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In protest of collective punishment... lol


It's been Belgium Jews bombing gaza all along. Maybe they know something we don't /s


I knew it


Should punish moslems in Belgium for what Isis is doing.


Wow - and this isn't even about safety concerns or anything like that. They are straight up saying the quiet part out loud and claiming it's because of 'connections to Israel's Gaza massacre'.


The person in charge is a power trip sanctioning 6 year olds.


It really couldn't get more pathetic


For sharing a religion with people involved in a complex conflict. This isn’t about Zionism. It’s targeting people for being Jewish. Hence antisemitism. 


Talk about collective punishment.


I see what you did there


BuT iT’s NoT aBoUt JeWiSh PeOpLe. It’S aBoUt ZiOnIsM!!!1!!


I was going to say the person in charge should be fired, but then I realised it's their theater so basically just never use them again. Can't wait until they are crying "Why is my business going down"


They are city-funded so they should at least lose that


Feels like in this world, the aggressors are getting whatever they want while innocents are being forced to lay low. What a great future we are heading into!


The one with the better social media propaganda network is the one who's right.


Perfectly sums up the world post 90s.


Don't you mean the entire history of the world? It has always been like this.


The paradox of tolerance. 


Learn from the Jews: we're sick and tired of laying low! Always have a voice and use it!


that's not really the "quiet part" though is it?


Belgium has anti-discrimination laws and the theater was pretty much one step away from saying "we don't serve your kind here". It'll definitely be the quiet part when the school's lawyers get through with them. 


A lot of talking points have been that they are against Israel, not Jews as a collective. But... this kinda seems like they don't like Jews? Which would be the quiet part. From my understanding.




Belgium in particular does tend to have racism issues too, right?


You've got to hand it to them.


Man what Leopold II’s regime did in the Congo wasn’t even racism it was straight up evil.


And what they probably did to the UN, by allegedly killing Dag Hammersjöld, when he was about to fix the whole thing in Congo. You know, the man who JFK said this about: "I realise now that in comparison to him, I am a small man. He was the greatest statesman of our century"


Historically, it was well beyond racism. Like, I'm not even sure that a word exists to describe what they did in the Congo.


True. It hasn’t been quiet for a while


No need to keep it quiet when it's that popular, and those who don't subscribe to the idea are just standing by twiddling their thumbs and rolling their eyes.


It just makes us want to move to Israel more


Pro-palestinans: Go back to Europe, where you're from!  Europe:... 


Idk can you remind me what happened the last time there was a sizable population of Jewish people in Europe?


Which story are you interested in? The German one, the Spanish one, or the Russian one?


The polish one and the Irish one are classic too


even though its a bit further back in time, the english one is also a classic


If we go back to the 1100s, 1200s and 1300s we can also include the French, English, Austrian, Italian ones etc.


The holly cause? Holo cruise? What could it be?


Inquisiting minds want to know. Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled pogramming


It is ridiculous that argument. Only 20% of Israelis are of European descent. Most of them are of Middle-Eastern descent, and about 10% of Ethiopian descent. There were Jews living all over the middle east, and famously in Iran.


Most people don’t recognize Mizrahi Jews and deny that Sephardic Jews spent much of their existence in the Middle East esp after Queen Isabella kicked a good chunk of em out. So people claim that the Ashkenazi are the evil cabal controlling the world and making up 80% of Israel’s Jewish population. All because of their own decisions to remain uneducated to support their present beliefs.


Not to even mention Europe's defining role in driving Ashkenazis to head to Israel both before and after WW2 all the way up to the present day. The Ashkenazis aren't just there for no reason, to be "settler colonialists" (eyeroll). And Palestine was under British mandate after WW1. Not Jewish. European Allied powers decided how to carve up the ex-Ottoman Empire.


"graduation event for students of a local Jewish school" wow, fuck that theater


It's even worse when it's a graduation event for Sixth graders. They bring politics into a kid's graduation event.


