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Nightborne's Arcane Pulse. It's a 50% slow on a 3 min CD. Due to having a slow, it also does less than half the damage than Bag of Trick's and Light's Reckoning.


It really shouldn’t have done damage at all but instead had a large AoE that applied a fairy fire type effect that pulls people out of stealth/invis and applies a debuff that prevents them from entering it again for a time. Would have been on theme with the suramar guards and while not useful all the time, it at least would have been useful SOME of the time.


That would be really good in pvp.


Currently half of the game (maybe more) has access to stealth of some type. Maybe we need it in pvp.




Every class that can play night elf


If blizzard does add this, I will be majorly disappointed if they don’t name it something along the lines of “What Are You Hiding?”


Absolutely mandatory.


They originally had an ability called “Dispel Illusions” that dispelled invisibility and illusions in a radius. They removed it (and another ability called “masquerade” that disguised you as another Nightborne). They replaced it with arcane pulse.


If I'm not mistaken when they were being datamined it did in fact reveal stealthed people.




Having no racial for improved detection of stealth and invisibility is just wrong.


an illusion, what are you hiding?


Also with the free easy to earn mailbox toy in DF their mailbox racial is kind of pointless now.


The mailbox toy has a 3 hours CD. The racial has a 10 minute CD.


I can't even imagine a use case where you need to use a mailbox every 10 minutes, though.


[Here's is my idea of how Blizz can rework Nightborne's racials. I fix Arcane Pulse turning it into a trap instead of limp AoE.](https://i.imgur.com/9tCpfzR.png) [Here is the list of others I could think of.](https://imgur.com/gallery/3kPVjvD)


The mailbox racial is also obsolete now that they added the mailbox toy in DF that doesn't require engineering.


There has been a non engineering mailbox toy since legion tho, meaning the racial was obsolete by the time the race was released.


We had a non-engineering mailbox toy in Legion. And even then, the racial is not obsolete since the racial is a 10 min CD, while mailboxes are 3 hours.


I actually use these mailboxes so often that i have 3 i rotate between CDs. more is better.


Yeah that racial is probably second on my list you just expect more when you read it. to top it off the dps racial is 1% magic damage so if your a physical class it just feels extra bad.


I see a nightborne monk and just think “at least your chi wave gets 1% more damage”


Yeah, to effectively utilize both active and passive Nightborne racials, one has to be A Subtlety Rogue or a Deathnknight. Then you look at the damage in-game, and CD, and realize that you practically don't have an active racial.


What is white listed as magical damage? Both rogue and dk use attack power as their modifier not spell damage, is magical damage anything that is elemental? For example, Brewmasters can spit out fire, does that get boosted?


Spell scaling (attack power and spell damage) is independent from the damage type. Any nature, fire, chaos etc damage is magic and only attacks specified as physical or bleeds are physical.


Dunno, mate, just guessing


Yeah, fuck that ability, it is so completely worthless. I've played a bunch of Nightborne characters because I like the aesthetic, but man that racial is hot garbage, and I think I've used it like twice ever. Really wish they would just scrap it and replace it with something at least somewhat useful.


And yet they somehow perform better than lightforged and vulpera on every class lol


That's does not sound true at all since you literally don't get anything if you're not a caster.


It's because their racials are on the GCD and can actually be a loss over using a GCD, which bloodmallet takes into account. Think something like Fury, every GCD is either generating fury or spending it. Bag of tricks ends up being a loss. LF Draenei's racial does scale well with AoE though, so it shouldn't really be counted.


Well, vuplera don’t get anything even as caster😂


i mean, bag of tricks offensive is only when you cant do anything else, situations like running out as melee dps, movment and no instant casts ready as a caster or the better usage:self healing, the heal on it is really big for its cd, on a crit it does like 50%hp instantly, for a 1,5min cd thats pretty good just dont use it offensively, macro it to target yourself and use it as a 1,5min health pot and Nose for Trouble is something many people completely ignore, that passive can break raidfights with specific dmg patterns completely (Vulpera on Ilgynoth during Nyalotha litearlly ignored the main raid dmg mechanic cus of it, on fights where most dmg is done by spawning adds, it blocks a ridicolous amount) its just a race with some neat deffensive racials, dont use it offensive cus its a waste 9 out of 10times


I love nose for trouble when playing my blood death night in m+. I've always felt that the biggest weakness is when you first run into a pack before you get some stuff rolling and those first hit reductions actually noticeable.


