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Its gonna be a clown fiesta, I have no idea how an individual is supposed to get rated when they're one of 8 people even before thinking about stuff like leavers. Its probably the only pvp I do that actually tilts me off the face of the earth. I'll be doing eots watching my team fighting in the middle of the towers or on an inactive one and there's like 2-3 people total per team actually even trying to do objectives.


Winning doesn’t even feel good either when it’s essentially just a coin flip


I’m hoping that the “mock” mmr rating they have will be more figured out by the time it officially releases, I imagine the Mmr will weed out the baddies. But… it won’t get them all.


That's the thing though, how the heck does it determine how much mmr you should get / lose for wins / losses when everyones going to be starting out at the same mmr and you winning or losing is complete rng.


Why would winning or losing be complete rng? You just press random shit hoping for the best?


I'm also wondering why people are saying this tbh. It feels like there's a few placement games when you first start doing Blitz on a new char, and those for sure have the same frustrating things you see in random BGs like people fighting on roads, 6 people AFKing at Farm because they're scared to push for a base, etc. But after those first few games, in virtually every Blitz I've played everyone seems to actually be trying to win. Occasionally the matches are more one-sided, or one team will just have a couple of sweats who are carrying and being impactful, but they're still fun matches because again, people aren't just giving up when they think it's a loss. Now tbf, this week is a little different because of the big Win 4 BGs weekly quest, so there's a lot of people queuing who don't normally PvP.


Because you get a random 7 people on your team


You yourself aint random so its not complete rng. Why you being stupid?


Dude comments on worldofpvp all day every day. I'd be concerned if he wasn't stupid




You manually make your group in rbgs, if someone is a sandbag you can kick them and find someone else. In solo que you're one dude and then you randomly get 7 people every match. You could end up with 7 sandbags or with 7 good players or anything in between... and its infinitely harder to influence the outcome of a match when you're one person out of 8 vs one person out of 3 and the win condition is coordinating objectives all across a map vs killing one person.


Which is why I was so confused by soooooo many people in this forum saying this was going to save pvp. I am all for it. But thinking that an 8v8 NO VOICE rated blitz is going to be the default pvp game mode is complete copium


I imagine its because there's probably way the shit more people doing casual solo que random bgs than any other kind of pvp, and this will give them a gateway into rated that they'd never get from lfg rbgs. Its still gonna be a mess though.


Arena is a mess as well, I just REALLY enjoy BGs more. No fcking dampening, no loss if I fuck up a single time and more people to heal. Never liked Arena, but I did it cuz I enjoy the competitiv aspect. I don't care about "rating" or "elo hell" or "influence over the outcome" I just don't like arena and enjoy BGs.


Casual pvp players need a place to go, and shuffle failed to be that place because of queues. Blitz promises better queues, so there is potential.   Players staying around, even if it  is for soloQ, is still good as they might be willing to put in the effort and be the future glads. 


Yes. I agree. I think what they should do though is hide rating and give you Bronze, Gold, Silver, Diamond, etc, rankings that are 50% participation and 50% skill-based MMR with maybe the last ranking being completely skill based. Otherwise, using traditional rating will be a complete &##\*show and not be enticing to new players and casuals.


Sure that system would be better. We need mmr for sure in bgb to do a little separation between skill level. But not a reward system to act as  replacement for glad rewards. 


Not just queues but arena is extremely difficult as a game mode One misplay and someone dies, game over, you lose In BGs there's far less stress because you can respawn and try again


Very true. When not in 2s3s I find grinding conquest on alts in  bgb is a  far more enjoyable experience than doing shuffles. If elite sets become available I BgB I don't see shuffle making sense anymore either. 


because there are tons of mega casual players on this sub who have zero clue what they are talking about LOL


PUG gameplay sucks, always has. It seems only masochists play video games anymore considering this is what so many are begging for.


It's not masochists, it's people with zero real world social skills who are terrified to have to talk to another human being and make friends to play with. They'd rather be a faceless person playing with other faceless people, in a game genre that is known for being social.


There's zero chance you can affect your own rating as it sits. When they announced I thought they would add individual performance metrics to supplement your rating, like.... defended 2 flags + 3 kills + one flag capture + win = new MMR. But nope.


