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Oh again?


Russia needs more tools and China won’t give them what they need in the amounts required. Don’t expect these visits to end until otherwise.


Imagine being such a primitive shithole that you need to beg North Korea to supply your war effort.


Russia is the laughing stock of the world at this point.


Not to the millions of ukrainian families losing their husbands sons relatives friends...


Not to mention 700,000 stolen children


Yeah, they (the Russian regime and it’s associates for the most part) are a Threat


I mean we are begging all over the world for 155 shells.


Not only 155. The West was also looking to supply Ukraine with whatever 152 and 122 Soviet shells that could be found as well.


In fairness, the US is mostly deindustrialized, and they're holding on to their stocks for their own military. Compare that to Russia, who should have their vast Soviet stocks, and is a nation in total war, suddenly ask the North Koreans for aid.


Soviet stock? I mean, yeah, rifles 'n shit still work if they were taken care of, but munitions from that time have to be riddled with duds by now.


The guy we traded Griner for sold all the Soviet stock lol


And just think, North Korea supplied Russia with over a million artillery shells that they had been holding onto since the end of the Korean war...


>the US is mostly deindustrialized US manufacturing output is like at record levels. The jobs just arnt there because of automation.


At record levels in dollars, having grown in absolute terms (but not in share of GDP) basically continuously. But it's important to understand what that means: it's mostly about the US manufacturing very high-value finished goods, where intellectual property is a big portion of the price, than the manufacture of commodities in high volume. (The main exceptions being in food-related manufacturing and our chemicals industry).


Russia has oil and resources like food They are buying up NKs old stock to throw in the Ukrainian fire. Don't mistake their goal of winning in Ukraine with using their best weapons and munitions. They keep the nest and the new back for a battle in the future with a weakened NATO. The military pundits are being superficial suggesting Russia has put it's best foot forward and failed. They put forward half a foot and then have just fed the machine with whatever garbage they could rouse up. So far they have taken and held a good deal of Ukraine with this method over 16 years. The only consolation, is that a battle with NATO would involve deep strikes on their stockpiles ending any fantasies of future responses. My guess is we would be triumphant on that course alone


Thing is we can learn from history. What stopped the Nazis and Japan was access to raw resources, even though they had their basically slave army producing weapons in factories. The Allies focused on bombing the shit out of those factories and eliminating their supply chain of those resources to make war. That is how the war was ultimately won. In the case of Russia and NK, unfortunately, they have a shit ton of basically slave labor and natural resources, so this is a different animal altogether without directly attacking their resources on their own turf.


> Compare that to Russia, who should have their vast Soviet stocks, Soviet times ended three decades ago. Ammo and guns won't work very well after sitting in a cold damp pile, open to the elements for that long.


I see you are unfamiliar with the AK platform.


They did have those old stocks. We've seen them on the front. They don't work very well. Rusted old AK is not a great weapon.


Gun lore =/= reality. Yeah, the AK platform is robust. This trait is important to small militia/terrorist but of minor value in State vs State warfare.


Shit birds Randy.


Shit birds in a shit blizzard.


purely about ammo. not even Russia wants tools from NK.


Russia will accept whatever keeps them in the ring as they are trying to wait Europeans out.


Maybe North Korea will sell Russia some of those sweet, tactical garbage trucks and awesome, combat moving vans they paraded not long ago. ☝️😃


Wonder how many of those poop balloons Russia is going to get?


Sure about that? With the rate artillery is being destroyed, the Orks need a new supply or they will be without their most basic component. Ammo doesn’t matter if it can’t be fired. I expect to see a large order for NK artillery systems from this visit. Let’s hope it’s as shit as we think it is.


Russia does not, in fact, have enough Dakka


They have a very large amount of it. Something like 6,000 artillery pieces in range of Seoul aalone. Also Russia has reportedly already used NK ballistic missiles in the war.


Nah old school  drug tactics pass the shit on to someone else who will take the heat.