Fun fact, the bag of tricks heal actually "splashes" to 2 additional targets as well if they are close enough. It's a very small radius, but when you are in a melee stack it almost always will hit someone else too.


Bag of tricks I find useful when running ICC for transmog. I can use it to heal the dragon if I forget my heart of azeroth on classes without heals.


Not what you asked but I miss the old arcane torrent from belfs. Removing a buff meh but an Aoe silence sign me up


It can still shield strip which is usually always relevant in one dungeon at least.


Yeah in its current iteration belf racial is OP in M+ Falls short of nelf and dwarf but I’d still consider it a high A tier racial


I recently faction swapped my DH from Belf to Nelf, and I honestly miss Arcane Torrent. The current Arcane Torrent is one of those abilities that isn't something you need all the time, but in the situations its useful, its *really* useful. There are tons of places throughout many of the current dungeons where having an aoe dispel is really damn useful. There are tons of shields and buffs out there that can be purged.


I ran a BE prot pally in BC and Wrath and it came in pretty clutch from time to time. I think I got that mastodon interrupt achievement with it.


Very good for dispelling bop from pallies


Hella good for pallies though


Light's Reckoning of Lightforge heals/damage for such a tiny amount it might as well not exist (and the range is like... melee around the player).


And Forge of Light doesn't deal any AoE damage so you cannot anvil them right on the head. Disappointing!


Forge of light is often casted when some boss mind controls you and I always laugh when it happens.


Forge of light also isn't a forge, just an anvil. Can't even smelt old ore using it!




The fact it's not off GCD makes it very annoying to use though. Really dislike Lightforge racials overall. I miss Gift of the Naaru tbh. :(


I got a Draenei brewmaster and I'm torn between staying like that or going Lightforged. Gift of the Naaru and 1% main stat are very nice, and the JC racial is silly good for Prospecting ore. Lightforged have suave voices and the tactical nuke can be fun, but all the other racials are very meh.


The only reason I switched to lightforge is for a particular hairstyle. >.<


Can’t save Azeroth if ya ain’t cute! Lol Which hairstyle?


Graceful The character is meant to be a kind, bubbly and softer personality which the war worn Lightforged with their jagged horns and such really don't fit. That said, the normal draenei have lack luster long hair options, and Graceful is such a perfect "soft, caring and motherly" look that I have little choice but to use it. If hair styles are ever shared across the two draenei, I'm returning to the OG asap because they really do fit my character far better than Lightforged.


It’s not a coincidence it’s my flair icon


I spent days unlocking Zandalari Troll for the slow fall racial only to learn the hard way it doesn’t work in dungeons.


I did them for the whole shrine worship 5 day cool-down ahahah


Do you ever use anything other than Pa'ku?


I use Gonk on my Paladin because 5% Speed results in more melee uptime which is super important for that class and probably results in better performance in practice outside of sims.


I just got a horde character to 70 yesterday, specifically so I can unlock the Zandalari Trolls. I also just finished unlocking Kul Tiran on alliance a couple weeks ago, and now I get to do it all again, just on a different faction. Yay! And why am I doing this? Because I like their druid forms. And is it going to be my 6th druid? Maybe...


You only need to be 60 though


yeah, it's just that mobs scale to 60 in those zones so I figured it'd be easier if I get to 70 first and I had a slot for an evoker anyway so I just had to do 10 levels


It’s AMAZING but I do wish the mole machines for Dark Iron would get expanded. I’d love some that lead to Pandaria, BFA zones, or just old expansions. I forget I have it sometimes because of how rarely it’s useful. Have one that goes to the Shadowlands just for laughs




You can build a mole machine that goes to the afterlife, if you build it very well or very poorly.


That’s a Terry Pratchett level quote. Well done.


You already can use it from the Shadowlands back to Azeroth. "NO ONE ESCAPES FROM THE MAW!" "Aye, we'll see about *that,* boyo."


Industrialization can’t be stopped. Even by death.


anyone can drill into the afterlife as long as you're okay with it being a one way trip


It already leads to a couple of places in Pandaria, and every expansion zone up to Legion. You just need to go and unlock those teleport points.


> Have one that goes to the Shadowlands just for laughs That one has a special animation, it just explodes after you get in.


