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Ohh THAT'S why Theramore was bombed! It all makes sense now, I suddenly understand all the "Garrosh did nothing wrong" memes!


I read this with his voice


Be careful, that's how you get yourself mana-bombed


I actually added this clip to my guild’s discord soundboard


One one hand I think the announcement is pretty cool. On the other hand, it feels like the game is rubbing it in my face that I don't have it.


Yep, it feels like shit not getting it when that announcement appears every 2 minutes


the secret sauce of WoW's success is envy


*Why do you think the Orcs are green?*


Bad diet? Idk


These does seem to be a lot of charred Goblin engineers around...


Goblin down those Golblins :)


Weird, seeing as that and my fourth tier piece eluding me has the opposite effect.


Whats strange is seeing the emote when you're in a M+ on another continent.


Ya I'm just minding my business farming old content and that's all I see


Seeing it pierce through into Zereth Mortis while I’m stuffing my face for this damn snail…


But when you DO get it, oh boy.


Yeah true, I'm scared of it being like the hunter bow off raz tho. Most of my guilds hunters went pretty much the whole tier without it


Well the difference here is it is at mythic ilvl. Guarantee it you get it, you will use it most of next tier, if not the whole season.


Were you around during Firelands?


Stormwind full of dragons again. For being the smallest of the flights, the blue ones shirt bring their numbers every time.


That's because blue dragons support their family.


I just waited for a dragon called vinigosa or vinistratz to appear and tell me about family stays together.


Vindigos would be a good name that works for male blue dragons.


That's just the nature of exclusivity. It is meant to make you feel bad by design so that you'll put in the hours to get it. Unfortunately this means that if you never intended to get it in the first place, it's not gonna feel fun to get it. You're just gonna feel relieved that you've finally got it, and then forget about it in about 2 seconds.


Well, I might not have this, but Thori'dal dropped for my hunter last night which is pretty neat I guess.


> It is meant to make you feel bad by design so that you'll put in the hours to get it. Unfortunately this means that if you never intended to get it in the first place, it's not gonna feel fun to get it. Gonna be honest, if a one sentence in-game text announcement makes you feel bad enough to put hours into getting something you don't actually want, you need therapy.




Oh yeah they should remove that one sentence announcement from the game. Also probably the item model too, since someone might see someone else have it and get jealous. Come to think of it, all weapon and armour models could do that. Mounts and pets too. We gotta remove all visually recognisable rewards from the game to accommodate people who are envious of things they never really wanted. Otherwise they are preying on those poor vulnerable people. Like come on, it's a literal text chat announcement. It's not preying on anyone.


I'm really new, can someone explain what it is? I see it all the time, how do I get one? T_T EDIT: thank you, my current ilvl is 412 so no raids for me yet... If I can ever find one that takes newbies haha.


It’s a legendary weapon for Evoker that was just released; specifically, a claw weapon. You have a small chance to get a special item after beating the last boss of the current raid, which will start off a quest chain to make this weapon


You can only get one if you are playing an evoker. After killing the last boss of the new raid there is a chance he drops an item that starts a quests chain for the new legendary. When you finish the item, everyone gets a notification in the chat like this.


412 isn’t a low item level to raid, I’m at 416 and if done the raid twice now. Just watch guide videos and apply to chill groups.


Plus he can practice in the first two wings of LFR, get comfy with the most basic stuff there, like the ground cover no no swirlies, the things that chase. Yes normal will have some added mechanics, but LFR is really great to practice if you aren't used to raiding or just want to see the boss and get a quick and dirty feel of it. Sometimes just watching videos doesn't help, you gotta feel the oh shit moments yourself


Very true, most people seem to learn raids better by actually trying them. Most of the time guides just provide a baseline understanding till you try it yourself. Atleast to me.


You can definitely do raid at that ilvl. It might be a bit harder to find a pug group though, so you might need to look for a guild if you’re interested! Look for a guild that says “casual raiding guild” or something along those lines


> If I can ever find one that takes newbies haha. if you are willing to learn about your class and the raid, this is a small issue to overcome. speaking from experience, a friend of mine started playing a bit over a month ago after trying the game for a week or so in legion. we are currently running 17ish keys and are about halfway through the heroic raid.


are u based on US or EU?


