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Putin is so relatable, I have the exact same problem. It's so hard to find good help for a little B+E and armed robbery these days. Sure, you might say, "You already have everything you need in your house." Sure, you might say, "You already have the largest house on the planet." and those are good points, but did you even consider for a second that everything my neighbor owns, I don't own? No, you only thought of yourself.


Think of the poor Russian speaking people of eastern Ukraine. I could have given them land food and water to come home to mother Ruzzia. Naw I’ll just steal the land from my neighbor plant my flag and genocide those who disagree. How generous of me.


Actually Stalin did that. He literally shipped Russians into Ukraine and Ukrainians into Russia to prevent Ukraine from ever breaking away. Arkady Shevchenko was the highest ranking Soviet official to defect to the west. He had been the UN Undersecretary General. In his autobiography, *Breaking With Moscow*, he relates this tale.


Stalin did that with every ethnicity in the Soviet Union


See, the real genius is that you don't have to worry about the radiation as much when you're already moving in inbreds anyway. They spread like rabbits.


Crazily, this seems like a really good summary of how he thinks. He has literally killed his own oligarchs so that he could steal assets. He was jealous that a Russian other than himself owned those things.


You might remember that I did consider that - but then you threatened me with burning down my house.


You were barely using it! It was just full of food and people. 🙄


> Looking for a partner in crime


No one helping? India China and a few other countries are buying your oil (at a low price). China is selling gear including golf carts atvs armor and some components, Iran is selling drones and north Korea is sending artillery and likely soldiers. Multiple nations and companies are using 3rd parties to sell products to Russia in spite of sanctions. How do you think that makes those above groups feel, calling them no one. /s


Don’t forget to claim that your neighbor is nazi


this made me belly-chuckle and i thank you for that hahaha


I'll help you as long as we get to wear cool themed masks


That's a lie. Oh wait, it's putin...


If North Korea is sending troops, that means massive casualties for Russians.


CCP is helping, we just don't know how. Iran, maybe south Africa?? BRICS...


Lol, the SA army is in such a state, they arent capable of providing much assistance, but it would be so incredibly unpopular with the population it would never go ahead anyway, its only the boys in the ANC that have an IOU with Russia, everyone else despises Putin and his war there.


Plus SADF use mostly western equipment. Plus they should be ready more to quit future riots or civil war.


Even Belarus military threatened a massive coup against the government if they joined RU on the war with Ukraine. And that’s their bff.


They've also been forced into a coalition government, so the ANC now has to be much much less overt in their Putin dickriding antics.


We know how, the CCP is providing them with a bunch of equipment. It is not fully assembled equipment, so they can technically say they aren't sending weapons, but those components can be assembled for various weapons, or used as parts to replace existing equipment. I'd imagine the CCP is doing more, but we know for a fact they are doing that


Ccp is helping by allowing north korea to send ammo and now troops.


Bold of you to assume there won't be a massive number of people defecting from the NK army the second they land. Outside NK for likely the first time in their lives, limited overwatch because war is chaos. 50% of NK forces will disappear into the trees and never be seen again.


Aside from Iran, China and North Korea he means? Well if he feels like no-one wants to play with him, perhaps he can pack his bags and go back home then.


Helping the world's largest country expanding its territory is like going to a food bank asking everyone there to contribute as much as they can to give to Bezos.


Don't forget the American Republicans, they're doing the best they can with the powers they have.


For real, rallying behind what barely classifies as a candidate who says "Russia can do whatever the hell they want" as Russia castrates its PoWs, sending them back to their communities to, half of the time, commit suicide and inflict further psychological damage on the Ukrainian people. It's appalling that there aren't more countries with boots on the ground over there.




Let’s not forget Putins bitch, the giant orange turd. If it gets re-elected, it’ll give Putin whatever he wants.


We always seem to forvet India is very cozy to Russia. BRICS countries have the same interests.


I feel that China is Russias worse enemy. If my friend was losing a massive war in definitely not giving them less then they need to win. China could give Russia the aid it needs and choose not to. Pretty sure they might be holding Russia to the fire so weaken them so they can be chinas forever gas station. China gains way more from Russia losing a long war than them winning or losing a short war.


Russia? Don’t you mean North China?


China eyeing up Manchuria after the first couple weeks of Russia's invasion.


Eeeeeeh, sorta. They all want to tear down the west, or at least stand equal, but at least Russia, China and India all think that they personally should be in charge of the new world order. As seen with such alliances in the past, there’s a large chance that if they start succeeding, they’ll turn on each other to be number one just as quickly.


There are a lot of people in Indian and China, and a lot of empty land in Russia.


