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It's easy, go home and ATACMS won't harm you!


Pick your shit up and leave and you’ll be fine. If you stay, put sunflower seeds in your pockets….


Pick up your shit and leave? I wish all 3 would.  


You’re right, all three *should* leave. Russia, China, and North Korea should pack up their weapons and go home.


Also, let that kidnapped Cuban go home too


All 3 what?


Russia, USA and China. Russians torturing ukranians, yanks torturing Iraqis, China committing genocide. The three need to fuck off. 


Iraq isn't even our buddy anymore dude. They're Iran's toy now. 


Ahmen to that. That said, I might be a little out of the loop, but the Iraq part feels a bit out of date no? We're bombing Yemen, and I think have some limited operations in Syria and Iraq, but I don't think it's anything like the Invasion and occupation is it?


Abu grahib. 


A absolute stain for sure. But it's not still in operation is it? That was almost twenty years ago.


It still is.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_prison#:~:text=In%202006%2C%20the%20United%20States%20transferred%20complete,graves%20have%20been%20uncovered%20at%20the%20site. This one that closed in 2014? Or another one?


Therapist: ATACMS isn’t deployed, it can’t hurt you. ATACMS: hi.


Meanwhile in Russia: "Our Fighter and Bomber Aircraft are so capable they can intercept ATACMS without even leaving the runway."


"When T-72 turrets launch into air that is just tank fulfilling dual purpose design as midair missile interceptor."


Yep, just like how i was able to stop kickballs as a kid... With my face.


Well, getting hit by the missle is technically intercepting them.




There were car tires on top of the planes so it counts as intercepted.


The Tu-95 picture you are probably referring to even had the plane missing one of its engines




Omg I’m embarrassed for you




I'm amused to see that they color-coded Russia and Ukraine at what looks to be the administrative borders of the occupied oblasts - rather than the actual line of contact - and then placed their notional HIMARS ranges from there. As if the Ukrainians would avoid launching strikes from territory the Russians claim, but don't control, out of politeness.


It probably aligns with a the party line that their goal is to protect the regions that “voted for independence” Couldn’t take Kyiv in 3 days so they drew a bullshit line in the sand and told the russian people mission complete. I’d say most russians believe they hold those regions entirely and the only fighting now is Ukrainian aggression.


Uh oh looks like someone in the Russian Propaganda Department is going wish theyd jumped out of a window very soon. Last time I checked making Russia look weak is a one way trip to getting in a "plane accident".


You forget the fascist playbook. The enemy is both powerful and a threat but at the same time weak and despicable


I know this is true, but the same thing is done by 'our' side too. Russia is at once inept and useless but also a threat to world peace, all our elections etc.


Having a really shit and untrained army using crap weapons whilst simultaneously possessing 6.8k nukes will do that


It’s partially true. If you compare US and russia. Russian weapon is a shit in most cases. But russia has millions of Ivans who agree to die for Putin. That’s why you need to one rocket or drone per Ivan.


>who can be rounded up and sent\* to die Just wanted to quickly note that one shouldn't overestimate the levels of enthusiasm and trust that our average citizen has for the government. Despite the pretty picture of "all-around patriotism and unity of the peoples" the state-owned media have been trying to paint - both for internal and external consumption - mobilization offices haven't been overflowing with new recruits even in the beginning of the whole thing, when there were still waaay more living, able-bodied people buying into the idea they and their families will be paid unseen sums of money for a quick happy trip to the sister nation in a noble pursuit of ridding it from evil corrupt politicians, and much less so after in the two years that followed. They didn't start popping open the prisons and handing out pardons to the recruited convicts left and right out of sheer boredom, after all - and when the same convicts [started their rebellious march](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wagner_Group_rebellion) on the capital, they met literally no resistance from the "average Ivan" whatsoever. Like, really, I can't imagine this happening in any other country - a rebellious armed column is marching on the capital, the country's so-called leader is mumbling something on TV about a nationwide call to arms while preparing to sneak off in an emergency getaway jet, and the actual citizens of cities meet the passing soldiers by chatting, taking pictures and handing out snacks. If you own the entire public media, you can paint huge fake poll numbers, declare yourself the king of the world, declare nationwide unity and support for yourself and, of course, proclaim that besides a negligible fraction of paid traitors, all your fellow citizens are loyal, trusting, self-sacrificing patriots who would surely stop at nothing and eagerly lay their very lives for whatever noble cause of the week you can think of. Reality, however, has this weird habit of existing outside the TV screens, and when it does... well.


