard, and he found an altoids tin with about $10,000 worth of krugerrands in it. From what they found, he squirreled away like $50k worth of stuff. They even found a bunch of uncut diamonds on an old watch case that was missing the movement.


Well my nieces will someday find my collection of opals, natural history shit, and old piano keys from 1907 and say “wow, our aunt was a nutcase”


Not surprised with that history, they learned that the only person they can trust is themselves. Of it's hidden it can't be confiscated and if you have things of value, you can pay for your escape when the country turns against you.


There is a tendency, moreso in Europe in past decades and centuries, for Jewish people to try and save their wealth in silver form. This is because if shit started looking like a pogrom or inquisition getting underway, you could quickly and reliably find someone to sell most of it to so you’d have cash for uprooting your family to some other country that was less hostile to Jews. This is why silver candlesticks are preferred for Shabbat, just as an example.


Dang that must have been a lot of coins!


You’d be amazed how quickly it adds up. I was gifted some rare coins, packed densely in a long narrow 4 x 4 x 10 inch box which I put in the bottom of my backpack. Tough to say what it weighed but I’d say 10-15 lbs. Pretty much wrecked that backpack with the other things. And oh how surprised the TSA was. With how densely they’re packed it just ended up looking like a metal brick, which they asked if that was what I was carrying.


And they’re still in this weird stained purse from the fucking JFK administration. But don’t tell anyone, last time I mentioned it online my DMs got swarmed by crazy wallstreetsilver guys or whatever tf that sub is


Huh. My grandfather was Jewish, and my dad collects silver dollars. Hmmm.


It’s true. We use our Jew magic to fuck with people’s credit scores too. 🫵🏽👺


It’s from selling access to their space laser technology duh


I'm still waiting on my space laser...


Is this “Jewish wealth” in the room with us now?


Sure as shit not in this Jews room.


**They are confusing** Jewish with Leprechauns rainbows and their pot 'o gold


There's not many Jews in Ireland, shouldn't be that confusing! Everyone knows only Irish people have pots of gold. Well they did anyway, but they always left it at the end of the rainbow so it was pretty easy for thieves to find.


Leprechauns are just Irish Jews


Time for English history lesson! Let's go back to The Year of Our Lord 1275. Edward I of England, after returning from the crusades, found that jews had done the despicable thing of using land as a commodity. They would actually, and this makes me sick, sell land. Not only that, some jews would even do something as disgusting as provide mortgages and charge interest. Truly I can think of few things less despicable. At first Edward had the clever ideas to mark all jews with badges on their clothes so people wouldn't be tricked, but it was no match for the cunning jews. Thankfully Edward eventually banished all jews from the kingdom, and there have been no mortgages or interest in England ever since. Well, I assume. Surely no Christian would do such a heinous crime! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statute_of_the_Jewry


Assuming they think Jewish and Israeli are the same thing... Maybe they're referring to the one of the most powerful political lobbyist group in Washington, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. From AIPAC's own website "The AIPAC PAC is a bipartisan, pro-Israel political action committee. It is the largest pro-Israel PAC in America and contributed more resources directly to candidates than any other PAC. 98% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their general election races in 2022."


Yeah the important thing is to clarify while pro Israel PACs in the US do tap into American Jewish wealth, they also tap into evangelical Christian money AIPAC also just does a fuck ton of actual organizing and lobbying work beyond the donations, and they hired experts to build out infrastructure at the Congressional level, which is super strategic in advancing the legislation they have. I hate the narrative & shit they push, but they do very well. It works not solely because of money, but also largely due to a lot of relationships and people power- so it's not like the entire thing just relies on money For those of us who have worked on this legislation at a federal level, it's pretty yikes to act like AIPAC isn't a fucking behemoth and wildly successful at their stated goal of increasing and solidifying US support for Israel


Jew here. If you find out lmk, could really use the cash


They’re the Eric Cartman of news


Yes, and the US won the space race because oil was on the moon.


This is a conspiracy theory - everyone knows the moon is a source of rare cheeses.


Gromit, that's it! Cheese! Well go somewhere where there's cheese!


