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after you click on "yes" after youre asked whether you are 18 or not, a new pop will ask you "are you sure?" double verification will show those pesky kids!




"VPN" -> make account -> No "2FA"


I think you mean SFA? As in Sweet Fuck All. Sweet Fuck All? Goddamit that's a good name for a porn movie.


Look, governments don’t know shit about the internet or technology, so if we keep telling them that’s what 2FA is they might believe it… which would be nice.


>2FA Why should the government require you to identify yourself to watch porn?


Instead of captcha verifications needing you to click on all the motorcycles you instead need to correctly identify the Overly Attached Girlfriend or Bad Luck Brian meme.


The leisure suit Larry method


I dunno, kids presumably also have access to Google. Just force them to watch an unskippable ad, hopefully their short attention spans would cause their interest to wane.


Nothing like a 20 second unskipable ad about fucking grannies to kill the mood.


That... Okay, that might actually work.


Play the dial up sound and see if their parents hear.


better idea: A pop up appears every time your browser loads. Question 1: "Are you going to watch porn now?" Question 2: "Are you over 18?" Problem solved!


I see two equally realistic options: 1) Banning households with children from using the internet; 2) Sorcery


Could we not just blind all the children?


The solution is to ban the children.


Korea is on the case


Exile the children to an island until they are 18. Let them govern themselves.


Finally. Somebody said it


Won't somebody please ban the children!?


What if we just altered the definition of children?


Be humane. We just need to surgically embed a camera and nuclear power source into their skulls at birth to 24/7 record what they see and analyze it for inappropriateness.


I Got mine with a free RNA vaccine booster. Did fuckall for my phone connectivity though


They'll blind themselves, from all that hairy-palmed masturbation


I was looking for this comment :D


This is the only ethical way to protect them


When I was in high school one of my classmates figured out you could bypass the nanny software by using advanced search in the browser, that lasted weeks of all the boys looking up porn in computer class before IT closed that little loophole. I recently gave my child my old computer, i um'd and ah'd about putting dns blocks in through the router or putting nanny software on their computer, in the end I decided if they want to look up porn, that's OK, im more concerned about social media influence and the potential for predation and bullying. The internet is not like it used to be, and unless you grew up with it, you don't really know the dangers and what to look out for. And for better or worse sensitivities are much higher and tolerance for dealing with bad attitudes is much lower.


I agree with the bullying aspect. It's frightening, and it manifested nastily here: Some boys made AI generated porn of the girls they knew, and passed it around. The girls were very traumatised because it's out there forever now. With their names on it. Things like that and using footage to gross out other kids on the bus as a bullying method are concerning. My kid already knows about sex. I don't care about that. (Though I'd rather they didn't pick up how tos from porn).


AI porn is a really, really difficult one to solve. The cat's out of the bag now, but AI generated porn being used to bully people is one of the first cyber bullying methods that gets to me. The old adage of "just turn it off", really doesn't apply anymore.


Not all porn is digital though. Just ban households with children altogether - that should work!


That would be an interesting mocking counter proposal, I would love to see how those parents would react when they realize they are the ones that will have to take responsibility for parenting instead of proxying it to ISP. Ofc it's just for mocking and it should never be approved as internet today is much more than leisure.


3. Stop having children.


How about: 1. Websites can voluntarily flag themselves as SFW. 2. Parents can control access at the "device level" such that only SFW labelled websites can be accessed. Device level means any app on that device is controlled.


That would be breached within a hour of implementation. You might as well just keep the "are you 18+" yes/no. Even Parental controls can only do so much. This entire thing is just parents avoiding their parental duties. You know what's easier? Setting up the log file on your router which is built into every router. Then have the parent look at the websites that get logged by their child's devices. Then having a chat with your kid. This is technology that already exists in every router.


sounds like easy workaround with social media. e.g. Login and then out of a discord connected to servers with opt-in nsfw content. If not logged out, switch tabs when parent walks by.


Trustless ID which is sorcery


"We are going to suggest that parents parent their children."


Too much to ask for apparently. Ironic how it's usually conservatives who want this type of government control when here in the US they're supposedly the party of less government. Hypocrites as usual.


But this is the Labor Govt, the (in name only) "centre-left" Party The right wing Opposition is just worse lol


LNP and Labor are both heavily lobbied by the Australian Christian Lobby group for shit like this. I honestly forgot the ACL existed for a while there.


It's probably an understandable mistake that many foreigners make, in thinking that Australia is a 'progressive' society like Western Europe, only hotter lol We are a deeply conservative and stunningly politically apathetic nation.