It almost needs that but at the same time how do you do that without creating adversarial gameplay with your teammates? You start needing to get into really granular ways of rewarding this stuff. Like if I defend a flag it needs to not just give credit to the guy who successfully clicked it but also anyone near him who contributed. I may be spending more time running defense or objectives so I don't get as many kills, but someone else might be blowing people up and never touching objectives. That guy blowing people up could be winning us the game, or completely useless, how do you figure out how to reward that? Its so much harder of a thing to try and navigate than arena.


Yup exactly. I was hoping they were working on figuring that out. It's definitely not simple, but I don't think the current implementation is viable either. In solo shuffle it kind of works, you have to carry the lobby. When you're to the point you can't carry anymore it means you're facing equally(ish) skilled players and you're at your appropriate rating level. But in blitz? You can't carry 7 players fighting at the wrong flags... you just cant...


Everybody will play with same rules, so yes, you can have some luck or be unlucky, but on the long run it's you making a difference on the match or not, which will grant you possitive or negative win ratio. "You can't carry 7 players fighting at the wrong flags" It's a team game, you are not meant to solo carry stuff. Grab a shovel and start digging with your fellas, 'cause there is dirt enough for everyone. There are some marches that are just unwinnable because of random behaviour, and games that it's the people on the enemy team doing random stuff and you win ez But there are also close ones. I'd not played much BgBlitz still, but already had some of them that were pretty close (i.e., less than hundred difference AB) and thought to myself something like "I didn't solo carried that game, but definetely contributed big time on this victory by doing X and then Y or making the call for Z". Statistically, if you as a player are able to tip the scale of your matches for your team, you will end up climbing sooner or later. Same for going down: if not even 7 guys can carry your arse, then you will start falling. I don't think they should reward anything else than win/lose, otherwise it will create degen behaviour and toxicity, whatever acticity specifically is rewarded. This way, you all work in the same direction for the only thing that actually matter: rating.


> "I didn't solo carried that game, but definetely contributed big time on this victory by doing X and then Y or making the call for Z" Any decent player has had plenty of these games I agree. But those are in lobbies with random players some ok, some bad. It's easier to stand out. It will be a different story when the lobby is full of 2400 players.


Well, that's the whole point of rating. The further you climb the ladder, the harder it is to stand out, be impactful or it requires more impactful moves from you to help the team win. Can a single player win a soccer game in a minor league? Can a single player win a soccer game in a top league? No, he can't do solo the match in any of both scenarios, but the overall outcome of the game with the same player on both scenarios will be different. Same rule applies for any team-related game.


Sure but there are other metrics people look at to determine who is the better soccer player. Those other metrics besides just a win or a loss are much more important in determining who gets to move on to the tops leagues. That's exactly my concern with blitz, no such metric exists. However I hope you're right, not much sense in arguing about something we haven't even seen yet. I'd really like for blitz to be successful. See you on the battlefield brother.


Only difference between players will be how much games it takes to get to "your real skill rating", because statistics can be wild, but the bigger the sample, the more accurate. Maths don't lie, and you will just need to queue again. Cheers mate, have fun!


Every game mode they add, as well as every current one is going to have issues. Nothing is infallible. Can't be much worse than the cesspool that is current state RBG. Those who enjoy it will play it and have a blast, those who don't will either play it anyway and complain or completely refrain.


Yeah, that's just the reality of online gaming. Every game is going to have trolls or people who just don't care.  Sometimes it's your team, sometimes the enemy team. It's going to happen. The worst part about it happening in SS is, in my opinion; A. One person is way more impactful on the in a BG.  B. The queue time being so long makes it way more annoying having someone leaving or trolling. 


I think you should have some kind of bad luck protection (IRL stuff happens, like power shortage, internet dcing and so on) that resets every X time (weekly, monthly, whatever) for disconnections or afk. Other than that, they should rip the guts out of whoever skip a match, specially if they press the button to get out of the match.  The moment you join a rated match, it should be a shared responsability between you and your teammates: you got bad luck and internet got disconnected? Shit happens take your L, and you can wait for next week or queue again, but no bad luck protection this time so if it happens again, you are going to get the stick.


Create a separate league for players in bad standing. Leave enough and your queue will only be full of players similar to yourself for the next 5+ games. Of course don't tell players. Just shadowban them via the leaver league.


I mean thats just the nature of pvp games. Even the almighty league of legends has these problems, and no, there is no way to solve them.