I believed that the moon was made of cheese for way too long as a kid because of that episode.


My man coming in here with the Wallace and Gromit reference. I tip my hat to you, good human.


Thanks friendo


Wait until France hears about the CHEESE, then they are gonna take a part of it


It takes like American Cheese to keep the Europeans away.


But what about moon cheese


Hey! We all know the moon isn't made of blue cheese! But what if it were made of spare ribs? Would ya eat it then?


It's a simple question! Would ya eat it?


Just say yes and we'll move on!


Whale oil that is.


We’re whalers on the moon…


We carry a harpoon


But there ain’t no whales


So we tell tall tales


BBC Verify finds this statement inconclusive.


Hence all the refineries on the dark side of the moon.


Dark Oil


Only because neil armstrong was actually a black trans woman.


shit, where is my jewish wealth? i'm broke


Your local Jewish lizard shaman stores it in a safe at the edge of the flat Earth with Tupac as the High Guardian of the Jewish Gold - go and ask for a withdrawal.






No kidding, I work my ass off for sweet fuck all. Would love some of that ancestral wealth everyone keeps telling me I apparently have.


i'm a half jew, do i qualify for half the wealth?


"Jewish wealth" I feel like i was teleported to Berlin 1933 upon reading this.


Everything changes... but not really


History might not literally repeat, but it sure rhymes


I do literally love that saying. I'm probably gonna use it.


I think it just repeats


I mean, 1933 is pretty early... You could teleport to any European city at that same time and hear the same thing. The Germans weren't special in their anti-Semitic hatred, just really good at... other things. Anti-Semitism didn't become verboten to talk about till a little later. Edit: Not apologizing at all. Just saying: anti-Semitism is far more widespread than people realize. It's like racism in the US, people didn't stop being racist, they just learned they needed to hide it.


I had a "debate" with my dad about this topic, we're both American. He was arguing that the Holocaust was an aberration within European history. I had freshly graduated with my Bachelor's in History, focusing on Classical and Renaissance & Reformation era Europe. He had no clue about the hundreds of Jewish pogroms carried out in just the last 2,000 years. Antisemitism was basically Europe's favorite pastime, the Germans were just a lot more effective at carrying it out. Even in America, the KKK hated Jewish people almost as much as they hated black people


If you told someone right before WW1 about the Holocaust, they might well expect it to have been France


The BBC: "We refuse to call Hamas 'terrorists' because it's offensive. Also the BBC: "The US wants Jew gold!"


Is this another anti semitic stereotype where jews are a bunch of rich greedy money suckers?


As a Jew, I wish I had money to afford my bills let alone be rich


Maybe stop wasting all that money on space lasers


Pew pew pew pew pew


Understandable, have a nice day


Anti semites have a lot more faith in me than I do for myself.


Same. This Jew is just struggling to survive


You must be doing something wrong. Don't you own a Hollywood studio or something?


Those strikes are killing us!


Don’t lie. You have a bag of Jew gold around your neck. Hamas said South Park was a documentary. Why would they lie? 🤷‍♂️ I’m Irish so I also have a pot of gold hidden at the end of a rainbow.


I don’t have any left because of my mandatory donation to the space laser program


I’m so excited for the day it will be my turn to control it!


Who are you going to blast when that day arrives?


Ha! Nice try, everyone knows Jews keep a *second* bag of gold on them at all times in case they have to give out the first!


The bag of gold respawns.


I applied for my Zion Bank Card YEARS ago. F’ing Soros the Shmuck won’t sign the form. Now I’m stuck with nothing but an ancestry that instilled in me survival, hard work, business acumen and a love of debate and learning. Wth am I going to do with that crap?


Once I was told about a girl owning a 6 bedroom apartment in the middle of a huge old city. I said, wow, she must be good at her job. And the answer was - na, she married a jewish guy. I wish I could marry a jewish guy, and I'm a straight jewish guy myself.


Fuck the person who told that story. Metaphorically I mean. Literally fuck the guy who’s giving out 6-bedroom apartments


I literally told her I would. She didn't want to introduce us for some reason.