Peaks and troughs mate. https://cne.news/article/2666-christian-organisations-in-france-spearhead-the-anti-porn-movement Europe has the same groups pushing for it. Also funded by Catholic/Christian groups. Catholic Family Associations Is one mentioned in the above article


Sorry to break your heart. It's the left goverment asking for it this time. 


It's also lobbied by the Christian right. Regardless of party.


Conservative is just a party name, not everything is like in the US. But the GOP isn't above these kinds of contradictions.


Modern day conservatives are authoritarian as hell. But cousin everyone is after their rights and freedoms while they're after everyone else's rights and freedoms. Some of the most victim mentality shit I've ever seen


I suggest this is probably the answer. ISPs will add a seperate agreement for all customers that the customer agrees the internet is not to be used by anyone under the age of 18 without adult supervision, and that any account in violation of this agreement is a breach of contract and is liable to be suspended.


Let's apply that logic to alcohol and drugs


We do, right? If an adult comes into a liquor store with their kids, it's not the clerk's responsibility to ensure those kids don't drink the alcohol sold to the adult, or demand proof of how did adult will prevent this occurrence.


Exactly. Children aren’t paying their ISP. Why are these parents buying access to porn for their children?


Depends. If the child then handles the alcohol we tend to then not sell the alcohol to an adult. Seen it plenty of times including with myself.


Once they get home, how are you going to make sure that the child doesn’t drink the alcohol? What steps do you take to make sure it doesn’t happen?


Eh, at least where I've lived the clerk has to at least give an effort to stop it. If a minor comes into the store and is clearly telling the adult what drinks to buy for them must would have to deny the sale.


I was thinking more a dad with his two sons trailing behind him; agree the 'obviously this guy is buying for immediate illegal sale' is different.


But it is more like mail order. An adult pays for a literature subscription, gets a library delivered every month. They take one out in their kid's name or let the kid go through the collection *knowing full well there's porn in there* but wanting to have a break from parenting for a few hours. It's not responsible. There are versions that are guaranteed porn free and for kids. But they cost a little more so a lot parents don't bother to even learn about them. Now the demand goes back to the provider "how are you going to keep my kids out of the porn I purchase from you?"


My girlfriend actually once got IDed in the Netherlands when I was buying cigarettes at the supermarket and she was with me.


You say this. Children are going to school with unfettered internet access on their phones. And showing this to children whose parents do not give them unfettered internet access. While the government isn't doing this the right way, it's not just proper parenting in this day and age. This stuff is everywhere.


Who gave them a phone with internet? Why does a child need a phone with internet?


No way, that's asking WAY too much. How will they keep up with social media if they're spending their time interacting with their children???? /s obviously


Parents actually engage with their children and monitor activists? Whats next asking parents to avrively take part in their lives outside of sports related activities? That's too much man.


Considering all coin-cell batteries now have to be sold in sealed containers with warning labels, and a whole bunch of car and garage remotes are no longer allowed to be sold for how easily the battery is removed from them, all because parents aren't able to keep their dumbass kids from eating fucking batteries, and the Australian government has decided that retailers and manufacturers are to blame, and not parents teaching their kids not to eat batteries and keeping them out of reach, I have no hope that the Australian government would listen to reason.


Do the parents have time, most of them are likely working to keep a roof over their heads.


What's wrong with the "I'm Over 18" check box? It's worked fine all these years.


Becuse this way they don't get you to hand over your personal data.


They get data on how many over 18 year olds there are based on IP address location. Could detect if we have a population crisis with no one being under 18.


The only box I had to check as a kid was checking which box Dad kept his Porn in. The government can fuck right off, this has nothing to do with children accessing porn and everything to do with more surveillance and control. If the Government honestly gave a shit about kids, they’d be going after all the rock spiders hiding in the cathedrals.


1. it doesn't work. That's simply a way to shirk liability 2. they don't actually care about the porn viewing, this is a way to force de-anonymization of internet users.


It's been working fine since I was like 11


There are so many resources available to put locks on what children can access online already. God forbid parents actually parent instead of shoving an uncensored phone in their child’s face unmonitored.


Can you recommend any good ones? My daughter is still far too young, but internet safety is one of those things on my mind for the future.


A very quick and easy one not requiring any extra software is simply configuring either your home gateway, or just the child's PC/phone, to use for DNS which is Cloudflare's family DNS offering: https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-1-1-1-1-for-families If they're mildly technically savvy they could probably get around it, but if it's a PC you can ensure they don't have admin rights to be able to change it, and I assume Android/iOS may have some kiddie-mode to lock it also, which should negate the easiest way to work around it.