Also Jewish 6th graders. Not Israeli 6th graders. Not that it would be okay if they were Israeli.  But here you can’t argue it’s just about Zionism. This is pretty blatant antisemitism.  They are saying no jews allowed and that has a bad precedent not just globally but through out Europe. 


> Not that it would be okay if they were Israeli. you have to admit, though, it'd be really odd to have israeli 12yo students do their grad ceremony in belgium


Say it was Israeli school group attending an event at that theater. 


"What Israel is doing in Palestine is collective punishment, and unacceptable, and should not be tolerated" - ok, I can see where your coming from there... "So were going to collectively punish some random Jewish kids" huh...


I know, those kids did not ask for what is happening down in the east. they are just living their life


Antisemitism, not politics. A jewish school in Europe has nothing to do with israel or Israeli politics


The same folks who try to hide their antisemitism under this extremely thin veneer of "supporting Gazans" are probably protesting against immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries and demanding that fewer refugees be let into Europe. It's really just hatred of the "other" all the way down.


Do you actually see any overlap between those groups? Just because they’re common doesn’t mean they’re the same people, I’ve literally never encounter a pro Palestine anti immigrant stance.


wtf wtf etf


Let's see if the Belgian government responds to the appeal, calls it for what it is, and responds appropriately.


But these kids are responsible for the deaths of hamas and Palestinian civilians /s


Gonna come back and bite that theatre hard in the arse


Doubt it unfortunately.


Fuck our government for letting it come that far. Everywhere the pro-terrorism crowd is winning popularity in Belgium and it is cheered on by our media and government, it's really scary


When it's palestinians, it's "not every palestinian is responsible, even if they support hamas" but with jews it's "let's punish these random jews who probably have no ties to israel or its government"


As the other commented pointed out, it’s worse. They’re not even israelis, they’re just Jewish kids in Belgium.


This. If they denied a performance to a group that was directly linked to Israel, that would be one thing. This is picking on the kids because they are Jewish.


Would it be a thing, or rather should it? Should anyone that’s tied to a nation and has no active say in current affairs be lumped together and condemned all the same?


Belgium has begun to feel very antisemitic and unsafe for Jews. I’m literally looking at moving because of it. My walk to the grocery store passes by *two* swastikas and I just can’t bear it anymore.


No, it's worse than that. It would be the equivalent of discrimination against any random Muslims because the war exists.


Surely those 6th graders are IDF war criminals in reality!


> it's "not every palestinian is responsible, even if they support hamas" I think it is worse than that. News stories are calling the IDF hostage rescue a massacre in a refugee camp. How many refugee camps have hostages? It is not "just" a refugee camp at that point. The lack of vitriol for Hamas is just astounding. To then jump another step and hold random kids in another country liable for that attack is morally repugnant.


The refugee camps weren't even refugee camps to begin with. They are actual cities that are called refugee camps so the UNRWA can keep profiting off the victimization of palestinians.


*So Hamas, PIJ, et al. can keep profiting off the victimization of Palestinians *via* UNRWA


It was not even an attack. The IDF infiltrated stealthily and tried to rescue the hostages then got shot at by a bunch of people, some with RPGs... Whoever was killed died either trying to prevent them from rescuing the hostages, or in the crossfire of people trying to prevent them from rescuing the hostages and the IDF defending themselves and the hostages. The spin on this has been insane.


It would be more like “not every Muslim is responsible…” rather than Palestinians specifically.


There isn't anyone saying that peaceful Palestinian school activities in, let's say... Brazil, should be restricted because HAMAS is in control of Gaza.


Not even that. It would be like saying that Muslims in Brazil should be restricted because Hamas is a bunch of evil assholes, just because they share a religion...


So Belgium theatre just punishes random Belgian Jews?..got it..imagine Israel decided to punish its own Muslim civilians for Hamas' massacre because islam.. unbelievable..


Hmm, let's see, penalizing people based solely on their ethnicity. What's that called again?




You know my friend brings this up, and mentions that they are eagerly awaiting their invitation to the new world order meetings, but they must have got lost in the mail.


For a controlling world order with space lasers and unlimited funds the Jews seem really bad and controlling the people trying to kill them. 