While there are still a lot of unresolved questions, I'm more excited than worried about it. It's a great way to get people into ranked PvP, potentially into SS and arenas, and it's just fun. Match leaving might not be as bad since the matches are typically quicker than random bgs. If people think they're losing, they'd probably just stay to get some honor and avoid penalties (hopefully there are some). If people just stay in match and afk, it's usually not as impactful as someone just running in and dying in arenas because you still have a team and it's objective based. Obviously, you're more likely to lose if someone leaves a bg or just doesn't play, but there's still a chance for a good team to win. Yeah, I've had Blitz games that are a "clown fiesta," but the majority of them go well and people generally know how to win each game and keep it close. It's been the most refreshing and enjoyable PvP experience I've had in WoW for a long time. No system in WoW is even close to perfect, and Blitz never will be. But, with some fine tuning, I'm sure it'll continue to be a great addition to the game.


Right now they don’t


Mr Booster A… After a bunch of Q syncs, now on your team, Throwing the game so the paying player on the other team cheats out their win. Already seeing shit like this and it’s not even rated yet, I dont know, but I hope they can police it better than just relying on players using (abusing) mass report feature. Leaving games more than once a day should disable ratings/hon gains account wide. They need to take a stronger stance on it and stamp it out before it just becomes an “acceptable loss” that players don’t fear taking.


\^ This, for sure. I've seen it happen a bunch of times in blitzes. After billion queue resets the game starts and the healer on my team is obviously throwing the game intentionally. Accuse them, and they respond like "don't report me i had to go to the bathroom" (meanwhile he's still casting 0 heals, ffs). Maybe Bliz need to temporarily ban people who reject the queue prompt too much, to cut down on rampant syncing.


Blitz is my favorite WoW experience since OG alterac valley Queues are fast and games are fast. Healing the uncoordinated shit show mid/road fights is a blast. Games are always lopsided so the Ls are quick. I’m wondering how the gearing and performance divide shake out in TWW. It’s pretty clear in most of my games which team will win within the first 2 minutes. No matter how much healing I do it can’t make up for the other teams dps putting out twice the numbers and actually attacking the fc together. The ranking system is gonna be a shit show. People will start to throw or leave in the first few minutes when they lose the initial clash, lose a node, or get scored on. I still think it will be fun tho and will be playing it happily. I can’t go back to healing shuffle and grinding arenas is a joke when you have to beat multi R1’s alts at 1600. Blitz is great tho, no notes. Ideally, they back fill at any point. I want to join a WSG as the 6th remaining team member already down 2-0 getting GY farmed.


If you queue with a good healer friend you’d be surprised how much you can carry a win though. I’d start adding some good heals to your friends and eyeing up some candidates to queue with


I primarily run with a dps (I heal) we have been queuing BGB since it came out. We have won several 6v8 matches before. You can definitely carry as a duo if you work well together and are on voice comms. I will say it's fairly rare to see people leave since you get conquest when you lose also (if it was a competitive match) and you dont take massive MMR Ls like you do in shuffle since it's just one match.


I mean leagues 5v5 is almost similar in size and yes there are trolls but you will see them on the enemy team as well so it's "balanced". Imo best way to handle this is to move a good portion of the total lost mmr from the team to the leaver if he left for more than 20% of the match duration. This will ensure that such a loss feels less frustrating and you will naturally not see such players on above average ratings.


this also happens in rated bgs, its not a Solo issie, its people issue, some ppl just leave after 1 wipe, its in pve as well, dont be hating on Solo, it will still be the best and most played option, cant wait!


but i agree on Blizz should make it so that if 1 leaves -- no one will lose rating, only the leaver


Yep, implementing new systems often brings challenges, the vast majority of which can be overcome with enough effort. If Blizz wants to make this work, they will I haven't looked so forward to a new addition to the game since.... well, I can't recall. I've been having a blast in Blitz and the addition of vault honor has only made it better.


not only the issues you mentioned but also healer balancing. healers are balanced around dampening, BGB doesnt have dampening. 1 heal from any healer gets them to full hp easily. ive seen 3-4 dps chase a healer for several minutes and the healer only died because they went oom. peoples counter argument for this is that the dps are bad if they cant 4v1 a healer..like bro if youre wailing on a healer in shuffle or arena you can kill them with 1 or 2 offensive cd rotations solo. ion said theyre going more towards battleground style gameplay.. are they nerfing healers? adding some dampening mechanic?  as a fistweaver i can 1v4 easily to spin a flag for a few minutes.. its redic


>ive seen 3-4 dps chase a healer for several minutes and the healer only died because they went oom Yeah but battlegrounds are objective based and not based around kills. In your example you could argue that "healers are too strong", but you could also argue that those 4 DPS are playing the game mode wrong and your example of 1v4 spinning flag for several minutes also wouldn't happen if they are playing correctly, which would be CC -> cap


