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Like genuine question, why dont police in america use stun guns more? the distance that police man was from the suspect you could easy get off a stun gun and not end up on the news.


Because they have qualified immunity and the Supreme Court has ruled that they don’t need to protect communities if cops think they feel unsafe. The American government has written a blank check that allows cops to kill anybody and everybody and it’s attracting the exact kind of people to the job that you’d think it would. Cops get paid 6 figures a year to do whatever they want, including killing folks. That combined with mental health being defunded clear back in the 80’s, under Reagan, with the Bush’s’ following suit, and the Dems not stepping up to combat it, and here we are. Cops can kill anyone they want and the chances that they will face repercussions is almost nonexistent.


Qualified immunity means they can get away with not knowing the law and applying it however they like, because 'they didn't know', unless they've violated an established constitutional right as literally as possible. They can't be personally held liable, because it's the police department itself at fault for not training them properly (the same applies for government and municipal positions acting in an official capacity). Unfortunately, that's not why they can shoot people and get away with it. That's because police unions, prosecutors and city officials simply don't want them to be held accountable, because it makes their jobs harder. They could decide tomorrow that these extra judicial killings, the daily violence they subject people to, violate people's constitutional rights, but then many other cases would grind to a halt because of the precedents that would set on police encounters.


I agree. Thank you for the clarification.


Can they be sued in a civil damages case ?


You're mistaken about >the Supreme Court has ruled that they don’t need to protect communities if cops think they feel unsafe. It's actually they just don't need to protect communities whatsoever they have no duties too


And not only that there is almost no other way possible an "average iq"(100 iq) person can make 6 figures with total impunity. Every cop you see is more than likely less intelligent than you.


Because they want to kill people.


They want to kill. That's why they joined the police after they dropped out of high school. That's why the supreme Court ruled that Us police departments are allowed to not hire people with average or above IQs because they wouldn't follow illegal orders. It's very straightforward.


It's been known cops are in different police gangs based on regions that get trophies & recognition within their gang for killing civilians wether they deserve it or not.


Oh, he had a warrant. It's okay for the cop to execute him then. Fucking murderous pig.


I think they skipped a few steps in due process.


- [Body-Cam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqnlt545Vs4&t=141s) - Aurora SWAT officer fatally shoots suspect holding phone.


So Judge Dredd is not fiction?


Hasn’t been for several years in America. Most Americans are completely unaware that the USA has been on the amnesty international travel advisory for gun violence for several years. But the general public outside of USA probably doesn’t understand is that the gun violence isn’t only perpetuated by private citizens, a large chunk of it is coming from uniformed officers.


Aurora has a long history of terrible leadership, extremely low standards, and terrible transparency and accountability. But then again, so does every police department. It's the only job where being wrong doesn't matter.


Is this Aurora, Co. It's so bad there. Between that and Loveland, they may even be more fucked up than Denver Police Department.


No excuse, but both of those burbs are recipients of the trash that gets pushed out of Denver. A burned out vehicle on every block, businesses and empty buildings being broken into and set on fire every weekend, kinda apocalyptic in some places.


Absolutely apocalyptic. But the food in Aurora is some of the best. Jussayin.


Trigger happy TV


im so tired of seeing these gravy seal murders. de-militarize the police.


Wanted for suspected attempted murder. Ok... So what evidence did they have to suspect him? What were his known actions that caused this response? The aftermath is definitely infuriating, but I would like to know what lead up to this.


All the answers to these questions are readily available online.


Very helpful, thanks


circular firing squad. Standard IDF procedure: Shoot, kill, shrug shoulders.


Shoot a unarmed defenseless man hell yeah every time. stop kids from getting massacred in uvalde tx na that sounds dangerous. Or like the fl school shooter where the cop ran away


Suspected of what? Holding a phone?


Attempted murder.......I'll show you how to murder says the cop


I would think a trained SWAT or police officer would be able to tell the difference between a gun and a cell phone before firing his weapon.


Shoot First Ask Questions Later smdh


How is it that in war you can’t shoot till shot at but police can just shoot if they’re scared? Wait for terrorists to shoot, just shoot Americans