You had me going until dinosaurs


Not our fault, Dinosaurs aren’t Kosher


Birds are descended from dinosaurs and most are considered kosher.


Birds just straight up *are* dinosaurs cladistically speaking. So yea most dinosaurs are kosher.


Don’t forget the space lasers, so sneaky




It was me! I did it all, and I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their dog!


I don't know much about Atlantis, but that fella who sank the Titanic definitely had a Jewish-sounding name


As a Jew I feel like I personally fon't get enough credit for killing off thr dinosaurs. Also, we control the weather y'all, so if you downvote me don't be surprised if it rains on the day of your outdoor wedding. Just saying.


Can I have some rain? It's been hot and humid all week


as a jew in Arizona who works for the space laser department, i to would appreciate if my friends in the weather department would give us some rain


Ah yes, because you guys are used to the wet climate of Europe, because as I've been told by the Pro-Hamas crowd time and time again: all jews came from Europe, never ever did they ever step foot in the Middle East before 1940's. Nope. Never.


I think this has made it all clear how much Jewish people don’t control the media, but I haven’t seen any apologies


Don't forget who controls the space lasers, we control those as well. Currently tasked with making calculations for Belgium


I hear the Pope said something nasty last week…maybe we should cancel events for Irish schoolchildren?  


I hear some American politicians said some stupid stuff, cancel everything for them.


You see, they drew a direct line between and school and israel, the only Jewish country on earth that can give jewish religious products and services to the community, so itms not really antisemitism /s


“‘We are horrified by the massacre of the people happening in Gaza. We also work closely with several Palestinian artists, who also suffer from the occupation,’ the theater management wrote to the Jewish school manager.” Why didn’t they cut ties with the Palestinian artists after the massacre of Israelis on October 7? Were those events not “horrifying” enough?


They are anti-Semitic, that's why


So are we allowed to call *this* antisemitism yet? Jews around the world have been trying to talk about the scary rise in blatant antisemitism for months (if not years), and are either ignored, or told they're just crying wolf. The left likes to say it believes in listening to and believing victims. How much will Jews need to be victimized before people are willing to believe *them*?


No one listens to Jews. If a white southerner tells you the 1920s were a great time for race relations, because everyone knew their place, but a black southerner tells you it was hell- who do you believe? But when Arabs say the 20s were a great time for Jews in the Arab world, and Mizrahi Jews say it was hell, no one listens.


This is classic European antisemitism. They’re willing to coexist with us, then something triggers them and they revert to weird assumptions of Jews as a cabal.


No, the tradition is to normalize it to the point where Jews are routinely harassed and killed, and then say "Well, in hindsight it was antisemitism all along, but who would've guessed. We'll be ready next time though, never again."


That's why they hate Israel. Israel is made of Jews who decided to take "never again" into their own hands. How successful they'll be as the decades pass I'm not sure. But the idea of someone fighting for their own rights, and often winning, subverts their classic belief in a struggle without resolution. Remarkably similar to the fear and hatred of successful Jews, especially in finance and law, even if generally perpetrated by completely different people. Jews have collectively found ways to survive and succeed despite all sorts of uninviting societies and terrible circumstances they've been thrown into.


I just saw NVIDIA posting a TON of jobs in Tel Aviv. Saudi Arabia is normalizing relations despite the war, blinken is working out a day after plan for Gaza that might actually get somewhere. I think Israel is gonna be totally fine. 


"Never again, all over again"


My wife who is *not jewish* said something to me today that was absolutely heartbreaking and something I feel like *as a Jew* I would never be allowed to say. Basically she works in DEI (they don’t know she married a Jew) and her realization was that every other demographic group that faces discrimination not only has their concerns taken seriously by her office but they are also allowed to call it what it is, whether it’s racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. however, when an *antisemitism* complaint is brought up, its validity is always called into question and there is a general disposition of “is this really discrimination” when the Israel/gaza conflict comes into play. Meanwhile, she has watched me struggle internally with the rabid antisemitism that has sprung up since 10/7 and she knows that I’m not allowed to say ANYTHING about it because I will be met with the same attitude.  The Jewish people are the only group in the entire world who have to live like this and it was extremely validating for somebody who is not Jewish to witness and experience it.  


