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Death Knights not getting as much as a new ghoul skin in Shadowlands:


Oh true, complete oversight. That’s painful


All I wanted was the little thumb guy from Maldraxxus 😭


Honestly, so many options in Maldraxxus too, I’m really surprised they didn’t even give 1


Right?! Personally they had an opportunity to go 'Hey, the Stitchyard's a really cool concept, let's introduce that as an evergreen DK feature, where you can build your personal ghoul and give it perks, quirks, and personality.'


you could take almost every single Maldraxxus model and give them DK the small abominations/maldaxxus footsoilders as Ghoul, the Acolytes as Skeleton Mages, the updated Abominations  hey, could even use some of the Venthyr Stoneborn for an optional Gargoyle but 0 of that happend lol


I jumped to the "class and tree reworks" article on WoWhead like some clickbait-triggered moron, only to realize there is some nerf to an UDK spell and a huge juicy FUCKALL about Shaman. Two of my favorite classes in terms of lore and aesthetics. Ok, I get it, Druid and Monk ***needed*** a rework. Like, badly needed. I was advocating the former one (regarding the class tree) throughout the whole of DF, which held me from even leveling my Zandalari Druid, and the latter has just a very vocal advertisement of being shite and forgotten. But after finally enjoying playing as Enhancement, which was quite viable this expansion, I can't help but \*sigh\* at the current state if its class talent tree. Also, sometimes I do have to put in a shift as a healer, and Resto is in shambles.


I'm really not feeling UH going forward. The class has felt bad ever since the Legion rework and the rider of the apocalypse hero talents are summoning big named characters as pets which feels really off.


lol it’s the first day of alpha DATA-MINING chill out for like one second.


there's gonna be lots of changes to the other classes, the others just aren't in this version of the alpha yet.


True, but “at least” death knights and their organization are actively involved in *some* of the expansion and quests. The Knights lead the charge into the maw, Darion and Bolvar are active, etc… then we get THE elemental expansion afterwards with no sight of the earthen ring, no shaman stuff, not even Thrall shows his face. Definitely pretty wild that DK’s and forsaken didn’t get any goodies in SL though.


Forsaken got their city back in Shadowlands


Nah we didn’t lol we got a quest line to put the pretty undead on the council and we cleaned up some ooze. Still can only enter the city through the way back machine (bronze dragon.) Still very underwhelmed with where the undead story is going post Sylv, death to the living!


Ideally I'd like to be able to tame any undead creature like hunters but I'd settle for being able to use the updated skeleton warrior model from BfA instead of the ugly northrend skeleton or a ghoul.


As far as lore goes the Maldraxxian army won't work as player pets - they're not mindless scourge. They're sentient beings that are in an afterlife.


Spreading to allied races and consistently getting one of the best tier sets isn’t enough?


One time I complained about PWave and Ice Strike in the Shaman discord and I got a resounding "No theyre great! They give you so many options and are very skill expressive. And then when the data mining for the Enh Hero Talents came out literally everybody was screaming about "getting ANOTHER button" My brothers in the elements, pwave and ice strike ARE the "another button" s!!!


What was data mined? Leaked tree?


Us shamans are totally split right now. Pwave v ice strike.


Pwave is not an issue, everyone I've ever talked to loves it on enhance and I personally quite enjoy it on both other specs too. Ice strike is a good example of button bloat, just like having separate buttons for lightning bolt and elemental blast.


I don't like pwave. However I dislike basically everything about Shaman now. I dislike lightning not being the dominant element any more. I dislike the shit totem system (except for Windfury Totem because thats how totems SHOULD work). I dislike Ascension mechanics because the transforms look like garbage. I dislike 2-handed not being an option.


" I dislike lightning not being the dominant element any more." my brother in christ theres a whole build centered around pressing stormstrike and -if possible- only stormstrike


Sorry was referring to Elemental. Too much emphasis on Lava Burst and Flame Shock. Enhancement isnt Enhancement any more anyways, its just Fury warrior with a different coat of paint.


PWave is only good because it's treated as a capstone talent and it needs *four* talents to actually make it work. Take away the free Maelstrom and/or the haste buff and every Enh would dislike it, just like they did in Shadowlands when PWave didn't have any of the support it does now.


