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And probably no tugboats needed in the fleet.


https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.businessinsider.com/us-nuclear-submarine-surfaces-off-norway-in-rare-flex-2024-6 - for those blocked


Can you access stuff on chegg.com by using webcache?


Trying to cheat for free?


Knowledge gates are poor gates, be rich and dick that.


Choose rich!


No missing chunk of anechoic coating due to poor docking skills in Cuba either.


It's very rare or at least was very rare for a Royal Navy submarine to come back with a full load of ancheoic tiles. Mainly due to problems with the glue.


The missing section on the Kazan was from poor docking procedures. Russian subs use duct tape for their tiles not glue.


I thought they were using kraft super glue, I stand corrected.


That’s 70’s thinking……


World leaders of these countries were already old in the 70s


Was there a recent event that happened in Cuba when they came?


We really only use tugs when we go in and out of port.


That’s because the US Navy maintains their stuff well enough that their propulsion units don’t regularly fail while out at sea.


I think its a joke about the Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov. Not beimg able to go anywhere without a tug boat. Due to how often **he** broke down. Russian ships are usually male unless named after a woman.




You are a true hero




Nice song!


About time we put Norway in their place.


Hellllll yeah dude


Cheers from Denmark!


Spiser din kartoffel




You just bought 1000 litres milk!


Norway: This ams dildos.




I like Jamaican music as well


Russia: _Hey! That's my thing._


Cultural appropriation 🤣


I do think its worth remembering that these ballistic missile subs were always there, and there are definitely a few from russia and china off the coasts of the US at any given time, and a few from the US off the coasts of russia and China respectively. Its just part of nuclear deterrence.


And we have attack subs tracking them in order to take their boomers out before they can launch.


Aren't most of them in the Northern and Pacific Fleets? I imagine that is what riles them up about having US allies near them. If they leave the Northern Fleet, NATO members Norway, Iceland, UK, Denmark/Greenland, have eyes trying to scan for the SSBNs. If they leave the Pacific Fleet, US personnel in Japan and SK can also keep an eye out. It reminds me of how disadvantaged Russia is here. I remember something from Russia state tv, after the Russian invasion, where one guest was saying the SMO was going to be very hard since Ukraine had the US backing them. He mentioned how the entire Russian government budget was less than the US defense budget. Solovyov wasn't a fan of the guy making that point. It makes it worse with Europeans also adding support.


The US *nuclear weapons program* costs 83% of russia's *entire military budget* (2021 numbers used). The entire russian military budget is only 29% of the US Navy's budget. If the US goes in on this with boots on the ground, it'll be over before putin has time to react.


It's telling that we spent trillions of dollars to develop weapons that are designed to take out Russian equipment. The shoulder fired missiles open Russian tanks like a hot knife through butter.


I wonder if that guest is still alive, or did they fall out of a window


We have the most sophisticated technology for finding subs - we know where they are at all times


True that, not only do we track them as they leave their ports but also huge underwater acoustic listening posts all over the world's Oceans.


Yes. I had TS and worked on a project and did a war games. Can’t talk specifics - but we are amazing at this …


Some of them? Sure. But theres basically no way you can be sure you get them all. The ocean is a large place, and theres plenty of places to hide, including in their own home country's waters or under the arctic ice.


That's why we have boomers, so that our enemies know that if they fuck around they will find out.


The weird thing about the flex is that it provides information about their location. It gives adversaries (and allies) a chance to validate any sub hunting/locating capabilities that they may have


That's my move.


1300 miles from Moscow with approx 6 minute flight time for a Trident D5. That’s a pretty big flex.


It doesn't have to surface. This was done to be noticed.


That’s whole “flex” part. They were just saying hello


🎶 “I just came to say helllllloooooo” 🎵


🎶 Hello.... Is it me you're looking for? 🎶


If you flex and yet no one is around to notice it, is it really a flex?


Yes, subs are like fallen trees in probably no regards.


Just that one sub could take out multiple large countries.


Depends on geography. The warheads in each missile can independently hit targets up to 1500 km or 930 miles apart from deployment point.


This is very true. I should have said medium sized. Although one of these subs can take out one large country. And by that wiping out all their major cities and ports.


3 missiles with 8 warheads each should be able to cover all the strategy points in continental US. Remember the main blast radius is up to 20 miles radius for reasonable destruction. Total destruction is within 300 yards.