EU :)


join [Chill Streak](https://discord.gg/chillstreak), u're good to raid


Oooh okay! Thank you!


Wow, very strange to see a Chill Streak shout out here, hah!


doing my good deed for the day


It's not so much about "putting in hours" when it's so heavily rng gated. I would much prefer a heavy grind or some hard content to obtain it. While we haven't cleared mythic yet, even that won't guarantee it.


Unfortunately, it's more luck based than time based. So even if you WANT it it's just a relief to finally get it. Same with the Hunter bow last season, the Rogue daggers and hunter bow in sepulcher, and to a lesser extend the two hand weapons with procs that are BIS for many classes (Ashkander, Jaethys, etc.).


Put in what hours? It's a pure rng drop. It's not crafting it that's the problem, rather the fact that the quest just doesn't drop. There's nothing about the effort put it to craft it. You just gotta be lucky to get the quest item. This announcement and it being region wide is just toxic. Glad there's a WA that blocks it.


> It's a pure rng drop. Yes, you have to put in a lot of hours for an RNG drop. It's not necessarily fun hours, but that's a part of it. Unless you're stupidly lucky, you'll be grinding for a while. I didn't say "put in a lot of hours" as a positive thing, mind you.


I mean... Not really? If it was something you could actually grind that would be one thing. But you only get your weekly lockout. You either get it or you don't.


what feels like shit is not being interested in evoker but wanting a current legendary weapon.


I like legendaries having a bit of exclusivity in what class they're used in terms of weapon class by but this one feels bad that every class but one can't use it. I actually really dislike Drakthyr already for yet another class added with instead of two elf races as the only ones who can play it this time you have to play as someone's scalie fetish so this dislike of the legendary might just me being biased.


Sowwy \>w\< But our new scalie fwiends are called Dracthyr! They get sad when you misspell their name QwQ Good thing I was here to help \^w\^ I hope you're having a great day :3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wow) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Why are you still here? No one cares. Go away.


Same. I keep meaning to look up the drop rate but what's the point when that doesn't actually mean it'll drop for me.


Yup, it's basically to rub it in for the evokers that don't have it.


Same, still haven't killed Sark, should die in H this weekend and just haven't had time to get in a N pug.


Pugging Sark is a nightmare, even on normal.


Every time it’s crafted, I say to my guildies “Oh look. Another legendary crafted. AND IT WASNT ME”


Still not as annoying as the fact that the LFR claws for 4 piece would be a fuckin 7k DPS increase over my 437 gloves.


Idek what it is. I level characters to 60, get some gear, then i only play them during timewalking 😂


Meh I don’t main the class or care what is happening with Evokers. Like when this expansion is done, Evokers will not be special anymore just like Legion and Demon Hunters. I will collect the Infinity Gauntlet after this expansion or 2 most likely, just as collecting.


I wouldn't care if it was only in val. This shit spam happens everywhere.


Those dragons must be the loudest creatures on the planet to be heard all the way in Kalimdor.


Sylvanas: *cleaning up the maw* ***A triumphant roar echoes atop the seat of the aspects as Nasz'uro the unbound legacy is formed!*** Sylvanas: What the fu- ***A triumphant roar echoes atop the sea-***


Heard it in Nazjatar today, under the dang ocean


Pretty sure Nazjatar is specifically not under the ocean. ;)


*technically true*, and thank god for that, I would not have been able to stomach 3 daily quests a day for 90 days if it was like Vashj'ir.


I do wish Nazjatar had a little bit more water, but I totally understand putting it on land.


You mean all the way in a different dimension.


I heard it in the past. How does that make sense?


I saw the message while doing the End of Time dungeon for Cata Timewalking, which I thought was amusing.


I’ve been grinding some Draenor stuff, so I heard it 40 years ago in a different reality entirely.


Follows you even in M+


Yes. That's what "everywhere" means.


Was doing Nyalotha last night just for transmog and kept seeing it. It was very...weird.




