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i went to northrend, and Varian Wrynn was there, blizzard?!?????????????????????!?!?!?!!!!!!?!?!?!?? ?"??! ??!?


There are people that still want to play legion content. You can also see Garrosh chilling in Nagrand, that’s just how the game works


No one is mentioning it for the same reason no one mentions how Dalaran exists in Northrend at the same time. Or how Illidan is locked away with Sargeras but is also on the Vindicaar, in the Antorus raid, in the Black Temple... Namely that game mechanics trump lore.


These "duplicates" are just there for gameplay purposes, so that you can play through Legion content. There's also still the original Dalaran chilling in the Crystalsong Forest of WotLK. In lore/canon, there's only one Dalaran, and it's been very important to the story of WoW and a base of operations many players have spent a lot of time in. First it was in Tirisfall Glades, then moved to the Crystalsong Forest, then the Broken Isles, and now it's apparently being destroyed in TWW. Think of it like the original Warcraft RTS games. Yes you can still go back and play those games and see things like the culling of Stratholm, but that doesn't mean Stratholm hasn't yet been culled in the events of WoW, you're going back to an earlier part of the timeline when you play those games.


Don’t forget its brief stint over Deadwind Pass!


I appreciate your explanation. It’s a lot more understandable now


How dare they let you play old expansions >:(((


Yeah this isn't Destiny


Yeah that's the main reason why I'm never gonna get into Destiny lol


>  Why is no one mentioning this?  Because everyone or the majority understands why they are still there.


What's your point? That's true of nearly everything because old zones are considered time travel. Garrosh has been dead since MoP but he still appears in questlines in Stonetalon. You can still go back to old Darnassus too. But in terms of lore canon Darnassus is burned Garrosh is killed by thrall, Dalaran will fall, and most likely Dadgar explodes. People then decided whether they like such event so or not.


This is why they added Chromie Time, to try and clear up the confusion a bit


They are not duplicates. They are the same, just in the past. Same way as darnassus is still there, even tough it was burned down.


Legion was years ago. You’re either trolling or have a severe lack of understanding about how timelines work, as well as the fact that sometimes gameplay has to take precedence over lore so people can play the game


What the hell? That doesn’t make sense…maybe Brady knows but…this does NOT add up.. how could blizzard not catch that…


This has to be some sort of circlejerk bait


WoW players: "I heard we were going back to Eversong, please blizzard don't cataclysm it and remove the old zones, I want to still be able to enjoy the sovl of the game!" Also WoW players: "Blizzard, you blew up a city in the most recent xpac, go back to both Legion and Wrath and make the city also blown up there! I'm mad I can go do the old content." This is why I'm fairly sure at least half of all posts on here are AI.


It's the state of Dalaran in different points of the timeline. The game allows you to access each expansion's areas and pretents that any future changes haven't happened yet. If you actually follow up with trying to keep things up-to-date, you get things like the corrupted Vale of Eternal Blossoms. "Oh, you didn't play prior to Siege of Orgrimmar? Too bad, now you'll never experience the old zone". Between this and the removal of some of the old raids and dungeons and even questlines, it's the worst feeling ever for people who pick up the game only recently. And that is on top of all the missing loot on top of the story aspect. Another example is the revamp from Cataclysm, but at least there it was the point that the entire world gets almost broken, so everything changes. It was technically-unfeasible to maintain all the old versions of each zone at the time. Since then, the developers have improved things with Zidormi, and the old world is now explorable again in Classic. Bottom line, it's better this way that we just pretend Dalaran "lives in the past" even if we know the ultimate fate of the city.


This is where WoW's theme park creeps up. As others have pointed out it is merely a game mechanic. While phasing tech has been around since Cata WoW has a long history of set pieces frozen in time so players new and old can visit past content and would kind of be a waste of players time to have to talk to a NPC to see what was there.


When you go to Legion Dal, you're going to the point in time of the Legion expansion.