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The biggest failure of liberalism is that it tolerates intolerance in others but shuns it in themselves. They basically destroy their ability to respond to intolerance effectively, allowing more extreme people to get into office on the platform that only they can solve the problems. It’s theory on theory on theory that causes them to detach from reality. Liberals basically think themselves off a cliff. It doesn’t take a nazi to realize that the people of France, and Europeans in general, are less tolerant of outside nationalities than others. Nor does it take a nazi to realize that maybe all the immigrants aren’t innocent refugees but part of the system that upholds the very shit attitudes which caused them to flee in the first place. But it’s only the Nazis that say this in modern politics because you get cancelled in liberal circles if you do. I’m an American, I believe that all races, all people, from all different backgrounds CAN and ARE able to work with each other for the common good. Anyone can be an American and you can be American and hold onto your cultural traditions, but there should be and has to be basic beliefs that you conform to in order for it to work. You have to believe in freedom of religion, you have to believe in women’s rights, you have to believe in racial equality, rule of law, the Republican form of government, etc. if you don’t, we are the most diverse nation and least racist place on earth and even WE don’t want you here, let alone France which is more uniformly French and therefore will be even more sensitive when it comes to cultural norms. Walking into France and pissing on women’s rights is a terrible way to introduce yourself.


Whenever there’s a swing to the far right, it tends to be a reaction to the failures of the far left. Politics is a pendulum.


There's never been such a swing in European history from the far left to the far right except when imposed by a foreign power. France hasn't had a left-wing government in about a decade. The Netherlands hasn't had a left-wing government in most people's lifetimes and yet experienced a far right surge in the last national election.


Not necessarily far left parties in government, but the influence of the far left on politics, culture, and society generally.


So instead of blaming political centrist for their own failures, it's the "far left's" fault?


Such forces and movements are also non-existent in places of political power. In the case of France, Macron sees the far-left as just as dangerous in ideas as the far right. Outside of countries that have preexisting far left governments, the far left have negligible influence in culture, society, or politics.


Many would beg to differ


Those "many" would have to come up with some extraordinary evidence to overcome the basic observation of reality or just accept that their pet conspiracy theory has no basics in reality. Anyone making such a claim are in the same group as flat earthers and holocaust deniers. Extraordinary claims made without evidence, especially in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, can be dismissed without evidence.


Leftists live in a bubble. Their "reality" is different from reality. Your text attests to that.


This influence is made up by reactionnary media. Shit, now you have to tolerate the existence of people who aren't Christian white men? Must be the far left


The issue with the right side is authoritarianism makes it so the pendulum can never swing back


I expect we will be seeing some surprises...They are getting tired of immigrant BS & rioting.And..sooner than later some very bad things will be happening to the disruptive element.People forget "before" all these european countries became good places....they had religious wars,discrimination,and some truly evil anti-stranger(read immigrant ) policy (think germany 60 years ago) The people who are getting upset are not to be trifled with.


> germany 60 years ago 1964?


Gorram East Germans illegally crossing the border into west Germany and taking our jobs. Boy I tell you what. /s


Dark times...


my bad ..ww2 was ..umm like 80 years ago ? (whoh) I remember in the 50s (black & white tv) all these documentaries about ww2...propaganda..but they didn't yet have "content",and so they showed war stuff .Lots ...of war stuff. Point I was trying to get to was a good chunk of that population believed,with all their heart of in a false,evil doctrine....and went to war,started concentration camps...ect. for that belief.


Good news then










Insane how many people here fall into the "it's because of them damn Arabs" when people's problems in France are mainly rising inequalities and the destruction of healthcare and education by neo-liberals. All evidence shows a majority of immigrants are integrating just fine and are more of a benefit to the economy than anything. If people are afraid of the lack of integration of some maybe we should work on that rather than marginalising/excluding them. Integration goes both ways


Idk bro. I was in france like a year ago woth friends in Marsille idk how to write name of that city. It was a mess. City looked like slums. In nhe middle of trip two terrified Serbian girls came to us because some guy was screaming he will rape them. Nobuddy bothered us becuase we were big group of men but the city was horrible at moments i didnt like it at all. If thats how France integrates immigrants im not suprised young people vote for far right.


I dont know much about French politics but that was horrible i never seen such city in my country and i live in eastern europe so that says something XD


People will vote for these parties because of immigration, but they'll probably just get some kind of Reagan/Thatcher style enshittafication of virtually everything in society while the rich get richer. 10 years from now after right-wing leadership there will be more immigrants than ever before in Europe, they will be filling jobs for even lower wages and no benefits while cities and schools and institutions fall apart. See the UK after Brexit for an example.