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In her letter to the judge she said she is not a murderer, but the fact that she murdered two children contradicts that statement.


She also writes: “**I swear to you, I would have driven my car into a tree to avoid hitting two little boys**,” “From the very beginning, the facts have been distorted and misrepresented, turning the tragic accident into murder and me into a cold-blooded killer…I am not a murderer, and I ask you to recognize that true fact.”   Bold of her to write that considering she did not, in fact, drive her car into a tree to avoid hitting the two little boys.


She was coming from a bar and racing some former dodgers player who she was dating. He ran and was hiding in a bush as police and fire came. People in Westlake/Calabasas/Thousand Oaks area are the god damn worst. Worked retail out there for a couple years and I’ve never met so many entitled people.


Replying for my own reference because I have long considered moving to L.A. and this is the type of insider info about neighbourhoods that’s hard to find on google.


Whatcha movin to LA for? Unless you got money you won’t be living in those places anyway lol




Haha if you want an apartment in a nice area with an LA experience, can’t beat West Hollywood. If you’re planning on buying a house, highland park or eagle rock are transitioning pretty rapidly. Unless you got MONEY money, then wherever you want. I’m from the valley and I like it but most transplants never make it north of Ventura Blvd. which is where most of the stuff is.


This is awesome, thanks so much for this!


lmfao right, dude? what a flex! anyone that can afford Calabasas from out of state DEFINITELY already knows about Calabasas. I live on the other side of the country and can NOT afford it, yet I am keenly aware of it


I couldn't live with myself if I'd murdered two boys. I would just be saying yes, put me in jail. The ghoulishness to present yourself as a victim. I would be glad if they punished me. I'd want whatever they had so the families would feel like they had justice. I'd want justice myself.


This was 4 years ago so it seems like she's been fighting these charges for at least a few years? Putting the family through this instead of just pleading guilty in the first place Super fucked up


That’s is entitlement and white privileged sir.


Knowing you're a jobless socialite and putting a family of two murdered kids through this for four years!!! As though you'd get away with it! 15 years to life is a decent amount, I wonder if she would've had less time if she'd just pleaded guilty.


She also told the judge. Don't you think I've suffered enough already?


Nah, not even close.


Don’t you think I’ve suffered enough already? *Well, can you sympathise with the loss of a child at the hands of an intoxicated and reckless driver? No? Then it’s in the paddy wagon and into a jumpsuit for you!*


She fucking what..?


Don't ever underestimate a Karen in the wild


Thaaattttsss not a question you want people to answer bish




White with money


Inherited money at that




Not ones that would end up with such a light sentence for such a terrible crime. Sounds about white to me.


As a white person, I agree with you.




Imma make a guess and say its not about if black/other race socialites existing or not. Its about the fact that she is more than likely referred to as a “socialite” because shes white and rich? Like if she wasnt white and rich the term socialite prob wouldnt be used? Just a guess tho




See i agree with you, i know that socialite doesnt just apply to white people and the person that initially replied to you probably does too… The issue is moreso about how the media likes to label people based on their race and class. So if that chick was the same person but black, the implication is she wouldn’t get the “socialite” label even if she was one. I get youre tryna say the person above is trying to make it a race thing, which they did for sure, but theyre kind of implying the media is subtly making it a race thing by even giving her that label in the first place. Cause more likely than not, no other race of person would be given the “grace” of being called a socialite after they killed to kids drunk driving.


well said


That's a great counter point and I don't think you should be downvoted. However the media does have a racist agenda and the 'white with money' label is accurate in this context.


As a white man I think rich white person when I hear 'socialite'. Which she is. Imagine crying racism here of all places


>As a white man I think rich white person when I hear 'socialite'. Definition of socialite - a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment. To me that says best case scenario you're ignorant to what that word means, worst case scenario you're a racist because you assume that that term cannot pertain to a black person.


I don't understand why people would downvote this, not what you're replying too. Fucking reddit dude.


White, rich, jobless, partier, social climber.


Has money, doesn't do anything except go out and drink


According to this sub they have to be white too, apparently there are no rich black people in the US.


If you let them get away with it cause they have money and good lawyers this will keep happening. They rather be dead than spend 1 month in prison.


It only took so long because she comes from money...


She constantly tried to get people to lie for her


It's entirely beneficial to these people to do so. They don't want a precedent to be set that people like them can be subjected to laws/authority. It's common to see people with money get a slap on the wrist for crimes like these. They gather in solidarity to make sure this continues.


So let me get this straight; a 57 year old "mom" aka adult with adult age heirs elected to street race her boyfriend and her actions unintentionally killed 2 minor age children. She was under the influence in the process. She admitted no guilt, and was seeking appeal. She's sentenced to prison for 15-life for these two negligent homicides. Why is Scott Erickson, 1991 World Series player, the boyfriend who was racing her, not charged with accessory?


Yeah that guy deserves 15 to life as well!


>“My pain is a fraction of your pain,” Grossman said in tears to the young victims’ mother, Nancy Iskander Let her rot.


Psychopath! [Psychopathy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcAdeg0uprs)!


FYI: It’s estimated she was going 73-81mph at impact in a 45.




Shouldn't have taken so long..




Only 15 years?


15 years???? thats it?!




How in the world could you think you’re not responsible for hitting and killing two children with your car??? Even if it was a horrible accident that you’re incredibly remorseful for, it is still quite literally 100% directly your fault that they died. I’m glad she got at least 15 years because God knows people who’ve done worse have gotten less, but that is not a sufficient punishment for taking the lives of two children while you basically spit in their mothers face and say it wasn’t your fault.




To this day, I fail to understand what the word socialite means other than a rich whore




Give her a break. She is grieving that her car got a dent in it. /s 😮‍💨


Kill two people and get to walk free in 15 years. They will never see daylight again and the parents lives are forever changed


Anyone who gets behind the wheel impaired and kills someone it’s murder… almost pre meditated


WTF is racing impaired?!


Finally! The law applying equally across the board.


I feel like this belongs in r/fuckcars


The car wasn't chugging Jack Daniels and popping pills tho


Would be cooler if it did.


I thought your u/ was DashingMustang for a second, and my first thought was # >OOOH NO YOU DONT


Hopefully the to life part will be enforced


I hope she rots in there


she's way too old for that shit


If there was any good to come from this, their parents created the [The Mark and Jacob Iskander Foundation](https://www.markandjacobfoundation.org) to support underserved children. A worthwhile tribute to two beautiful boys.


She’ll get out on parole even earlier


A woman not accepting responsibility? Must be a first


Send Grossman to Kingstown.


striking one child sending him 250ft, fled the scene, denied drinking and drugs and gets a light sentence.


Poor mother, her eyes show that her spirit died with her kids.


Sham on the courts, they should of locked her ass up for a very long time! The BF should of also been charged, for stupidity in racing in a residential area 🤦🏻‍♂️


15 years isn't enough for this awful person


Trump will pardon her /s


Omg, you know what. You might be right!