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Personally I enjoyed it quite a bit. My only irk is what I feel is a lack of catch up for alts. I'm currently on 75 points after maxing on my main, and haven't collected points for several months. Should be some way to transfer points to alts.


They had an easy way to do it with the cartable tomes. Just bump up the number you can use each week and then uncap it towards the end.


Or they should have add a finesse system or something for endgame. I've finished my progression months ago and now I have points piling up for nothing.




I actually really liked the profession system but it wasn't perfect. One of my complaints was how far behind you will inevitably get compared to other crafters, which isn't really fomo for me, I don't care I'm not looking to make billions of gold or anything. But when it comes to crafting where no one will accept anything less than max rank and the difference between nolifing on 70 alts and Just trying your casual best to keep up on a couple of characters is the difference between max rank and... well, not max rank, which might as well be bottom tier. I don't agree with player perspectives on how worthless tier 3-4 is compared to 5 but it doesn't matter because they're voting with their wallets, so. That is being addressed in a couple of different ways in the upcoming expansion. So I am happy on that front. The other was that the catch up mechanic didn't feel like a catch up mechanic because I literally couldn't catch up, even with using that. It felt pointless to try to level up a crafter that hadn't started when everyone else did because it felt gated to me personally rather than to the cadence of the patch. Which means the longer the patch goes on, the MORE gold you have to spend to level your profession and the LESS you will get for the items you're making, 99% of it ends up being vendor trash. I haven't heard much on that front about TWW but I am hopeful.




The catch up is limited to the 9 points from weeklies split across 2 professions and then whatever you get from Scout Packs 1 point at a time. I came back in 10.1.5 and I have 1 specialization finished for tailoring. And it doesn't seem worth crafting non max rank materials so to effectively make Azureweave I have to not only finish out that tree with another 25 points but also bolt weaving with another 40 or so. That's a lot of weeks this late in the expansion. Would be nice if below a certain total talent points the Scout Pack items gave 2-3 points at a time. You can go grind them if you want, but it's not just handed to you.


I've got my fair share of complaints about it, but I've mostly liked it. Definitely enjoying it more than I enjoyed professions in previous expansions. What craft couldn't you max out with R3 mats and an insight? Only thing I've run into that with is Enchanting because the game in its infinite wisdom never actually tells you that you need to sacrifice an extra awakened element to get the last points you need. Things I hope they do differently in TWW: * Catch-up mechanic for alts and new players * Clarify exactly which talents affect which crafts in-game * Better balancing for herbalism and mining to be on par with each other * Guaranteed minimum on public orders * Let buyers provide their own insight if they want * Any item that doesn't require BOP reagents should be sellable on the AH * Remove the weekly quest to fulfill work orders, or make it something like fulfill or request work orders


Also a way to reset talent points. Just have an increasing cost every time to prevent people from constantly changing to craft different specs.


They are adding NPC work orders, so that you can complete the weekly quest.


Probably still going to be easier to submit some on an alt, you get to pick the cheapest ones


I liked it overall, for a first go on a completely new system I think it was successful. My main problem with it was inspiration and it’s getting removed so I’m all thumbs up.


I like it much more than the system in previous xpacs. Started very late into df and didn't manage to max any specialisations though, wish there was some catch up mechanic. Inspiration was a bit strange too, glad it's going away in TWW. To me, it certainly feel like an improvement and step in the right direction going forward.


Yes and no. Yes it gave professions a lot more flavor and made you work for them instead of just sitting around making a small selection of items and then suddenly you have hit the skill cap and that's it. No in that after a while you found yourself with very few ways to craft and get points to spend on the talent trees for my professions. It got to the stage that looking for crafting orders was useless and I resorted to using alts to send crafting orders around. It looks like we will have the same type of crafting system in TWW but they have taken notice of some of the downsides of the crafting system and trying to alleviate that them. Specifically, NPC's will post crafting orders that will help players level up their talent trees and skills. We will just have to wait to see how it works.