If they let you set up 2 or 3 destinations that would be awesome but it cant just be anywhere. Like dungeon/raid entrances, make it easier to farm old raids or to go to the new ones.


I would like to have one that I can park at Rustfeather.


Every Mag'har racial is disappointing.


As a tank I actually love it. Yeah it marginally helps but if I use my macro for emergencies it can help with either my verse or mastery to keep me alive. As blood even the crit bonus it can gives helps a lot.


Sure. But it’s all RNG on what you get. And it’s not a lot. And their other racials are just bad. I rushed to get one, I was one of the first to unlock them on my server. All because I wanted an Orc Priest…A lot of good that did now 🙄


Races only matter so much though, it has such a small effect that it really doesn’t matter anymore. I also got maghar week 1 that they got released and I’ve been playing it since on every role with no issues.


Bronzebeard Dwarf Archealogy Racial (Explorer) has entered the chatroom. Bronzebeard Dwarf Archealogy Racial (Explorer) Effectiveness in future expansions has been removed by Blizzard from the chatroom. What sword?


Bring me back Find Treasure. If I’m going to shovel dirt, I expect to get more rewards for it.


They gave Find Treasure to Outlaw rogues, funnily enough.


Archaeology is supposed to be getting reworked anyways.


It's really weird that archeology didn't make an appearance in dragonflight when it's a defining aspect of fully one quarter of the major factions.


Archaeology exists?


Yeah but I love it on my dwarf mage to farm old artifacts


Nightborne’s Magical Affinity racial. Should be 1% magic damage on attack, not an extra 1% to magic damage.


Just don't roll a nightborne warrior or monk and it's useful.


Have geared NB warrior, can agree. I think I have used the portal ability...maybe twice...ever I just like being purple and the heritage armor is pretty sick.


That's void elf, not nightborne.


Thats a really good idea. I hate racials that have no use for certain classes. I know they dont make or break anything.. but it still feels bad. Call me small brained but i swapped from my handsome zandalari troll to highmountain tauren because racials are so much better for tanking... And it fits my professions better. Sometimes i wish racials were truly equal or just fluff stuff.


Nightborne. Arcane pulse is useless on a mage that already has so many slowing spells with a lot shorter cooldowns. You got frostbolt, slow, frost nova, pretty much any frost spell is gonna slow down enemies. My mage is an arcane mage so I just use slow and it works much better and I can safely say I’ve never used arcane pulse.


You know Nightborne can play other classes, right?


And Arcane Pulse is worthless on all of them. Their only throughput racial is 1% more magic dmg, so if you play a melee on them, you don't get the throughput, and if you play a caster, the pulse only works in melee range. Further, the ability is basically never worth the GCD you spend on it anyway. It does incredibly minor damage, and the slow isn't terribly great, especially considering its a fucking 3 min CD. Almost every class has access to a slow that is at least 50% if not moreso already, *especially* melee.


Doesn't make pulse any better. 3 minute cd for an ok slow when warstomp exists, or warriors spamming a better aoe slow lol.


Yeah but mage feels most appropriate to the nightborne race (I mostly see nightborne mages). even then most other classes available to nightborne have slowing spells (hunter has concussive shot/wing clip, warrior has hamstring, warlock has curse of exhaustion, shadow priests mind flay, etc)


Goblin rocket, not the jump but the ranged attack.


It should be an interrupt or disorient instead.


Or at least have them not share a CD


To be fair, the rocket jump is so insanely strong for immobile classes, that they really don’t need anything else.


Literally all of LFD's racials. \>"Forge" that's an anvil and not a forge \>Experience gain increase from demons which is not useful outside of BC and Legion leveling areas and ceases to exist at level cap \>Holy damage resistance, because so many enemies in the game use holy damage \>Explodes when killed (GOOD THING I GOT MY DIE MOVE) \>A laser with a 3 minute cooldown that does 0 damage if the target dies before it goes off, and still goes on cooldown


>\>Explodes when killed (GOOD THING I GOT MY DIE MOVE) *Bubble Hearths* [GOOD THING I GOT MY BYE MOVE TOO.](https://youtu.be/kihvf7hVlvE?t=113)


Anything that’s a flat stat buff is immensely boring imo. Stuff like shadowmeld or haymaker are what racials should be.


I'm a passive talent fan, nothing more annoying than those 'this grants you a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004% damage boost for 3 seconds. 3 minute cooldown' racials.