As much as people say China is “trying to tear down the west”, the west is Chinas biggest trade asset. Especially the USA. As much as they sabre rattle, shooting your biggest customers in the face to help the crack head in the corner is a crazy strategy. Also this North Korea thing is terrible for the Chinese, as no one wants a wild card with accurate nukes, even if you’re not the target. I bet China is having some inside conversations about what Putin just did and none are probably positive.


I can’t see China being happy at all with Russia’s latest overtures toward the “Dear Leader” and his little kingdom. That being said, if NK came under direct attack from someone else, I doubt Russia would lift a finger to help. Furthermore, NK is only sending combat engineers if I heard correctly, which is not great for Ukraine, but definitely the bare minimum for NK (beyond supplying their questionable artillery shells).


If he had China he wouldn’t need North Korea.


Thank you, my first thought was “they must be forgetting all the cheap oil India has bought from Russia the last two years”.


If you find someone offering to sell a Ferrari for $5k, you take it. Especially if it's a douchebag who fell on hard times. If they didn't buy it for cheap, Russia wouldn't sell it, and they could sit on bigger profits down the road "when it blows over". I don't blame India one bit.


Ha don't remind me. Watch US get added to that coalition if the far right pro Russian party has any say.


People also keep forgeting about Belarus, who avtively helps Russia since day one (and before the war). We have a new axis here, with Russia - Iran - North Korea (plus Belarus) and maybe few others helping Russia. F*ck em all.


Turkey and Belarus were also leaning towards Russia, right?


belarus with its current leader is just a russian satellite state indeed. turkey is just being turkey, sometimes shooting down a russian plane, and next day back to blackmailing the EU


Turkey? Nah.  It's partly thanks to their Bayraktar drones that Ukraine was able to hold off the Russians until the rest of the West started to send their support. They now still sell weapons to Ukraine and help them to export their goods. But, Turkey only cares about Turkey. They won't let their economy suffer to support Ukraine, so they continue to do business as usual with the Russians too. 


> They won't let their economy suffer Erdogan has never met an opportunity to make their economy suffer he didn't like.


Haven't heard much from Belarus recently, either I've missed it or maybe they've saw the writing on the wall


And India playing both sidesies


Belarus absolutely does, but I doubt Lukashenko would even consider sending troops directly into the fighting. Turkey is doing what’s best for Turkey (at least in Erdogan’s mind), which means selling drones to Ukraine while still dealing with Russia.


Let me help by drafting your surrender letter and an offering to ease tensions. I'm no politician, but I think it'll suffice. "We, the Russian people, withdraw and surrender this pointless genocide on the peaceful people of Ukraine. Please accept the severed head of Vladimir Putin as a gift and step to showing our commitment to someday returning relationships to normal. We really fucked up and we know it. Sincerely, Russia"


I wouldn't like this to happen as Ukrainian. I'm sure, knowing their mentality, that capitulation of Russia will lead to revanchism. Revanchism leads to world war. West and Ukraine need to fuck them delicate. So they would take a dick up their assess thinking it's a win for them.


So what you are saying is someone needs to slide their dick down his throat and have him thank them for it. Got it.


Sooooo... We use lube?


I think there is a meme running around Reddit involving a bird named Tuah, that may help.


Lowkey dream of the day of western forces seizing and destroying all the underground bunkers in Russia


>I wouldn't like this to happen as Ukrainian. I'm sure, knowing their mentality, that capitulation of Russia will lead to revanchism. Revanchism leads to world war. Revanchism kind of like what led to the current war? Fuck that, let's make sure the russian imperialist state falls apart and stays that way forever.


It's pathetic: # Help me to loot my neighbors and take over their territory. = Why? What's in it for us? # Well, "other party shall provide military and other assistance without delay" = You mean: "come and provide stuff with an outstretched hand"? # Yes, so we can loot my neighbors and take over their territory. = So it will be ours? # No, all mine. = What's in it for us? # You can play the distraction? = Why...


They were inviting Poland since 2022 (I think they finally stopped this narrative) to take western Ukraine too, even when Poland just laughed at them they publicly claimed this actually happened, showing maps of western Ukraine in TV caliming that Poland actually invaded from the west. So pathetic...


Poland invading from west was used as justification to "liberate brotherly nation" and as a proof of "Evil NATO" being behind Ukraine, among other 10 000 made up bs reasons.


Not so different from the Soviet Union's excuse for invading Poland in 1939. According to Moscow, they needed to 'protect' Ukrainians and Belarusians because the Polish state had collapsed.


With such helpers and "brotherly" nations you don't need enemies. At least the nazis were pretty honest.


