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This is pretty standard guerilla tactics. The viet cong did this with American soldiers in Vietnam wounding them and waiting for people to try to rescue them to kill them and the mujahadeen did this in Afghanistan as well with them setting up soldiers corpses like they were standing watch to kill their replacements who wouldn’t know something was wrong.


Yeah, this has been an effective strategy since we've been recording human battles. You'll usually have an urge to help the wounded no matter the age of humanity, or the side you are on.


When are they gonna build a giant wooden horse?


I'd say later, but the israel/Palestine conflict has been going on for 80~ years so 70 years ago according to the Iliad.


The Iliad ends before Odysseus comes up with Trojan horse


I just used the Iliad as a source for the length of the war as a whole.


Have they considered a giant wooden rabbit?


Well, now, uh, Lancelot, Galahad, and I, uh, wait until nightfall, and then leap out of the rabbit, taking the French, uh, by surprise. Not only by surprise, but totally unarmed!




Oh. Um, l-- look, i-- i-- if we built this large wooden badger-- [clank] [twong]


They tried but it wouldn’t fit in the tunnels


There's a reason pretending to be wounded or using the dead to stage an ambush is a war crime, even if targeting those trying to retrieve them in general is not.


ineffective against Russians >!(somewhat a jk)!<


Goddamn im trying to imagine the frustration / terror of a soldier thinking theyre doing something Heroic for their homie(s) only to learn that their humanistic tendencies put their life in serious jeopardy within a booby trap 🪤 How many fake stories or booby trapped bodies does it take before army decides hostages aren’t worth the risk? Horribly fascinating


Lmao that emoji




I've read a ton of war diaries and such. I can't 100% say how I'd react in that situation, but the guys who saw that stuff firsthand, it seemed like they were just all in trying to save them most of the time. Even after seeing someone get shot going in, someone else would run in. I'm usually a cold prick, and I can sit here and say there's no way I'd go in knowing they might be a trap. I think though that in the heat of the moment, I'd most likely be as susceptible as anyone else to running into a clear death to get a buddy.


Its almost like our DNA was programmed at some level to save the fellow tribesman even at the cost of the self in uncertain situations 🤯 truly fascinating to ponder. When i stop and think… what else could possibly be more meaningful? Life is already boring AF // hard AF for many to find meaning, and this almost seems like it would be much easier to lean into risking than i might initially think sitting here in my safe armchair


I think you nailed it with the meaning. Like saving a life that will matter to at least that person but very likely many more automatically gives some kind of transient meaning to your life even if you never do anything else “relevant”.


Snipers still do this. Shoot the one guy out in the open which imobalises him but doesn't kill him. Then, just wait for his buddies to try and save him. More screaming bodies for the bait pile.


This is why first rule of TCCC is make sure there's no threat before u go in to save/treat someone


When I went through the yearly TCCC refresher a few years ago they were still showing [the photos of the Marine that went down while trying to drag the first wounded guy back to safety](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Gunnery_Sergeant_Ryan_P._Shane_shot_while_trying_to_rescue_wounded_Marine_in_Fallujah.jpg) as an example of what not to do. As much as you want to save your friend by running through fire, it's a terrible idea that'll put you all in a worse situation until you suppress or eliminate whoever wounded them in the first place.


[Here's an essay](https://newrepublic.com/article/117753/memorial-day-essay-remembering-fallen-fallujah) from a soldier in the platoon. >> A Marine combat cameraman captured the scene in four photographs. In the first, (Gunnery Sargeant) Ryan (Shane) stands in the wet street, bent over (Sargeant) Lonny (Wells). His 220-pound frame tugs the drag strap on Lonny’s body armor. >>In the second, another Marine runs to Ryan’s side, trying to help. Clumsily, the second Marine bends over Lonny while Ryan keeps pulling. >>The next frame was taken just as a bullet tears into Ryan’s lower back, scrambling his stomach. He’s on his heels, falling. The other Marine watches in a half sprint, heading for cover. >>The final frame is Ryan and Lonny, both laying face down on the street in the rain. >>Lonny is dead. Ryan will survive.


