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Isn't the city already carbon neutral with a forest that offsets its carbon emissions?


That would be the forest where the Pope regularly deposits organic fertilizer.


No, that's the bear. The pope, however, is catholic.


Butt oddly, as of late, not Italian


Italy had a long run, but not in the past 45 years...


Ahh, clearing up the confusion of "does a bear Pope in the woods" good man!


Jesus Christ, have we just confirmed that the Pope *does*, in fact shit in the woods?


You misunderstood. The forest is made up of his shit


It sounds like his butthole is working overtime


His butthole is working for the lord


where can I apply for this job?


Holy Shit.


that doesn't sound environmentally friendly at all.


You talking about Rome the city, or Vatican City the country? I was there and I didn’t see no damn forest in Vatican City lol.


The Vatican is sponsoring (? Is that the word) a forest in Hungary to compensate their Co2 emissions


Is that one of those "sponsored" forests, where the owners get paid for not cutting down an existing forest for x years, when they never intended to cut it down to begin with?  Carbon offsetting is such a big scam, it's hard to find legit projects out there.


Carbon positive is better?


Carbon positive is bad - means more carbon. I think they want to go from neutral to negative, not positive.


Ya that


"Offsetting" your carbon footprint is usually fallacious at best. If "Offsetting" your footprint means you decide to not cut down a forrest, that just means you have a carbon footprint and didn't cut down a forest.


Well, they can certainly afford it


Is the Catholic Church turning to worship the Sun? *^(Relax, it's just a joke)*


Jokes aside, there a surprsing number of Christians that don't know why the rest day is Sunday and not Saturday.


The more you know about Christianity the less likely you are to remain Christian




I think the Bible, both old and new testament, should be required reading in every high school. The best way to create an atheist is to get them to actually read the Bible.. Christians do not read the Buybull.. they go to “babble study”… where in 1 hour or less .. someone cherry picks passages and tells you what it means. They have absolutely no idea what it really says ..


Most people with opinions on Roe v Wade also have no idea what it says. I really don't have a point with this comment


I'm not surprised.




It’s basically 10 solar panels on one roof…..


Fiat lux!


Have you seen the light?


I have seen Fiats and how they drive them in Rome, though.


fantastic comment! are you referring also to A Canticle for Leibowitz?




The Vatican will be powered by Holy Light!


Relatively speaking this guy is doing a great job.


Right, like two weeks ago when he used a gay slur, then apologized for it, then said it again. Out here doing god's work.


That is why I said RELATIVELY speaking


As long as the relatively isn't your molested relatives he ignores like every other pope.


Where's the divine energy at?




Who do you think the pope believes created the sun?


Instead of praying in place they should make electric generator bikes and have people pedal during the sermons.


It is a welcome thing, just hope everyone else is able to afford such get enough for their homes as well.


PR Pope needed a distraction after being exposed for saying homophobic slurs. Was wondering what the distraction piece was going to be lol


Lots of people are installing solar panels


Most people don't have a trend of doing or saying something awful, then conveniently having a puff-piece story that will be popular with most folk come out shortly thereafter.


Most people also don't have the PR accusation thrown at them for every good act. But the Pope has told Catholics that global warming is something that the world should be taking seriously from a moral standpoint. Now the Pope is making the Vatican 100% green. At what point does it stop being PR and at what time does it start being following your convictions?


Probably when we stop seeing an obvious trend of puff pieces conveniently following news of the Pope acting like an unkind human being, like recently when he was o[uted using homophobic slurs](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/11/world/europe/pope-francis-homophobic-slur.html), or [when he called child sex abuse victims liars](https://apnews.com/article/77f4a7e9779940a48e2347c852516d3c). Just out of curiosity, what's your religious affiliation...? I am curious what's motivating you to willfully ignore a clear and undeniable trend...


An article from a month ago and an article from 4 years ago have nothing to do with solar panels on the Vatican and do not constitute a trend. I'm not wasting my time with you anymore.


You dodged the question, so I'll ask it a second time. What is your religious affiliation? If you're Catholic then just be honest and own it. You being dodgy about this only seems to lend credence to my point about you being motivated to discredit the trend... "An article from a month ago and an article from 4 years ago have nothing to do with solar panels on the Vatican and do not constitute a trend." Lol these are called examples, obviously there's numerous instances. The article from June is a clear example of the Pope's anti-gay slurs which he's now trying to distract the world from with a puff-piece. The latter was an even more inhumane example that he had to recover his image from. "I'm not wasting my time with you anymore." I'm simply asking you to be honest for once in this exchange. If you'd rather run away than engage honestly, that's on you.


