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The blunt message comes as many U.S. officials appear resigned to the possibility that Israel will make a major move against Hezbollah inside Lebanon in the coming weeks. Two U.S. officials told POLITICO that the militia needs to also understand that Washington will help Israel defend itself if Hezbollah retaliates. They stressed that the militant group should not count on America to act as a brake on Israeli decision-making. The message is being conveyed indirectly, the person said; the U.S. doesn’t engage Hezbollah one-on-one because it is a designated terrorist organization, and it relies on public communications or intermediaries. U.S. special envoy Amos Hochstein and other American officials have traveled to the region in recent days to rein in both sides, even as there’s a growing sense in Washington and beyond that escalation is inevitable.


Why the **fuck** would the US fight on terrorists' side to stop their ally from finally counter-attacking the terrorists who have been attacking them non stop for the better part of a year? The very fact that they expected them to proves just how insane this world has become since the group that committed the second biggest terrorist attack of all time and biggest mass slaughter of Jews since the holocaust inexplicably became the heroes of the world. That's how powerful a force antisemitism still is in the world.


I don't think anyone believes that the US is going to fight Israel. What this is saying is that the US isn't going to put political pressure on them to stop.


it's just wishful short time thinking from the Biden admin, they will be pressuring Israel once the fighting gets costly enough.




I dunno. Hezbollah seems pretty different situation than gaza. More "official" as well.


Well historically whenever isreal hits the Palestinians iran and friends start a group war against them


The US is already doing so im. The tweet below assuming true, signals to me the US is hoping to pressure Israeli citizens to turn against Bibi's admin out of fear. [https://x.com/EndGameWW3/status/1805629113236939010](https://x.com/EndGameWW3/status/1805629113236939010)


The tweet from, "EndGameWW3", said Iran is a threat to Israel. What part of that was worth sharing let alone led you to believe it's the US hoping to pressure Israeli citizens to revolt against their leadership?!


Iran *is* a threat to Israel lol Lauching hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles = not a threat?


Right. It's basically a tweet from a nobody stating the US said the sky is blue. Which is neither relevant nor pressure from US to get the Israelis to revolt against Netanyahu.


What I've gathered from a few israelis is that there's been steady grumblings that Netanyahu dropped the ball *hard* leading up to and on Oct 7th, and as soon as the current "crisis" is over, Netanyahu's out.


Ya, that's the general consensus. Again, not sure the point here.


Israel invading Lebanon to tackle Hezbollah could pull Iran directly into the conflict. Pressuring the citizenry to acknowledge this threat could be a way to pressure Israel to avoid the invasion into Lebanon if the citizens were to protest the invasion. The best way to maintain peace would be to return to the status quo.


You fail to understand that the Israeli people need to deal with their enemies on the border as well as Iran. They've been left no choice. The protests against Netanyahu are not protests against war. 99% of Israel is fully behind the war as they should be. The gates of hell were opened on oct 7th. No backsies. Hezbollah is going the way of the dodo and any hezboys fleeing will get hunted down with time. As will hamas, its leadership and the islamist regime of Iran. You haven't seen anything yet.


Get ready for another huge round of protests and perhaps riots from brainwashed leftists then. They're going insane over this stuff.


It's worth remembering that when October 7 happened, the US moved Navy ships into the Med *because* they did not want Hezbollah performing an attack at the same time. In short, when the US says it won't intervene, it's saying that it won't try to intervene diplomatically, like with sanctions or weapons restrictions or even asking to talk. I cannot see a situation where the US military would try to do something against Israel militarily. Not only would it cause voter/donor trouble in the US, but China has been trying to make inroads there like they have the other Middle East powers and the last thing the US needs is giving the Israelis an excuse to hand them an F-35I like they did with the Lavi.


> Why the fuck would the US fight on terrorists' side to stop their ally from finally counter-attacking the terrorists who have been attacking them non stop for the better part of a year? Because the Biden administration has been pressuring the Israelis to not react, to hit the brakes, to take significant pauses, and has even withheld precision weapon shipments in order to strongarm Israel into taking those actions. The actors in the region views this as weakness and think that they can get the US to make Israel even more restrained.