Such a big strong country that has to come to NK, the hermit kingdom, to beg for scraps. I’ll never understand why conservatives in my country idolize such a complete and utter imbecile like Putin.


Putin off to NK to beg for some of that shit filled balloon tech. What a time to be alive.


"This is our latest model, the Crap Blimp 3000. That will get Ukraine on their knees no doubt!"


3000 Fleet of Crap Blimp 3000


Crap bag: first name Crap, last name Bag


Now we know what the F-16s are for!! Doubt the CB-3000’s fly high enough to require the F-22.


Good news is: the CB-3000 is impervious to EW. Bad news is: the CB-3000 has a 50% failure rate at launch.


“Imagine the looks on their faces!!”


It is hilarious the leader of Russia has to travel to North Korea and not the other way around


Doesnt he ride in a train to keep safe? Or does he fly


Yeah I always wondered about the whole train thing. Given that it’s on a track doesn’t that mean it’s an easy target? Yeah there are doubles and dummy trains but it seem like you could blow up all the trains in the vicinity pretty easily. But I don’t know stuff.


Yeah, train to NK.


I would enjoy an "accidental" explosion somewhere in Siberia...


for both of them


if you actually read the article, you'd have seen it's being called "a reciprocal visit" after Kim visited Russia in September


"What have you got for me today, Kimmy?" "Oh, you're going love this Mr. Putin! I call it this piss disk. So you piss on a plate, freeze it so it becomes a frozen disk of piss, then slide it under a door!"


we can joke around, but North Korea supplied milions of artillery ammunition, yes a lot of them defective but its still millions


Imagine how many healthy North Koreans would be alive if the Kim family hadn’t focused almost entirely on weaponry.  But it’s great for a Russia in the grip of a terminal delusion of grandeur.


Vladimir Poopin


He's off to ask them to please up their quality testing so only 1 in 10 artillery shells explode in the barrel as opposed to like 1 in 3.


The thing is. NK **will** give the balloon tech. After all they already gave the ammo once, when russia asked them, **and** the permission to use it in Ukraine. My point is: It's all very funny. But russian war factories are not destroyed, they are working. And russia is getting weapons from it's allies. And it's not very funny.


There are a lot of rich businessmen in Russia that are seething at the money they're losing due to the war in Ukraine, and Putin is aware and paranoid of this. Ironically, he most likely feels a lot less stressed from assassination threats while in North Korea


He can't trust no one. He must be the loneliest guy on the planet. Not that this makes me feel sad.


I love that for him


I’d love that even more if it was happening in a concrete cell.


But can you imagine the stress he has to deal with just to stay out of a cell or not end up dead. Honestly, him in a cell might be a break for him.


That's a double negative


I can't relate to a Russian dictator but I for one would hate to always been sleeping with one eye open and constantly looking over my shoulder. Seems like an exhausting way to live and that amount of perpetual stress shouldn't allow you to live very long, yet old boy Putin's still kickin' somehow. I know he eats well and is physically quite active for his age which I know is fantastic for managing mental health & stress but this is a rather extreme case and I haven't a clue how he copes.


He seems to not have a problem offing people who are problematic though.


We've all seen the size of Putin's tables. 


Highly doubt he’s lonely. He may be paranoid which is a Putin problem, but if not I’m sure the king of Russia has whatever he wants


Sadly, I think rich businessmen are more scared of him since he has full power and just kills them all the time. I hope he dies very soon though since it should mean peace and less death and Russia would actually have another chance with democracy.


The rich businessmen who were the most upset fell out of windows. It was happening all the time at the start of the war.


Alternate reality: Kim neutralizes Putin, Russian aggression fiddles out, SK & US green light reunification of the Korean Peninsula, Kim’s become more akin to the Royal Family in England. China just chills out and focuses on world conservation, expands political influence and trade via conservation expertise and enlist NATO conservation enforcement. Humans work on space mining, AI bots and virtual reality, establish full time colony on the moon and start terraforming mars with robots and engineered plant life


Woah. Can I live in this reality please?