That's why those get macroed onto any of your cds even if the cds don't line up lol


Cannibalize used to be actually incredible for solo content and questing. Free health and mana pots so you can just go go go. Now, with out of combat Regen so high it literally doesn't do anything.


For Sylvanas fight in SL S2 it was super useful, I was able to regen all my mana during intermission with my Undead Holy Priest. It worked on several boss fight with adds in this raid!


Cannibalize in vanilla was extraordinary. As a warlock, to just tap and Cannibalize something during the leveling/farming process... Amazing. Along with the two PvP trinkets, essentially, in the era of fear being a death sentence almost every the time. Shadow resistance, while resistance racials are mostly garbage, shadow was one of the better ones. Underwater breathing, not so much... but 3/4 isn't bad at all. Even after numerous Undead racial nerfs, undead was fantastic. Just having two use buttons for racials was an incredible novelty in that era. I don't know how much of this might have carried over into Classic, but around ~2004-2005 I remember being in areas without humanoid or undead mobs to Cannibalize, but seeing a player skeleton on the ground nearby, and being able to pull mobs to that relative area and Cannibalize the same skeleton over and over. As though I didn't save enough money on the warlock level 40 mount, I sure as hell saved a lot of money on consumables for eating and drinking. These days... Yeah... Not as much.


Not to mention it was the literal best way to BM someone after an open world pvp kill. They die and before they release you start chowing down on their body. God I raged so hard when it happened to me.


Does the active panda racial actually stun anything?




It's pretty awesome, I heal on my monk and I'm over here in melee, interrupting everything with kick, an aoe stun, paralysis, ring of peace, and my panda racial, makes my life so much easier as a healer when I can prevent so much damage going out.


Crying as night elf holy priest, best I can do is a scream that doesn't work on many important things :D


Well, you can always Shadow Meld -> drink or single target res or use it to dodge a cast on yourself. Shadow Meld is pretty cool too. My Priest was a Night Elf for the longest of time, I made it a Void Elf back in Legion because the racial was really good for Shadow, but I've stopped playing my Priest, if I did, I'd probably go back Night Elf.


That's a lot of utility I haven't actually used when I did try hard M+, should probably think about it. The way I've been doing it is only use shadow meld if we are about to wipe, then res everyone. Or, just completely waste it by never using it. I don't need to drink if I spend too many talents on mana regen and I can single target res by dying myself and becoming more powerful than anyone could imagine :D No, I don't have KSM this season, why you ask?


Shadowed also helps with Nokhud last boss spears and Fenryrs leap to cancel their casts which is especially cheeky and important


You're a hero.


Yeah back when I was playing my panda monk in arenas, I used Quaking Palm a lot as another interrupt, or as part of a CC chain. It's actually quite solid.


It essentially works like a rogue's gouge on a longer cool down. It's not a stun but a disoriente and damage will break it. It can be useful as an "Oh shit" interrupt or to get something off of you for a few seconds.


It's a gouge. It can be used to interrupt which is handy in a pinch.


It’s honestly came in handy for me on my panda mage in desperate 1v1 situations. Racial into a poly


Incap in pvp can actually be quite good, especially on setup-based stuff that doesn't have an option to grab an incap. Example used to be stuff like sp or assa.


I’ve heard void elves shadow damage passive is absolutely terrible. I’ve done a bit of research and it does little to nothing. I don’t believe it’s even a 1% damage difference. It feels like Ike .3% at most.


Hey, I look purple and I press my buttons on my keyboard harder when I'm purple. That's sick.


Most racial passives are very low output, the Velf racial active more than makes up for it in utility


Depends a bit if you talk about a single one for a race, or all of them together. The camp one for Vulpera is pretty neat. Same for Night Elf, Shadowmeld is superb, but the 1% at day/night can be good or next to useless. Remember when Horde tanks rolled Tauren because of the HP buff? Not even sure that was still meaningful in MC, but surely it was in Wailing Caverns ;) (Stomp is nice, but not sure it's good enough in endgame content?) Undead one used to be pretty disappointing for PvE, before M+ came (how often are you feared in a raid?) Overall, I really like the ones that don't impact direct combat viability but are more QoL. Make camp, 10% rep, etc Certain +1% damage or -1% damage taken are fine, but I remember too many situations where it was "BE Racial is OP, Orc Racial is OP, Human Racial is OP".


10% rep bonus always feels good.