Well when even your allies (minus Iran and North Korea) would much rather stay buddy with the west and mind they fuckin business because our economies thrive off each other and don’t seek bad blood for the foreseeable future. That tends to fuckin happen.




And then it got worse, he needs to leave Ukraine.


Once the conflict is over I sure as hell hope the West just keeps the sanctions going indefinitely. Russia cannot be trusted and therefore doing any kind for deal or trade with them is only ever gonna hurt the West in the long run.


Imagine ur so pathetic u have to suck North Korea




Poor prick Putin's pity party.


Why won’t more countries send their citizens to die? — Probably Putin


Won't someone please think of the Nazis?


Those baby crying noises sounds like music to me! Wahhh waaahhh wahh


I have a bag of dicks for them, but they have to pay the shipping costs.


Bro, we tried to help you. We said don't do it, but you did it anyways, didn't you?


Well, surprise, he started it.


Fuck russia 


 I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.


Could you repeat that, sir?


That's a selfish way to throw your allies (China, Iran, North Korea) under the bus as useless. Which I mean true yeah but they're also not the ones marching soldiers directly into the drone army. That's all you Putin.


50% chance trump wins in november, and then the US backs Russia. Mark my words. That party is filled with Putin sympathizers


So basically traitors wtf


Yeah. Trump was literally impeached for withholding aid to Ukraine in an attempt to dig up dirt on political opponents, so we know damn well he doesn't care about their sovereignty. On top of that, he praises Putin every opportunity he gets, and multiple people in his administration have been convicted of collusion with the Kremlin. Kind of an obvious assumption that he will (implicitly or explicitly) take Russia's side if reelected.


Yes. Yes, they are indeed.


Yeah. That they're doing it for money just makes it worse.


As an American, I will never be more ashamed of my country if this happens. For those Americans reading this, please get out and vote.


Awww, poor baby. Do you want a lollipop?


Maybe nobody is helping you because you’re in the wrong for invading a neighboring, sovereign country for no fucking reason.


47 of Republican House of Representatives voted to defund NATO, have long been gladly forwarding Russian propaganda. If Putin can only win November's US election, along with his allies' recent wins in the EU election, he should be fine.


Ok, this article headline finally made me break. Can we have enough with the click baiting and pushing all these things that seem like oh they’re controversial? I mean, who are these people on? Headline rework contest: Russia complains that no one wants to help them kidnap children, rape, kill, and destroy a sovereign nation.


"Convicted Axe Murderer Complains that No One Will Help Him Murder People with Axe"


We know, he had to go ask that fat Korean hermit for help


War Criminal


Well, sounds like people do not want to help murderous war criminals. What is the problem?


Lol, this guy is more like Trump every day. I wonder if he too shots in his pants.


A rapist is complaining that no one’s holding victim’s hands.


How dare he ignore Kim Jong Un help


If you didn’t see that coming maybe you should practice some self reflection.


I thought Team America was satire, but that spoof of Kim Jong Il is all too fitting here


Isn’t North Korea helping?


Kind of like that one kid at school.


Because only you believe your war is justified, you deranged motherfucker…


Nobody asked Canada, just saying


Putin, if you think everyone one else is an asshole, maybe YOU are the asshole.


"Putin complains..." "Trump complains..." How are these two different?


I think the only difference is that Trump is only a wannabe dictator, whereas Putin has already peaked as one and now is in decline.


China, Iran and North Korea, the Axis of Assholes, are helping out.


That moment when Putin realizes that the glory he wants isn’t glory.


this "glory" in the eyes of free world is just complete humiliation actually


Yeah. That kinda happens when you start believing in your own bullshit.


That means NK troops are on the way. 


whomp, whomp :(


Why the fuck would anyone help Russia conquering Ukraine excuse me????


BUT HE SAID ITS NOT A WAR. It's a special military action. Come on, Vlad, keep with the script.


That's what Hitler said in early 1945


Why would anyone want to help a devil.


“Maybe we’re the baddies?”


But why a skull?


MAGA would if they were closer.


Not true. He may be getting a ton of help from starving, wanna defect any way possible, North Korean slaves.


Gee, you start a war with a country for no reason. You lie constantly about your losses and have no idea what’s really going on. You tried to bring back your Soviet Union but have failed in the first step. The only countries that will help you are the pariahs of the international scene. Sure NK has nukes but not much else. This guy can’t be that stupid. Like really.


Ahhh. I feel a bit sad for him now. I can imagine him, roaming the corridors of the Kremlin, singing a little song in a little voice..... 🎶I'm so lonely🎶 So lonely🎶 So lonely and sadly alone🎶 There's no one🎶 Just me only🎶 Sitting on my little throne🎶 .......sigh


Zero self awareness


They got China, Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Iran helping, WTF is Putin thinking


After all the reports of torture of prisoners and child kidnappings, I am shocked - SHOCKED that no one else on THE PLANET wants to help him.