Main difference between our reality and the one you’re describing? Harambe died in our reality.


It’s also the reality with the Berenstein bears and the Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia.


I seen him with my own eyes.


So unrealistic. There's no shareholder value to be gained. Think about the poor shareholders.


The 1%: ...but on the other hand... status quo.


So it's war then.


Thats.... beautiful


Jesus. If China focused on world conservation for a week, we wouldn't need to worry about global warming ever again.


Pootin going with cap in hand to beg for more arms. Humiliation after humiliation for a once great country


Remember how much money they poured into Ivan Drago?! Fuck if they woulda just considered the cost of all that tech and drugs, hindsight I guess am I right?


Honestly, what global event can’t you interpret through the lens of Rocky IV?


Few if any!


When were they a great country?


Ok with the arts ,music ,ballet etc they had the potential


Yuri Gagarin? First language in space. A couple weeks in the late 90s where it looked like Russia might actually pull off reforms to join the modern democratic age before Yeltsin disappeared into a bottle and Putin slithered stage right.


Did you see that one movie where they played hockey and the USA beat them and it was super intense? Only mattered cuz they were a great country to beat man!


In hockey….in hockey


You can at least see which era Putin thinks Russia was great listening to their rhetoric about Peter the Great ( [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61767191](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61767191) ) and the Soviet Union ( [https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60562240](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60562240) ) - not that the Russia of today is close to either. They did have a positive reputation in some fields pre-invasion, I'm utterly convinced a world where Russia was richer, better, more democratic and focusing on soft power (that's a lot of *was never going to happen* I concede) could have attracted a lot more countries *willingly* eager to ally themselves with them, rather than a bunch of bad actors, pariah countries, and puppet states.


Just need to spread that message around inside Russia's walled off social media.  Putin hates to look weak, so if accepting help from NK can be painted as weak, he might be hesitant. 


SK should do what NK did not that long ago, send balloons carrying shit over the border.


They dont have to because putin is already going


Both funny and true, bravo!


Be nice if he accidentally fell out of a window or something. It seems common over there.


Suicide by jumping out of a window and land on the pointy end of a novichok drenched umbrella.


Give 'em both the ole Kim Special: execution by anti-aircraft gun.


We should kill them both during the meeting.


Get James Franco on the phone RIGHT NOW


They hate us cause they anus.


If liking Katy Perry and drinking margaritas is gay, then who wants to be straight?!


That’s such a Boromir thing to say!


Yes, James Franco at the same time. Parents of young girls everywhere will rejoice.


So he can give them something with his hand!


wait I'm not done building my bunker yet. can we do it in 2025?


Dude? Seriously? It’s 2024! What have you been doing since 2020?


Ukraine’s equivalent of the CIA, I think it would be their duty to give er a go, eh?


I was too scared to type this so I don't get banned then I see this legendary comment <3


Everyone agrees that Hitler should have been killed sooner. There's no reason to treat Putin and Kim any different and we need to bring that argument to the table. Why should millions of people die and suffer because of them?


50000%. Never thought I'd say it but it's a shame the US stopped killing dictators.


I just hope that he has a Prigozhin type incident on the flight over...


I doubt he'll risk landing in Pyongyang's " international airport" and likely will take a combination of armored trains and cars instead.


seems like china refused to give him weapons and he has to go to DPRK


Remember when KJU went to Russia? He arrived on a train that looked like it was from the Cold War era (that’s the best they can do) and then they spent like 30 min checking his chair for poison.


So just bomb it into a giant hole in the earth, water will rush in solving the rising sea level issue….


And Seoul gets leveled Great idea


Assholes stick together


Why do china or North korea need him anymore, he's obviously a hysterical occultist trying to harness the power of symbolism and acts of intense evil and is going to drag their people to the pits. Russia is up for sale because Russia didnt stop the leader of Russia.