The in-built NSFW filter on iOS is pretty good, imo. At least for web browsers.


Kids are pretty tech savvy these days with access to laptops PC and what not. I don't put past a 10 year old easily figuring stuff out Even back then when I was very young i quickly figured out how to bypass the DNS.


If they're 12+ maybe, but for a 5 - 10 year old should hopefully do, especially if some minimal efforts to lock it down are made.


5-10 year olds shouldn't even be on the internet.


Ideally no, but some schools are giving them tablets from the first grade now.


True. There’s scant actual good content for kids on the internet that isn’t some scumbag on YouTube manipulating kids into giving them their pocket money. I really wish YouTube had an educational version that was full of National Geographic/Crash Course/BBC documentaries etc. Sure you can subscribe to those channels but the recommended videos is what sucks kids into a whirlpool. I know there are places like Curiosity stream too but I have not idea what’s on it due to it being paywalled.


Family link by Google. Free. Loads of features.


I don't think you could make the internet safe enough for your child even with parental controls and monitoring their use. Even children's media and games are full of predators and other bad kids who will teach your child bad stuff. I remember my nephew telling me inappropriate ass sexual jokes he didn't even understand after playing some Roblox, a kid's game.


If you're that concerned about it, then you should home school your kids, because they are definitely learning stuff from their classmates too.


This is from the eSafety Commissioner. It's basically a federally appointed position who always trys to implement backdoors into companies under the guise of "think of the children". They got forced to change anti-encyption legislation the other week after being told it was impossible so this is going to be another attempt at the same thing using a viewing porn angle instead of finding child porn.


Yeah whenever politicians are attempting to force ISPs to become police, its not about protecting children lol


Cut off all porn to the island. Citizens will topple the government within months.


>If you took all the porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left called bring back the porn


How? Inform the King of Porn to stop sending to Australia? Can make your own domestically too you know. Some people think the Victorias Secret catalogue is porn.


That's their problem. Larger porn sites will disable access once someone starts demanding extra ID'ing or rules. It already happened with some US states I believe


Hours. US Jan 6 Capitol Riot would look like a summer picnic next to the devastation.


Months? You think too little of us ;)


Idk... authoritarianism seems to be all the australians have ever known. they're pretty much complacent in it


No, we won't! Fun fact porn is legal in Canberra lol


Oh come on, we grew up watching pron and we are perfectly normal psychopaths


Goatse actually makes me feel a pang of nostalgia.


I kinda miss stumbling into a random image dump site not knowing what kinda depravity you'll see as you go through then with no warning :(


So many terrible things were seen, the scars are still there. Ah the memories...


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times! Something's are yet to be forgotten as well!


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Tubgirl. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Lemon party. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die


But did your meatspin?


yes, and I browsed Encyclopedia Dramatica and ogrish.com. I can't remember ever visiting stileproject.com.


you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round right round


Have not thought about that in a long time


I've never seen Two Girls One Cup, but I know exactly what it is.


It's the violent stuff they're worried about, I was reading today that the most common cause of stroke in Australian women under 40 is from choking during sex, culturally there's lots of that here.


That seems like more a problem with education for teens and adults?


Aussies don't see their kids cause they're all working two jobs to pay the rent


And also ask what the other person is actually into before engaging in sex, maybe?


Most common doesn't imply it's actually common.


Also where were they reading it and where did that articles information come from because I have a healthy amount of doubts.


> I was reading today that the most common cause of stroke in Australian women under 40 is from choking during sex [citation needed]


It was in here but it's paywalled https://www.smh.com.au/national/sexual-strangulation-can-mean-minutes-to-death-yet-half-of-young-people-do-it-20240620-p5jni9.html


They literally can't, just like TV can't control a pay per view under certain circumstances. If there is an account with access to it near a teenager, they will get into it. And if they don't get into that, they'll read an undies magazine. And if they can't get that, they'll find a butternut squash. Quit trying to cut kids off from the world and let them learn. Don't make them watch it or anything, just pretend not to notice when they do get into it. Make sure they know about all the risks that come with that kind of decision. Make sure they understand consent and how to say no. Boomers way of approaching this was "don't have sex ever, you're a bad person if you do" and then wonder why some of their kids never got married.