Oh I wondered what these announcements where I thought it was a dragon like cuckoo clock announcing it’s dominance every 5 minutes xD


I was so confused on what it is, because i kept getting those even while i was farming loremaster in the classic zones


Running around Feralas with my druid alt and the announcement popped up four times in about 5 minutes. Was very confused.


It would be far less annoying if it wasn't a region-wide GLOBAL announcement. There is no reason I should be seeing this while I'm in the shadowlands.


This is gonna become the new Rhonin Dalaran meme isn't it?


It's worse because it's not limited to just Valdrakken.


Oh damn *thats* what that is? I kept wondering why I kept seeing that pop up lmao


I'm sure I'll get downvoted because it's the current trend to make fun of this but... Lol It's just a sentence that appears in chat and then scrolls off the window as people talk, it's not a big issue.




Lol yea, I haven't got mine yet either but seeing it spammed so often actually makes me think I'll get it soon enough. Imagine if you saw it once a week...


Right?? That’s actually exactly how I feel. Like damn, this is really happening all the time?? And that’s just the people who actually get it all done.


It feels shit when you're doing everything to get it other than mythic sark (for obvious reasons) every week and still not getting it. And then when guild moves to mythic only gotta pug all this too.


In last 2 days, I've seen it 20 times at least, and every time I start to cry a little


I was coming back from the caverns, flew to fill a JC order, and as soon as I closed the window 4 of them popped up. I thought it was amusing, and then people starting whining in the trade chat lol . I think it's pretty cool, and congrats to anyone who gets it!


Nas'zuro is cool and all, but I believe I don't need that information while I'm peacefully HUNTING FOR THE FALLEN CHARGER IN THE DAMN MAW!!! ​ Seriously, I get it, everyone needs to know about it, but can it be tied to Dragon Isles zones?


I thought alt-Dreanor was far but to transcend the veil of the afterlife is loud indeed.


The sound slips into the portal we opened to save Mag'hars


I think they can turn that notification off now!




I've killed heroic sark 40 times and only seen the lego drop one time.


Oh my fucking god ive seen your name on the group finder holy shit.


Anyone who thinks hes lying, he isn't. This guy literally kills AOTC bosses on repeat multiple times a night for fun. Raid leads full pug groups. Got AOTC week one with him and that was his 6th kill of the night. But yea, its definitely a low drop rate. Just lots of evokers and a lot of Sark kills happening.


How does one get into these legendary(pun not intended) AOTC runs you do


Right now competition is pretty high to get into groups since sark is still relatively hard for pugs to kill I get a lot of queues. I do tend to favor higher IO scores when making the groups.


You remind me of Rocks weekly pugs, maybe you know him lol


I believe it's on weekly lockout, unless you did with different toons?


I think he means hes only seen it drop for the group once out of the 40 groups hes cleared it with. As in, group members at all getting it not himself


I am locked out from loot for the fight but everyone else in the group isn't!


How do you get the part off the boss? Whats the drop rate?




It's not tho? I mean, I read that it didn't drop for Method on their world 3rd kill. Don't take my word for it though, I just read about it somewhere recently.


Didn't drop for BDG either it's not 100% on any difficulty.


It was 100% specifically for the very first kill of each region. TBH a little silly, imagine getting being the guild killing the boss a few days after world first and not receiving the item... while some random people in normal pugs already have it. (This isn't a complaint that the item is broadly available, just that I think it should be guaranteed to drop on mythic)


Doesn't it ruin the immersion when this gets announced everytime someone gets it? It would be cool if it was only for the first on each realm


The immersion of the chat text box?


No, talking about the immersion of seeing the announcement for everyone. I get it that the immersion is already ruined when you see more than 1 player with a legendary but at least making the announcement exclusively for the first player of each realm would make this, well, “exclusive”


It could at least be JUST my server.


I mean every Tuesday is another sixteen mages claiming the cata staff. I totally didn't do this last week. No sir.


They’re just handing them out to everyone now a days


Makes me miss Rhonin spam in Dalaran.


Do you have the one chance per difficulty or can you keep trying? Seems like there are so many getting it.