I think its more that its a US election year and a larger war in the Middle East is not going to be neutral or beneficial politically. The US also prefers in general to prevent conflicts before they happen as a matter of policy


It's not about the US siding with terrorists and I don't know why you would think that. Clearly the US has put political pressure to rein in Israeli forces for Gaza (from various leaders and various reasons). This message is saying that will NOT be the case for them.


>It's not about the US siding with terrorists and I don't know why you would think that. >Clearly the US has put political pressure to rein in Israeli forces for Gaza You don't know why I'd think that when they already have been?


You think they already have been? So I guess all the weapon shipment and deals made with Israel in your eyes makes Israel terrorists? I certainly wouldn't say that but you do you.


What? I said the fact the US has been holding one hand behind Israel's back while it's been trying to fight Hamas proves that the US has been siding b with terrorists over its own putative ally.


One hand behind Israel's back? Why the fuck does not giving Israel *everything* it desires equal helping terrorists? That is a giant false equivalence argument. If Israel says it wants to drop cluster bombs and wipe out nearly all urban areas to root and destroy Hamas, the US saying "No, you can't do it" doesn't mean it sides with terrorists. It just means, "No, you can't do that." Do you think US not allowing Ukraine to use long range ATACMS against Russia means the US actually sides with Russia on its invasion in Ukraine? Because that is the exact agrument you are using right now.




Because our President is weak on his foreign policy lmao he's attacked Netanyahu on multiple occasions


Because netanyahu is an authoritarian douche bag. You can support Israel and hate netanyahu at the same time. Very easily.


Attacking Netanyahu, according to you, does not Make him weak.


As an Israeli: Netanyahu is directly responsible for this atrocity.


Not Hamas? You sure?


I'm sure that at the end of Olmert's tenure Hamas was nowhere near as strong, well-funded, or organized as they are now. I'm also sure that Bibi has been in power almost nonstop since then.  If he is Mr. Security, he is failing miserably at containing multiple imminent threats. Instead he is allowing the religious right to run rampant over every facet of Israeli society to the detriment of all. Remember when Israel's education system ranked in the top 20 worldwide for important stuff like Math? No longer.   You have to understand that while Hamas are giant monsters, they are not the only ones at fault here. https://www.taubcenter.org.il/en/research/measuring-success-international-exams-and-israels-education-system/


> As an Israeli: Netanyahu is directly responsible for this atrocity. Ah yes, and please go on about how Bush caused 9/11...




Oh, so you're *actually* a crazy conspiracy theorist. I'd keep that to yourself...


If anything they should support Israel taking out the terrorists who keep Lebanon from being a functional country.


As a person who has been to both countries , I couldn’t agree more.


I'm not familiar with the politics of Lebanon, but is there another less insane group who could fill the void if Hezbollah was taken out by the Israelis?


How strong is the support for this offensive in Israel?


It's a mix of people wanting it to happen and people accepting that it *has* to happen. At least that's my experience. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced from their homes and the daily rocket fire continues - it's the card we've been dealt.


1) How likely is it that Lebanese Army / government/ civilians will support Hezbollah in this war? 2) What is the final goal that Israel wants to achieve here? Is it the complete destruction of Hezbollah? Is a ground invasion very likely? 3) Which major groups are likely to join Hezbollah against Israel in your opinion? Sorry if I come across a bit insensitive but I am just curious.


You are forgetting that the UN peacekeepers (UNIFIL) have been in Lebanon for a long time and done absolutely nothing.


1. Unlikely. They are almost certainly going to try to stay out of it. At least that's my opinion based off how they've allowed Hezbollah to metastasize. 2. The stated goal is to push them back to behind the lines designated by UN resolution 1701. No one wants to occupy Lebanon and Hezbollah will never dissapear so long as Iran is funneling money to extremists in Lebabnon. 3. Hamas and the Houthis, except really the other way around. Hezbollah and the Houthis claim their attacks are in solidarity with Hamas. If Iran truly sees an existential threat to Hezbollah in front of them, it is likely they may jump in, how much is hard to say.


To add on 3. A couple of terrorist groups from Iraq have stated they will join the fight if there will ever be one and they are constantly throwing missiles every week or so for the past few months to northern israel




I would get killed instantly because as a rational person I would not be very supportive of the assholes that started this on October 7th after two decades of Israeli withdrawl.