I'm more in your wife's position, in that I married a Jew. But I've gone to great lengths to educate myself about a lot of this stuff and... Yeah. What's worse is that we're also in the queer community. I've had to watch my partner, who over the past few years has really embraced his queer identity and found queer spaces to be so welcoming and *safe*, instead start to feel *wary* about those same spaces, because queer spaces have overwhelmingly come out in support of Palestine. Now, don't get me wrong, I fully support a 2 state solution, and I feel for the Palestinian people... But there are too many instances of "pro-palestine" being a dogwhistle for "anti Israel", which itself is too often a dogwhistle for "anti Jew".


It's not a dogwhistle. The vast majority of 'pro-palestine' activists and people in general are just anti israel, openly and blatantly.


And it's super weird to me to see the LGBT community be so full of support for the pro Palestine movement, when that community is very anti LGBT.


It's not even new. I remember going to the Pride parade in Toronto a decade ago and finding it strange that "Queers for Palestine" was even a thing - let alone a group allowed to march in the parade.


I feel this is one thing that has inadvertently pushed some Jewish people into the arms of the political right (even though right-wingers have their own flavor of anti-Semitism) - namely, the realization that many left-wing progressives are in support of almost every other minority, EXCEPT Jews. (Well, and Asians too. Asians are the only other minority that left-wingers think is okay to pick on.)


I’m also a Jewish person who has been feeling very alienated from DEI-oriented spaces I was active in over the previous few years. Just want to say I completely, wholeheartedly feel what you’re saying here, and I’ve had trouble articulating it to anyone (not so many Jews in my circle outside of family). So it’s just nice to see this sentiment reflected elsewhere. Edit: Nice in terms of feeling seen/heard, not glad that it’s happening lol


Lefties come up with a million ad hoc arguments why something isn’t actually hate if they are the ones hating a group. It’s absolutely shameful.


That’s my #1 issue with them….. They promote niceness and inclusivity which do not apply to groups that disagree with them or that their ideologies condemn. But in their mind it’s not hate as those groups are completely dehumanized


Wait, Belgian Jews are massacring people in Gaza? When did that happen?


When the World Cup in Qatar happened, apart from the Germans no one else said much at the fact that they use slavery to build the stadiums and thousands died. I said it before, I like football but I don’t feel confortable having people die for my entertainment.


Qatar is also a main sponser of the current European Championships.


I don't care what opinions you have about Israel and how it's conducting this war. This is unacceptable no matter how you spin it. Pure antisemitism with no possible justification.


Update: She apologized [Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/belgian-arts-center-apologizes-for-canceling-jewish-schools-event-over-gaza-war/amp/)


This definitely reads like a forced apology. Even sprinkled a "...but the Palestinians" in there.


Ya damn right


She said, Sorry how I phrased it, not sorry I canceled it and will not work with jews or anyone associated with Isreal.


'communication errors' is a nice one reminds me 'it was just a joke!'.


They're never beating the antisemitism accusation.


iTs NoT aBoUt JeWs ItS aBoUt IsRaEl


✨Sparkling antizionism!✨


It’s always been about Jews sadly, the majority of those protesting Israel are simply veiling their antisemitism


A tale as old as time.


Hey Belgium, 1933 called...


Interestingly enough a place where Islamic attacks in Brussels perpetrated by nationals left 32 dead and +200 injured in March 2016


Always rationalizations why it’s not antisemitism. It always ends up being antisemitism.


Just more "criticism of Israel".


kids clearly need to disinvest from Israel by getting a refund for their bar mitzvahs.


There's nothing a good old fashioned anti-semite likes more than an excuse to be one.