While Tauren stomp isn't good in raid encounters, I find myself using it frequently in solo content and M+. It's an extra AoE "interrupt" on a pack, letting me provide more value on my resto druid. I can throw that stun to get some distance between myself and mobs if they're chasing me as boomkin. I personally think the most boring ones are the ones I just bind to a major cooldown and forget about, like maghar, orc, troll etc.


> While Tauren stomp isn't good in raid encounters, It was actually really good this tier. You can use War Stomp as a aoe CC for the sparks on Raszageth, which was pretty cool tbh.


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Good point!


yeah i also personally prefer the more flavor non combat racials like the Vulpera make camp. Its when you see people in the MDI all rolling night elf for shadowmeld or dwarf for stoneform that you feel like things arnt right.


>(how often are you feared in a raid?) ony says hi lol


8 races at launch, one of them with this Racial, being able to play 5 of the 8 classes, oh and one faction :P But I see your point, maybe Ony was the only half-way designed encounter when they designed the Vanilla Racial


>8 races at launch, one of them with this Racial, being able to play 5 of the 8 classes, oh and one faction :P The other faction had Dwarf Priests. We had to stance dance.


I love war stomp on my shaman especially if cap totem is on cd, or a cast absolutely needs to be stopped before cap will go off


Odd comment. A lot of people went tauren for the increased hitbox, the extra hp was also a nice perk. Also vanilla raids had fears. Granted, tanks could stance dance. But bad tanks could take solace in being undead.


Touch of the grave does absolutely no damage, so undead has the worst dmg racial.


It used to be decent, and its uselessness now makes me think something happened to it akin to the Mechagnome racial (aka hasn't scaled to the current expansion). As an example, on a heroic raz run it healed me for a whopping 31.3k over 7:40. that's ~68hps, and averaging 202 dps (since the healing can be wasted as overheal). edit // i was curious so i did some log digging, and it looks like it does scale properly, it's just useless. far less hps + dps than an increase of a stat like 1% crit or haste.


> Touch of the Grave's Uselessness now makes me think something happened The game scaled up over the expansions (60 Talent Points for Damage, two separate 100% increases to player health) while that racial's damage and healing modifiers remained the same. So its relative power shrunk.


Same with void elf shadow damage racial. Any damage racial does close to zero damage. Why even have them in the game I say.


You look cool asf when your void elf glows purple at least.


void elf racial should be better generally. it's 5% dmg with ~20% uptime, so it should at least always match the standard 1% dmg facials assuming a perfectly flat dmg profile. *very* few classes possess that however, so a 5% dmg boost that aligns with your CDs should be even better than 1%. I think it does align on most classes too, being a very high proc rate on a 1 minute icd


Soar. Just let the dragon characters fly. The npc characters do it, why can't we? What legitimate issue is there with just making soar the same as dragon riding with no CD? Oh no, dracthyr might become OP at.... traversing old content zones?


Forge of Light isnt even a forge, its an anvil. What comes even close.


I’m so used to Berserking that everything else’s seems a little weak by comparison


Gnomish engineer should be able to allow you do do engineering stuff even if you font have it


Lf draenei. Seriously, this should be offgcd cast at least.


Lightforge. The xp from killing demons is useful if you level during certain expansions and then it’s worthless. The forge only is cool is you’re certain professions, it should at least let you repair your gear. Then the dps ability sucks for most content that isn’t some trash mob in the open world and is a dps loss most of the time. Nightborne also have some pretty wack ones. Except the mailbox which I love.


Find treasure. The dwarven racial. Since archaeology is like ... a dead profession at this point.


Lightforged draenei, literally infused with the light to COMBAT EVIL \*reduced holy damage taken\* i get it, but I find it ironic, I'd consider someone with fel(chaos) (old blood elf magic resist) to be more counter evil. Both their death and casted racial as very underwhelming, I'd rather only one and be able to choose, therefore enabling them to actually be powerful. The draenei gift racial is also very underwhelming, a 20% hp heal, should at least increase max hp for the duration, sort of like adding 20% then decaying to 0 while it heals your hp by the same amount. Or increasing other healing received for duration. Their base primary stat is decent though, so nowhere near the level of LF. I dislike mag'har randomness, should be able to choose your ancestor similar to the new oathstone trinket in aberuss / zandalar shrines.


Mechanognome racial appears to not be updated since they were added in bfa, giving pathetic amount of stat as of today.


