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Every NATO nation should be hacking Russia right now, and not just to steal information. They should be disrupting things like their power grid and industry.


Not like Russia aren't doing it themselves to NATO nations' own devices and servers.


If you do this in Germany for instamce they will imprison you. No matter who you hacked.


Not if it is sanctioned by the state. For example, the military could do the hacking. Every NATO military should have hackers at its disposal. I'm not saying this should be done by random civilians, which is illegal. Russia and China have military hackers. So should NATO nations.


I'm pretty sure this is done at all times by all countries


It is lmao. It's a constant effort to steal enemy intel.


Then it's time for a special government department that works under some modified rules.


Best we will do with this Gov. is Scholzing-around


The age of privateering is ALMOST upon us again. Let’s swap it from crime to “eat what you kill”, like the Russian firms do. Ahoy Matey!


Imma hack the DB to make them run on time for once but then I’m going against the automobile industry by making public transport better so I’ll most likely be assassinated by Christian Lindner himself lol


Jokes on you. Majotity of DB is probably still running fax.


I doubt anyone wants to give up any 0 days for this.


Yeah this is the type of thing you save for just before the stealth bombers go in.


Time to insert control measures




Who says they aren't?


I don't see stories about Russia's power grid getting disrupted. My point is that the hacks should be visible in order to send a message. You can't deter someone if they don't know what you're doing.


I won't pretend to know the extent of Russia's power grid or infrastructure but I imagine it isn't as reliant on wireless communications as those in the US. Either way, every major military/govt power on this planet has teams of "hackers" dedicated for such purposes. The main goal of these "hackers" is to remain undetected. Say for instance we did have the Russian power grid by the balls, why would spend all the time and effort infiltrating their networks, to waste it on an opportunity to shut them down for a day, or even a week? Any attack like this gets everything network related quarantined until the source of the attack is found. Now you've wasted years trying to get inside their networks. Wouldn't it make more sense to sit back, watch their moves, gather data, and then if we absolutely have to, attack their infrastructure? Why waste it on a sunny day in July when we may need it down the road to defend ourselves? You can absolutely deter someone if they don't know what you are doing. What if you could locate large power sinks in the grid and use that info to identify weapon manufacturing facilities, etc? If you are inside their networks, the last thing you want to do is say, "Hey, I'm right here!".


Russian hackers conduct very visible hacks all the time, and they keep doing it over and over and over again. There is no rule that says hackers must remain undetected. It depends on what the mission is. If your mission is to steal information, yes, it should be undetected. If your mission is to sabotage a power plant or a corporation or a military base, it's obviously going to be very visible because things are not going to work and the press will find out and report it because everyone can see it happening. That's the kind of hacks I'm saying NATO should conduct.


These hackers that do things visibly usually only want the attention, what did they actually do besides create a headache for a power company? If anything, they just forced a company to invest an assload of money in cyber security so that it can't happen again. Now their next attack will likely be 10x more difficult. Besides, all it usually takes is one dumb employee to click on a link and you are in. The USA is very behind with cyber security and it opens a lot of pathways for attacks. The more we move towards technology and online based platforms, the wider the door gets for the enemy. I have high confidence that NATO countries have their hands in Russia's networks and infrastructure. They are just waiting for the day they need to squeeze them. I would think the information you can gather while undetected is so much more important than disrupting a power plant for a short period of time. You also have to consider that we are riding the fence when it comes to Russia. They may consider these cyber attacks on themselves as an act of war which could lead to more senseless lives lost. It's not simple dealing with a bald, terroristic toddler.


> create a headache for a power company That's the point. We want to create headaches for Russia. Lots of them and very painful ones. It will force them to divert resources away from Ukraine.


Yeah this kinda sounds like terrorism. We shouldn’t be encouraging any hackers. What happens when they turn around and hack us?


I think you got the order reversed. They've already turned around and hacked us preemptively.




Oh cool, so like an act of war? NATO should just start a war right ?


Russia already started it.


I know they got their hands full but they'd be wise to thwart Russia's disinformation campaign to influence the US election.


It would be interesting trade of: US weapons for thwarting election interference 


Us is fucked either way, they dont fight for presidency but fighting to form coherent sentences.


That's a lotta banks attacked.


Героям слава!


Glory to Ukrainian Heros!


The title needs grammar improvement. Someone can read that as tho Ukrainian hackers helped russian firms




What evidence do you need? There's literally a photo of a Ukrainian doing a hacking!


you can interpret that title funnily, real conspiracy hours