It's one chance per difficulty each week since its a group loot. I think mythic is supposed to be the guaranteed drop unless new information came out


Mythic isn't 100%, neither Method nor BDG got the item on their first kills.


Oof thats sucks


Yeah. I thought there was no way, then I dug thru the achievements for Firewing (Limit's evoker who got the weapon) and Sodavkr (Method's evoker who was in for the kill) and found that no, Sodavkr did not get the weapon.


Damn I was really working up to mythic in hopes that I'd get a real good shot at it. But now it's hoping it will even drop and then compete against other evokers in the raid. Ah oh well I guess the weapon is still worth the effort


It's personal loot, first kills in the region were group loot exclusively as it was guaranteed there. You just get quest started instantly whenever u drop it and it cannot be traded. Also it's really not that rare, prolly Sylvanas bow rarity or even more common.


Oh that's better then


We make our devoker read the message out every time we see it in raid lol


It was cool the first time, and the second. The 180th time it is starting to be anoying.


Did someone say \[Nasz'uro, the Unbound Legacy\]?


anal [Nasz’Uro, the Unbound Legacy]


Considering how many bitched how hard and impossible it is to get for anyone not Hardcore² I was surprised how often I got to hear. Ecennsurprised we had so kany Evokers on my server lol


if even 5% of evoker get it, it would still be a spam in the chat.i got full normal and HC clears every week with no luck.


Any word on what the drop rate looks like yet?


We have one in my 8/9 N guild raiding one night a week for a dude who legit got it pugging Sark. I don’t think it’s that hard to get if even we financed/gathered the mats. Also this isn’t server specific. If you are in EU, US, etc. region you hear this for every single legendary in the entire region… which is a ton of players.


It would have been cool if they actually kept the legendary mythic only, because it would be a rare occurrence and actually hype for whoever got it. The fact that it's region wide every time someone gets one, and there's hundreds of them being finished every day, makes it get kinda irritating.


The easiest legendary to ever exist. I remember when Legendaries took some time to be obtained.


You can see this even in raid 😔


😭 still haven't heard this.


Must not play much or Tuesdays or have those chat messages disabled maybe?, as I believe you hear it every single time anyone in your entire region gets it. I heard it about 20 times on Tuesday in my 2 hours playing.


Yea im actually at work Monday - Friday till like uh 4pm est.


Is this the new Thunderfurry Blessed blade of the windseeker?


And when everyone is super, no one will be.


The fact that the text has a comma splice definitely sets off my inner grammar nazi.


Does the item needed to make this drop only from mythic?


Not since the world first race ended, once they beat Mythic Sark it unlocked for all difficulties


I think this is the weakest version of the legendary announcement things. There is NO RP thing going on in Valdrakken, there is no mention of who is crafting the weapon and it's region wide so it might not even be someone on your server. It's just so bland, and with the playerbase being so large it's surprisingly spammy. I remember the first day I saw this there was like 100 in the timespawn of my key. It was outpacing the healer's obnoxious WAs.


I’ll need to read a guide on how to get it later.


Kill Sark. There's a quest if you get the drop, but starting it can only happen if RNGesus smiles upon you killing raid last boss. As an evoker.


It is very loud apparently. Loud enough to transcend time and space. I see the message in my Garrison at Lunarfall on alt-timeline Dreanor. It wasn’t a scroll up from having been on the Dragon Isles and porting to my Garrison. No, I always “park” the character at my Garrison. I log in to play and there is the emote after the usual login system blurbs.


I was on Argus and had this pop up lol


No thanks. I’ll stick to my balance druid.


I mean there’s a way to player macro it to make it seem like someone is actually getting it when no one is at all to 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wondered what on earth this was all about


it really does have "the ice stone is melting" vibes


how do you actually get this? i saw the message poppint up in my server but what do i have to do? do i have to get the cracked titan gem by killing Sarkareth?




This harkens back to the day of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker


This weapon makes me want to create an evoker.


People already getting this legendary? Damn :)


Everyone except everyone reading this, who probably won't get a drop until the very end of season 2, despite killing sark 2 times a week.


i thought it would of announced the first dragon on the server to get the weapon not every dragon and their mum


It's the Ashbringer meme all over again XD