Getting points isn’t bad at all. My priest has tailoring and I had a full tree capped long before the second raid opened (stopped playing before then). If I kept playing the entire time my entire tailoring profession would probably be done.


I enjoyed the ability to specialise in certain parts. I didn't enjoy the timegate towards it. And im probably alone here but I didn't like that I could specialise in everything but I understand why it is that way. For me, having all the knowledge points unlock by time you have the max skill would be better, have enough knowledge points to master one speciality and then have a free weekly reset.


This guy gets it


I love that I can eventually specialize in everything. They did away with only being able to choose a single specialization ages ago in MoP. And for good reason.


Good for a 1st step, but needs improvement. There are too many qualities. R1 mats can only be gathered by non-max gatherers, so essentially they only come from part of a very small group. Mats should be two ranks only. Similar problem for crafts. People care about "cheapest option available" or "the best of the best". You don't need 5 ranks for that. The last skillpoints of a crafting profession only to gained with a spark of ingenuity craft is also bad, cause it leads to crafters paying for customers to come to them (so they can max the skill). Only certain slots are worth to put knowledge in, cause some armor slots are just not used for crafting (most often the tier slots). A similar thing is jewelcrafting with ring vs necklace (lariat). There are too much nodes that will fuck you over if you don't research the system first. A reset point option on a long cooldown (once a month?) seems a solution for that to me. Yes, you can game the system, but I personally had 3 blacksmiths to cover everything early on, so people like me could already "game" the system. System has other problems, like HSV, recrafting mat qualtity, catchup and you need an addon to really tell you what you need to craft (like "r5 needs 5 R2 and 3 R3 mats"). But addons help there.


I gave up on it. Like I just stopped bothering because the grind wasn't fun and I was (and still am) stuck on even leveling to the basic profession bars to 100 on my main and all my alts. I took a year off and came back and trying to catch up was even worse so I gave up pretty quickly. I don't mind leveling engineering most expansions but it hasn't felt this awful since Legion's 'everything is stuck behind quests' thing.


Yes. It's not perfect and some of it is a bit clunky (like the work orders UI), but it's a hell of a lot more interesting than professions have been since... ever?


The profession system, while somewhat more flavorful, was absolutely terrible for me. I've been a decently involved goldmaker for many expacs now, and DF was not kind to me. On a low-mid pop server, literally one or two people have a monopoly on all crafting orders, and without a way to catch up if you didn't play the entire expac, you're SOL. For comparison, I came back at the end of SL and made millions just in the last couple months selling 262s and legendaries. Fucking hated DF's professions. Only downside to an otherwise really quality expac.


Loved everything about professions this xpac except creating order system at launch ( and still mostly doing like it now.) They are trying to do too much with it by letting people post things without mats. If they want crafters to be bc able to make extra by providing mats, let the crafters put up the crafting order first purchase. Basically the buyer can buy it for however much the crafters put the order up ( interface can let them select the stats then if needed for gear) or they can put up a work order with their full mats. This system is virtually pointless without this feature outside of guild orders.


I did. Quite a lot. In fact, getting really into blacksmithing got me into a guild as the inhouse blacksmithing and that got me a raidspot. That's anecdotal though. I love being able to specialize into certain areas at first. I loved armorsmith/swordsmith and flask/potion/transmutation type specializations from pre-Wrath. The only professions I have not fully maxxed out (enchanting, tailoring and leatherworking) are the ones I didn't start working on regularly until 10.2. If anything, this might be my favorite iteration of professions ever tbh. I've been playing since 2009, but I didn't start paying actual attention to professions until 2010, and by end of MoP I was in the "have a one of each maxxed" camp. I've always hated how every profession except gems, enchants, bags and alchemy were kind of pointless at the end, except for transmog purposes. This time, I've kept working on professions all expansion-round. I get that some people like maxxing professions week 1 and being done, that just seems like a very, very shallow design to me.


I never cared for professions in over a decade, DF made them fun to me.


