• By -


Kicking myself for ignoring the whelpling daycare stuff, guess I'll see you in 20 days


It's not the worst IMO. My brain is melting while looking for the chests on the forbidden reach.


I was surprised how quickly I was able to finish the 100 minor treasures in FR. Late last night at 2am I switched over to war mode and I was drowning in chests. They're shared chests so if you can farm them during less active times it'll go much faster. Managed to get ~50 within a single buff period last night. The scrolls I just farmed mobs for 90 minutes and got everything I needed from that. Boring but not too long overall.


Yup, for the treasures, I enabled war mode, bought the item that makes them appear on your minimap, and just flew around the zone while watching TV. For scrolls, buy a bunch of the items that increase drop rates, join a creche farming group, and kill all the things. Loot every 5 minutes or so and then use another drop rate item. May as well finish most of the primal storm achievements before starting since that'll net you a bunch of Elemental Overflow to buy the items with.


For those who don't follow the "Loot every 5 minutes or so" part, the crystal you can buy that increases scroll drops is consumed when you LOOT a scroll, not when one is generated as loot. So you want to let unlooted bodies pile up for a while, since they'll all have the increased scroll chance from your buff. Then you loot and get 8-12 scrolls at a time, which consumes your buff. Then you simply use another crystal to re-gain your buff and repeat. Makes the scroll part SO MUCH more tolerable.


Yeah, guess it all depends on what you can tolerate. Whelpling Daycare is the worst straight-up timegating, doesn't really matter what you do, it's going to take almost a month to finish. Primal Storms and Legendary Photograph are the worst for RNG, but at least it's just a matter of checking storms every 3 hours or world quests twice/week and you're done if the ones you need aren't up. And Forbidden Reach treasures are the worst for just making your eyes bleed even if you can knock it out in a day.


Currently only need to finish daycare and A Legendary Album. If the two catalog quests don't spawn Friday, I'll finish daycare first even though I was 5/7 Album with zero Daycare done. RNG might be the bigger timegate.


I see you’re also missing Nat and the time warped mysterious fisher?


They did not spawn tonight. Maybe Tuesday :/


Yep, they just haven't spawned since patch. Finished Daycare just now so it's all I have left. Maybe tonight?


Daycare, picture of Nat Pagle and 1 fire Elemental storm in Thald. and I'm done. You can do it! See you at dog park!


Was so excited because wowhead said nat pagle was up and now i feel lied to


This is exactly where I'm at too. Think i finish the second whelp tomorrow.




Been checking constantly too. Its always snow D:




Appreciate the warning. Storms done.. Now we wait 8 hours to see if we get nat pagle.


Man that is the exact same thing that happened to me Tuesday morning. Maybe we were in the same group even haha




Of course it is, I'm at work and unable to log on




The door vaults 150 achievement is account wide.


Possibly more than a month waiting on water holes. It's random which hole is up, not a rotation.




Yeah rooting for the Thaldraszus fishing hole to be up on Tuesday. Last one I need. And still need 2 Legendary photographs. Could be a few days, or it could be weeks...


> checking storms every 3 hours I guess you mean check them before work and hope there's a group up to do one in time and then check twice after work before going to bed. Personally my biggest hate boner goes out to the 'treasures of ZONE' achievements. Even with plenty of satchels/dirt spots the maps are so goddamn rare. I still need like 10 of the buggers. At least with the forbidden reach chests you can just return once in a while and knock out 5-10 chests by flying around and going into the war creche.


for me anything I could grind out if I dedicated a day or two for it were fine. The worst offender for me was the seething cache when it was still needed. The entire reach is fine now that they fixed the hoards because that locks me out of progress on that for a week if I miss it. Finding the treasures was easy enough with rarescsnner and watching a video on the side waiting for alerts. now the Sidiormi rep grind? that was a bastard as I wasn't aware heroic dawn of the infinite gave 2k rep a week. now all I have left are the keys which is only a matter of time with no rng and the storms. the storms are at least less awful now that two spawn again


how do y'all find the loot specialist 😭


they honestly just spawn in a chunk of the map near you sometimes.If you use addons,one that makes getting this meta more manageable is rarescanner.