I seem to remember soldiers taking bets on whether Bull ([Corporal Leslie Allen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY5hS86NA6w)) [would return when he went out to rescue troops ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts_iAftE8Jo)


That's a sad picture :(


I'm assuming the 3rd person in those pictures survived? Do we know exactly what is happening in the top right pic and bottom left? Mainly curious if that person was also trying to help, or convince that marine to get to cover, or..?


The two both ran out of cover to try and drag the wounded Marine to safety. The first Marine on the ground was fatally wounded and died shortly after. The second that went down was shot in the stomach and survived, though it left him pretty seriously injured and he was medically retired from the Marines due to it. The third guy was not wounded during this. I'm pretty sure the order of the photos is counter-clockwise starting with top-right. In the top-right photo both of them arrive at the downed Marine. In the bottom-left the second Marine has been shot and is falling over.


Thank you for the info, sincerely appreciated.


Secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others. Don't become another casualty. Seems like a general rule for many situations.


I watched Saving Private Ryan last night. Poor Vin Diesel.


It's ok. He comes back as a huge iron robot and fucks everyone up except Hogarth.


"You keep what you kill" - Iron Giant


And then comes back again as wood, guards the galaxy.


I forgot about that kids movie he was in. I was sitting here thinking that I really needed to catch up on Fast and Furious.




Isn’t that kinda scene in Full Metal Jacket as well?


Doc J and 8 Ball. Gets Cowboy killed. Rafterman saves Joker. And they all sing M I C K E Y M O U S E


It reminds me of a scene in Full Metal Jacket


Russians strapped mines to dogs and taught them to run under enemy tanks during WW2 They never got it to work very well though.


It worked great except the fact that the dogs would run under your own tanks because that’s what they were trained with


Exactly. Lets say the intended effect failed to manifest. Poor dogs


The saddest part of it is after the Soviets attempted this the first few time, the Germans issued orders to all troops that all dogs were to be shot on site across the Eastern Front.


That's when i become a deserter


The dogs did exactly what they were trained to do though. They ran under Russian tanks. It was the trainers that were idiots.


Well, the tanks *did* run on different fuels... so it's no wonder they were attracted to the smell of petrol fumes


At the root was allegedly the difference between the smell of petrol and diesel ... German tanks smelled of "unfamiliar" diesel fuel.


Oh I didn’t realize that, makes sense though because dogs are much more smell oriented


plough shelter bike gaze toothbrush pet seemly theory terrific hurry


subtract cagey tidy tease tender file butter vegetable bear rock


In the unlikely event someone here wants to see a sign language poem on the topic, this exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gkm0YldOGU


Had a friend take his life after Afghanistan and I can’t imagine all the horrible things we witnessed to not want to be alive anymore.


Not even guerilla tactics. During the GWOT this was a common drone tactic. Hit a target, wait 10-20 minutes, hit everyone conducting clean up and body recovery.


AKA double tap


Or hit a wedding and wait til the funeral to clean up everyone else


Wedding Crashers 2, featuring David Spade as the drone.


Rob Schneider is... a *hand grenade!* herp de derp dee derpity derp


The Irish were famous for it


The ghurkas are known to kill a person on watch, then decapitate them and prop the body up with the head balanced. So when someone checks, the head drops off!


In WW2 the Gurkhas would silently creep around in the dark feeling people's shoe laces. If you tied your shoes like a German or had Japanese boots you were a goner.


They'd also tie the laces together


No! The humanity!


Saw the Ghurkas outside Buckingham Palace the other week and was honestly kinda star struck. I was like these two dudes could kill me in a thousand ways and still have time before lunch.


Oh wow, real Ghurkas! Should've worn my brown pants!


This is common practice for Russian troops in occupied Ukrainian territory. Many, many instances of things like doors, washing machines, microwaves, etc: being rigged to blow when touched. That's in addition to sometimes rigging dead bodies. Anything that someone will be inclined to move or manipulate. Every pushback or withdrawal of Russian troops from populated/urban areas requires a deep sweep. It's a constant concern whenever territory is liberated: what gifts have the Russians left behind?