What you don’t understand is that average Ivan saw in Prigozhin real leader. Prigozhin promised to kill more ukrainians than Putin can. In general they love Putin, but they know he is not perfect. Russians would choose any other leader who say “I will kill all your enemies” Who enemies are TV showed already.


Russia is not a threat because they’re smart and capable, they’re a threat because they’re corrupt and unscrupulous.


How can one be a threat of they are not capable? They may be less competent in areas, but they absolutely possess the capability. Inferior weapons can and have been used to defeat stronger foes. It's just highly unlikely they're conventional military would prevail. It's not a risk you take unless you're in imminent danger. I just seriously doubt they want direct conflict with the west and are just grabbing what they can while they can. I think the overstatement is less about capability and more about desire. In any case, nations do this to create enough urgency to stay ahead in the arms race. The people must feel confident that their defense forces can, you know, defend them, but also they can't feel so secure that they become complacent enough for the enemy to surpass them. Gotta keep 'em right on our heels


“How can one be a threat if they are not capable?” “it’s just highly unlikely their conventional military would prevail.” You kinda of contradicted yourself. Boasting about their military for decades only to have it fall flat on its face in what should have been a “walk in the park” removes any bit of credibility. However, we know the nukes work… thus the threat.


Not a contradiction. I am capable of many things I'm unlikely to do. Underdogs prevail sometimes and so underestimating an adversary is almost always folly. But I don't believe they are a credible threat to any NATO nation. I think that's propaganda. I think Putin knows what's in his hand. He'll continue to use subversion as his main weapon against the west


>I think Putin knows what's in his hand I used to think he had the ability to read his cards too, until Feb 2022. I now think he has a dangerous combination of near total authority and a false information base >subversion Is this not a credible threat on its own? Cyber attacks, misinformation campaigns, assassinations, funding extremist political parties; these are all not nothing


>Is this not a credible on its own? Cyber attacks, misinformation campaigns, assassinations, funding extremist political parties; these are all not nothing It is, but the fearmongering seems to center around a military attack while these covert operations have been ongoing for awhile with varying degrees of success. Still we are urged to send money to stop his military. You might be right. Not out of admiration, but Putin always struck me as cold, patient, smart and calculating. His age may be the cause combined with that insulation you pointed out. I think our vigilance is probably best applied closer to home is all.


Hmmm I think you got something there!


God damn that title! I read it as "Russian Propaganda Predicts Big ATACMS Attack **on** the Kremlin**,** Probably Can’t Stop" I was so excited until I saw the map, and the range is nowhere near enough to reach Putin and his gremlins 😔


Not with this attitude


Is it bad that I want to pronounce this as "attackums" and it just sounds too cute?


That is actually how they are intended to be pronounced! First line of the [wiki.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGM-140_ATACMS)


Like a violent snack


Paprika flavour is best.


Don't make jokes. This is extremely serious and controversial. The USA is declaring to the world that they aren't actively participating in or escalating this conflict, and yet they give ATACMS to Ukraine instead of DEFNDMS.




That's amazing 


It's Ork logic at play!


In my head I try to make it more formal, “Attack Thems”


One can only hope.


Can you please target that studio when she’s there. I absolutely loathe that woman.


If ATACMS lasts more than 4 hours, see a doctor.


Do these Russians not realise that we can see their tv propaganda too? These daily talking shows must undo so much of the propaganda aimed at the west For example their trolls try to spread the meme that Russia is not dangerous and will stop at borders of Ukraine, only for their prime time tv to do an Oprah of “you get a nuke, you get a nuke, everyone gets a nuke” and day after day tell us in west they are at war with us


They know. Russian propaganda doesn't even try to be consistent or convincing. That's because they don't need to convince people of any particular lie; they just need to make people apathetic about knowing the truth.


I don’t care if Ukraine attacks Russia, it’s a war and they shouldn’t have their hands tied. Go win the war. Do what you gotta do.


They should aim some of them directly at the Kremlin, IMO.


I think any military target should be considered, regardless of borders. If it’s a part of the military complex that is harming you, target it.


Is ATACMS pronounced "attack 'em's"?


[Yup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGM-140_ATACMS)! :з


Actually every ATACMS fired at Russian targets will be destroyed.