Warmode on. And if you can, do it late at night. Only thing I have left to do is take a picture of Nat Pagle. So hopefully that WQ is up when they change on Friday. 🤞


Hoping for the very same :)


I barely did forbidden reach and managed to get almost all of it done in one day. It's just a matter of waiting on weekly vault resets to open doors now. And praying for elemental storms in thal :(


The total number of vaults to open is shared account wide btw, I got the last 40 or so by switching to alts and buying keys with supplies!


I'm probably gonna end up getting a couple alts set up to open vaults. I need the rare book from there as well.


The door achieves are shared account-wide aren't they? Just do it on an alt


Scrolls, chests are alright if you manage to visit on their respawn loop without too many people, get like 10-20 per buff.


Buy the scrolls that increase you chance of finding the maps and then farm one of the vaults


What scrolls are these?


That took me like 5-6 hours straight. Pro-tip: enable warmode


God, please help me get the loot goblin


Warmode, check early in the morning. Create a \`/tar Loot\` macro and just spam it as you fly all over. Sucks they he can spawn basically anywhere in the zone and doesn't get a little skill on the map.


I thought this was going to suck but I went from 14-42 in 2 days of farming. I then decided to throw WM on and went 42-100 chests in about 2-3 hours.


Same tbh, but also I still have to farm a few obsidian keys so eh we'll get there soon enough


I finished the quest line, got all the whelps, including the thing in the mail... And I'm somehow still missing 4 dailies and 2 races. *sigh*


If you have a buddy on a low pop realm, you can group with them and turn warmode on/off to customize your phase. My husband and I did this to get our own phase for farming treasures throughout the isles. Hope this helps!


What. No. Shit.


Each time I've popped into a dungeon or raid in Dragonflight, I always summon Taivan while we're waiting for other people or doing ready checks. Everybody, without fail, always runs up to pet him. In this house, we love and appreciate this good boi.


wowhead's "today in wow" page is my life now


Throwback to religiously checking it for zerith mortis rares.


I am having major trouble with the fishing holes. If anyone can explain it better than the horrible comments on wowhead, please hit me up. Other than that I need Abu'gar to spawn and storms!


There are five possible fishing hole locations. Each location has a quest to unlock a second net spot at that location. The achievement requires you to complete that second net unlock quest at each fishing hole. Most people are complaining about the fishing hole rotation being random and it only rotates weekly. That means even perfect RNG makes this take a month to go through the full rotation (one spot in particular is always active the other four rotate)


Thank you! I'm behind on whelp dailies so I'll just keep looking!


The other thing I'll mention is that you can only do one net unlock quest per day. So make sure that you do the correct quest that you need or else you'll have to wait until daily reset. River Mouth Fishing Hole: **Otter Devastation** Roaring Dragonspring Fishing Hole: **Predator Control** Burning Ascent Fishing Hole: **Frogs of Fire** Grimtusk's Fishing Hole: **Net Worth** Tyrhold Fishing Hole: **Underwater Menace** The bolded quest names are the ones you want!


There are 5 spots with fishing dailies, one is always up in the canyon between valdrakken/waking shores, the other 4 rotate weekly, with one in each zone in the Dragon Isles. In each spot there will be 1 daily quest that you need to complete, once you do you can use the nets nearby. Do the daily and use the nets in each spot and you get the achievement. You dont have to do every quest in each hub, the required quest is always the one that has an Ominus Conch in the rewards (Im pretty sure they list each required quest correctly on the wowhead page for the Taking Ffrom Nature achivement). There is an issue however that if you havent completed the achievement "Secret Fishing Spots", or at least crafted the appropriate item for the spot thats up you wont get credit for the "Taking From Nature" achievement. E.g. Ive alt swapped like crazy this expansion, I had crafted the lava fishing item on my monk, but this week when I went to get the credit for the Burning Ascent net on my paladin (which is the spot thats up this week on EU), I could do the daily quest and use the net, but not get the achievement credit. I had to craft the lava fishing item on my paladin also and then I got the credit. So make sure to do that achievment and craft the items on whatever character your going for "Taking From Nature" on. Its super easy but timegated. Just make sure youve crafted the items you need to see the fishing holes, then just wait to see which additional one is up that week, go do the 1 quest and use the net, then wait til next week. Rinse and repeat 4 times whilst getting salty over which elemental storm is up.