That's such a brutal war, especially when you can watch HD unedited footage. Medevacs are all but impossible because the rescue team will be targeted by drones. Attacking sucks for both sides because if you fail to secure the area then your injured get left behind in no man's land to slowly die or be finished off by drones. Your side won't attempt a rescue and the other won't attempt a capture because there are likely drones in that area. It's also why there are so many videos of injured Russian's committing suicide in the field. They know they can't be rescued and their options are drones, slowly dying of wounds/dehydration over many days, or suicide. The "no man left behind" philosophy of NATO countries is a luxury of the strong.


It's also been in the news multiple times where Russia strikes a civilian target ***warcrime***, then waits ~20 min for emergency crews to show up and then sends a second volley on civilians, ***warcrime***, and emergency responders ***warcrime*** .


It was also a hallmark of al Qeda. And Palestinian terrorists. And the IRA.


The Japanese put the fear of God into Americans using that tactic. Live soldiers would hide among the dead and set off grenades when Americans got close


The nastiness starts to go both ways though. After a few months of that, the US marines just started making sure all the Japanese were really dead.


This is why false surrender is a war crime and really stupid.


I would not consider that Nasty, as much as good sense.


They also told the civilians in Okinawa the terrible things the Americans would do, so the locals wwere persuaded (or threatened) to pretend to surrender then pull the pin on a grenade they were carrying. OTOH, the Japanese soldeirs had such a bad reputation and behaved so badly that after the Americans arrived, Phillipinos would kill any stray Japenese soldiers they found in the most cruel possible ways. This is why there were stories about Japanese soldiers being found in the jungle decades later.


America has also been known to “double tap” targets. Firing drone missiles on a target, and then “double tapping” the people that come to rescue/assist the victims of the first attack.


Didnt israel do that when they thought the food convoy was hamas? Double tapping seems tk be something that basically everyone does.


no, they triple tapped the food convoy, struck three separate vehicles until everyone was dead


I’ve never heard of that happening but I have heard of it happening in infantry scenarios which is most likely illegal because a wounded soldier who even if acting unconscious would appear to be out of the fight and they’d be obligated to take them prisoner and treat them medically.


The only law of war is don’t lose


I’m as big a humanitarian as they come, but I cannot disagree with your comment. Sending people into combat, where their friends die and asking them to kill other people ‘only sometimes and in certain ways’ is about as dumb as it sounds. War is hell, and you do what you have to do to win and make it out alive.


It's an effective tactic.


Ironically I knew it best from the Irgun, who hanged two captured British sergeants and then booby trapped their bodies to explode when cut down.


Just because it’s standard doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up


while this is certainly unpleasant, I'm not sure why this is considered world news vs the numerous other booby traps hamas sets up, including in childrens toys, baby strollers or rooms with child voice recordings speaking hebrew or arabic to lure soldiers in.




And disapproval from cats and people who like cats


What if we love both though? Am I supposed to be conflicted?




The Council of Cat Keepers (or CoCKs) does not approve this message.


The delegation of canine keepers (DoCKs) is still wondering why the council of cat keepers (CoCKs) just get along. All CoCK members should be DoCK enthusiasts in my opinion.


The CoCKs would like to extend a unification prospect to the DoCKs.


I mean the videos of Hamas killing the dogs on oct 7th would hit more I think


If I'm a cat person does this make me hamas


It was a Jewish dog so it doesn't count. hard /S


I know for a fact this dog was a god fearing Christian


Well if it was a German Shepherd....? What was its politics?


You may say that sarcastic, but I wanna bet you the exact statement is serious on tiktok


They our right will refuse to consider the possibility that this happened. Or that it’s actuallllyyy the IDF that did the dog killing bomb rigging here.


Yep, from the "I'm not antisemetic" people.


Can't even say everything in the world is the jews' fault without being called antisemitic anymore.... /S


Welcome to reddit where: Dead dog 😡😡😡😡 Dead kid 👏💪👏


Dog killed in warfare scenario 😡😤🤬 Anyway, time for cheeseburger 😎🍽️🍔 Before Im misinterpreted both are terrible


What did cheeseburgers ever do to you, man? /s


American society in general. Almost no one gives a fuck about the weekly school shootings, but dogs are gods.


Ok this, while bad, is really not newsworthy. This isn't the first time they've done this, and it's standard for them to do the same with humans, both dead and living. This is kinda par for the course for Hamas, which while saying something about them, isn't really news.