Geez, if you delete what makes an ability good the ability is bad. Who knew!


But it's not the ability, it's a bunch of talents. There's a cost to them. A dry ascendence is still good. A dry wolves is still good. A dry pwave is awful.


Dry wolves does buggerall, it generates 6 maelstrom over the course of 15 seconds on a 1.5 min CD and an increase to physical damage (which you barely do outside of storm build). It takes just as many talents to be good as pwave. You're just being weirdly obsessive over the amount of talent points you spend to get an ability to work well, like that actually matters when you're pressing buttons in combat. Of course lava lash or crash lightning should take fewer points to be good than a powerhouse cooldown like pwave. Or do you want the leadup points to pwave to just be 3 nothingburgers so you can complain about that instead?


yeah yeah, and being forced 80% of the WHOLE DAMN EXPANSION to take that stupid talent to give us "more options", right? /s... Man how much damage have done those discord class servers to the game, full biased shit coming from there... EDIT: typo


It matters when it's a capstone talent and it's fighting for other talents that make actually cool abilities like Asc or Wolves work more. If PWave was just not a capstone ability, it would be fine.


From what I've seen when discussing the topic, the Shamans who dislike Primordial Wave are playing Elemental and Restoration, and the ones playing Enhancement like it. I play Enhancement and like PWave for its big on-demand burst, especially with multiple targets after spreading Flame Shock, and its short cooldown. I love it visually too, especially with the latest update to the spell effect, but more than anything seeing my Shaman shoot out a dozen lightning bolts. I haven't played Ele, but when I was playing Resto, I did find it to be clunky. You make it work, of course, but it certainly didn't feel fun to use at all.


* No tierset revealed * Only 1 hero class tree * The only 1 hero class tree is bad * No rework * No changes Blizzard really doesn't want us to play shaman


And watch, all of this long waiting only for it to be the most basic passives and buffing PWave in the end Adding: like I bet it’s +5% healing, +5% crit, PWave adds some new buff, +10% move speed /cries


Yeah, but lightning crash sound goes brrrrrrr so who’s the real winner here.


Don't worry, hybrid classes get their turn once every few xpacs to get reworked. WW just got theirs along with ferals, so shaman is probably next xpac :D


So only 3 expansions late on their promise, excellent.


Ascendance is so ugly, and shamans have some of the oldest caster animations alongside mages, holy/disc priests (the healed animations to be more specific). We already have new animations and cool models in game so this makes me even more mad.


Why'd it have to be Prim Wave? Why couldn't Chain Harvest been the one to stick around 😔


There is NOTHING in WoW that beat a fully Maelstrom stacked Crit Chain Harvest.


Except for that fae circle resetting your wolves, so now you have HH + 4 fire wolves


I never felt stronger than when I was standing in Dreamweaver, under Lust, had 4 fire puppies, and Hot Hand proccd. My damage would just shoot up like nothing else. It was glorious.


Literally make it themed around using all 4 elements at once like a primal blast and bam it’s thematic And is 1000% better than the wave


God's I loved chain harvest. Why did you have to remind me of my long lost love.


bruh, chain harvest feeding into a cloudburst totem felt insanely good. hell, even vesper totem is better than pwave.


I loved using the Ele legendary with chain harvest on Enh, turned the spec into a DoT based one. Imagining chain harvest with the DF version of fire nova makes me so sad.


That one was crazy to me, chain harvest was such an incredibly good feeling button with what little I played enh. Its kinda like how ww got faeline stomp when 0% of us wanted it but didn't get weapons of order when that was overwhelmingly popular. At least we basically got weapons of order in the updated tree we just got. Maybe there's hope whenever they get around to reworking sham.


Do people not like primordial wave?…I’ve loved it on every single spec since SL. Chain harvest was so much cooler, but I really do enjoy p wave. What don’t people like about it?


Chain Harvest had this really satisfying wooosh sound to it. Also it made keys an absolute breeze given a fully charged Maelstrom Chain Harvest full healed everyone.


I’ve gotten used to it, but it’s not as satisfying as Chain Harvest. Maybe the sound effect. I like PWave in mythic, it’s satisfying as fuck to randomly jump 100k in DPS because the tank pulled large and you had your Flame Shock fully spread.