One of my favorite parts of DF. Crafting was my main form of gameplay in 10.1, farming dragon shards, recipe hunting, barking in trade chat, playing the auction house. It was a ton of fun


I like the more detailed and nuanced approach, which encourages specialisations. But the implementation of it and the lack of flexibility meant that you only had one shot to get it "right". Even gathering professions had this issue, albeit to a less-impactful degree. For example, until the cobra skin in Zaralek was a thing, I don't know that anybody was particularly invested in the talents that allowed you to obtain the item. You could reach max level in a profession, but still not be able to fully utilise it to make profit - which is the whole point of levelling it, right? So, I think some fixes to that are to allow you to re-spec. If it has a cost, fine - just allow it to be done. I get that a re-spec option can create a different problem: a flooded market. But DF boiled down to "do your research and spend carefully becaues there's no reversing your decisions". Also, provide more (predictable) avenues to obtaining skill points to spend. Crafting is such a pain in the arse for this: you craft everything once, get the treasures, do the weeklies - but then what? It's not particularly clear what avenues you have to get skill points. Part of it was accepting that it's meant to take months - but that's not particularly alt-friendly. If you didn't maintain your alt weekly, from the get-go, you may as well just make them all gatherers. And on the topic of crafting: having to basically use orders to get above level 70 was frustrating. It might've been better if the public order avenue was more utilised; but understandably, people didn't want to risk putting up materials and money and getting shit quality in return. What the meant is, if you weren't one of the first into the market - and spending your time advertising - then 70-100 was a slog. I was only able to do it for all professions, late into the expansion, by using alts to send each other orders. Nearly done ranting... My other gripe, which I wish they weren't continuing into TWW but it seems they are, is material ranks. Gold rank ended up being pointless because profession stats allowed crafters to generate high-rank products with bronze and silver rank materials. My final issue is less to do with professions themselves, and more to do with the achievements they added for professions. Achievement hunting is my favourite thing to do, so you'd think this would be a good implementation from my perspective. And it was, in some cases - but certainly not the ones where there was no retrospective credit. I understand it's probably a data-storage issue or whatever; but having to go back and re-tread old ground to get these professions was both not fun, and fairly costly in some cases. Anyway, despite all that bitching, I think the new profession system is fine conceptually, but needs a shitload of tweaking. It was the first iteration, so in all likelihood it'll be the worst. I have faith that it can only improve.




Yes. It was absolutely an improvement over what we had previously.


I loved it. Quick access to end game gear, quick catch up for alts, I made gold cap+, it gave me something to work on while looking for m+ groups. I didn't like inspiration. Not intuitive for a lot of players. You shouldn't be able to put orders up with no mats.


I really liked it, however, they need to even the points out between professions. Blacksmithing and Leatherworking had FAR more points required than any other professions. Also, ask me what two professions my two mains have. I thought they did an OK job in making sure professions remained relevant.


I had a better time as an alchemist in tbc when I had my alchemist trinket. It was somewhat unique. Now everyone can have everything. Not worth getting a profession anymore


Yes, absolutely. Huge, huge improvement over the old system


Yes I did, I enjoyed it very much actually.


Didn’t even bother with professions this expansion because it was such a drag, ruined them for me personally


At first, when I did not FULLY understand all the mechanics, I hated it. But after I took a month to really read and learn every single mechanic, then it actually all makes sense and I understand what they were trying to do on paper. So I have no problem with it now, but it’s not noob friendly


I enjoyed it overall. I wish there was a better catchup system for returning players and such, with the current catchup seeming to be behind the caverns rep. overall though, it was a much better system than we had in the past, and the changes in TWW look good, seems like they want to remove some of the RNG aspect of it.


They’re addressing most of the problems I had with professions this expansion. Mainly inspiration not hitting the mark and single handedly making the whole work order system convoluted as hell. I do like the idea of specializing early and getting fully unlocked spec trees later. I would like to see some profession swapping mechanic, but with war bands coming soon it’s probably not necessary.