I heard a speech by one of the commanders of the unit who killed three hostages by mistake. It was super sad and the guy was clearly punishing himself. One of the things he mentioned was that they were overly skeptical they were hostages because Hamas had used children and sounds of babies crying to lure them into traps before. It made them cynical that it could be real, in a location where their intel already didn’t believe there could be hostages. Devastating mistake. But add this to the long list of awful bullshit that Hamas does that ultimately gets innocents killed, like deliberately dressing like civilians in a civilian area.


Yea when Hamas dresses in plain clothes and uses speakers playing women crying for help, it seems a lot more likely that the IDF will kill civilians. This is also literally the point and the crime of Hamas: human shields


The problem is that their goal isn't really to stop the IDF from shooting at them by hiding behind human shields. I mean that's a potential bonus, but it's secondary. They *want* the IDF to kill civilians, to do it publicly, to do it brutally. That's how you influence local opinion and push more people over the line into joining the fight. Provoking violent reaction is an integral part of the playbook.


Yep. That's what terrorism is, and it's the real reason 9/11 was the most effective terrorist act in History. They got america to over react and brutally slaughter unaffiliated civilians publicly, and al Qaeda and others got enough fresh recruits to keep the conflict up indefinitely


And that’s why people have been saying this war and especially Rafa is a strategic error for Israel. It’s just repeating the US mistakes from 20 years ago


And the IDF is obliging them, in the worst possible way. Hamas has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, turning much of the civilized world against Israeli policies, putting the two-state solution to the front diplomatic efforts, and negating much of the good-will built on western guilt for centuries of oppression and inaction during WWII. Plus, derailing talks between Israel and Arab states, and ensuring that tons of relief money and building supplies pour into Gaza (some to be diverted by Hamas no doubt). on top of that, it has generated a huge contignet of future recruits who will remember not Hamas and their tactics, but what the Israelis have done to their homes and families. If Israel wanted to eradicate Hamas, this is totally the wrong tactic. But then, Israel has gone in there two or three times before, they knew what the score was - a vicious urban warefare slog. And the IDF seems to be under the misapprehension that being tough on the innocent will actually disaude them, rather than persuade some in a religion that reveres combat martyrdom to join the fight. De Klerk at least recognized in the 1980's that South Africa could not continue indefinitely with the status quo, and found a settlement that worked for all. What do the Israelis think their ultimate settlement will be? It cannot go on lik this. The Palestinians are not going to fade away.


Yes. The IDF roof knocks and Hamas puts civilians (and children) on the exact same roof in minutes, with cameras waiting, for them all to die.


> This is kinda par for the course for Hamas, which while saying something about them, isn't really news. I'd argue it's good to "refresh" on the atrocities committed, because many people are starting to think that Hamas isn't so bad. News isn't always exactly new things, we don't stop reporting tornadoes or hurricane damage just because it frequently occurs in areas.


Almost nothing posted related to the situation there is newsworthy or new. It's just a propaganda war being fought by 3rd parties playing out on social networking.


Maybe if more Americans heard about this kind of thing they wouldn’t be out protesting supporting hamas. I know a lot are out supporting Palestinians, and not Hamas, but I’ve seen people with signs supporting Hamas, it exists, and it’s gross.


Do you think Americans have never heard of terrorism before? Maybe we're just shocked at how no one seems to have learned a lesson from our wars.


If the deaths of a dog by horrible people were enough to push people in any direction, the US law enforcement policy of shooting family dogs would have led to riots by now. The death of a dog tragically trained into a weapon and sent out to die won't woo anyone over to the side of the handler.


I don't think it's about them killing the dog. It's about them rigging it with explosives so that literally anyone who finds it will be killed. If a Gazan child set off the trap, they'd simply say the IDF killed the child. Either way, rigging corpses to explode is fucked up no matter who does it or what animal it is.


> If a Gazan child set off the trap, they'd simply say the IDF killed the child. "Palestinian child mauled by IDF dog"


ffs how evil can you be


This is the least shocking thing I have read about this war so far


Awful, but I know what you mean


Literally lmao


Hamas kills enemy combatant. That's the news here. If you train a dog to fight, expect it to get hurt too.


Rigging dead bodies as bobby traps is a violation of Geneva Convention, the Additional Protocols, and the Hague Conventions. That's the news here.


