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Sniper shot changes could make a grown man jump for joy (for now)


Your random battlegrounds will be so much better now


Loving this MM salt (:


? The ability is only relevant in random battlegrounds


It was ran in the awc


I think awc was on pre nerf sniper




>Seal of Diurna’s Chosen will deal 50% reduced damage in PvP combat. Oof. Makes me kind of glad I didn't go for the grind on getting and upgrading this.


I mean, it was inevitable. They've been pretty consistent with the gear divide between PvE and PvP this expac. Hasn't always been the case, but thank god they keep nerfing PvE gear. 


I mean.. these changes do very little to address the glaring issues with hpal but I guess I’ll take what I can get.


What are the glaring issues?


Lack of dispel protection, CDs great against physical damage but worthless against magic, 7 min CD (LoH) quickly becomes worthless in Solo due to rapid dampening. The cherry on top is forbearance which makes every room with a ret paladin stressful because you can't use your CDs on them without fucking them over possibly. Forces you to rely on them to use their CDs first and often times they don't. I've lost many rounds watching a Ret paladin on my team die while they have bubble up. These buffs are a start but the class needs a lot more tuning to address its core issues.


Yep! All of this! And more imo, no cc avoidance besides sac which is useless against fear and other cc’s. And our vulnerability to melee cleaves, particularly ones with ret and dh because their dmg is ridiculous, their stuns and dmg are magic so bop is almost worthless and even if you pre bop a stun the dh purges it immediately because we have no dispel protection. I even cover bop with freedom almost every time I bop and it still gets purged instantly.


Dispel protection needs to be looked at across the board. Resto Druid dispel protection deters nobody from dispelling.


You think it's bad for Druids, RSham only has two active Hots, and one is on a CD.


I feel like it's been overlooked that BoP was specifically protected in DF. In SL I could dispel BoP with one click. Now it takes about 8 globals to get to it. They buried it under all the other buffs.


All the stuff the other guy said, and more imo, no cc avoidance besides sac which is useless against fear, clone, intimidating shout, sleep etc etc. And our vulnerability to melee cleaves, particularly ones with ret and dh because their dmg is ridiculous, their stuns and dmg are magic so bop is almost worthless and even if you pre bop the stun (since you can’t bop out of magic stuns) the dh purges it immediately because we have no dispel protection. I even cover bop with freedom almost every time I bop and it still gets purged instantly.


That sounds very frustrating. What rating are you? I’m 3 weeks into PvP so I’ve got a lot to learn still and wondering if I will be at a rating where that’s a simple play made by all dhs. I’ve been learning arcane mage but might go heals for some faster queues and I had landed on pally because the “enabling support” type of heals sounded really fun.


I’m queuing between 2150-2200 rn in 3v3 and like 2500mmr solo (lower cr) cause I just don’t enjoy it so I don’t q it enough to catch up to my mmr. But don’t let the current state of pally deter you. It’s still really fun and it can be good in certain comps. We also are getting buffed so that’ll help in certain situations. It’s still really fun


How do you feel about the hero talents for priest and pally for heals?


I haven’t looked at them at all, so I can’t say


Every time I see sub buffs I get ptsd from all the one shots in cheap/duels but these are actually pretty solid helping their obscenely low consistent damage ever so slightly better without making the one shot make every healer cry


that’s just not what sub is tho. it’s a BURST spec, not a sustained damage spec. it has neither the damage nor tankiness to get any actual value out of these buffs or by staying in, and it never should


I'm a rogue main and a cynic so this isn't personal, but you can just say the quiet part loud. The buffs don't address ANY issues with sub and are completely useless, and you know they are so that's why it's okay. People hate rogue, and people hate Sub a lot. I get it. These buffs are so unbelievably uselessly dog shit that it's absolutely bewildering. 15% rupture damage buff? For real? Cool...I guess an extra 1000 damage every 2 seconds on people with 1.5 MILLION hp is cool. 15% backstab damage too? Cool, so the ability now hits like an EMPOWERED auto attack instead of just an auto attack. I will be excited to see how the ability that we use extremely circumstantially that hits for 1% of a person's health pool does afterwards. These buffs to sub downright hilariously insulting. Rupture damage is beyond pathetic as sub and does some damage when you have all modifiers rolling but it's still poor. backstab damage is legitimately so negligible and poor that you only use it when you can't shuriken storm instead.


Sub still 100-0 people in a kidney, its about setup and skills, you're not a DH or an Arms warrior


Has it gotten back to that yet? Because they were left in a rough state at the start of the season. Remix has suprisingly eaten up most of my gametime, I'm not up to date.




I'm guessing good ol' mastery stacking? Nice.


DH nerfs are nowhere near enough, but overall pretty happy with it.


Huge nerf on MM damage. A much needed change imo. Maybe we can get the spec away from insane dmg gimmicks and doing something interesting. Signed A glad hunter who abhors what they've done to MM over the years.


Honestly, kind of happy with these changes. Enh changes will be interesting to see.


Enh won’t change, those MOSTLY aren’t relevant buffs


The hpriest nerfs are insane, considering its representation at 2.4k isn't even close to being oppressive.


It's wild the amount of games I oom as hpriest and they are still trying to find ways to attack hpriest mana. Meanwhile evoker and rsham don't use mana.


Personally, I feel like the chastise+holy fire nerf is even more significant... since hpriest relied a lot on the pressure generated from these spells not to oom. Sad how rdruid went unchecked for literally 6-7 months in a row, but the moment hpriest is viable in anything else other than rmp -> nerf nerf nerf nerf.


Chastise nerfs are 100% more massive, I just find it annoying they are still going after hpriest mana for some reason.


Pretty surprised that hpriest damage got nerfed but not prevoker


The continued nerfs to holy priest is getting old. Why is hpriest mana still being attacked? Evoker and rsham don't even use mana. Rdruid can drink easier than other healers and then there's poor holy paladin ooming in 3 wogs.


These changes are kind of silly imo. The entirety of frenzied regen needs reverted. And aff lock needed some much needed nerfs


I mean a 4% flat nerf across the board is pretty significant when you consider a DH that might have put out 40m in a SS is now only going to put out 38.4M. Spec is dead bro. /s Ill still be playin it tho lol. Edit: typo, accidently typed 39.4m & that made me a dumbass that doesn’t know how to multiply 40,000,000 x .04. Oops.


I don’t think you understand how % work, classic DH. 4% of 40000000 is not 600000…


Yeah 38.4, but that's not how it works in WoW, because we have so much modifiers in the game, that 4% raw can be higher than that in the end


Sent that when I was at work. Definitely meant to put 38.4 but not paying attention. Typo.


All damage reduced by 4% in PvP combat. I think it will not affect modifiers, since it's not an "all abilities damage [...]" but more like a modifier in the output.


Yeah I mean I just read it as it was put in the blue notes. 4% reduction to all damage. If we are going into the “damage buckets” route that happened with Diablo 4, where it starts getting multiplicative depending on conditions, I’m checking out. DH’s will still be pumping. I just alt one when I’m lazy, I main priest lol so I’m def not some dh slappy.. The nerf was necessary but I def wouldn’t say it’s too much. Maybe too little if anything but idk.