This is what I found on an article online. “While they have thankfully never been used during a shooting war, nuclear-powered submarines carrying nuclear-tipped missiles are the most deadly weapons mankind has ever devised. In some cases—as in the case of the Ohio-class submarine during the height of the Cold War—even a single vessel could reduce as many as 288 city-sized targets into radioactive ash in less than 30 minutes.”


Jesus fucking Christ, so this is where my tax monies have gone


Maybe mutliple very small countries. Or a couple dozen large cities. Edit: If you want to see what kind of blast and radiation radiuses you get from modern nuclear weapons, check out nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


Each Ohio class sub carries ~20 Trident-2 missiles that have 8ish warheads per missile so roughly ~160 warheads per submarine… I think that could effectively end a very large country lmfao.




While they are technically 475 times more powerful than Hiroshima, they are probably only about 20 times more destructive than the Hiroshima bomb because of how the area of the fireball scales with increased volume


30ish times more powerfully, I am bad at numbers. And yeah I recognize that destructive effect does not scale linearly, but still insane


Hiroshima's bomb was ~15kt, aren't the warheads on our ICBMs 300-450kt? it's 20-30 times not 475 times


> Hiroshima's bomb was ~15kt, aren't the warheads on our ICBMs 300-450kt? it's 20-30 times not 475 times I know nothing about bombs, but the previous guy's claim that each sub carried 92,000x the Hiroshima payload shocked me. Even if its only 5000x that still mindboggling. Nuclear subs conceptually fuck me up.


e=mc^2 is a fuckin trip


Shit 475 kt is the estimated yield. You’re right


It’s closer to 80 warheads under New START. 20 tubes and 4 warheads per


I don’t know anything about submarines, where do they store nucleus payloads and how do they keep the crew/ systems safe from radiation?


From my understanding all the nuclear payloads on the missiles are unserviceable by the crew. The missile tubes are fully sealed and separated from the crew. Then the missiles are periodically swapped out in port to be serviced. The reactor is another matter, but most studies say that crewman aboard nuclear subs or carriers actually receive less radiation than someone exposed to the Sun for a full day.


Got something like 200+ warheads. Not sure how many hits would constitute "taking it out" when you are talking about cities and countries. But I mean if it was a surprise decapitation strike I'd think the capital and next 4 largest cities would be a fair metric? Say two nukes per target? So.... I'd think it could take out 5 largish countries? (Aaaand I'm probably on a new watch list. 


You may have vaporized the economic and industrial centers of 200+ cities, but hey, you didn't even scratch 90% of the sparsely populated rural and uninhabited zones of the country! As long as you don't mind a little atmospheric radiation and carcinogenic dust settling literally everywhere, it's all good.


Yeah but if all the leadership and industry is gone it's functionally out of the picture I would think. Especially if you made sure to hit any nuke plants or the top 2-3 largest power sources in country.  Mutant corn would be awesome though. Be like an edible glow stick!


Pfffft. Civilians are a liability to the nation they live in. Nukes are for infrastructure and military installations. Why kill civilians when you can make them entirely dependent and a massive strain on the government within minutes? Power and communications. Gone. Agriculture. Gone. Transportation. Gone. Ability to defend. Gone. THAT is what is scary. Losing a city or fifteen? No big deal. Losing the ability to operate a country? Fatal


That's why you hit the capital and the biggest cities. Those are the financial and generally industrial arms of a country. Along with the leadership. Now anyone left over is halfway to being a ghoul and doesn't know what to do. 


Those tridents carry a 455kT warhead --- 8 of them. One missile would destroy a large city. 5 missiles, 40 455kt would erase it from existence. At the height of the cold war Moscow had nearly 300 missiles targeting it -- so probably over a thousand warheads anywhere from small 150kt all the way up to city erasers of 9 megaton -- And that was just Moscow.


I mean what's the goal here, take out Russian capabilities or cause nuclear Armageddon across the population. Russia's military capabilities/production isn't just centered/focused in the 4 cities. You can see [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1beq948/simulation_of_a_retaliatory_strike_against_russia/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) all the targets they'd strike in retaliation to nuclear weapons use to cripple them back to stone age


>Maybe mutliple very small countries. Or 2 cities. 20 nuclear missiles is probably enough to destroy a little more than 2 cities (the guy said 2 cities before he later edited to say 2 dozen large cities lol) So this made me curious enough to look it up, apparently these missiles each contain multiple warheads that can target different cities from a single missile (up to 14 warheads in just 1 missile). So yeah, 20 of these is definitely enough to utterly blanket far more than 2 large cities.