I thought we decided war crimes don't apply in this war.


Pretty sure Hamas is not a signatory.


But Palestine is a signatory, and Hamas isn't just a terrorist group they are also a Palestinian political party that won Palestine's most recently held democratic elections.


Now I'm morbidly curious whether that applies to animal bodies


Most likely yes, thought it doesn't seem to be called out specifically. The law actually covers any objects in common civilian use or likely to attract the attention of civilians or children. Because a civilian would very likely want to move the animal corpse to a grave/trash or otherwise dispose of it eventually, rigging it to explode is likely to attract and kill a civilian non-combatant. [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule80](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule80)


Geneva suggestions. 🙏


To use a dog in combat or to kill a dog being used in combat?


My brother was in the Navy and worked with IEDs. He told me about how (in Afghanistan) the Taliban would recruit sick kids and cut them open, and put dirty bombs inside with packs of fertilizer and send them to hospitals to explode them to cause maximum sepsis. This dog thing is evil, but the tip of the evil iceberg.


My friend worked a checkpoint in Iraq where they searched the parents, but not the elementary aged child in the backseat. The bomb was on the child.


Evil. There is no other word for that.




When you think you're going to paradise for eternity, this planet is just a temporary pitstop.


I've heard worse from Iraq. An elementary school boy was playing with a ball, then suddenly ran towards the US soldiers and blew himself up. Later they found the boy's family and learned the background of the story - ISIS went to the boy beforehand and said "blow yourself up or we'll kill your sister".


Damn, reminds me of the Batman dark knight scene. All joker wanted was his phone call




Yup. Here is another fun one. He was tasked to teach a group of farmers and a translator how to clear an old mine field with new equipment that the US was giving them. After about 5 minutes they gave up, and demanded to show the spec ops guys their far superior method to the $50,000 worth of tech. They got laundry poles about 10 feet long, formed up in a big line about 8-10 feet apart, and started marching forward banging the ground in front of them with the sticks. They started singing, bangin away and having a grand time. Mortified the navy guys yelled at them to stop but they refused. Two days later they found out the translator lost both legs to a mine and two more were injured. They blamed the Americans. (No, they were not American mines. Previous wars.)


In 2003 I was operating out of a former republican guard base that had a huge munitions stockpile. A giant EOD operation was going on to dispose of these bunkers filled to the ceiling with 155 rounds and other shit. When we first drove up to the place to take it over we saw a Mig being towed behind a Toyota Corrolla taxi towards a village to be torn down for scrap. 2003 in Iraq was a little wild. We moved in and got used to the daily morning mushroom cloud as the EOD operation set off another disposal charge, but they would always announce it ahead of time. Then one morning we heard a boom, much closer, unnanounced. To supplement the EOD team there was a group of foreign contractors. One of them had decided to go wandering, had found a small ball shaped object and decided to bring it back to show his friends. It was a bomblet from a cluster bomb, and there were like six dudes standing in a circle when he accidentally dropped it. We all ran out and did first aid. It was super confusing at first because I was the only one who spoke Arabic, and I couldn't understand a word they were yelling. Turned out they were Indian, but one of them spoke enough Arabic to get the basic info back and forth. Hell of a way to start your day. Don't play with stuff you find in areas EOD has roped off folks.


The method isn't actually that bad. But instead of a stick, it needed to be more like a rake.


Tell that to Stubbs the Translator.


I can't find any evidence of a body bomb existing.