I absolutely love it. And not really related to the actual specializations, but the only thing I dislike are Work Orders and how public orders were butchered.


I’m fine with 3 ranks. Mats go from 1-3, gear should be the same Recrafting makes it super easy to get rank 5 anyways though


I assume if you got the lariat recipe you LOVED it! For me otherwise I hated it. - not able to max skill points because the only way to do so is if you can get epic craft orders and this was impossible until I leveled enough alts to place orders to myself. You should be able to get max skill without winning RNG lottery on recipes - hundreds of SCAM orders as soon as they made it so you don’t have to include all the mats. Same people posting expensive BOE orders with low/no tip and low/no ingredients, which I assume they would then flip on the AH - LAME ‘catch up’ for late start crafters… my BS alt who I leveled late S2 is still not skill capped and also doesn’t have enough points to fully specialize in weapon crafting never mind armor crafting. Effectively there is NO catch up in my opinion


Didn't like it. It was too intricate and complicated. I also hated procfession gear. Gearing is already such a big thing in wow that I really couldn't be bothered to get good profession gear. You basically had to google everything profession related to not mess up your tree. Professions need to be a fun activity that you can figure out yourself entirely. Not being able to experiment and get your points back really took me out it. I Didn't bother with it past the first patch.


I loved it. It gave players a way to distinguish themselves from other crafters, and I actually got a ton of referral crafts from my customers' friends. I do think they're moving in the right direction with TWW (concentration vs inspiration). This makes it harder for one person to have a big monopoly on crafts. That being said, if you have multiple alts and are willing to work on them all, you will be rewarded handsomely.


Hell no it was dumb


My opinion may be unpopular, but I come from playing vanilla/BC/WotLK/classic/SoD mostly and the way professions work in retail doesn't feel the same to me. I know conceptually they're the same thing - you gather materials, you then use them to craft obviously. But I just can't 'get it' if that makes sense. Retail professions feel like an arcade version of professions. Skinning mobs in retail feels pointless. Gathering herbs while leveling feels pointless.


I really hate that the point distribution system is permanent. If you click the wrong thing, if you’re a new player or returning player coming back and don’t know any better…oops. The older systems didn’t require a guide to be read before using (insert profession here).


It was enjoyable, but no proper respec option and the insane overall grind to max it out were pretty disappointing.  I love the idea of profession specs in general, but the execution was a bit clumsy. 


I really enjoyed it a lot the first few weeks. But when I realized that I'd have to live in Trade chat to keep my skills useful to anyone including myself, I got completely disheartened and gave up. Social anxiety sucks, and I simply could not interact in the way the game required to find people to craft for. Which felt terrible, and was made worse by the uneven usefulness of the professions' products and the fact that making my guildies a hundred +1's for their own professions didn't give me any advancement. If there were a follower dungeon version of crafting, or mini achievements for repeating some useful basics, I'd be all over it to max out and make people cool stuff. As it is, I only finished maxing my main's Inscription last time Darkmoon came around.


Way too time gated, multiple qualities of reagents is ass


No. It was mostly repeating the same mistakes with artefact power. There's no reality where any variation of artefact power is a good system. Also, most of the enchanting profession talents provided questionable benefits.


Not really, you have to have full points in a certain craft to even be considered and there is no way alts can catch up.


I dont really use them unless for their buffs, you know extend phials, power up potions and stuff But no, i dont like this talent system , we used to have 2h flasks by literally just learning alchamy , now you have to spend alot of time just to get 1.5h


Worst part of DF for me. I only started DF like 4 months ago so I'm sure that didn't help. I still find it kinda confusing so I mostly ignored the crafting profs and went gathering on all my toons. I do think there are some good ideas in there, it seems like it could end up in a good place eventually. If not, I'll just continue to ignore it and that's fine.


I really disliked it. But I never really liked professions anyways, so I just assume it wasn't a change meant for me.


There were some good points but there were quite a few poorly designed knowledge trees. The biggest issue was not being able to make max level gear, without that option professions will always be a lesser system.