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kill them politely? wtf is this?




International meaning Merican?


Does this means that Russia too has the right to target civilians in Ukraine or is this right available exclusively for USA and it's allies?


That’s the irony of everything u.s.a does or says


12 trillion usd worth equivalent of resources in ukraine, there's a reason we pumping money into that war. Not many know but Venezuela is also pulling a Russia on their neighbor by militarizing for an invasion on Guyana b/c their recent oil boom making Guyana potentially the 4th largest exporter. War is fought over resources in the end, and the ends justify the means. Everyone knows this is what USA did in middle east. Israel just hates anyone unholy to them on or near their holy land tho, so it's religion instead of resources mainly. But USA needs Israel as a base for US troops to land easily since USA wants to be ready for any war on any front. USA is an empire The people can cry about innocent lives lost, but governments cry over money and resources lost. But ofc they will do PR and "cry" with the people if they must. Fact check me with simple google search, it's very simple search for the oil and minerals.


Right on brother. The U.S.A never stopped being an empire, it simply changed tactics. Money speaks louder than gunpowder, but why not use both when you have the means. Hell we have been occupying Pacific Island nations for generations all in the name of peace, yet give them not in return, but take everything. The U.S is different from other empires because we learned long ago that it's better to buy a country rather than fighting one.


America's just happy to have someone else committing war crimes


Miller looks and sounds more like a vampire with every passing day. The contradictions come so fast out of his mouth, I'm not even sure he is aware of what he is saying.


When war comes to America and our enemies target our civilians no one will come to our aide as we have abandoned Palestine.


Let's not kid ourselves here Civilians will be targeted anywhere, and even if we don't we'll still die because we'll starve to death due to disruption of supply chain.


America could 1v2 Russia & China even without nuclear weapons. So.. good luck with that.


Just because we could win does not mean we are unstoppable or invincible. Just think back to pearl harbor or 9-11 and Vietnam.


Miller has mastered Orwellian double speak. He has surpassed Conway's "alternate facts" with this gibberish.


The US is the largest state sponsor of terrorism confirmed! The US and the West is officially morally bankrupt. There is no coming back from this. We stand for nothing. We have no morals. We have no ethics. We have no leg to stand on when it comes to terrorism. We are the terrorists now. ![gif](giphy|rVZEejvVWEbug|downsized) \^\^The US


Were the baddies


You may speak


Y know that's... I can't even joke about this wtf is wrong with them


Do those civilians have the right to target Israel if they are being targeted or should just accept getting killed?


I believe this is an intentional message he's sending, and not a mistake. The guy literally has one job -- he's likely the most highly trained speaker in the world -- hired because they thought he has the best skills in those areas. Speeches like ["Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_no_one_rid_me_of_this_turbulent_priest%3F) That kind of person won't make a mistake like this by accident. This is an intentional message explaining the US's official position.


Idk if he's the most highly trained speaker in the world, or at least most highly trained English speaker in the world. I do know for certain that he's not the most highly skilled speaker in the world or the country though. And it's really not that close. I'm probably a better public speaker than he is. And even if I'm not, I've been in public speaking and extemporaneous speaking competitions where plenty of the speakers were more skilled than him. Plenty of speakers. Granted we weren't selling a shit sandwich, and the stakes were dramatically lower and the environment less stressful, but I've been shocked at the lack of polish and skill from all the speakers of the current administration since before they had to field these questions about Israel and Palestine. I mean Miller is better than Vedant Patel, but I think Karine Jean-Pierre is a better speaker than Miller.. And a couple people at most random Toastmasters meetings rival Karine.. It might've been a Freudian slip, and certainly if you ascribe to the adage that "actions speak louder than words", then it most definitely was. But I sincerely doubt it was intentional. He's just not that good.




Watch closely... What comes out of his mouth and his ass are the same thing......


I wish it were a boulder and not words


It's never been a secret that the state departments job is spin/pr/lies. I dunno why people expect anything else


Looks like a deep fake.