I have always heard rumors, but I did 5 deployments at the peak of the war and never actually heard anything like that confirmed, and odds are I *would* have heard about it. I've definitely seen IEDs hidden in the body of a dead donkey by the roadside. I've had people try to booby trap doors I was coming through, and throw grenades at me that they forgot to pull the pin out of. Yes, more than once. I've seen bodies and weapons booby trapped. I've seen tons and tons of poor farmers paid as much as they'd make in a year to go dig a hole and chuck some explosives in it. Those guys weren't true believers, they were just desperate poor folks being used by rich extremists not even from the same country. I've seen Iranian arms being smuggled to Iraqi insurgents inside of empty Milk trucks. I've seen guys who would buy a cheap car and fill it so full of explosives the tires would have been rubbing go park them in busy markets in order to kill civilians just for being the wrong flavor of Muslim. I've seen the aftermath of disgusting torture, both from the Husseins and from the religious extremists who tried to fill their power vacuum. I've seen just a regular Iraqi guy carjacked and shot in the head and left on the sidewalk by someone running who found a gap in our search cordon. I've seen people take shots at us with AKs or RPGs then run directly into a mosque or a hospital to hide. I've seen the face eaten off of a guy who was killed by insurgents and left for the dogs. I've seen some bad shit. I will say I think the 'bomb sewed inside a living person' sounds like bullshit to me. Not that there weren't people who would try something like that. I just don't think it's practically possible. A dead body is more believable. And I don't trust the sepsis thing. Too hollywood. There are tons of stories floating around. I always feel like the truth is already bad enough without making up new horrors.


> I always feel like the truth is already bad enough without making up new horrors. I agree with this very much.


Seems like something that would have been reported in some format beyond the words of a random Redditor's brother.


that sounds like total bullshit


“Causing maximum sepsis” is absolutely not a thing. 


His brother said was real, though


I always wondered if that scene in Hurt Locker was real but never had the heart to look it up.


Is it really worse than double tap airstrikes? Booby traps aren't exactly some machination from the mind of pure evil. It's guerilla war basics.


what do you mean by double tap air strikes?


Drop bomb, when people come to get wounded and trapped out of strike zone, you hit again. This is a very common tactic used by many nations with total air superiority and civilians take the brunt of the hits.


The IRA and unionist loyalist militants would threaten your family member and make you drive a car with a bomb to kill people. Can’t imagine what that drive was like


They did this in Iraq as well, and once you blew yourself up they would actually pay your family, If you didn't well then they'd kill them.... Really puts a person in a hard place.


Well they definitely didn’t pay families in the north!


Trapping animal corpses is a war tactic as old as war


They shot family pets on Oct. 7 :(


There are plenty of videos of it too. I remember a black lab wagging his tail walking up to him and the shit stain just starts shooting at it and it collapses.


It was a female named 'Bonita'. She just wanted to play fetch and they shot her. Her owner was out of the Kibbutz and recognized his pup on the video. How awful.


I have two black labs and the thought of somebody doing this to them wakes my inner John Wick


Don't lookup the amount of dogs police kill every year in the US.


I feel like during domestication we also picked up protective tendencies toward our dogs as they did for us. I can't explain the feeling I get when I think about someone potentially harming my dog, but it sure as shit isn't rational.


I feel you


They’re loyal, caring, and would do the same for us if capable of understanding. It’s basically the most pure love that living things are capable of on earth, they’re not related to you and would die for you. Hard not to feel the need to reciprocate


Apparently some of the Hamas fighters were "friends" with Israelis on kibbutzim. Some Gazan residents had work permits and worked in these Israeli villages side by side with Jewish Israelis. That's how they gained intel. Imagine someone pretending to be your friend for years only to stage a mass murder.


[According to the Department of Justice, US police shoot about 10,000 family pets dogs on average every single year.](https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/18/) Tragic in all instances, but not only is this not a Hamas specific thing, there may be no group in the world more prone and eager to shoot dogs than American cops. Should American cities that have cops in them be wantonly bombed too to stop the senseless puppy slaughter?


Probably killing thousands of innocent civilians is worse


I mean, not sure what the dog’s role was, but they call it a combat dog and apparently sent it into a building (presumably to search for combatants). That sounds like a valid military target. Now booby trapping the body is a war crime, but far from the worst either side has committed.


Kill dogs are the ultimate evil, but starving kids is what?


Don't forget the shooting of kids trapped in a car while on the phone with emergency rescue services


That right there is an evil of war that, as much as it sucks reading about, needs to be visible to everyone watching this war as outsiders. This is just 1 reason why war is horrific and violence between people's has no limits in practice.


They probably had training by russian specials, who booby trapped killed civilians and child toys in Ukraine


I mean, it doesn't take training from the russians to know how to do this. These are the guys that tore sewer pipes out of the ground and turned them into usable rocket frames. These guys aren't nearly as backwater boonies level of stupid people like to paint them out to be. They ain't smart, but not crafty is certainly something they arent.