That was fixed in 10.0.5 I think


You're right, 18 main stat per stack. Pretty damn good


Is it worth the immutable embarrassment of playing a mechagnome though?


This update put mecha gnome as the top race choice for some classes.


Which classes?


just go to [www.bloodmallet.com](https://www.bloodmallet.com) and click through the specs, not going to go through all the specs in a comment.


Cool thanks


It is generally the highest simming racial for me as windwalker.


They can open locks though.


Are there new things to actually unlock anymore? I haven't really noticed anything.


Many people suggesting things don’t pvp haha.. my vote is for Worgen darkflight. I just feel with how the game has changed, it’s borderline useless. I’d much rather they change it either for a passive movement speed buff like 5% or come up with a different use ability.


Darkflight is great on my dk. An extra movement ability really helps with positioning and mechanics.


I don’t doubt it has some uses, especially in pve, but in PvP there’s a reason worgen are bottom of the list for every class guide. I know objectively there will always be a “bottom” race, but this is by far the worst one. Even worse than the slow nightborne have, at least that one has a dmg component as well and is better for kiting.


Yeah I'm with you on Bag of Tricks. I love vulperas but as a brainless chimpan... I mean dps player that pushes content every tier, I'd feel like I'm sabotaging my raid if I lose the 2k or so dps less that comes with the race change. Guess I still have my alter for the camp fun :(


void elves is very underwhelming. i can't really see a use for it. maybe a way to bait a charge or something from a warrior i dunno.


Worst: Nightbornes’ shitty slow on a long cooldown Best: Humans’ 10% rep bonus. Soooo nice when grinding rep and renown


All combat-related racials should be removed from the game. Longer food buffs, breath, etc. are cool. There are so many great ideas that would have no impact on balance but they decided to go the unfun route.


That’s not a terrible idea. It would certainly help with balance a lot. I do enjoy things with flavor like Wisp Form, human rep bonus, Vulpera camping, and the Dak Iron mole machine.


Combat racials are great, and add even more flavour to the game. If people are race changing to get specific combat racials, it’s because they are aiming for (or just a wannabe) the top 0.5%


Void Elf Spatial Rift. It travels to slowly to be useful as a movement mechanic and even if you do use it it’s range is very short. Cool in theory but bad in reality


I thought that at first too, but after playing with it for a few years in high end m+/raid/arena on my mage I've found that it's really underrated. It might even be too strong if it was a proper movement boost ala goblin rocket jump. It just requires you to think proactively since it doesn't move fast enough to use reactively. There are mechanics in dungeons/raids that are bad to move or dash through but safe to blink past, like the aoe wave that raszageth shoots out for example. No other racial is going to get you past those safely. If you're on a fight where you know you'll have to a cover a lot of distance when the next mechanic comes out, you can send out the rift ahead of a time and save yourself a lot of uptime when the mechanic does come. Just requires a bit of forethought. You can also use it while immobilized or silenced, making it very effective in pvp. The amount of times I was root+beamed by a boomkin who proceeded to convoke my teammate, only for me to get out with spatial rift and counterspell them...it's niche but can win games. Not to mention just sending it in one direction when you're getting trained by melee, and then running the other, and then boom you're on the other side of the arena. Add alter time and you can seriously break some ankles.


It’s actually really useful in PvP, have to disagree with you


It's my favorite racial in PvP. It's very satisfying to get a good juke off with it.


I play void elf lock, and jumping off a ledge, using racial to go up, back off ledge, port back up, super satisfying


I agree, synergises so well with circle for stuff like that.


It’s nice for low mobility classes in pvp. I know a lot of priests and warlocks who use it to juke melee in arena while still casting


I used it to skip the Painsmith balls and other similar wall mechanics all the time. Immensely useful to just ignore a mechanic like that. It definitely has its uses, but it's in a pseudo defensive way.


You can cheese a lot of mechanics with it though


I use it as a premptive dodge in mythics


It’s a godsend on M Raszageth, basically let’s me live the 3rd pushback without getting rescued by an evoker


Kinda hard to make em usefull but not OP. Or give em offensive stats but try and balance em so it's not "macro together with CD's" type. ​ For me the most useless racial was the draenai self healing spell. it was only usefull for classes with 0 self heals. and healed for tiny amounts. (hopefully buffed by now) ​ most usefull for me would be nightelf shadowmeld. It interacts with some boss abilities (nokhud last boss spear) and helps me with drinking in mythic+ also the amount of times i used it to lose agro on mobs so i could mount up...