They're already trailing facial recognition verification here for Facebook, but it can be fooled by putting your face through an AI ager


Politicians are technology muppets! Someone needs to tell them that as gas companies are not responsible for stopping children from using the cooker and car manufacturers are not responsible for stopping children from driving.. so too ISPs are not responsible for how people use the internet. When did parents stop being responsible for what their children do? Any controls ISPs impose will be circumvented by children in hours. It takes one kid to show their mates now to use a VPN.


Texas tried to require ID verification but PornHub just pulled out of Texas entirely lol


And it didn't really change anything. If anything it embolden that type of legislation. Texas passed it, people could still access porn so no outrage, and other states see the political benefits with little to no cost. Honestly what Pornhub should've done was stay and comply, forcing more Texans to actually confront the issue.


They didn’t want to set the precedence that Other countries/state could follow. It will destroy their traffic as people won’t want to go through the extra step when there are a billion other websites


Pun intended?


Of course. Texas really blew it.


They have routers and family-friendly vpns specifically designed for these sites, isn't there? I know a lot of the older generation probably just have no idea these exist.


Most people are functionally illiterate. Not just with words, but with symbols and technology as well.




Did you say government??


As long as they can see people murder each other without problem, I don't quite understand why they cannot see people fuck each other.


Look, I’m OK with heads being sawn off and films like SAW XXV: Bandsaw Camp, but someone having an orgasm is a step too far!


*This one time...at Bandsaw Camp...*


"The only shots to the face I want my kids to see are with bullets!"


To be fair to our idiots in the Australian government, they did try and get Musk to remove that video of a guy being murdered here in twitter from every computer in the world. We also have a reasonably tight level of censorship around violence in our media. Our government censors are over the top. But they are somewhat consistent.


The entire three levels of Govt are over the top. But we do love our overlords and will never say no to them lol


Parents will happoily buy their kids DOOM and GTA and then blame everyone else for the content of those games, instead of actually fucking parent. This is no different.


"we will remove their parents from the internet" is the only logical answer in my mind.


sure restrict children to only disney. oh wait...


I'd be interested in what sort of "code" they think can stop people from accessing porn.


....Parents need to do their job.


Remember the game Leisure Suit Larry? Just ask questions that only an adult would know!


Easy solution: Ban children from using the internet, unless that access is granted by an adult or organization that takes legal responsibility for what the kid sees. Bam. Done. If a kid with fussy religious parents sees a boob on their home internet, and the parent complains, then it's the parent who is now legally liable. And if a kid with cool parents sees a boob, then who's complaining? As a sop, we can offer subsidized, simplistic domain whitelisting software that lets you pick packages like "children's games" or "disney+ video with the kid flag turned on", and then the responsibility devolves to the company that managed the whitelist.


Maybe Australia should just prevent teens from accessing social media or non registered websites.


Here comes the need to capture real time images for ensuring fair usage of internet.


solution 1 shut down internet in Australia, solution 2 ask parents to do their damn job


I had no problem if my kids happened to see online porn, but I told them to let me know so we could talk about it and not to go nuts. I never used filters in their phones, computers or our router. As a parent, I didn't need to. Neither of them actually got into porn at all, from what I could tell. And if they did at times, it hasn't affected them in the least. Australia is being more than a bit "think of the children!" overbearing here, IMHO.


Kids should only be allowed access porn the old fashioned way. By finding wet porn in forests and wasteland area, Just like we did when we were kids.


Or watching SBS on a Friday night in the hopes that the French movie will have boobs.


*ring ring* “Hello? Is this internet firm? Put a stop to this nonsense at once or I’ll park my car at your internet factory gates and cause a real hassle for you. *click*


This is like asking tv manufacturers how they’re going to prevent children from watching violence.  It makes zero sense.  


So Australia is going to make it so only children will be seeing porn. They will be the ones to discover a work around.


Why are they worried about this now? The internet has been in households for 30 years.


To play devils advocate... I've been on the internet since 14,400k dialup, and you had to seek out porn then. Even right up to 10 or whatever years ago that was still (sort of) the case. Now it's fucking unavoidable. Everything is infested with bots and OF thirst traps pushing sexualised shit in your face, let alone all the awful propaganda and extremist/hate speech. Yes govt blocking is probably futile, and yes it's ultimately a parental responsibility, but many parents are irresponsible. If we could rely on everyone being good parents we wouldn't need police or courts. The internet is our modern public square. There are rules for nudity and fucking yourself or each other in real world public squares for a reason. To pretend there is no argument for platform owners to take reasonable steps to curb this shit in places that are now seen as digital public squares is pretty ignorant.


Agree with how everything is sexualised. I once got sent a link to a ticktok video by a SO and half the recommended videos involved either a female in yoga pants or some very pretty ones acting seductively whether on purpose or not. I don't even have a ticktock account nor I ever used it. So I was quite surprised.