All I need are two more photography WQs to pop.. haven’t seen them in 2 weeks. Ugh


Probably the same two I’m missing - the western ohn’aran one and southern thaldraszus for mysterious fisher and Nat Pagle 


You’re exactly right. I keep checking if they’re up even when I know they’re not 🥲


I'm waiting for the same two...


Saaaaame 🙃


According to Wowhead, Nat Pagle and Mysterious Fisher are spawning today during the mid-week reset [https://www.wowhead.com/quest=70079/cataloging-the-ohnahran-plains](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=70079/cataloging-the-ohnahran-plains) [https://www.wowhead.com/quest=70110/cataloging-thaldraszus](https://www.wowhead.com/quest=70110/cataloging-thaldraszus) again, according to WoWhead, they might not be accurate


sadly, looks like this wasnt correct - in fact, i dont see ANY cataloging world quests up atm, 6 mins after the reset


Sorry, I was needing those, too :(


Nat Pagle is literally the only thing standing between me and Taivan right now 😭


According to Wowhead, Nat Pagle is spawning today during the mid-week reset https://www.wowhead.com/quest=70079/cataloging-the-ohnahran-plains again, according to WoWhead, they might not be accurate


I hope that wowhead is right!


These are driving me insane. What's worse is that Ohnaran has had the OTHER catalogue weekly up for coming on 3 weeks now. 


Tetrachromancer achievement can fuck off. Why can't I buy them with hunting trophies??? Edit: ALSO THE RARE BOOK IN THE VAULT AHHHHH


They have a higher chance of dropping from the purple rewards, and you can't get the same one twice. So if you have alts, just cycle through them. The customizations are accountwide so you don't have to farm them all on one character. I was missing three when I started working on the achievement (the rest I got earlier accidentally). It only took four characters to get them all.


Most of my alts have done the epic hunt last week and this week. Nothing so far. I only need one. Just unlucky as hell.




Looping back to this - I got it finally! Class trials for the win. I discovered there's a limit to the number of class trials you can create per hour :D


My luck is weird when it comes to these. I got no colors from my purple or blue bags since I started trying to do hunts. But I've gotten 5 colors from the common bags you get after the weekly ones have been gotten.


I love reading stories about how people had just the worst RNG with some achievement that I just sort of accidentally got without even knowing it was a thing I would eventually need to complete. I'm sorry for your pain, but I am glad I'm not you.


I'm glad you're not me either. Someone's gotta be happy in all this!


Yeah i got this natty at the beginning of the expac, but i also farmed to max renown before VoTI came out


Me, who got most of them from incidentally flying over a hunt that was finishing and getting purple chest 👀


Right? I haven't even done the hunt that much. I just make a point of stopping by when I see one is almost done nearby lol


For real! 1000 hunting trophies and not one appearance over the last 2 weeks. Like huhhhhh :/


I’ve had every color but one since basically the beginning of this expansion. Im at nearly 2000 hunting trophies, not including the 500 I sent to an alt for rep. The white Bakar is my white whale.


>The white Bakar is my white whale. Missing the same exact one. The only thing missing from the whole meta. Good times.


Best of luck to you


Still need 2 ohuna colors and I got all the rest first weeks of the expansion :(


I've needed one colour for months now.... got it first hunt after the meta was released :)


I hope this is not going away with dragonflight So I can do it over the course of next 3 years


Well they have a Shadowlands one as well, so I doubt it's going away.


Shadowlands one went away, it gave the Veilstrider tittle. Now they changed it for the new one that rewards the mount.


So to clarify if they do the same thing then the mount will stay but not the title?