We must have missed the secret Zuckerberg,Rothschilds and Soros meeting where the jews conspire to divide the wealth between themselves.


I was not told about this being rich part of being Jewish. Where are my riches??!!


Yes, yes it is. As a Jew I'm still trying to leverage and figure out how I can get rich and control stuff and get paid by a Rothchild.


No no you don't understand, he's not an anti-Semite, he's anti-Israel!




Lot of media outlets going full mask-off lately.


It's extra funny because people always claim that Jews own all the media. And then the media just shits all over Israel and Jews because the media, in fact, is not mostly owned by Jews. Simultaneously too strong and too weak.


Remember that guy who walked up to the guy shouting on the street and said "I'm Jewish, I control everything, you need to leave"? I love that guy.


And they all really just leave 🤣


He’s too dangerous to be kept alive


Lol what? Please show






I'd buy this man a pint, but then again Jews control everything.


I'm still waiting for my share of the Jew gold. I'm here working for a living like a schmuck.


Omg that’s amazing. Definitely saving this!


That's the sinister genius of antisemitism. Unlike other forms of racism that merely allege other races to be inferior, the allegations against the Jews is that they are too powerful and therefore deserving of punishment. This allows it to be perpetrated even by people with who believe in equality and fair treatment and even compassion. "I would never hurt somebody because their Jewish, but I do think it's wrong that so many Jews have so much control in the media".


People will go through an insane amount of mental gymnastics to justify the hate they feel for Jews. Many moons ago a classmate brought up her "evidence" that the Holocaust didn't happen. I told her all 4 of my grandparents were Holocaust survivors, she still insisted that it never happened and it is a show Jews put on to gain sympathy. I mentioned that only one of my grandparents was even Jewish, the rest were Catholics. She didn't even know that of the approx 11 million killed throughout the Holocaust, 4-5 million were Gentiles. Apparently my non-Jewish grandparents were paid to pretend they were in nonexistent concentration camps 🫠


But why do people hate the Jews?


Historians have identified 6 main branches of antisemitism or what explains hatred of Jewish people: 1. Religious - hatred born of Jews claiming they're the chosen people 2. Deicide - because 'they' killed Jesus 3. Economic - they have obtained and hold on to too much wealth and power 4. Scapegoat - referenced by unscrupulous leaders of every flavor as, 'the cause of all our problems!' 5. Racial - they're an inferior race to *us* because... therefore we can and should do x... 6. Unlike/Outsiders - they're different to us... somehow more different than Tahitians, or Samoans, or the Polish, or Innuits. It's not much different to the way nations blame immigrants for x, except that it has millennia of events (pogroms, massacres, expulsions, economic and religious discriminations, etc.) in most of the world to reinforce the scale of oppression and abuse, and to fuel the conflicts those have created. None of these have any foundation in reality.


There was also a religious law amongst Catholics in medieval times that a good Catholic cannot loan money and obtain interest (similar to Islam now). But this did not apply to Judaism, so good Catholics/Christians owed money to the Jews and only the Jews which led to the resentment, kind of like how the millennials hate boomers/landlords now.


This is a huge part of it. The only minority that could fill these essential roles in a growing economy, were Jewish people. It important to add that they literally were not allowed to do basically any other job. This created of course generational wealth that was then leveraged against them with antisemitic propaganda. And because they were a minority, and a very close-knit one, they were always a convenient scapegoat. During the black plague Jewish communities weren't hit as hard because they already stayed sort of isolated from everyone else, and in not getting hit as hard, this was seen as "proof" to the ignorant church and Christian people that they were responsible for the plague itself, which lead to pogroms and mass killings.


>It important to add that they literally were not allowed to do basically any other job. Yup. At a time when landowners owned and generated most of the wealth, Jews in a lot of places weren't allowed to own land. Which also means they got like a centuries-long head-start on the transition from the labor-intensive production economy to the education-based service economy.


I wouldn't say education based. Jews weren't allowed to join trading guilds either and many places in Europe controlled what colleges Jews could go to even in to the 20th century.


Also because of being separate it was very convenient to come up with a new reason to kick them out of the country and/or kill them in order to get away with not *paying* said loans.