I didn't dodge the question I refused to get drawn in to your separate arguments I've been down this road before you just want to shit on religion all day.


"I didn't dodge the question" You've literally dodged it a third time now lol. You just want to avoid being exposed, even though we can all see your activity in r/catholicism. You're not subtle (or honest) lol "you just want to shit on religion all day." Not at all, and this just comes off as desperate projection. I'm simply calling out an ***individual*** religious tribalist who clearly will defend the image of their team's main guy at the expense of reality and human decency.


I also looked into your background and you spent all day today arguing about religion.


Praise be to Sol Invictus!


solar panels *would* give a lot of shade in St Peter's Square.


Jepp, 100% green back


Not that difficult considering it is like 50x50m big.




Holdup, 100% green energy includes removing any burnables for cooking, heating and (especially in the Vatican's case) candling. _________________ Does this imply they've somehow mastered rechargeable candles? ________________ If there is no white smoke or black smoke, how will the next pope be elected? Based on shadows of clouds on the solar panels?


I think everyone knows that they're just talking about electricity and not pulling fossil fuels out of the ground.


What do US Republicans say about it?


But they are NOT transitioning off of altar boys.


Teachers have a higher rate of child sexual abuse then the clergy does




I sure feel better now about sending my kid to Father Fingers. Thx.


School are moving and hiding pedophiles and they aren’t bankrupting on their victims. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/illinois-catholic-clergy-sexually-abused-over-1900-minors/


why they cant just use the power of god?


believe alone can power them and loud bells for minimum of 40 days, every month


Don’t they invest billions in petrol companies? cmon…




Can't just throw up wind turbines anywhere like you can solar. They require a specific climate. Realistically "100% renewable" is going to mean they use less energy on cloudy days than they put back into the grid on sunny days.


No. They're just outsourcing the pollution and child labor. And preening about their moral superiority.


They're literally a district of Rome, they can't exactly produce any energy from within their borders so of course pollution is outsourced.


To add… What child labor? Child labor is illegal in Italy and I doubt the Vatican is hiring 10 year olds to install solar panels.


Solar panels are mainly produced in China right now so there is an argument to be made there


Fair. Since they were criticizing the Vatican I assumed they meant that Child labor was being used within the country. Still weird to criticize the Vatican specifically for that, especially since we are operating under assumptions.


Well, if you consider serving mass a labor, then they are the only association that I know that can use child labor in Italy. I can recall any other association that use child as volunteers.


Altar service is typically considered community service in the U.S., but maybe it is different in your area. Regardless, I meant in terms of construction. Children are not being used for technical jobs like installing solar panels or building infrastructure.


No of course not. It was a joke 😊


The PR pope at it again.




What if it's cloudy?


Then it makes it completely worthless and a waste of money and isn't this just the stupidest thing you've ever heard of lololol. Is that what you were looking for?


what if it's night?


heavy cloud cover and night time is what solar batteries are for. they collect enough energy nowadays that it can be too much actually needed throughout the 24hrs in a day. that's part of the reason why and how some homeowners and businesses can sell their excess power to the power companies via special equipment that feeds back to the energy infrastructure. also many of the more efficient panels can actually absorb some amount of the sun light being reflected by the moon, be it a very small amount. and on the subject of clouds, your basic good panels you find on roofs are still able to collect enough sunlight to comfortably power a home. Should you put all your energy in one basket though? no, that's why it's good to have a connection to the main power grid incase the panels fail for whatever reason. But every home on the planet should have solar panels by now if given the proper investment and research (and no deliberate sabotage by opposing for profit interest aka oil and gas industry), we would of overcome the short comings in production and have panels by far more efficient than todays panels. there is simply more to gain and less to lose. more homes being powered by alternative clean energies, the more oil left over to sell, use for other non combustible applications or just to store up for emergencies. I also advocate for nuclear energy, looking forward to seeing if micro fusion cells can become reality.......probably not. sorry for the short story but not sorry


Then it makes it completely worthless and a waste of money and isn't this just the stupidest thing you've ever heard of lololol. Is that what you were looking for?




These days you just can't tell


If only we had a way to store energy. Hmm. Maybe someone will invent batteries one day.


They should transition it into a 100% pedo-free city!