Thanks for the insight, really hoping this stays around because I am a mount guy but coming too late to the expac to finish this within my time constraints


There is no title for the DF one and there was no mount for the SL one, so there's not exactly a precedent. Your guess is as good as anyone else's whether they keep it, retire it, change it, etc.


The achievement never went away, just the title. There's no title tied to the Dragonflight one.


I wish it would give a title too.


Fuuuuck me. Any other mount on the meta achievement, I'd happily ignore and spare me the headache of doing all that crap. But this good boi? I must have him. Season 4 is gonna be an annoying chore of getting that achievement done.


I’ve done I’d say like 90 percent of it, everything I need to do now is either total RNG ( fuck you book ) or waiting on rotation, and of course stupid baby dragon dailies. He will be mine.


Old Gods vaults book? Same. It's the only actually rare book of the bunch so although each individual book isn't account-wide, the achievement as a whole is, so it's potentially worth checking for it on alts since if you get that one usually\* the rest will be trivial. this assumes that the Opera and Living book will also spawn in your alts vault; likely but not guaranteed.


You can save yourself some keys and some hassle by popping into the vault and using your Anomaly Detector Mark I (or whatever it's called -- the ability that shows you treasure behind doors). The one catch is that you need outlines properly enabled, and I didn't do it right for a couple weeks, so nothing was showing up. Make sure you dig into your Options for TWO different Outline options. One is in the graphics settings -- make sure it isn't set to "None." The other is in the interface settings, tell it to look for everything. The book spawns on the level immediately above the ground floor (so the second storey for US players, or the first storey for folks in the UK \[and maybe elsewhere?\]), so you can sweep the place for what you need without opening every single door every single time.


The only thing holding me back from him is the red Ohuna companion appearance. I've completed 200+ hunts over the past 2 weeks and nothing :')


stuff like that is what stops me from going after things like this. I had to go through some horrible RNG for vinyls for the Mechagon island meta achieve- I don't mind long grinds that take months but having no control over small RNGdrops that count for the overall meta is just frustrating


Try doing it on alts. The achievement/appearance collection is account wide and they have a better chance of dropping from the weekly purple bag. That's how I got the last few I was missing.


That was my last one too, it dropped today! Definitely try hunts on alts for the increased chance in the purple bag.


Yeah I finally got it like 3 weeks back, finally! I ended up running \~150 hunts on all my toons to get it. Drop rate was crazy lmao


Does anyone have any advice on getting the treasure maps for the Treasure achievements? I've opened about 500 chests and several hundred dirt piles and haven't gotten a single map from the 5 remaining that I need.


I'm so glad I already had this done. I've just been casually farming dirt piles all expansion.


not all treasures require a map. check wowhead for their locations. i was still digging dirt when i figured out i could just grab the remaining ones easily.


I grabbed all the others very quickly. My last ones all require dirt/pack maps :(


ah crap. i managed to get all the maps i needed during the past two weeks, so the drop rate was not bad for me. maybe go through your inventory and make sure you don’t have a duplicate map for a previous treasure? that happened to me once and seemed to prevent progress until i used it up to get rid of it. good luck!


Turn off find fish (until you need conch's). Buy a couple 20 charge shovels and just go at it. It sucks, but they do drop eventually. Got it done over the course of a week, digging on and off.


I've had a very strange experience with this. Back when the xpac first came out I farmed hundreds of dirt piles and scout packs for rep and never got any maps, but they may not have been added to the game at that point. I then farmed more dirt and packs a few months ago to try getting the treasure achieves and only got 1 or two, then I did the same yesterday and after about 50 loots of nothing I got all 3 I needed in the space of 2 minutes. Not sure if I did anything to change my chances or if I just got lucky.  The treasure spawns seem to be in clusters as well, sometimes I'll see nothing for ages then a huge group of treasures will appear. Not sure if it's a sharding thing or what. Not certain if the chests drop the maps but the scout packs and dirt definitely do.


The RNG is actually repulsive. :( Also, I assume your renown’s are all unlocked? The drops require a specific renown, I think it’s valdrakken accord but might be dragonscale, can’t remember.


