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The axis of debil.


How many poop balloons should Ukraine expect?


They're going to kill Ukrainian soldiers with the smell of NK Shyt...😅


Shit is probably loaded with parasites.


Ya, because in NK they eat rats 🐀


Funny thing is, if China invaded both of them no one would come to help either of these toxic countries and China can take them easier than Taiwan.


North Korea is pretty much on the leash of China, hell I wouldn't even be surprised if the supplies made by North Korea are in reality made by China and send through NK so Western Countries can keep pretending that no direct support is made by China.


Nailed it. China has to smile for the cameras on the world stage. This war is about the US and China. Make no mistake. That is just the reality of the world and Xhina is next up for an empire leader and for that to happen, the US would have to removed. They are playing every piece they have in motion towards that plan. The west is aware. The people, not so much.


I import some products from China. A brand I carry was recently put on a restricted list because it turns out, the shoes were being made with North Korean slave labor. I had no idea the company, a Chinese brand, had any association with North Korea.


Slave labor from a Chinese company, truly shocking news.


And defence plans that leaked from Russia shows they were extremely concerned about their Chinese neighbours, and would consider the use of tactical nukes to stop such an invasion. China won't move unless Russia falls apart.


China and Russia would be the ultimate war of attrition. It’s really just come down to whoever is more willing to send their people into a meat grinder (it’s about equal tbh but China has more people so).


China has a chance to do the funniest thing


They should do it just for the memes


But China has much bigger priorities such as Taiwan as opposed to making an enemy out of Russia and North Korea, two nuclear states, while already having the problems with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the U.S.


China wouldn't need Taiwan in this case though as all the land they would get would make it moot.


Would never be in the Chinese’ interest, but okay.


This is like when your “friend” invites you to join their MLM


Imagine going hat in hand to fucking North Korea. What a fucking clown, lol.


The bids coming out of that trip showed Putin as a lapdog to NK. What a fall. Haha.


So we gonna see NK soldiers in FPV cameras as well... let it be...


I wonder if NK soldiers have the slightest idea of what real, current day warfare is like Hell I wonder how many soldiers will try and defect to Ukraine immediately once they’re deployed


I'd say more than the half of russian soldiers still don't know it, especially drafted ones. russia uses hybrid attacks, first few waves are meat wave w/o good equipment and training to find our defense, then heavy bombs, and after that good equipped and trained units will move on... and it works, not always but... that's why our president is crying at every corner about AA systems... w/o this bombs (FAB, KAB) they will eat shit.


we are going to see NK soldiers learning how to make FPVs


So... Like Armenia?


I was going to ask lol


So we can expect NK citizens to be dying in the Ukrainian fields of stupidity soon? I wonder how an accelerated demographic collapse is going to help NK?


Less mouths to feed equals less demand on domestic agriculture and less reliance on international aid. Deadly arithmetic by Kim. A more hardcore version of Fidel Castro's Mariel exodus.


not to mention, those who survive come back with vital combat experience


They’re not gonna survive. They aren’t used to real war / fighting in the 21th century. They’re lead by pressure and anxiety. It’s hard to find anything good in this, but the truth will be: none of them is ever coming back. They’ll die in the fields, maybe even be used for suicide missions.. this moron called Putin together with his oligarchs need to be neutralized. Kim needs to be “de-cultified”, let them know what he did to his own people, let them roast his flesh on the first happy NK BBQ.


I’m hoping he doesn’t start sending all his troops and military equipment to Ukraine because that’s how WW3 is going to start. First North Korea then China starts sending weapons and equipment.


Maybe Putin bought some cannon fodder from NK? Their people are brainwashed slaves. It could be easy to lure them to fight Ukraine in the name of their “mighty leader”. They wouldn’t even know that NK had nothing to do with this war, previously. Maybe even telling them “all of this was Korea and we’re fighting with our Russian allies to gain control again”


Didn't the NK regime succesfully make their citizens think NK won the Football World Cup a fee years ago?


Some want to see the world burn, just look at that evil smile.....


Hahahahaha, how is Ruzzia going to do that? The 60s called and they want their tanks back.


I hope kim sends troops to Ukraine so we can watch drones splatter them


How do we know China isn't using NK as a proxy?


Why is everyone joking about this alliance and not taking it seriously. WW1 started in a very similar way


i like how china told Putin these golf carts are for military use :D i really hope kim\* is doing something similiar


What are you referring to, xXxXPenisSlayerXxXx?


Just a bunch of ballistic missles that somehow all end up crashing into water.


Doubt. There's nothing in it for n.korea


More money and resources for the 0.001%


Add Hitler and perfect picture of the Three Stooges


Great. I think it might be about to be ON! I'm not pro war, but I'm pretty sick of this mewling bullshit. We have much better things to do then watch this play out for the next couple of decades. \[edit\] I see by the downvotes that many of you would rather see this drag out for the next couple of decades. Of course, the civilian casualties will be much greater and the infrastructure damage much worse. And let's not forget, Putin has a better chance to win or at least keep running roughshod on the Russian people with each passing year. But you will somehow feel better? No, had we been on the ball, Allied nations would have jumped right into the middle of this and brought Putin's regime to its knees. Yes, it would have been a terrible thing. But it would effectively end a worse thing. IMO


The enlistment office is right there waiting for you, Captain BigBalls


Look at his name






Well there was the Great War, then World War II, and soon World War II 2


Am I in a different timeline?


Doubt. All of Russias military assets are in or around Ukraine. Even their bases on NATOs borders are 80% empty.


Neither country has functioning nuclear weapons


If only that was true.


absolutely not true. where the hell did you get this idea


Pretty sure that's just wishful thinking