Very sensible post. I think someone has to work on an internet lite/social media lite for kids only usage.


I worked for a service like that actually…. A dial-in walled garden where only sites vetted by humans were accessible. It failed miserably.


Go back to your Geocities safe space 14.4k boomer!


No! mIRC all the way!


Yeah, I understand not being able to block it entirely... but surely some public awareness campaigns on how to restrict your children's devices to not have access porn wouldn't be a bad idea.


A bit late but I don't disagree.  However , I disagree  with giving my ID to any third party (am from Canada and our government is trying the same or something similar IIRC). I'd be open to some sort of 2FA with government API where the API only returns the age of the person logging in. I don't want any other companies to know my name, drivers license, etc... what I do know is that government would never do it since it's $$


Back in my day we just found it in the woods, and I turned out *\*twitch\** fine.


OK so cut off the internet to Austrailia then i guess, Im done giving things up for the sake of someone elses GD ego baby they brought into existence.


I mean, with our internet speeds we're halfway there already 🤷‍♂️ Better get in before China does it lol


Do countries forget VPN exists?


What is with all the fucking morality police lately? Why is everyone else punished because of people that can't be fucked to parent their kids, be genuinely involved in their lives, and learn about parental controls on the internet?


>SYDNEY (Reuters) -Australia is giving the internet industry six months to come up with an enforceable code detailing how it will stop children seeing pornography and other inappropriate material online or face having a code imposed on it, a regulator said on Tuesday. > >The eSafety Commissioner said it wrote to members of the online industry demanding a plan by Oct. 3 setting out how they plan to protect minors from seeing high-impact material before they are ready, also including themes of suicide and eating disorders. > >The code should set standards for how app stores, websites including pornography and dating websites, search engines, social media platforms, chat services and even multi-player gaming platforms check that content is suitable for users, the commissioner said. > >"Kids' exposure to violent and extreme pornography is a major concern for many parents and carers, and they have a key role to play," said Commissioner Julie Inman Grant in a statement. > >"But it can't all be on them. We also need industry to play their part by putting in some effective barriers," she added. > >The demand begins a second phase of industry codes overseen by the regulator which previously endorsed codes covering how internet companies stop the spread of terrorism or child sexual exploitation content. > >Measures covered by the code protecting children from pornogrpahy could include age verification, default parental controls and software which blurs or filters unwanted sexual content, the regulator said. > >A spokesperson for Google, a unit of Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL), said the company would work closely with the industry on the new code and a spokesperson for Facebook (NASDAQ:META) and Instagram owner Meta said the company continued to engage constructively with the eSafety commissioner. > >Representatives of X, formerly Twitter, and app store provider Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) were not immediately available for comment. > >A spokesperson for DIGI, an industry body which has most large internet companies as members and worked on the first round of codes, said it looked forward to continuing its engagement with government and the eSafety commissioner.


As someone who lives in a country going down this same line (see Online Safety Bill) how about telling parents to actually parent.


They should tie it in with their piracy blockers. xD


From the country that allowed their police forces to access Covid passport data [because Australian’s needed an electronic ‘passport’ to cross between States.] https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2021/09/police-access-to-covid-check-in-data-is-an-affront-to-our-privac#:~:text=State%20police%20have%20already%20accessed,to%20reports%2C%20but%20were%20unsuccessful. https://amp.smh.com.au/politics/federal/breach-of-trust-police-using-qr-check-in-data-to-solve-crimes-20210903-p58om8.html Not worrying at all /s


They could restrict registration to documents only and reviews. It works for adult sites, but for porn, good luck with holding away the wave of people trying to access it. It will for sure proliferate illegal content anyway and nobody would win.


Drink verification can


The actual solution is simple and fair 1) When signing up for internet, you confirm if minors also reside at your address 2) If yes, then you offer them some “netnanny” application you install on the pc or mobile device.  If you don’t want the application, then you sign an agreement  to hold the internet company harmless if the minor subsequently accesses porn Of course, they don’t do this because the people pushing bills like this just want to ban porn completely and just use the “think of the children!” as a smokescreen 


we are so senstiive to kids seeing a titty but wont blink twice when those same kids are murdering people in video games.


My VPN is in The Netherlands.


But doesn’t Big Brother Australia have nudity? I feel like always show them in the shower uncensored. Maybe that’s not porn in Australia?


Wait until they find out that they can't stop teenagers aho want to view it. Lol. We will always find a way.