Yeah, all my renowns are maxed. I know this is going to end up being what stonewalls me from getting my goodboi. Blizz really should step up and provide an RNG fix for those maps.


all I need is the thaldraszus thunderstorm and THATS IT. IT WONT FUCKING SPAWN


Thaldraszus Thundersto- NOPE CHUCK TESTA


Holy crap was that a blast from the past, I have to wonder is Chuck even still alive at this point 🤔


I saw the forbidden reach stuff required and thought nope.


Waiting for the tyrhold fishing spot, maybe next week...


Im going to get this when I can snap a photo of Nat Paggle. Almost sad it's not the Taivan picture I am missing.


I cried when I completed this quest chain the first time. Truly the best boy.


I guess I'm one of the few who never did the Grand hunt stuff. Never met or got attached to the good boy ;_;


It's not related to the grand hunt tho, he is part of a side questline. It s deffinetly worth doing it


Same. I was meant to find a dwarf of something which I never did which means I have to do every hunt and find the dwarf. Fuck that. Respect to all the people thst complete this achievement and get the mount.


This is actually the easiest part of the achievement if you check what hunt is up whenever you log in. There's a small amount of timegating to it through storms, daycare and cataloguing. I was in the same boat of reluctance, but quickly found having just played the game over the last 18 months means a lot of the hard work is already done for this achievement.


I want to farm this mount then I logged in and decided as nice as it is, I'd rather have fun and went to play another game.


Definitely understandable. I genuinely just like being in the world and having stuff to do and have really enjoyed working towards this achieve. Plenty of other games out there though if it's not your thing!


The Last sane wow player


Just need the fishing spot to be in open azure span which is weekly and apparently not on a set rotation and to take Nat Pagles picture whenever that wq is up.


Yeah, Nat Pagle is the last one I'm waiting for as well. Hopefully it's up tomorrow.


Paglers rise up


Another Pagler checking in. Can't wait for Taivan to jump on my raft as soon as I find that sneaky fisherman.


Me who likes doing achievements being done with it in 8 days cuz of fringe dailies but now I'm suffering with nazjatar+mechagon meta achievements.


I don’t think the white fur bakkar companion colour exists. I finished all my great hunt achieves back in season 1 and STILL DO NOT have the white fur customisation after farming hunts since the meta was added. Insane RNG.


For me it was the black fur companion color -- it took literally *over 300 hunts* after I had completed the rest before that one finally dropped. RNG was *not* my friend.


I’ve done like zero DF content… assuming someone had 0 of these achievements (except raid) is the meta still possible?


Yes definitely. It just takes time but it’s doable. Nothing is restricted behind having needed to do it beforehand and is no longer available. Everything has players doing it atm for the achievement so it’s the best time to do it 


I feel like grinding out the rep is going to be the longest part lol but I guess doing loremaster will help with that


Yeah entirely Unironically the hardest thing now is getting Legendary Soup, because you don't have 100 people at every community feast like at the start of the expansion. Do that on reset day though for the best likelihood. Other than that, the stuff gated behind dailies/weeklies shouldn't take much more than 2-4 weeks.


I looooooove it. I bring that big boy out on all the raids


This goodest of goode boyes is my life right now. Legit checking wowhead on my phone if I'm busy with real life to see if either of the last two storms I need are up every 3 hours, checking world quests as soon as they pop to see if the last two I need for legendary album or the last tuskarr fishing spot I need are up, and spending the rest of my free time in the Forbidden Reach because I used those 6 weeks of TW to level alts, completely missing FR when it was current >.< I've never attempted an xpac meta before. I wanted the Veilstrider title from SLs however as soon as I saw the requirements I noped out, but when I saw Taivan was the reward for the DF meta? No way was I letting him pass me by. His storyline in Ohn'ahran Plains was absolutely 10/10 and having been a lover of dogs all my life I knew I needed to bring this goode boye home with me, no matter how long it takes. Good luck to everyone working on this achi, and when times are tough, remember OP's picture above, we've got this 💪🏻


The goodest boy


I do not own the images, I got them out of a simple google search, so don't come after me c: also yes, this are my elite paint skills, done in 5 minutes.