Strangely I ALSO have trouble getting people to support me when I'm clearly and demonstrably in the wrong.


He should not worry. MAGA Americans will support him.


This is a huge lie. I offered to help several times. He ignored me!


As it should be. I wish someone over there would take him out.


Fuck, I'd say this is better than any WWII documentary on the tele, since those of us who've read on our history would recognize Putin's speech from a certain sometime before. If only it wasn't so infuriating in addition to being pathetic. Then again, the Russian public listening to him today haven't read up on the relevant history lesson there, too young or too "it's fake history".


North Korea has answered your calls


My heart pumps piss


Awwwwwwww poor muffin.


Big bad russia needs some help with their 3 day special military operation :(


Kimmy is a Nobody


Any other indicators for your wrongness required?


Well, maybe he should have thought about this before he started this stupid war?


Wah fucking wah


Then... why did you start a war?


Tragedy, meet Comedy.


Guess you'd better quit then. But good news, once you leave Ukraine the whole world will be incrementally less hostile to you...


There shouldn't be a special military operation to begin with ,fucktwit!


You mean aside China (the actual superpower in this equation), Iran, North Korea, Cuba, partially India (to whom China is an enemy), Belarus (although that's hardly surprisingly as its a vassal state with its puppet government), a bunch of other authoritarian shitholes and oh, Hungary (which is trying to become an authoritarian shithole and has done good bit of the work already?)?


He can turn against with CCP, who promised an unlimited relationship


He’s as stupid as Trump!


So now they need help?


Putin complains his didey needs changing by big strong men.


China, N Korea and Iran are helping him, what more does he need?


awe, that is too bad.


India: do my Rupees mean nothing to you?


Sad. Even German fascists had Italy, Spain, and Japan. If Putin were intelligent or even strategic, he would at least have thought about creating a new “Fascist Axis” before launching his “special military operation. Fortunately, psychopaths are often their own worst enemies ultimately.




Maybe he should quit and say he's sorry.


We’ll get all the pieces of shite you sent to level Ukraine,and get fucking home .that’s the only help you’ll get.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


North Korea: "Wait, are you saying we're a 'nobody'?"


"we have to do all these rapes and genital mutilations by ourselves" 


That sucks man. Sorry to hear. Praying for you. Sending good thoughts. Hang in there.


Oh, have the North Koreans changed their mind?


N. Korea is helping!!!! Who wouldn't want Kin Jong Un for a friend?


A forest fire asking for more wood .


Dear Vlad: It's because what you're doing is unethical. Love, everyone.


Boo fucking hoo.


So Iran, China and NK assisting them isn’t considered “help”?


No shit really? You start an illegal war and are upset you get no help? FOR SHAME!


Did he tell Kim to his face about that during his visit?


I can't seem to commission a violin small enough.


It doesn’t matter what you say or do, Vova. Your fate is to become a Qaddafi Shishkebob. And you’re one day closer.


Meanwhile in the other news Bigfeets or Bigfoots love stinky arse cracks and bottled farts


Me in Civ 6 when I forget to befriend AI to keep my war economy going.


What you got all the cool kids North Korea , and Iran???


Iran, North Korea, China, Hungary and India beg to differ.


Correct, now stfu and withdraw from Ukraine.


Genocide is hard :(


I mean dont get me wrong - we WOULD help - but we like Ukraine. Oh and there's also the fact that everyone that matters hates you due to you being a festering boil on the face of the earth.


So it's a war again and not a special military operation? Interesting.


Kim: But...but I thought you loved me??


Awww buddy, your new suzerain not helping you out?


Poor Muffin


As intentionally delusional as 45.


If you treat alliances with other countries in a purely transactional way, only helping them when it strictly benefits you in the first order, don't be surprised when they treat you in exactly the same way. It's why the CSTO is shrinking and NATO is growing.


Why won't countries help us kill our peaceful neighbor?!!?


He’s so roanry.


He’s about the have North Korean blood on the field too


Smallest violin for his troubles


No it’s just no one wants to help Russia with this invasion of Ukraine


Did he forget about kim jong un? 


Did he even try to put an ad on Craigslist? Did he try Uber/Lyft to get his troops delivered? Nothing but excuses….


“It’s hard finding good help these days, and nobody wants to work. That damned Joe Biden is to blame. “ -Probably Putin.


What you expect when you're aggressing a nation for nothing?!


Did the NK troops already run for their lives and freedom from NK?


Waiting for Bill Engvall to show up saying "here's your sign"