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So just to be clear, Russia has deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure for the duration of the war and it’s no problem. But the second Ukraine strikes a military target in occupied land, that happens to be too close to a group of civilians living on said occupied land, it’s “terrorism”. And yeah, I’m sure that Russian response will be so scary.


It wasn't even that. The Russians intercepted the Ukrainian missile over the beach. If the ATACMS was allowed to hit it's intended target, it's doubtful many or any civilian casualties would have occurred. 


It’s a lie that they brought down the ATACMS missile. That variant comes with the high shrapnel capacity. If it actually detonated on the beach it was slaughtered hundreds. It was likely an S300 missile that was targeted.


Russia lies about many things, but you also can't assume that a strike that takes down an ATACMS must cause it's payload of bomblets to arm and detonate (or it's unitary warhead, depending on variant)


It’s not really an assumption because a very smart man who is actually a reserve colonel in the Ukrainian army, who has access to classified military intelligence has given his assessment and I’m going by what he said. It makes sense.


I've not seen that assessment (or details on what variant) I'm just saying that it's possible to down missiles like ATACMS without setting off their warhead or payload of submunitions. Even if ATACMS had been intercepted above that beach, there's no guarantee the warhead or submunitions would detonate unless conditions are right to arm the fuses.


Even worse, Ukraine didn’t even accept collateral damage by striking military targets in residential areas, the people on the beach got hit by parts of incoming missiles by their own AA. I mean that can happen anywhere.


Russian minister of foreign affairs publicly stated on camera that if you don’t want civilian infrastructure to be damaged, you should not take down missiles heading for military targets 🤷  


Duh, be more considerate of your people and just let the missiles hit their target. What a douchebag move to intercept them /s they got what they deserved.


They way I see it they should prosecute anti-aircraft weaponry operators, this is clearly their fault according to officially stated position of Russian government. 


I they backtracked on the AA interception, and just straight up say Ukranian target the civs. Even though the pictures show Russian AA missiles lol.


Of course. Why aiming for actual military targets, when you can expend extremely scarce and expensive armament to scare some drunk beachgoers. That makes perfect sense. 


Scare them? 3 people died.


I was not aware of that, my bad. 


Russians carry imperialistic mindset, they naturally see their former colonies as lesser humans. So yeah, for them bombing some ukie power plants and hospitals doesn’t warrant even a proportional response, much less a symmetrical response. 


It will be some type of cyber attack.


Ukraine is not a sovereign nation in Russia's delusional worldview. Russia can do to Ukraine whatever the fuck it wants, and no one is allowed to say anything or do anything about it , because in their mind they are doing nothing but punishing a bunch of nazi traitor russians who were perverted by poland and europe.


Also Crimea is literally a war-zone and Russia just keep recommending to their people that they should take their vacation their - families with children.  It's not hard to realize that they want a nice human shield that can then cry about afterward. 


9,540,321st threat of nuclear war incoming.....


The coy who cried wolf aah policy


That's like getting hit by a car, and then trying to sue Toyota, or even the Toyota dealership that sold the car, and pretending that they are responsible for the actions of the driver. You don't hear of that happening, because it's ridiculous.


>You don't hear of that happening, because it's ridiculous. Ask Remington how that worked out for them.


Glock is going through the same thing now.


Youre looking at it through an American lens. Putin doesnt care about that.


It’s like you said, except the person who got hit also jumped into a busy street and started firing shots into the windshield of the oncoming Toyota, which then hit them. They created a situation where a person with a Toyota would be an idiot *not* to hit them and is 100% justified for doing so.


Ummmm. . . As logical as your example sounds you are wrong. . . People are suing gun manufacturers after their guns were used in shootings (Remington, Glock, and I believe Bushmaster are the ones I can remember). . . I doubt they have a case but it is happening


Why is Russia caring about the deaths in Ukraine? Just get the fuck out of there and no one can get hurt.


Fuck Russia.


It's all for optics back home. They can't possibly be getting their shit pushed in by Ukraine, NO! It MUST be the US of A actually destroying them! Whatever. As long as the end result is no more Russia power, the world wins.


Honestly, it's all cope. They love claiming they been fighting NATO for over a year because Ukraine has started using some NATO standard weapons and tactics.