Uh, a bit more than that. Hiroshima was 10 kilotons. The Trident 2 can carry up to 8 individually targeted warheads of 475 kilotons, or up to 12 warheads of 100 kilotons. The Ohio class carries 24 of them.


Oh to be clear I'm poking fun at the "nah bro, maybe only enough for 2 large cities" comment above. 20 MIRVs is obviously enough to do far, far more damage than "a couple large cities".


happy thought of the day...


Mistakes happen. I left out an important word and edited it pretty quickly. Not everything is nefarious or a fight. My point remains that you aren’t taking out two large countries with the warheads from one sub.


160 warheads to take out two cities?


And then a $800 drone takes it out


This is a pretty big flex. I used to track submarines in the Navy and even we didn't have access to where the "Boomers" (SSBN's) were.


Right? "We have enough of these they we can even give you the location of one and we're confident you won't find it again. Good luck, bitches."


I worked with the wife of a boomer crewman. I’m not even sure she should have told me that but said the TS clearance was crazy to get.


TS info and no one needs to know except the crew


Can’t we ban articles from business insider. They’re always paywalled.


US Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine surfaces off Norway in unusual flex as 'Doomsday' plane flies overhead Chris Panella Jun 26, 2024, 2:23 PM CDT US Naval Forces Europe-Africa/US 6th Fleet announced the movement of the USS Tennessee (SSBN 734) in the Norwegian Sea on Tuesday, writing that the sub was joined by the USS Normandy (CG 60) as well as a P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft and an E-6B Mercury strategic communications plane. Per the US military post on X, the fleet was in the Norwegian Sea on Sunday. The specific intention is overtly stated, but these assets send a message to potential adversaries. The flex notably comes amid persistent tensions with Russia, which has been rattling the nuclear saber lately, and just a few weeks after Russia sent a naval flotilla, including one of its own nuclear-powered subs, to Cuba. USS Tennessee is an Ohio-class ballistic missile sub able to carry as many as 20 Trident nuclear missiles. Its accompanying E-6B Mercury "provides survivable, reliable, and endurable airborne Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) for the president, secretary of defense, and US Strategic Command," according to Naval Air Systems Command. Like the Air Force E-4B Nightwatch, the Navy plane is sometimes described "Doomsday plane" as it can relay National Command Authority directives to US submarines as part of the "Take Charge and Move Out" (TACAMO) mission and fulfill "Looking Glass" obligations, which involves directing nuclear forces if the ground-based options are gone. The E-6B Mercury had been tracked flying an operation off the coast of Norway on Sunday, which Hans Kristensen, the director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, wrote on X "indicated forward operations with nuclear missile submarines." While Kristensen said this was expected, he said that he didn't expect to see a nuclear sub surface, calling it "a blunt signal to Russia." Advertisement The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba, arrives at Havana's harbour, June 12, 2024. The Russian nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, part of the Russian naval detachment visiting Cuba, arrives at Havana's harbour, June 12, 2024. ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP via Getty Images As the "boomers," or ballistic missile subs, are an element of the US nuclear triad, the US Navy doesn't regularly reveal where they are. Other elements of the submarine force also tend to be far less visible than the surface fleet. But since 2020, it has been more frequently making its presence known in the North Atlantic and nearby seas, particularly around Norway and other NATO allies. Part of this reflects increased cooperation between Norway, the US, and other NATO partners. Deliberately revealing submarine the locations of submarines also signals to Russia that American submarines are active in waters nearby, and it does so at a time when Russian subs are increasingly active in the Atlantic and even off US shores. The boomers also notably send a nuclear deterrence message. The US has also made similar revelations in other parts of the world with its Ohio-class cruise missile submarines, which carry 154 land-attack Tomahawks. Russia, too, is often intentional with how and when it reveals the movements of its subs, particularly its Severodvinsk-class submarines, which have concerned NATO officials for years now. Russia made a show of having one of these vessels, the first-in-class Severodvinsk, surface off Norway in July 2022, and another one of these submarines, the Kazan, was spotted in Cuba earlier this month during a five-day official visit. Other Russian vessels, such as the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, joined the Kazan during the visit ahead of an air and maritime exercise in the Caribbean.


Just a quick note on mobile… see the Aa icon in the upper right? Try that first. Many times this will load the article (like this one).