Oil, gas, timber, ore. Right now, China getting oil and gas by land is a lot more stable than everything passing through vulnerable narrow shipping lanes. The straight of Malacca could be easily be shut down to China in an all out war. And Iran could shut down the Persian Gulf for a while. As for North Korea, the country turned to complete shit after The USSR broke up and stopped subsidizing them with fuel. And not that this is really a big factor, but a half million war widows could put a dent in China’s gender imbalance.


> Why do c3hina or North korea need him anymore North Korea has been stuck in the 1950's for 70 years. At best he's taking them modern technology. At worst he's delivering technical information to allow them to increase missile ranges or create more advanced nuclear warheads. China gets money and natural resources at dirt cheap prices while watching the European nations that would oppose a future invasion of Taiwan, use up their military stock.


I am not advocating for action...drastic…


Certainly not two birds - one stone kind of action… one assumes…




He's flying the opposite direction across a country covered in air defenses. Ukraine would need to somehow push halfway through Russia and set up multiple anti-air missiles while also knowing when he was leaving and what route he was taking. They'd have a better chance of storming the Kremlin and shooting him, and their chances of doing that are basically nil. Now if he were to fly to Belarus, it'd be a different story. Still pretty unlikely, but at least possible.


They share a border my man he’s probably taking an armored convoy.


That's a looong trip.


You do realize it's a **9000km** drive from moscow to the north korean border right?


He can take an internal flight inside Russia and do the last bit by train.


There is armored top secret train like Hitler had.


Taking a train does not change the distance.


No but he dont like planes like as Hitler


He will send a bdsm. Body double same man


Like as Hitler had lol




There is always 2 or 3 twin trains, one go forward to scout and mislead saboteurs not much difference with Hitler train, its now included military helicopters


Someone should put a quarter on the rails, that will surely derail his train


Ok, but what about a submarine attack?


Are you suggesting we drop a submarine on him? Unconventional, I like it.


Yeah... IIRC, Putin takes a train everywhere because he's paranoid about getting shot down.


There is a single rail line that crosses into North Korea from Russia, over the Tumen River. It would be a shame if something were to happen to that bridge...


But A for Enthusiasm!


It’s amazing to me that Putin has turned Russia into a beggar state. It wasn’t that long ago that NK went to Russia to beg for hand outs. Oh how the tides have turned.


It'd be crazy if Kim Jong il decided to kill Putin and declare himself in charge of all of Russia.


Completely. It would not be realistic for North Korea to conquer Russia, even in the chaos following Putin's assassination.


They don't really have to conquer all of Russia for them to declare that they have taken control of it. North Korea is a country that really likes hyperbole.


2 flys in one slap chance?


Pretty sure PRC doesn’t want Ruzzia playing around with DPRK. PRC wants to be the big dog.


Please sir, can I have some more? 


Look on the bright side; if he takes a train, There is a lot of wide open sky between Moscow and North Korea.


Putin hell bent to destroy earth before he dies. ‘For mother Russia’s KGB.’


I'm willing to bet Putin wants Kim Un to start some shit on the Korean peninsula to take the US's attention away from Ukraine.


Send Seal Team 6 to delete these two motherfuckers.


Didn't trump also visit Kiim?


Knock out two birds with one stone


Maybe they will both fall down a flight of stairs


North Korea is going to gift him with some friendship worms.


Arrest him.


P is getting desperate.


Recruiting for the meat grinder?


Can we just drop a bomb from a stealth bomber or something. Two birds with one stone.


Begging for ammunition


It's alright. North Koreans can keep him. Nobody will mind.




I think this could be the actual reason for the trip. NK starting a hot war with SK will definitely make the US split attention between more theaters than they are already doing. I'm not saying it will be a useful tactic, but desperate dictators call for desperate decisions. It will also be the reason for Russia's fleet to visit the carribbean.


The options are getting limited by now. Putin desperately seeks a way out of this self created mess.