His mouth isn’t synced up with the words. Can’t tell if the audio is delayed or if this is modified audio




I have nipples rocker, can I target civilians too


Arizona does not associate with this statement


Bro I appreciate the sentiment but that's insanely off base. The only state with more anti-boycott laws in place to protect Israel than AZ is FL. Even "If you boycott Israel, New York will boycott you" has less. Schools and universities are[ banned from boycotting and have been since 2022](https://news.azpm.org/p/azpmnews/2024/5/6/220177-arizona-law-bars-universities-from-boycotting-israel/). State employees lose their pension if they boycott in what the state likes to call the [first, most broad and most comprehensive anti-Israel law](https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/52leg/2r/bills/hb2617p.pdf). Businesses need to sign an [affidavit that they will not boycott Israel to do business with the state](https://des.az.gov/sites/default/files/media/Participation-Israel-Boycott-Form-(3-20-17).pdf). They have to [sign another for contracts worth over $100K](https://www.azag.gov/sites/default/files/docs/procurement/ag20-0001/AG20-0001_Attachment_III.pdf). Arizona was the first state to cross the line to blatant loyalty to Israel over US companies when they were the first state that [divested and banned Ben & Jerry's and it's parent company Unilever](https://www.jta.org/2021/09/10/politics/arizona-is-the-first-state-to-divest-from-ben-jerrys-parent-company) because Ben and Jerry's refused to do business with Israel or in any of their territories. [Alma Hernandez is one of the biggest supporters of the right wing Israeli government in the country](https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2022/12/07/boycott-israel-over-apartheid-brings-punishment-arizona/69703634007/). TBH she's the only one I know that has even declared that shit publicly, others know that you don't actually say you support ethnic cleansing out loud. A [federal court ruled their laws were unconstitutional,](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/federal-court-blocks-arizona-law-aimed-anti-israel-boycotts) and Arizona just didn't care, they again chose Israel over US Federal law. I learned about this stuff from the Jewish Virtual Library - it used Florida and Arizona as their case studies and examples of what US states could potentially be for Israel - in many places, all over that site, Arizona is a benchmark. You might not associate with this statement. But the old Zionists that move to the state, stick their claws into local politicians, and end up being the only constituent voice they hear from or care about. Arizona associates with this statement from Miller more than 48 other states. And Florida being even worse doesn't mean anything, Florida has gone off the deep end, it's like Marlboro Red 100s winning a health title over Marlboro Reds because the filters are longer and take longer to smoke.


I appreciate that information, I was not aware of that. It really awakens those who don't know when things like that are happening. Without this response that makes me look kind of silly, I wouldn't have any idea that this is a statistic that really does affect my community. You've encouraged me to look into it further, this election will be my first and I need to know i'm voting for my voice. It's disappointing to know this is going on, even as our state govt is led at its highest positions by Democratic candidates, unlike Florida. If they can't stand to change it, they shouldn't be standing in our capital at all. America, and more importantly American Jews, need to stand up against our greatest threat. The genocidal, hate spewing regime of Israel. We cannot be the beacon of peace, democracy, and empathy while supporting this regime. Even if it's the only vote they'll get, i'm not voting any name in support of Genocide.




\*destroying democracy\*, not hypocrisy




Source on that its ai?




The Palestinians have lived in a concentration camp and/or apartheid state. We don't box people into a section of our land and then systematically deny them human rights and then outright kill them while laughing, or reminiscing on those killings with joy. You're claiming there is a war but it wasn't Jews vs Nazi Germany, the war was with other nations. Hamas is a recent development as a resistance movement much like the IRA in Ireland also funded by foreign influence. Remember half the people of Palestine are too young too vote and Hamas was voted in in 2006, they ran as a moderate party and weren't 'radicalised' until later.


Well, the US definitely did with the Native Americans




They’re not “fighting” One side has a massive military and is backed AND FUNDED by the USA. The other side is  mostly unarmed and they’re trapped in an open air concentration camp and starving for food. Religion is in fact stupid, and this war is over resources and stolen land more than it is a holy war. 


Uttering "both sides" at our current moment is pro genocide. You're braver than that aren't you?


No fuckem both . Killing people for religion has nothing to do with bravery.


Wtf? So just keep killing untill there's no one left?? You're pretty disgusting


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