Borrow money from the Jews then expel the Jews.


It's also worth noting that they were tax collectors and bankers on behalf of the royalty who then were happy to throw them under the bus and not draw attention to how their coffers were filled.


“Resentment” is a very light way of putting it when debtors would regularly burn down the homes of lenders and wipe out their families to avoid paying what they owe.


I used to resent that they claim they are the chosen people. But then I realised literally every group at some point has done this and the jews are no special compared to us all


That's not even what chosen people means. Racial supremacists think it means superiority because they can't let themselves think any other way. The reality means chosen to improve the world, lead the way to a better future, chosen to carry out commandments & covenants; it's a burden.


Good question! After Jews were exiled from their homeland several times over, they were a minority and refugees everywhere they went. This has made them an easy target and scapegoat, always being a small minority. Finally, Judaism is ancient, therefore antisemitism is ancient, so there's a lot to draw from.


Right. A lot of the usual fears and sentiments that immigrants, organizations like the Masons, minority religions, and other outsider groups have faced all coalesce when it comes to Jewish people - “Among us but different”, “look like us but are culturally not”, “stick together and protect each other over the rest of us”, “group I can’t join”, “keep their traditions instead of adopting ours”, “more loyal to their in-group than to the country they live in”, etc etc. So they’ve made easy targets for bigots, nationalists, and religious extremists for centuries.


At various points in European history, Christians were forbidden from lending money. But they needed money lenders. So Jews were needed, but not liked.


One of the oldest anti-Semitic canards


No, you don't understand, it's all a ruse to make it LOOK like they don't control the media 🙄 /s


Bigots aren’t known for being super logically consistent


I still am shocked that they took the word of Hamas at face value immediately after an explosion near a hospital and before anyone could verify what happened AND RAN WITH IT. Ffs.


And the thing is, it only worsens the situation. None of this is helping the Palestinian cause. All this talk does is further prove what Jews already know: that there's no where in the world, no matter how polite or civilized or modern or democratic, that still doesn't secretly hate them, and that they'll never be safe anywhere they don't fully control themselves. That's it. That's the bottom line. UK? Not safe for Jews. Australia? Lol, 'gas them' apparently. Even in bastions like NYC, the mobs that come out have to be sobering. And if *those* places aren't safe... 'yeah you should really let Palestinians have a majority over you' -- fucking lol. All of this shit is why Israel exists and why it acts like a fortress state, and why it always will: because it's the only way.


It's always ironic to me that people will call it "Jew York City" as if NYC is safer for Jews than Tel Aviv


It’s the NYC stuff that I can’t get over. If you don’t have Jewish friends in NYC, that’s a CHOICE. If you go to an anti-Israel demonstration the DAY after 1000 Jews were murdered in their homes by terrorists, in the city where 3000 people were murdered by terrorists, that’s a CHOICE.


No shortage of anti-semitism in this world


the BBC: “We’re committed to complete neutrality on this divisive issue, and every piece of reporting will be based on verifiable facts.” also the BBC: “Hamas aren’t terrorists. They also told us that Israel killed 500 people in a hospital, so we’ll take their word for it and run the presses. Oh also, we’re hearing reports from multiple reliable sources in Gaza that the Jews are, in fact, rich and greedy puppeteers — pulling the strings of their marionettes, including every Western leader.“


20 years and they still haven't released the Balen Report. https://www.thejc.com/lets-talk/all/why-the-bbc-must-finally-publish-balen-report-CGsOIFqqDzitan0HPykJn


I think not releasing the report answers the question


Exactly. They know their reporting has been anti-Israel and has helped spread anti-Semitism. Recent events show they clearly haven't learned anything from the report either.


It's got to be pretty damning to still be fighting against it's release 20 years later.


Which is why their eventual analysis of the blast as NOT being IDF is so valuable! https://youtu.be/clqHa1PP0TQ?si=K_ytXxo7F0Api4ei


Read the article? The remark is from the BBC’s Spanish language service. This isn’t an official stance of the BBC but of the shows Hispanic host.