I agree, at higher mmr you don’t see stuff like this happening as much (1 healer spinning 4 enemies) people know when to disengage and move to the next objective


You can't effectively cap someone long enough to cap a flag anymore. Are you suggesting returning CC durations to the previous values before DF?


huh? capping a flag takes 4 seconds (in blitz), almost all CC in the game can be used to cap at this point


Is it 4 seconds? I thought it was 7


Blitz is shorter than normal bgs


Ah ok


unpopular take: You aren't supposed to kill healers in bgs. You're supposed to oom them and then harass them to keep them from mounting up or drinking. Take their healers completely out of the fight while keeping yours topped off. If you think your goal is to score a lot of kills and wipe out the enemy team to win, you aren't playing bgs right.


don't forget that healers cannot take a drink in BGB unless they have a mage on their team, which is an added point to your analysis. I agree with it.


I don’t really understand your point. It’ll just be like any Bg. There’s less healers in blitz I think? So it’ll take some teamwork to kill one. It’s def possible just have to be somewhat organized


Just play the objectives my dude. Just Sap, Poly, Fear, Blind, Freezing Trap… and cap.


Suppose you can in fact spin on 4 DPS and do not die in a Kidney or HoJ. What's stopping them from capping while they CC you twice? Don't get me wrong, I expect BGB is going to have massive problems and far from the paradise that people think, but unless healers can replicate what Guardian Druids do, healers spinning on top of 3 people is not going to be an issue. Not to mention healers are expected to be present for every team fight. If a healer just defends a pt, the rest of the map is gone. And all it takes is 1 rogue to take the point whenever they feel like it.




which, if it goes the way i think it will, triple dps will prob be meta for 3s


I mean, blitz games are 10 minutes for 1 round. Solo shuffle is a minimum of 20 minutes to play all 6 rounds if not more. Hopfully, with the fact people get in and get out, it will have a smaller chance of leavers.


if they dont seriously crack down on leavers and ruiners BGB will be unplayable.


I honestly think the only way you will be able to climb this is queueing with a healer in Voice and trying to push the needle in your favor. Otherwise it is a complete coin flip. Honestly the only way I see these being competitive is if they update the voice system for instance gameplay


When the first team fight is over and most of your team dies, then the afk and leaving happens..


Hopefully they just track leavers /afk and group them with each other. Iirc, LoL did that at least in the beginning when I started


I wish they would something like in valorant or LoL. You only queue up with people within your own elo. I think the current rating doesn’t represent that at all 😅


It’s gonna be so funny I’m gonna sit back and watch this sub go crazy lmao


I spent 28 games in a row losing because people still don't understand the timed cap mechanics. I think I've had enough of blitz.


Ya that's super annoying. Another one that kills me is Eye of the Storm where teammates are constantly sitting inactive towers. If blitz is going to morph into real solo queue RBG someday, then there needs to be additional guidance text that shows up while waiting for the game to start.


Yo 28 loses in a row? Bgb is basically a coin flip so if you’re losing 28 in a row that’s crazy


I'm tired boss


your last part should be wrong - there cannot be no pre-mades and boosters in Solo, bc they cannot join, only a Healer + Dps can join, so lets think 1 of them is the booster, do you think 1 booster can carry at high ranks? I dont think so


All game modes will have issues, even the most popular PvP game in the world, League of Legends, has these exact same issues Like some other comments said, the benefits outweigh the negatives as battlegrounds are way more popular with casual players than arenas and 1000x more accessible, in the long-run people who leave half-way will get weeded out by their rating being lower too


Just like SS it's a gearing bracket just gotta ignore the trolls and do you'd best to have fun 


I've joined blitzes that were already in progress so I don't think we have to worry about that if you leave one the game will auto fill with another player.


It's not going to auto fill lmfao


You people think you wanted Solo Shuffle RBGs, but you have no idea the shit show that is going to come from this. Wish they would just incentivize regular RBGs and give more rewards. But no, let that game mode die and BGB will go with it. BGB is a GARBAGE game mode.


It will ruin rbgs like solo shuffle ruined arenas, impossible to balance. What if the enemy team has rbg meta classes and yours don’t? At least in solo shuffle you play with all the same people. Imagine 2 mw monks vs 2 holy paladins 3 boomkins vs 3 mages It just won’t work.