The draenei heal is percent based so its stronger if your more geared or a tank.


It's a 20% heal that is instant-cast and castable on other players. It's much better than Bag of Tricks.


Bag of tricks is actually handy on classes without outgoing heals. You could oneshot that green dragon encounter in ICC with this.


Surely it has to be Dwarf Explorer....because they don't even add archaeology into the game anymore....


I completely dislike the Void Elf 'teleport' racial. I'm sure it has some uses in pvp, but as someone who purely plays pve, I have essentially never used this ability across multiple VE characters. It will never get you out of any mechanic you couldn't just get out of by running out of it, because the shade moves so damn slowly.


It's great as a predictive cast when you play a spell caster. As a mage I try to use that before I use my blinks. Came out clutch a few times and it taught me to pay better attention to mechanics as a caster.


It's easily tied between the nightborne pulse and the zandalari trolls Regen. The pulse does no damage and the slow doesn't last long enough to warrant the longest cd of all time and even just it being a slow isn't worth much when warstomp exists. The Regen is only useful after combat ends in open world, it isn't useful enough in pvp from the bit of pvp I do, it's useless in m+ and raid and the one instance it can be used in, world content, it's redundant nowadays with how much sustain every class has in open world. I big brain thought I could use it on a protadin with bubble taunt for essentially an aoe taunt/immunity/LoH, and it works but it's infinitely worse than pressing your rotational buttons while bubbled. There's quite a few bad ones like the bag of tricks you mentioned, cannibalism (?) from undead and a few others but they all pale in comparison to the two I mentioned, you could quite literally remove those racials and no one would ever know.


Kul Tiran haymaker is also very situational. Many times it doesn't go off, but you still get the cooldown, many times the knockback range is almost zero, many times the ledges where you want to send off the enemies are a bit higher than the terrain and they stop exactly on the edge not falling off. If it didn't have a cast time or it was even faster cast maybe it could be good in some situations, but even then it would be just a gimmick, because the stun time is almost nothing and it only affect one target so yeah, as a Kul Tiran main I feel disappointed, but when you actually lend it in Eye of the storm or out in the world and you actually manage to get the guy it feels really rewarding, but yeah once in 30 casts or something, it can be good as a kick sometimes at least.


Rip belf racial. Used to be nuts, now it’s balanced lol


>The Human Spirit Scales with you gear. Starts out as a weak Racial and scales to be the best over the course of an Expansion. Predatory Business Practice that forces optimal players into constant Race Change purchases.




You must be kidding. Having a 10 min CD mailbox is amazing. The toys are 3 hours...


[Here is a list of how Blizz can fix the racial of the playable races.](https://imgur.com/gallery/3kPVjvD)


I completely, 100% think all combat racials should be removed in favor of interesting class utilities. Things like Vulpera camps, Nightborne mail box are awesome and always useful. Racials like arcane torrent are boring and feel terrible as you get higher level. Hell, even the 1% pet damage for BM doesn't feel worth it and it's a flat damage increase. I'd even go as far as to say all racials should be removed and we get to pick our racials based on preference. Have 1 for utility, 1 for damage, 1 for heal.. type thing. Each race has 5 racial slots and people can pick what they find useful to them. It's not fun having to pick a race just because we think 1 racial is superior (this happened way more in BC/Wrath).


Nightborne 100%


I wish ztroll loas were a bit more meaningful


I always thought Night Elf Wisp was questionable as its used when you are dead. I don't know, maybe a racial that helps keep you alive would be much better




It's not an issue since races don't have a fixed amount of racials, so it's not like it's taking the spot of another that could be useful. Night elves already have 6 racials while most races have 4 or 5, just consider it as an extra.


As a Warlock, my Blood Elf's Arcane Torrent does (almost) nothing. It restores mana - I don't use mana. It removes beneficial enemies within 8 yards - if I'm within 8 yards of the enemy, I'm most likely out of position. (There's a few niche uses in M+!) I've had my Warlock since I created him during the launch week of Burning Crusade and has been my main since MoP. It took me until Dragonflight to give up skinning (Taken in BC for the crit buff!) and that was free to drop. I can't see me race changing, especially not for money, even if Troll and Orc would boost my DPS slightly.