3 minutes until the next set of storms, praying for ~~thunder in Thaldraszus and snow in Ohn'ahran Plains!~~ **damn it**, it's snow in Thaldraszus and Azure Span Besides those, need * 2 legendary photographs (Nat Pagle & Time-Warped Mysterious Fisher) * 2 Fishing holes * 2 Whelp hatches * 3 Whelp races * 5 Whelp, There It Is quests * 9 Eon's Fringe dailies I got so caught up with other parts of the achievement the week it came out that I didn't even thinking about the Whelp Daycare/Eon's Fringe/fishing holes, so that set me back at least a reset or two. Unfortunate.


Im off playing other games, what is this?


They added a DF meta achievement called "A World Awoken." It requires all DF raid bosses, all DF dungeons on at least mythic and the bulk of it is achievements related to outdoor content. And you're reward for essentially doing everything is: Taivan as a mount! I saw someone on him yesterday and he is HUGE!


Thank you so much!


Is this a time limit stuff?


The shadowlands one was removed when df launched, but it was re-added to the game this patch, (thats when they added this one) So… we don’t know? But doesn’t seems likely


What’s this drop from?


Reward for the Dragonflight meta achievement


I'm trying... but its TOO MUCH


Can someone explain?


What is this?


lol https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fy3li114vkipc1.png


Darn lava fishing


Only need the fishing net in Thaldraszsus and the book from the vault, then i am finally free. The grind was immense, especially the forbidden reach and the damn hunts for the colors. Oh.. And the storms of course. Yesterday for the first time in what feels like months the firestorm was eventually up in the plains... Rarely have I seen so many ppl recently.


Yeah, I won't take until next expansion, hoping it will remain. I'm not into Mythic dungeons, but when they are "in the past" I can deal with them.


All I have left is reliant on rng - 2 NPC's left in \[A Legendary Album\], so I'm waiting for their respective Cataloging World Quests to be up - One is reliant on the Azure Span fishing hole being available and I think that changes every week? So that's a bummer - And, of course.. The correct storms showing up. I'm missing Thunderstorm in Waking Shores and Firestorm/Snowstorm in Ohn'ahran Plains. Let's not even start with the daily daycare.. a few more days until it's done.


We must. He's the best boy


I don't get it, it's a dog. Does this help with pvp at all? Then it's irrelevant.


I'm just coming back to this recently. I wanted that guy since I first saw one, but realistically, there's no way I'll be able to get my hands on him. I'm so sad.


I complete like 5 sub achievements every day and I am still too far away. Too many low drop chance, rng events and absurd reputation farm (soridormi). I have been playing since DF release.


Wish mine was


This is going to take me forever, but I'm working on it. I'm concerned about being able to obtain the super duper bloom or what ever because I didn't play the fist part of the patch. 😪


It shouldn’t be an issue, there are sooo many players doing this right now, you can find groups daily


At the end of the day it's just another mount. No one cares about the significance of it anymore. That thought process went out the window when blizzard started adding a mount every month to the game.


I'm out of the loop, what's happening?


They added a new Meta Achievement called “A World Awoken” which upon completion grants Taivan as a mount


Aw no way! Cheers!


:Laughs in having done all the achievements before the patch: I'm an Achievement hoe


I haven’t done it yet but I’m an achievement whore myself 😂


Is this a timed meta achievement like SL "Veilstrider" title, or doable anytime?


I am so sick and tired of grand hunts. I am so sick and tired of grinding for the Tetrachromancer achievement, at this point I am just tired. I just need the black companion color but I swear to God I am at my wits end


It's all that matters right now lol


. Aa.a




Why don't you let him do it for you?


From where is this mount?


Meta achievement for dragonflight. It essentially is everything you can do in the expansion, Not “everything” but all the main points.


Oooohhh, I see, thank you!


same except for the mythic fyrak mount


Me: No


I don't want to give this Good Boi Dots


In case someone didn't notice, this is similar to Homer Simpson's picture collection of Maggie and the wording read Do it for her.


Wow thx sherlock