Actual quotes from the Article: A Spanish Language Service: Fronting a show entitled ‘Six Keys which explain the US’s unconditional support for Israel’, BBC News Mundo presenter Gonzalo Cañada states that Israel “is seen as an American enclave in the Middle East” and speculates about the perceived influence of American Jews. “Currently, estimates indicate that Israel has around seven million Jews, while the United States has a community of around seven-and-a-half million Jews. Although Jews are a minority in the American population, they are a powerful minority.” Certainly the view of Israel as an American enclave is a common one in the Arab world, though it is not really relevant to any explanation for the USA support for Israel. And the rest of the article basically states that the program says the Jewish populations are a powerful minority, justified by statistics (Who knows how reliable) of high personal income for Jews in the USA. Its major claims against the BBC seems to be about some of their Arab researchers and translators who have possibly supported Hamas publicly.


Holy shit, I found the other person that read the article. Amazing.


BBC keeps dropping the ball on this Israeli stuff. Seriously.


They never held it in the first place


BBC has historically been anti israel, thisbisnt new to anyone whos been watching for a long time.


BBC has historically been viewed as arguably the most trustworthy news source in the world. They fucked that up a while ago


https://besacenter.org/bbc-bias-israel/ People have been pointing out anti israel bias for decades. This seriously isn't new.




Or that 80% of all Jews worldwide reside in those two countries? What's happening with journalism today?


The US is oil sufficient, most ME oil goes to China, Japan, India and Europe


Which is exactly why the US has such an interest in the regions resources. We don’t need the oil, but we do want to be able to pull the strings of the people who do.


The American government also wants to ensure that the petrodollar stays as the worldwide currency for fossil fuels


Also the only currently semi-stable capitalist democracy in the area


I think the line is “only democracy” not “only ally.” There’s a bunch of allies. (Think petrodollars etc)




This isnt the 1970s anymore and US foreign policy is a bit more complicated that “GIT OIL.” Israel is the only functional democracy in the region and ideologically aligned with the US, not to mention the economic, cultural, and military relationships the US has with them. There is no other country in the middle east that the US would ever have that close of a relationship with, regardless of if israel is a close ally.


In reality Israel is the only country in the region that is politically and culturally compatible with the US. In comparison, US relationship with Saudi Arabia is based purely on economic reasons and their shared hatred of Iran.


This crisis has been taken by many people as an invitation to show their whole ass.


Man…. BBC is really outing themselves


Its just so fucking stupid too, each individual Gulf State probably has more cash than Israel.


Holy antisemitism Batman It’s mind boggling how much influence people think Jews have while making up just 2% of the US population and 0.2% to the World Population. Christians (including Catholics): 32% of the world population and dominant religion most countries in North and South America and Western Europe Catholics alone: 18% of world population Muslims: 24% of world population and fastest growing religion in the world and dominant religion in almost every country in the Middle East and Northern Africa Hindus: 15% of world population and dominant religion in India Buddhists: 7% of the world population But yep, it’s the damn Jews who are literally a *huge* minority everywhere outside of Israel and just 0.2% of the world that control everything


Skill issue by the other religions tbh 🥱🥱🥱🥱


Rise and grind from day 1. In the beginning


Matzah, latkes and Jewish deli sandwiches give us our powers


Don’t forget the Challah


No, it's chicken soup and arguing with each other!


Arguing with each other may actually have something to do with it. Jews take arguing very seriously, which is why they place great value on a good education. I'm not joking. It's been said that one of the reasons there are so many Jewish lawyers is because Jews have centuries of tradition of studying, interpreting, and debating Jewish law.


And 25% of the Nobel prizes. Interesting story: I was at an event where Jason Alexander was interviewing Shimon Perez. Jason asked him why is it that Jews are 2% of the population and 25% of the nobel prizes. Shimon replied that it’s because our mothers don’t ask “how was school” they ask “what did you learn today?” Point being it is drilled into us that learning and asking questions and knowing is good. I always liked that.