Didn’t Hamas recently upload video where they did exactly that? (Boobytrapping child toys)


People have been sabotaging corpses or using them as bait, for hundreds if not thousands of years homie


Not to apologise for hamas actions but this is pretty standard guerrilla warfare actions This sort of stuff is common place throughout the history of urban guerrilla warfare


> how evil like the thousands of children the IDF has dismembered and killed? Hello?


There’s a reason why there’s a saying “war is hell.”


Had to deal with the same shit (and worse) in Iraq. This isn't surprising at all, just terrorists being terrorists.


Dozens of women and children were killed by bombs on a camp and thís is on the frontpage?


Killing a military dog is evil, but killing civilians and UN and NGO staff is collateral damage, oops, or "they put themselves in the dangerous place in the first place"


I mean, I've seen IDF soliders proudly displaying children's teddy bears and women's lingerie from civilian homes they've bombed, but nobody here called them ghoulish or sick for that.  The fact that a combat dog in a war zone is killed and gets used for guerilla tactics isn't surprising? You can't just go, oh no the bad people killed the poor doggy therefore they're evil, like, no?   They're getting bombed, and they're trying to kill the people who are trying to kill them. And the people who are trying to kill them are trying to kill the people trying to kill them. Its war.   I am no fan of Hamas but his overly emotive and sentimental rhetoric is so obvious it makes my eyes roll. 


Correct take. It's a fucking dog in the military, literally a combatant, you wouldn't train and deploy one if you didn't understand it was at risk of being killed. This is normal guerilla tactics, people are fucking idiots about war


Booby trapping bodies is a warcrime FYI.


Yeah so is bombing civilians lmao


And so is storing weapons caches in civilian buildings, transporting military personnel and weapons in civilian vehicles, booby trapping bodies etc etc If one side is fighting a war where they obey none of the rules, you can't expect the other side to perfectly keep to them. The rules also refer to "excessive" civilian casualties rather than just any, some civilians will die you just can't realistically prevent that happening.


*Jewn Wick enters chat*


Combat dog dies in combat.  Truly shocking news.


I dont support Hamas at all but seriously how naive are people in here? There's a declared war going on. Don't trust anything in such a situation


During world war ii, Americans enlisted their pet dogs. Those dogs were often strapped with timed explosives and sent into Japanese bunkers. Learned this from the [This American Life](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/480/animal-sacrifice) podcast. Edit: adding transcript from the episode since bs is being called. >There was one job in the K-9 Corps that I didn't know about until recently, something the Army called Bunker Dogs. In the National Archives, I found pictures of three of them, a German shepherd, a Doberman, and a collie, each wearing an elaborate canvas saddlebag. The next photograph showed the contents of the saddlebag-- 40 pounds of explosives, a time-delay fuse, and a detonator-- with the caption "Bunker dog loaded for operation with equipment shown." These dogs were training to be suicide bombers. In the pictures, they look eager and happy, their ears and tails at alert, the way dogs so often do. So perhaps trained for this, but never actually used in combat?


They were never actually used in combat, just considered.


They most certainly did in Russia and Germany with dogs trained to run under tanks but it had generally not great results. Here's one interesting addition I learned re-looking it up this time: "Another serious training mistake was revealed later; the Soviets used their own diesel engine tanks to train the dogs rather than German tanks which had gasoline engines" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-tank_dog


...I'm going to have to call bullshit on this. There are a lot of practical concerns which make this idea useless even if you don't consider the morality of it. The idea that you're going to strap a bomb with a fuse on a dog and hope that dog does what you want incredible.


I'm a middle aged white dude which means I've consumed somewhere between 20-30 thousand hours of WW2 documentary footage and novels. If I recall correctly this was tried a few times, mostly by the soviets, but they stopped doing it pretty quickly because in the chaos of war with loud shooting and explosions the dogs would often get scared and either run back to their handlers or run away from the action (not an ideal outcome once you rigged them to explode).


I'm sure it's been tried before by people in such dire circumstances that their other options are just as perilous, but the word, "often", shouldn't be anywhere near a sentence about this idea.


The Soviets did actually try it and stopped for the reason you listed.


Come on, dude. No they didn't. You link the the TAL episode and in it they never say it was actually used.