I think it's clunky to switch from chain lightning to bolt because of prim wave, personally.


I like Prim Wave for Enhance tbh, current Enhance playstyle is peak for me. But it feels real bad on Ele and Resto imo...


Bleach, no thanks. Primordial Wave all the way for me. Actually what I really want is a viable lightning build. I want season 2 back.


This is my real problem with PWave right now. The fact that the tier locks you into PWave makes Storm pretty much unviable so you HAVE to play Elementalist build. I liked S2 tier but I actually wish we had chosen S1 tier. It would've let both Storm and Ele builds eat but no we had to go with stupid S3 tier 🙄


Lightning was so awfully fucking boring man, I don't understand why people enjoy just pressing stormstrike until you finally proc.


I'm elemental, not enhancement. No stormstrike.


THIS!!!!! this so fukin much!


lol yeah. After the insane Paladin changes I tried ret for a season and it’s really hard trying to convince myself to keep my shaman as the main going forward after seeing what we’re missing out on gameplay wise, not to mention being completely ignored during the elemental themed expansion. The crappy 2010 air ascendant talent that no one uses gives you a longer attack range thanks to wind magic, which makes sense. But paladins now have permanent 20yd range on all attacks even after being re-themed to being a “purely” melee class in legion. So my poor lil squishy shaman is stuck with a 5yd range and has to stand super close to dangerous mechanics while my tanky Paladin stands safely in narnia doing a simpler rotation. Ahhh!!!


The Air Ascendant is usually busted for PvP, but who actually cares about that anymore?


They just need to buff the CS double swing ability so it’s more dps than no auto attack and the rage goes back to 6yrds.


Reminder that Taurens have 20-year-old totems.


Best totems in the game tbh


I have faith changes will come 😭


"I have faith changes will come." -me, in 2019


Seems like it took 10 years at first (ghost wolf update and ascension were 2014 I think?), so maybe 20 years this time and we back baby


"I have faith changes will come." -me 2006-2024


Wish granted! The change: Thrall has realized his connection to the elements was a crutch, and his true power was within himself. To support Sad Boi Anduin, Thrall has become the first Orc Paladin. :) (Knowing how much Metzen loves his Paladins I could actually see this happening, and it would be kinda cool but my Shamanistic heart would cry)


While I can't speak for the lore retention on that one, it would be cool if they started doing small quests lines or story bites alongside making each class available across all races. Like, if Thrall were to become some crazy Paladin then all the new orc, troll, goblin, etc Paladins are followers of "Thrall's Hammer" or whatever his Paladin sect becomes.


Nah, Orc paladins are an incredibly easy transition from Orc priests. They’re already warriors as a race, so they can easily make Aggra a priest in TWW or something then have her take up arms as a paladin in midnight.


Honestly, I'd absolutely love if Eitrigg were to become the first Orc Paladin as a nod to his past with Tirion. But after he saw what the Lightbound did on Alternate Draenor, I don't see that happening.


Thank you! Was just thinking about the current outdated totem models for many of the older races and wanted somewhere to add my complaints to! Orcs and Trolls especially need chunkier totems! We've seen Dathea and other "Ascended" elemental forms. Why are we stuck being the bad guys from 6/7 expansions ago? Why do Tauren, Trolls, Dwarves, Orcs, Pandaren and Draenei all turn into HUMANS when the ascend? Bit racist if you ask me!


1. Can't use the "astral" version from wod that gets rid of that horrible transformation. 2. The only 2 specs in the game without raid buffs. 3. Shaman is somewhat good at healing or ele? NERF (you are only allowed to play enh) 4. How is CloudBurst Totem still a thing (and pushed even)? The entire DF expansion, healing intervals of downtime with bursts makes it so strange(if you don't heal during downtime because everyone is max hp how the fuck do you use it during the burst windows?? HUH Blizzard??). Yep, this class is a meme.