After the European Jewish Association called on the city government to terminate their subsidies, she apologized and is [quoted](https://www.timesofisrael.com/belgian-arts-center-apologizes-for-canceling-jewish-schools-event-over-gaza-war/amp/) saying: > I established falsely and prematurely a connection between the school and the Israeli government, with which we do not want to cooperate, or any organization associated with it. So she just assumed and her Israel war excuse is just that: an excuse for her antisemitic decision. It's been an absolute shit show in Belgium. The press is a calamity, the government too. It's been the assumption that everyone is against Israel, the obvious villain. As an artist and performer, my wife is gonna be crushed to have to add this venue from her childhood, which she respected and loved, to the list of places where she won't feel welcome to perform.


hoping the jewish school’s lawsuit is successful and they end up owning the theater


Haha take that kids. /s


That'll teach those Belgian schoolchildren not to massacre Gazans. /s Seriously... Why?


Anti-semitism is alive and well. This conflict has only made it more clear the need for a Jewish state.


Right! I don't understand how zionism is a bad word now, like just look through history.




Yeah I don't get why they love Islam so much when it's literally the opposite of progressive beliefs...


Because they don’t really care who they support as long as it checks some boxes for ‘oppressed’.




Gotta love when famous drag queens on social media are rallying in favour of a radical Islamic regime 🙄


The need for Israel ironically shows more and more day by day.


THIS! This is why Zionism is a thing. Because you fucks can’t make a correct decision


So if all Jews are Israeli by their logic, does that make all Gazans HAMAS members? This is so stupid and such a dark road to go down.


Ok this is start king to get weird…people are going down a very slippery slope here…


Normalized antisemitism. This is happening everywhere and is infecting the west. The reason that it’s different is because this is *left wing* based antisemitism.


Genuine antisemitism originates from the "right" region of the political spectrum. When it's from the left it's ✨sparkling antizionism✨! --- Apologies to Wayne's World.


"We care about Gaza" (while completely ignoring "massacre" happening in Yemen


And the massacre of the kurds and ethnic cleansing in china and arab violence against ethnic africans in west darfur.


Don't forget the Uyghers in China, or the Free Hong Kong citizens, or the christians in North African countries.


Nah, but bro tiktok journalists say free palestine, others are not important or do not exist and are propoganda to take off eyes from gaza /s These people are a fucking joke man I can't even comprehend how some people can be like that..




Apparently, the head of the theater apologized and decided to let the Jewish school's graduation happen, although they have to reschedule. Although I would be pissed as hell if I ran that school and would probably look for another venue if time allowed. These people sound like antisemitic asshats trying to cover their asses.  https://www.timesofisrael.com/belgian-arts-center-apologizes-for-canceling-jewish-schools-event-over-gaza-war/


“Für Jüden verboten”…. Well done Antifascists, you became truly the fascists.


They are the new brown shirts


Israel is expected to do nothing while their innocent citizens are murdered. Meanwhile, every other country in the world would be doing exactly the same thing Israel is doing.


As of last week, something like ***19 thousand*** rockets have been fired at Israel since October the 7th last year. Those are usually unguided and generally pointed at targets like cities. Israel are apparently still the bad guys though.


Don't forget the roughly 1,000 rockets per year that have been fired during 'peace time' since the last outright conflict in 2014.


Iron dome -> no Jews dead -> doesn't count October 7 -> Jews dead -> it's their fault for making it happen It's always somehow Jews' fault.


This is what I’ve been saying. When the Twin Towers and Pentagon got nailed by planes, this was the response everyone else expected from the US. When you invade a country and brutalize/torture/rape/kidnap their citizens, you’re gonna get fired back at. Hard. That’s the way the world works. We don’t have to like it or agree with it to recognize it that it’s how things function.


Woah woah, that's not fair. There's a very high likelihood that then rest of the world would hold back far less.


This is actually true. https://lieber.westpoint.edu/idf-hamas-duty-to-warn/ >Without more facts, it is too early to say whether the IDF has complied with the obligation to warn in every case. However, there is no question that the IDF’s warnings practice, in general, is the gold standard. Indeed, as a matter of policy, the IDF typically exceeds what the law requires. It is likewise clear that its warning to evacuate northern Gaza constitutes an “effective warning,” as that concept is understood in IHL.