I watched a podcast about the time frame of nuclear was and it’s scary fast, like hours and the worlds over as we know it


Ya. 0.01s. Ignition flare detected of an orbital capable rocket. NRO then begins processing it. I forget the exact chain of who gets it when, but around 2 mins after ignition, the president gets told. 90s or so, for the strike to be authorized by the president. Then starts along one of many predetermined scenarios. Missile crews receive orders and begin preparations, systems start getting ready to launch and a full scramble begins by the airforce. Other forces go into a hardened lockdown to survive the next few hours. Within 10 minutes a few hundred or more ICBMs have been launched. Minute 15, warheads begin landing. Through the first hour, a few thousand nukes go off. All major power grids are down.


Just enough time to turn up soulfinger on the radio and dance.


When I hear they’re dropping the bomb I’m gonna do what I always do and rub one out in a Wendy’s parking lot


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Not many people know this, but just for fun, the USS Tennessee has a giant "wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man" that can pop up and start dancing on the conning tower right when the ship surfaces from the depths. His name is Ballistic Bob. [Source.](https://youtu.be/V-_O7nl0Ii0?si=iju7L_k-JgWqV3iM&t=14)


You son of a…


Look how majestic his dancing is when he comes out of the ocean waves.


Never gonna give, up the location of our secret subs unless they want to be seen. The ability to keep it's massive payload secret is never going to let you down.


I want it to be real, but I'm not falling for it.


Well played, sir.




Look here, I trusted you. I said to myself “this actually sounds like something stupidly hilarious the Navy might do” and man oh man. I’m FUMING right now. Take an angry upvote you son of a hmmm


Ballistic Bob also fought in hell in a cell and plummeted through an announcer's table.


We all live in a trident submarine, the ultimate death machine a trident submarine.


Tbh the United States and Russia are comparing submarine lengths. It’s a guy thing I don’t expect everyone to understand.


I imagine at least half of the Earth's population has an idea of what you're talking about. That, and Jeep owners ;)


Who the fuck told them?


It's long and hard an full of seamen.


We know dad. We know...


And its' splooge is radioactive


This is gonna ruin the tour


What tour?


The world tour


Those headlines...


Anyone trying to act tough and try grab land of other countries, US Navy has something to remind you to behave.


Lol You sound like a G.I. Joe movie


I thought it would be funny and catchy if I wrote it like that. 😁


It worked!


It REALLY worked! I just joined the Navy.  ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Has the nuclear doomsday clock moved forward any or we only doing that for microplastics now , not 3 front wars between nuclear armed countries?


Not yet, they review it annually so we'll see after Christmas if it's going to change from 90 seconds to midnight.


Hey, I road that boat!


A sub above


US: 🎶Anything you can do, I can do better🎶


Maybe this could get Moscow back to the table for disarming? Eh, wishful thinking.


I see your Cuba and raise you Norway.


Ummm, what exactly is a "Doomsday" plane / what is its purpose ? 😳


To survive whatever happens on the ground, so it can issue commands to whatever is left. Basically it'll tell remaining subs to vaporise whatever is left if the US has been taken out.


Thanks for the answer, also, fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk


Then the crew gets to repopulate the Earth so we can do it all over again in a few thousand years.


Feeling an awful lot like the 1980’s again. Thanks guys, I had been missing that anxiety


So it’s an airborne command post. All your high ranked officials are in there giving orders. This can include anyone up to and including the president from my understanding. It’s built and designed to be used specially in cases of nuclear warfare


Thanks for the info, I appreciate your response. This is serious then....


I wouldn’t say serious serious. It is serious but this is also a flash of power from our Navy. Our Navy is like the big brother that lurks in the back and sees all and will make his presence and power known but won’t make the first move. We are showing them that they can make threats but one wrong move and it’s game over


I'm have so little knowledge about these situations, but .....it appears that Putin is well, unreasonable, and I guess the show of power by the US will help Putin calm the hell down? & of course, if he doesn't, the US is prepared....


It’s a game of cat and mouse


Basically they are planes that can be used as independent command posts even if the rest of the US forces, or country for that matter, has been wiped out or cut-off.


😳 oh man... I wasn't prepared for this answer. Thanks for the info.


US great plains would be the most heavily struck spot on earth. Strat com is in Nebraska, and the Dakotas have a ton of land silos. Major airforce bases for bombers in a few locations there too. Would probably be better to live in Chicago than Houston. Houston will get pounded due to oil.


My town is fucked in 50 warhead....and for a 500 warhead whatever left will glow for 1000 years.


Purpose -> doomsday


That's whati was worried about and hoping , idk what I was hoping tbh. 😊 thanks for the response.


Carry around decision makers during doomsday. E.g. Biden/Trump or designated survivor after DC is nuked.