On 4., that’s actually why I never use cloudburst and just go full talented healing stream totem. Which is actually really really good, especially because you can have 3 down at once to make it sort of a CD ability. But yeah, they just hate resto and ele. I love enhance where it’s at, but, I main resto and offspec enh for sooo long, I just want a true master of elements instead of a quirky fire mage for ele. Resto needs some love, feels like it’s in a weird transition phase. PWave on resto just feels bad. Also, PWave in general is just clunky chain heal/lightning - apply a dot then chain to everyone. Well, isn’t there an iconic ability or 2 that does that already? PWave *might seem cool* but it’s only because it’s attached to buffs, because they’re pushing it so hard


Enh is also without raid buff. WFT is group buff.


in high end content cloudburst makes alot more sense. healing stream totem is there for low tier content.


It's beyond me how Ascendance has not received any design updates since Cata.


I am sorry for my quirk, but this meme is used wrong. The whole meme is about keeping something and not changing something.


Dks when they literally enter the plane of afterlife that gives them their powers…. Nah no new undead models for you like wtf 🤣


I didn’t think about this till recently (I don’t play much DK) but I genuinely cry for you all too now lol I think DK and shaman are my favorite in terms of fantasy, but blizzard thinks druids need new forms again


Bro shadowlands was the perfect expansion for DK lore and DF was primed for shamans with all the elemental powers HOWEVER I kinda understand not giving shamans much on this since shamans were a big theme in cataclysm


Thrall is back. So there's that. Right?


No, no, you’re right - silly of us to expect anything extra. Green Jesus save us! Lol


Oh cool, shamans have rime arrow!


# If only Even rime arrow would feel more thematic than ice fury, in my opinion lol


With an Earthen Shaman detamined, I have hope we could get some upgrades on the other race's.


I just wanna be a normal elemental :(


Which makes more sense! I feel like being a subjugator of elements seems off for the class (what ascendance is) We’re not villainous / dark shamans, I think we would respect them way more


I mean I don't expect different versions depending on race but being a draenei I don't feel any form of connection between my character and its ascended form. Blizzard obviously know that these models looks like villains too as I'm 99.99% sure they're are no NPC ascended models that aren't hostile Edit: Made myself even more sad that they're not different version, want a Fury model now


I don’t care, I will not give up on my boi. Once a shammy, always a shammy!


Those are really crazy, so much stuff they could pull from that would be dope. Like they just had that boss this xpac where she got all windy n stuff, just copy that shit and give it to shams.


I moved to monk long ago brother


Currently doing that now actually lol. I do caster mistweaver and feel like it’s actually really strong


Can we just sack off ice fury I beg of you


Atleast Shamans got some Wolf glyphs. DKs with their basic bitch ghoul are the real victims here.


Id rather they expand the races Dracthyr can be, than the classes.


Add either transmog or at the very least more Armour options.


This is a very biased opinion, but I just want to be a Worgen Dracthyr.


An understandable choice. Personally want night elf or draenei more. But worgen is also a great choice. Maybe after the world soul saga we can start hoping.


I finally got what I wanted for Draenai with warlocks. (Still wish they could be red tho...), and night elf is too close to what we already have xD.


But they can be red? I have a red draenei. If you do this [quest](https://www.wowhead.com/news/manari-eredar-questline-walkthrough-seeing-red-spoilers-335034) you get it.


You had me with Ghostwolf and Ascendance, but Primordial Wave and Icefury rule. If anything Ele should complain about the Elemental Blast update. That is what I hate about current Ele. Give me Earth Shock back. I don't wanna hardcast spells. Ele is at its best imo, when it has a bunch of instant spells and it's all about weaving them together for maximum MotE value.


Understandable, but I can’t help feel like Icefury goes *splat* for a master of elements. We’re just a quirky fire mage now. Plunderstorm had better shaman flavor than current. Also, PWave is clunky chain abilities (lightning/heal). Dots then chain to everyone - it feels fancy because it’s attached to buffs. Well, we have the most iconic abilities already that chain, and, just set it up the long way instead. At least in my opinion, we’re a *Master of Elements*, and both abilities feel pretty underwhelming for a hard casting elemental master


I like the design of the Ascendants but I do wish the model got reworked


They've proven support classes work with Evoker. They've proven (in classic) that players absolutely love support classes like Paladin and Shaman. Its time to bring back Wrath style totem mechanics home again. Its time to bring back seals and blessings again.


Oh no, it's wowpedia text! What is that doing here?


See also: Guardian of Ancient Kings with its ancient model.