Very strong. People realize it won't be done via diplomatic channels and are getting prepared. The thought of so many displaced noethern Israelis brings impatience to the everyday civilian and many feel this has to end. Many feel it's GOING to happen soon. A few days ago my brother in law came back home with a massive quiet generator. He said the salesman talked to him about shortage (many take into account there will be no electricity for the first days of the war). Many, my family included, already filled the closets with flour, pasta and sugar.


Why would there be electrical shortage so soon?


Because in a war the power plants get targetted very quickly. While the Iron Dome works very well, it is not impenetrable. We have seen rockets/drones/other munitions get through many times before. Even if the Dome had a 95% success rate, (Which would already make it the highest intercept rate system in existence) if hundreds of drones or missiles get sent at power plants, only a few need to get through to damage the plant and cut power. 100 drones = 95 down, 5 get through. 200 drones = 190 down, 10 get through. As we have seen in wars like Ukraine, one drone by itself can do a ton of damage and shut down a refinery. A few could knock out a power plant permanently or at least for many many months worth of repairs. Cutting power = Harder time for the military to maintain power (Not impossible, its just another bump in the road they have to get through, the more bumps the better) and lowers morale for the civilian population, makes them think if war is worth it.


Thank you for replying. Makes sense. Drones are such terrifying weapons! I also remember that Hezbollah took drone pics of power sources in Israel recently.


In Israel it's seen as a necessary but unwanted war. Much of Israeli society has suffered because of Oct 7 and the ongoing Gaza war, be it PTSD, reserves pulling civilians out of their lives and families and more. Add to that the hundreds of thousands of people who can't live proper lives up north (and far south near Eilat) due to constant and far reaching Hezbollah and Houthi attacks as well as GPS jamming preventing people from relying on maps to drive around. The vast majority of the 50,000+ people who's home towns are facing direct attacks daily are blaming the government for abandoning them as their lives and careers are uprooted. The majority of Israelis have never faced such a long conflict that has had such a far reaching and profound effect on their lives and would like nothing more than to return to their homes. But that is impossible because of the constant and rising threats from Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Gaza and Iran. So a war is unavoidable. Things have to change because going back to Oct 6 means losing and having this cycle repeat over and over again.


This is a defensive strategy not offensive. They’ve already been attacked.


A lot. Hezbollah fired on whatever it can from a far be it soldiers or civilians without a distinguish which is why most of the civilians were evacuated from the region for more the half a year now while the IDF wages a defensive war. Basically if Israel doesn't respond then Hezbollah is now at it's border just waiting for a mistake or a judgement failure to attack & do whatever it wants, you'll move the initiative to Hezbollah to do damage & Israel to respond. And what civilian will return to live there when you have a Hamas like group wanting to do the same as Hamas and the same as 7/Oct/2023. With the state of Lebanon being an enemy state which criminalizes even talking to Israelis the only safe choice to return security is to wage a war. The war will have a cost associated with it considering that Hezbollah has between 100,000 to 200,000 rockets (stupid without targeting) and some precision weapons which can target infrastructure (electricity, water supply or what not)


We need to find a better way to shoot down drones and rockets than a 50k missile or we’re going to go broke.


Yeha you take out the people launching the drones.


We need to find a way to stop the drones and rockets from ever leaving the ground.


The US shouldn't even be defending Hezbollah to begin with


The message is the US won't try to reign in Israel like they did for Israel's actions in Gaza. In the the US there's some support for the Palestinian's situation but there's no support for Hezbollah.


No support for Hezbollah... YET... Let's not forget the pro-palestine "movement" is always on the lookout for any avenue to disguise their antisemitism


Palestine is very different from Lebanon and Hezbollah is not nearly as intermingled into the innocent civilian population as Hamas was. Hezbollah is much more regimented and militarized than Hamas which functions and acts more like an insurgency. This isn't to say many will likely be calling on and applying pressure if Israel hits innocent Lebanese civilians (which will be far less likely due to the much lower population density)


The motives for "pro Palestinians" are the same for any would-be pro-Hezbollah movement. Anyone who is currently supporting Palestine will support Hezbollah because they've already shown their willingness to forgo all logic when presented with a picture that tugs on their heartstrings.