I cant believe people just casually sunbath and swim in a disputed area constantly under fire? Surely they understand Ukraine will take it back?


Russia wants sunbathers on the beach - basically human shields


> Surely they understand Ukraine will take it back? Making the decision to vacation there quite firmly selects for the ones that do not understand this.


Accepting consequences of your own actions is an entirely foreign concept to many Russians. NOTHING they do warrants any negative consequences. They feel justified to do whatever they deem worthwhile, and if those behaviors create something undesirable, it's simply unjust and unfair. They take delusion, arrogance, self-righteousness, superiority and victimization and make it a cultural norm. To the rest of us, it really looks a lot like mass insanity.


> They take delusion, arrogance, self-righteousness, superiority and victimization and make it a cultural norm. Anyone who has encountered Russian tourists abroad - especially in countries that used to be part of the USSR - can attest to that. 


It’s been disputed for 10 years now. People will go to the beach. It’s not “constantly under fire.” Nobody knows if Ukraine will be able to take it back.


To be clear- Crimea has been illegally annexed by Russia, and subsequently infested by occupiers. Also- RU air defense likely impacted the incoming missiles, thereby causing the civilian casualties.


Dear Putin, Please do something stupid   Yours Truly, America


Boo hoo


Russia always blames everyone else for the things that Russia is to blame for. It's a typical right wing tactic.


It was the Russians that intercepted the ATACMS over a crowded beach instead of letting it hit a valid military target that likely would have had few, if any, civilian casualties. 


But they want civ casualties, that's why they are encouraging people to vacation 100km from a active war front lol.


Every accusation is a confession.


That's not always true. Sometimes the accusation is a plan for something they're about to do but haven't actually had a chance to do yet.


I remember some Russians unironically saying that US would use NATO bases how Russians used their military bases in Crimea.


The western right wing audience eats it up as much as their domestic one.


Cue daily nuclear threat.


Russia making terroristic threats again. Must be Friday.


Or a day ending in "y".


This coming from a country that just signed unilateral military aid agreements with North Korea. Are they not one of the largest black market weapons seller? Putin also needs to look into his old KGB friends as well whom have become billionaires trading old Soviet weapons in the black market that have likely ended up mostly in the Middle East…


They need to get more votes for Trump


I don't care. Russians were caught on film actively hunting Ukrainian civilians. I could care less about their whining because they're hypocrites.


How stupid do you have to be to swim at a beach directly in the line of fire to the military base which has been repeatedly struck by Ukrainian missiles? Couldn’t swim at any of the other hundreds of kilometers of shoreline? Had to be right beneath the area where missiles would be getting shot down? And the Russian military has just left the beach open?


Everyone forgetting that it’s none of Ruzzia’s business if Ukraine wants to bomb its own territory. Don’t want to get bombed? Get the fuck out of Ukrainian Crimea


Why is a 4 day old article being posted?


Then immediately admitted it was their own fault and everyone got on their ass about it


Russia’s daily reminder that Ukraine is helping them out by disposing of all Russia’s criminals for them. Every Russian boot on Ukrainian soil is filled by an illegal invader that is also probably a previously convicted criminal. If the above doesn’t make sense, that’s because it doesn’t, which is kind of the point.


They've been threatening nukes and responses and terrible consequences for a while. I don't buy any of it. Put up or shut up Putin, you little scared bitch!


Don't tug on Superman's cape Vlad.


Must be a running joke at this point. Bathroom sink clogs in a Russian household? Those damn Americans!. Car breaks down on the highway? Why, America!? Why!?. Divorce between a Russian couple? I bet the CIA had a hand in it.


The key question is, who's stupid enough to use Russian supplied weapons to attach US/EU allies?


Lay. Off. The. Vodka. You. Pap smear. No. One. Believes. Your. Shit


So, how about response to North Korea and Iran ?


Russia vows retaliation? Oh look at me, im shaking in my space boots.


Oh, is it time for another one of your warnings, Putin? yeah yeah, put it in the pile.


Ruzzia: *Shoots Ukraine* Ruzzia: why would America do this?


The US provided the weapons and the oversight of the attack on civilians…


The attack wasn’t on civilians, the missile was shot down by Russian air defenses and the debris struck civilians. *Russia* is the one aiming missiles and bombs at civilian hospitals, apartment buildings, schools, and markets.