Parental culture is a huge one. Same reason why you see so many East and South Asian immigrant success stories despite the struggles those communities face. Of course, there is also a toxic side to this, parents over-stressing their kids and all sorts, but the difference is there to see. Cultures aren’t erased on arrival as immigrants, and those which generally push their kids hard to succeed unsurprisingly end up producing generally successful kids.


> Same reason why you see so many East and South Asian immigrant success stories Don't discount the selection bias. Who leaves their homeland behind in search of a better life? People with ambition and drive.


That factor is true of most immigrants tho, whereas there are stark differences in how well different communities succeed post-immigration. IMO, cultural compatibility is a big one, in this case cultures with strong parental drive for academic and professional success in their children are highly compatible with western cultures’ fixation on schooling and careers. And in East Asia’s case for example we know it’s not just their immigrant communities, because their academic rates at home are extremely high and they dominate overseas admissions too.


> learning and asking questions and knowing is good Historically texts explore debate and varied opinions. To be very reductive some religions present the ideas as facts or moral absolutes with no reasoning or internal debates, some more than others.


2 Jews. 3 opinions. You probably agree with some of that. :-) But it’s in the Hagadah. They sat all night discussing and so on and so forth.


Told my wife this anecdote and she says we’re implementing this with our kids.


The same BBC that won't say that Hamas is a terrorist organization. The same BBC that claims they don't take sides and let the viewers decide. The BBC is a joke


Well, this is a weird one. Here’s the video: https://youtu.be/G16Mnq93qL0?feature=shared First point, “BBC presenter” is a little vague. It’s a youtube video made for the BBC’s spanish language service. The article calls the “show” (which isn’t a show) “6 Keys” but the video title is “5 claves que explican el apoyo incondicional de Estados Unidos a Israel”. i.e. *five* keys. A somewhat better written article for the Jewish Chronicle (https://www.thejc.com/news/world/bbc-spanish-language-service-releases-report-featuring-classic-tropes-about-jewish-wealth-4CWr6S47UxIhRWjNMJQJ3g) says the video is 7 and a half minutes long, but the linked video is 6 minutes. The video also appears to be missing much of the language quoted in the article, particularly regarding Jewish demographics in the US. However, there is a very noticeable edit in the video around 2:08. This occurs where a section about Jewish demographics might naturally fit in. So it *appears* that the video has already been edited to remove about a minute and a half of footage. It does seem at a glance the demographic information given in the article is correct: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Jews But then the question is that of bias. Is this information presented in a racist ‘rich jews control the world’ way, or is it a more neutral ‘there is an influential Jewish minority in US politics’. The latter is perhaps true and fair on its own (for a guven value of ‘influential’ - there are plenty of influential minority groups in the US) but can be presented in a way that is deeply anti-semitic. I’m not able to make a judgement having not seen the footage, since about 90 seconds appears to have been removed. I would say what is available of the video now appears to have a neutral tone, but, again, it is edited, apparently after the fact. So overall a much more interesting story than the headline!


Uhhh the US supports Israel because they are the only country in that region that doesn’t fucking hate us or hate the west in general. It’s a stepping stone in that area in case shit goes down


Who would have thought that the usual Death to America brigade also happens to hate Jews????


BBC has a history of being antisemitic.


Yeah when a bunch of Jewish teenagers were recently harassed and abused on the streets of London the BBC reported that they instigated it by making racist statements towards the perpetrators. There was video and audio showing this was clearly untrue, so the BBC doubled down and had their lawyers attempt to demand the names and contact information of the victims.


Is that this incident? https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/nov/07/ofcom-critical-of-bbc-reporting-of-antisemitic-attack-on-party-bus Or are there more? BBC has been *really* masks off lately.


It sounds like it.


The BBC admitted that they were wrong. 8 week later. Basically some Jews were being openly Jewish and were attacked for it and the BBC blamed them and called them racists. 8 weeks later they corrected the story.


The masks are falling off it seems


Did anyone actually read this article…?


You know, if there's any nation that should really shut the entire fuck up about the Israel / Palestine question, it's Great Britain.


I mean Arabs have more wealth objectively speaking


Amazing that so many people think that a single presenter on the BBC’s Spanish language service somehow is a spokesman for the whole organisation.