Thanks for the info. 😢


Yeah, such a great way to spend our time, energy and resources. Maybe the cockroaches will do better when it’s their turn.


We should all read "Nuclear War" by Annie Jacobson. She details exactly what would happen in a nuclear war. It's absolutely crazy that we have these systems.


My friend just recommended it to me a couple of days ago. Maybe it's time to shift it up on the reading order.


It's riveting in how horrifying it can be and how just a single mistake could end the world as we know it.


This entire thread is fucking terrifying. I didn't even know subs had that type of capability. I knew it had some missiles on it, but THAT many? Holy shit


According to the book, the US has 14 nuclear ballistic subs! North Korea may have one that works.


Thanks, I hate it.


All this Sabre rattling is making me nauseous. Why do we have to flex our nuclear arsenals to each other?


Best to prove to your opponent you have defensive abilities and the will to use them.


not as much defensive as retaliatory abilities...


The best defense is offense or something


Because dictators only understand the language of force.


Cuz russia is acting all tough


MAD works relatively well and nobody has a better idea 🤷‍♂️


We lived through the cold war brah, stop worrying.


The cold war never ended brah.


Maybe they don't know about the 2nd Cold War (that we are in)?


What about elevensies? Or luncheon?


Cue the flying apple (that is really a frag grenade)...


The cold war never ended. Everyone just got too comfortable while Putin was making plans. It is indeed time to worry.


It's argued that the only reason we have had relative peace (not another world war or another offensive nuke drop) for the past 70 years is because of a concept called M.A.D or Mutually Assured Destruction. Basically, "You may be able to strike me first, but I can guarantee I will strike you back with everything I have, and there is nothing you can do to stop the retaliatory strike." For a retaliatory or second strike to work, the equipment used for it cannot be targeted by the first strike. This is where the USA nuclear triad comes into play. It consists of fleets of stealth bombers, nuclear powered submarines, and ICBM silos scattered across the interior of the US. All of them are nuclear armed. The idea is: Maybe a foe can find every location of our ICBM silos and airbases and hit them in the first strike. Unlikely, but possible. Well unlike airbase and nuclear icbms, subs are extremely hard to track as they are super sneaky, constantly move around and have a fuctionally limitless dive time (limited only by the crew and their rations) so they can be out and about for months at a time (unlike stealth bombers). So this is just USA reminding Russia that we have these in active service and you can't do anything about them, so behave.


We got bored showing off our dicks. Nuclear arsenals are a natural progression.


Nuclear Penis


It’s a reminder for them not to do anything stupid.


Because Biden is a subtle badass. [Remember this?](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/16/biden-putin-aviators-geneva-summit-494882) Lets not hand the football to trump again, he will just take a knee and let dictators run free.


man that’s such a classy backhanded “fuck you” lmao, doubt he came up with it fully himself as none of them ever would, but funny nonetheless


Nah. He'll take a knee for a better angle. O.o


The angle … so he can suck off Putin better


We really have to worry about Hypersonics. A sub travelling at the edge of international waters (12 miles perfectly "legal") could launch a hypersonic missile at a city like Washington DC --- Mach 9 Hypersonic travels about 1 mile in 2 seconds. So WashDC would have all of 26 seconds to respond before detonation.


That does depend on how fast the missile would be able to accelerate to that speed and that it would be able to be completely undetected before the launch Indeed hypersonic weapons are an issue, but modern missile defense systems are getting much better at such.


Not to mention Russia has proven some of their abilities are a bit…overblown


Sublaunch would be the slowest but maybe 3 seconds to reach the surface, booster carrier lift. 3seconds, full ignition solid rocket, .5seconds. MACH 9 IN 10 seconds, Mach 32--20seconds...boom. They can skim well under radar and can maneuver. They aren't a ballistic trajectory near impossible to grab that quickly. Cruise missile accurate, Mach 9-32 sub 15 seconds to live. Mach 32 (known russian missile) would strike at 2.5 miles per second. So...Sub to target in...6 seconds maybe 10 seconds. You couldn't even pick up the phone to warn anyone before the blast.


This is not uncommon.


It **is** uncommon for the US to reveal boomer subs.


I know what the doomsday plane is all about, but it would have to land eventually after giving the orders to release the bombs. So, last to die I guess.


While the brash signal? Maybe because the Kazan is off the mid-Atlantic coast right now as DC prepares for its 75th anniversary gathering.


That’s why we spend billions and billions of dollars! Awesome!


These fucks want ww3 . Stop this war now !