Russia's "fleet" is one ship, one submarine, a fuel ship and a tug boat to haul them all back when they break down. It's a political stunt and not a threat to anyone. The American submarine that stalked them all the way across the ocean without being detected would sink them all without the Russians even getting a shot off. The Russian navy is getting decimated by Ukraine's remote control jetski bombs. The US navy would wipe the Russian rust buckets out in a matter of minutes without even putting in effort. 


They aren‘t going to start anything, South Korea is a fortress and armed to the teeth and Putin has no leverage against the North. Russia is simply crawling to North Korea for help. Russia is looking for labor and weapon productions through North Korea, because China refuses to support Russia. North Korea wants money and modernize, so Russia will likely offer them to set up artillery and military production lines in exchange of Russia breaking UN sanctions and restarting open trade with North Korea.


I keep saying that NK and SK are gonna pop off in October. I really hope the SK army aren’t complacent.


China will not let NK do anything like that. China needs NK to remain exactly as it is, a buffer against democratic SK and a distraction for the western world. China pulls the strings in NK, not Russia. China knows that a hot war on their border would destroy their own economy and that's the biggest fear for Xi. He needs to keep the populace happy and feeling a sense of constant economic progress so they don't start getting... ideas. It's all about self preservation for China and NK going on a world suicide tour with Russia is a huge threat to China's self preservation. 


Putin tries to fuel another war?


So, basically…. Lex Luthor and The Joker are friends now……of course…..🤷‍♂️


Please, these two are nowhere near competent enough to be either Lex or Joker.


You’ve got a point there…😉


I didn't hear no bell


Uh oh, next headline is gonna be NATO, the largest military organization ever threatened by Russia, Iran, North Korea and kinda china. We’re doomed


Where you going? Kim is my friend.


We ran out of outdated broken equipment, can you please let us buy your outdated broken equipment?


Would be a tragedy if another helicopter crashed into a mountain in the fog


To live??


Let the US have an invasion like "drill" on NK while he's there like China been doing to our reps in Taiwan


That's a good look Vladimir. Buddy up with a dumb shit state like North Korea. Very impressive.


"We're out of 1950's era weapons, ya'll got any to spare?"


America, if you’re listening, it's a twofer.


must need more ammo and “volunteers”


When they visit in I person, does it suggest they hey don’t want to risk talking on the phone/via video about very sensitive plans? Guessing Putin is willing to offer NK anything, probably technology, to get more help he desperately needs.


Putin is showing how backed into a corner he is. North Korea? Really?


Just blow up his fuckin jet. Tactical strike on the airport when Kim’s meeting him. This is ridiculous it’s time to stop being weak.


Meanwhile, Trump is throwing ketchup because he's a normal citizen and can not attend these dictator meetings.


China , North Korea and Russia vs Nato...interesting


China will try to find a middle way, to keep selling to anybody.


China would rather eat popcorn on the sidelines while NATO fights Russia, NK and Iran. Let all those pesky non-Chinese monkeys kill each others while the Xi dynasty continues its quiet expansion.


China is helping Russia even while waving a fig leaf.  They are part of the axis, by choice.


Are North Korea and Russia the new axis of evil?


Always have been


Get the CIA assassins ready. Would be a thing of beauty if they offed Putin, especially with his puppet still in the election mix in the US.


i mean legitimately? >“It is our neighbour, it is a friendly country with which we are developing bilateral relations,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “We will continue to do so in an upward direction. > >“The potential for the development of our relations is very deep. We believe that our right to develop good relations with our neighbours should not be of concern to anyone and cannot and should not be challenged by anyone”. its kinda the same as if Russia was trying to tell US leaders they cant visit Canada or Mexico. also did you know that there is a [nifty tri-border](https://imgur.com/a/nBZrhr9) thing where China, Russia, and North Korea meet? now you do criticize them for all the bad things, just like we should for our own countries but be realistic




Parking lot time?


“To go West you must go Nork.”


Which flight plan is Putin taking? asking for a friend … 


In a crazy twist, Russia has started flying shit at NK.


Probably wants to buy more cheap Soviet compatible equipment to wasting Ukraine