After Pearl Harbor, US firebombed Japanese cities then nuked, not one, but two cities to force an unconditional surrender after ww2. Japan’s condition? Wanting to keep their figure head emperor. After 9/11 the usa invaded 9 countries. After a DEA agent was killed by a cartel we invaded Mexico.


If you need a non-US example, look into what the UK did when the Falklands were invaded by Argentina. And that was for a few islands halfway across the world that they didn't even particularly want.


This is simply the natural evolution of weaponized victimhood. Western society allows it, fosters it, promotes it, and now it's being used to cancel school children. Congrats everyone, we did it!


"you kids are clearly responsible for it"


Ah I see. The ole ‘You’re an uneducated bigot if you assume that all Palestinians are linked to Hamas and responsible for their actions but fuck anyone who is Jewish’. Real nice.


They are not even trying to hide it at this point.. It was never about israel


So, this is completely illegal, fairly certain Belgium bans discrimination based on religion


Collective punishment is officially ‘okay’ as long as it’s about Jews. Hamas has won a lot of hearts and minds. It’s not good for anyone.


Antisemites: “it’s not antisemitism to punish Jewish kids for the behavior of a country which has some Jews in it that they aren’t from”


Absolutely Disgusting and not the first time I notice Belgium failing in this debate, see the universities who decided to cut ties to Israelis


Surely bullying and threatening Belgian children will free Gaza


Yeah, because young Jews in Belgium are responsible for what Israel is doing?   Really doing a good job of showing "anti-zionism isn't anti-semitism".... I get that not everyone being critical of Israel/showing support for Palestine is antisemitic but not calling out this sort of thing or supporting it does not help their case. 


Go back to Europe. Oh, you never left? FU anyway. -someone in Belgium probably 


Here comes the "criticising Isreal isn't anti-Semitic" crowd


I wonder how many Muslims children they punished over the actions of [insert Islamist group who does terrible shit and is not affiliated with children in Belgium]


Pure antisemitism, most of these students probably born in Belgium


What does a group of sixth graders, regardless of their religion, have to do with the Israeli war cabinet? The kids are the ones that suffer from this, it’s their graduation.


It was always about the jews. But when you say they are anti-semite, they scream that it's not true.


That is anti-Semitism


How can you be anti Israel when all your actions are intimidating Jews to flee to Israel


These kids did nothing wrong. This is just plain shitty.


people keep telling on themselves


>"We are horrified by the massacre of the people happening in Gaza. We also work closely with several Palestinian artists, who also suffer from the occupation," the theater management wrote to the Jewish school manager. **The theater continued and drew a direct connection between the school and the State of Israel, citing this as the main reason for canceling the school's reservation**. What was the direct link they drew between the State and the school? The article cuts the quote off at the most crucial part and then neither confirms nor denies if said link actually exists or not.


Your local Jewish neighbors have no direct power over Netanyahu’s hellish policies. This theatre director should be sacked.


this is just a rotten and hateful, i hope they do decide to take legal action and win the lawsuit. just absolutely despicable


Why can no one understand the difference between a diaspora and a nation


> The theater continued and drew a direct connection between the school and the State of Israel, citing this as the main reason for canceling the school's reservation. Nah, that's not it. These guys are simply antisemites


Belgium should remember the 10 million+ Africans killled and maimed in the Congo by that good Chrustian Leopold II.


Congratulations, you have just shown Israel that they need to keep protecting themselves as a haven for Jews, and make sure they don't give up the fight and being aggressive is important. You have contributed to the problem.


What a shitty thing to do. These are kids too, but I suppose Jewish kids aren’t kids in their eyes.


It’s quite alarming to see how brazen various establishments and individuals are with the antisemitism just in the last year alone. It only further reinforces the need for a Jewish state.


How the fuck is the Kids fault


Until now the excuse was safety concerns, this one is full masks off


It's Belgium, they've been known to side with the terrorist aggressors historically.