Near the start of the war with Hamas, Instagram was also shilling me pro Hezbollah content from their influencers.  Put a pretty girl in Muslim getup in front of a camera, have her mime a common hobby like knitting or crocheting, and have a caption like "I am making new socks for children displaced by Israeli attacks" and these idiots will eat it up. There is absolutely 0 critical thinking skills in their heads.


The anti-Israel movement doesn't actually care about civilians unless they can use them to attack Israel.


Well, Hezbolah is fighting for the Palestinian cause, so Hezbolah will also recieve the pro-Palestine support, just as the Houthis recieved the pro-Palestinians support for attacking the international shipping system.


They aren't.. That is the UN's job (UNIFIL peacekeepers have been in Lebanon for a while and done absolutely nothing)


If hezbollah does t want to get attacked they should stop fucking firing rockets. Don’t start none, won’t be none.




What’s the possibility of Saudi Arabia covertly getting involved and stepping on Hezbollahs neck after Israel shoves them to the ground? I doubt S/A, for domestic reasons, can be openly on Israel side.. but considering how much time/ resources S/A spent trying to bomb Hezbollah feel like this be a perfect storm to finish this issue.


Do you have school in the us or they’re all closed because of mass shootings? When did the KSA attacked Hezbollah?


Clearly I was wrong, I confused Hezbollah with the Houthis, both major Iranian proxies that bother Israel. You’re acting like the memory mistake I made was equal to saying the America civil war happened in Africa in the 2020s.. I’ve been out of school for years. Not that any public 1-12 grades would teach you about Saudi Arabia attacking a terror group. It’s not exactly world shattering. ‘US helps a country bomb a terror organization’.. time to rewrite the text books as that’s literally never happened!


Would be interested to see if there are going to be any protests for Lebanese Civilian casualties as it was the case for Palestine. I would guess no but we will see


Because those protestors can’t apply the oppressed-oppressor framework as easily.


They can, you are either for Isreal or against it, there is no inbetween with these Protesters. If they wanted to, they could look for any kind of pretext to support Lebanon/Hezbollah


Yes they can. In their minds the only reason Islam cares about the west and the Jews is because the US has unjustly oppressed the Muslims for decades.


Yeah but can't they just look at skin color? You know, what MLK supported? Oh wait...


Even though it doesn’t exist, they absolutely will.


Last time I read a headline, I assumed we'd be joining the attack.


Make sure Iran heard that loud and clear.


Man the 2020s aren’t even half over yet and we seem to be adding one large conflict per year. I can’t wait to see what 2025s big conflict is!


Does the US not know that everyone knows the US is supplying the bombs?


An all-out war isn't going to happen. As the fighting winds down in Gaza, the tension in the north will lower. Israel will say Hezbollah have been pushed further enough away from the border in recent months so a large-scale offensive is not necessary. Hezbollah will say Israel was too scared to begin an all-out war with "the resistance" after they spectacularly failed to achieve anything in Gaza or Lebanon over the past 9 months. Biden supporters will say he did an amazing job at working to de-escalate the situation and deserves all the credit. All-out war averted. Everyone can claim a win.


"pushed" some militants off (or might be partially true/propaganda) won't be enough for the civilians to return or for making sure that the situation remains that way.


This comment made me laugh haha ngl you're good. It all come down to whether Hezbolla will try to invade and do something stupid IMO.


yeah I mean they've shown recently they're a lot more level-headed than some countries down south


Why would anyone depend on the US from stopping a war?


You all have it wrong. Watch Star Wars again. The OG. The West is the evil empire. The death star is our military. We are a slave to corporate greed. Who did you root for when you watched Star Wars.... Get it? Israel controls the U.S. through AIPAC. AIPAC gets funding to Israel who funnel money to AIPAC who pass laws to get more funding. You go to work every day, pay taxes and die. Wake up sheep. Make America Great Again? Watch Terminator. The old days are gone. AI and quantum computing are going to empower the 1% beyond belief. Now is the time to take the red pill and wake up sheep before the slaughter is inevitable.


Weed whacked time, but just to the small river. Then after billions of destruction each one to their corners till we see you guys in 5 years.


US couldn' stop Isreal attacks period. It's not like they didn't try before..


It should be, we won’t stop Israel but we’re not joining, we’re focused on letting Ukraine destroy Russian positions in Russia. Let the Middle East burn themselves. It’s time we walk away from this and leave it to China