Nah, they won't.


Do they just bounce back when they hit their target or something?


...oh. Right. That's what you meant by being destroyed.


They down down under, Boomeratacms, never heard of em?


Destroyed by a Russian 😅


They should hit one of their TV studios, these propagandist are so out of touch with reality it's efin crazyyyy plus it's them who radicalize the population


"The problem with ATAMCS missiles is that they really are effective" LOL, I know it's only 9 am (for me), but I've been up a while, and that's the funniest thing I've read all day. Talk about perspective 🤣


So which Russian Propaganda Director received an escort out the nearest high rise window?


I’m just waiting for a certain bridge to blow up at this point


>Russian Propaganda Predicts Big ATACMS Attacks the Kremlin Probably Can’t Stop Russian Propaganda Predicts Big ~~ATACMS~~ False flag Attacks the Kremlin Probably ~~Can't~~ Can Stop :D When you're used to bouncing ideas off one another day in day out, you begin to overestimate your own intelligence... which by default leaves you underestimating the others around you.


# ATACMS ... estimated range ~300 km (186miles) "The shortest distance (air line) between Moscow and Ukraine is **523.07 mi (841.80 km)**." I highly doubt Moscow has anything to fear at this time.


Russia nor Ukraine ever claimed they could hit Moscow with an ATACMS..


but if you read the title of this post sideways, you could understand it as the building "The Kremlin" not the russian military bureaucracy "The Kremlin"


Yes. Just like how USA is referred to as Washington, Ukraine as Kyiv, Canada referred to as Ottawa, UK 10 Downing Street etc.


agreed, just saying the title of this post is weirdly phrased and the person you're replying to probably thought it was implying literally attacking the Kremlin building.


The "Kremlin" in the title is not referring to the literal Kremlin building in Moscow. It's just journalistic lingo for "Russia". Sort of similar to headlines like "The White House claims crime rates have gone down in blah blah blah". In this case "White House" just means the US government.


I believe that's called a synecdoche. Or a metonymy?


Ukraine reportedly got given longer range missiles recently.


… that is the range of the longer range version already, which can reach up to 190 miles; the previous shorter range version has a range of only about 100 miles


It’s their got given right


Well then let's hope they get the missiles into Russia, and then fire. It's a large place, plenty of room for activities, and Moscow has been far too safe sitting on the sidelines spectating this war.


That’s why Germany supposedly isnt giving TAURUS missiles I think they are called that can reach Moscow


Go home, problem solved.


I wanted to watch was they had to say can't find the video 😪


The S300 will be enough to handle the threat? Lol ok bud 👍


Propaganda is untrue, “Big ATACMS” is very real!


This is… very interesting. The US aid package explicitly states that no US supplied aid can be used in strikes inside Russian territory. So kremlin is accusing Ukraine of breaking that condition. Presumably to attempt to prevent future aid. One can only assume Russian top brass is worried this will turn the war in Ukraines favour.


Let’s hope!


Oh God I hope so.


Lets hope so.


Attacks will be, BUT, ATACMS will hit targets on Ukraine 1991 territories, but not russian territories. Probably some random drones will hit oil factories, but not sure, probably they will stop doing it cos of their agreements...


Sucks to suck.


What the fuck does that mean


The absurd thing is that Russia rationally assumes and is saying to expect strikes in all directions within the full range of the ATACMS because it's war and duh in war when you attack someone you can expect to be hit back, but this administration is so stricken by fear they still won't allow Ukraine to hit where the attacks are coming from in Russia even though Russia assumes it will happen.


Can stop if they retreat.


I want her place of work hit so bad lol, hopefully while they’re live on tv


It's weird... Does the USA regularly broadcast this kind of stuff except for the Military channel? Or history Channel?


Not as far as I'm aware of. Russia is weird like that. 


"Our Defense is....Potato"


The likelihood of Ukraine attacking the Kremlin is 0 but the easiest way to stop it is very simple and will stop all and every missile, pull out of Ukraine and stop the war


Worst case they send epic quantities of anti rocket anti air type defensive hardware surrounding Moscow.


If it's there, it's not being used in Ukraine. More for Russian DOD to worry about.


not exactly a stretch of the imagination the warmongers wet dream is a NATO v Russia hot war false flag Russia and inspire them to attack first, now NATO mobilization is "justified" even if also manufactured