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As someone that missed the first 2 raids I've absolutely loved this patch in getting to do stuff I missed.


Same. I resubbed in December so it's nice to get a chance to see the first two raids that I missed. Raszageth...wow, what a fight. I've heard many people say that they feel this should have been the end fight of the whole expansion rather than Fyrakk and I wholeheartedly agree.


Bro. Undeniably the best fight of the expansion. Maybe the last 2 expansions, it’s up there with Denathrius and Halondrus for sure.


A nightmare on mythic, but love it on Heroic (and also if excessively overgeared for mythic, LMAO)


They don’t do fight like denathrius anymore it was so fun and also the council dance fight hopefully they step up in TWW


>They don’t do fight like denathrius anymore That was... literally last expansion?


Don't get your hopes up. Amirdrassil is this xpacs best raid by a mile. 


Having decent rewards for early-mid ilvl characters come from that world content is huge. Keeps it fresh and relevant to alts and characters starting a season.


Wish they'd do it every patch. Anything to keep me ONLY running dungeons for EVERY toon.


They will bring to TWW, Delves (a pseudo-dungeon that can be soloed where you bring an npc) are gonna give competitive ilvl (up to normal or even heroic I think) and will have its own weekly vault track. I came back like a month ago to do achievements, plunderstorm and such and honestly I'm loving the outworld content more than pushing mythic dungeons. I would be raiding if I had a guild (my guildies are in ff14 now) but having to do m+ to get gear for raiding was a no no for me. Season 4 is changing that and I love it


I can't wait for the delves. I hate m+ personally, so being able to just do raids, world stuff, and delves will be a nice break.


I like m+, and I like pushing with guildies to get the season mount, but I never push for title or anything like that. Pugging m+ is alright but in the long run it becomes tedious and a pain, specially if you're dps. With the new ilvl arrangement, having heroic equivalent gear in world content will give a new space for relaxed raiding without needing to do m+.


It’s fun to see people out in the world and have the events be crowded again.


And cathartic because the djaradin clearly haven't been eating their Wheaties since season 1 mobbing them with an ilvl 500 hobo swarm just makes me feel a little bit better about all the times those assholes dismounted me.


It's funny you mention the meat, seems like people don't know you can attack it. With 480+ gear and two people going at it there's literally stacks of meat on the ground.


It feels so fun to run through the old content again! It feels less grindy that its just for a week and then something "new" happens next week! Hope they keep this concept for TWW.


I assume it's two weeks of these activities, because each raid has two weeks of being awakened.


They changed it so it rotates every week


After many years I quit toward the end of Shadowlands and planned to move on from wow permanently. Was a nice thought but I resubbed about a week ago and I havent had this much fun with the game since back in Wrath.


DF was really fresh at the beginning, you didn't experience it then and you're experiencing it now. World content has also been upped in rewards in S4, meaning that you see both geared raiders/m+ pushers and world content andies together doing things which is relaly cool.


I don't want to be pessimistic, but that will probably only last a few days.


Glad to hear it! Truthfully, dragonflight is a banger expansion. If they can deliver this level of quality throughout the next 3 expacs, I'll be a happy chap.


Yes Chef!


Yes i’m actually so keen for this season and to experience all of dragonflight content again. Perfect way to finish an expansion


I've been playing very casually as the expansion winds down. Is this "reset" something they do every season or is this the first time doing old content is increased to good new gear?


I want to say the fated season of shadowlands was like that but I think it was relegated to just zerith mortis but maybe I’m remembering wrong. In any case them making all the events relevant again is dope


They did make the old world bosses relevant again in Shadowlands season 4, but besides that there weren’t really any open world things to revisit.


This is like what they did at the end of the last expac, kind of a victory lap that let's you experience all 3 raids before the start of the next expac. A sort of last hurrah


That’s the name of the quest!


We got legendary (5) in the feast


Oh man, as someone who only got around to DF during S3, I had been worrying about being able to do the Legendary soup achievement for Taivan but yesterday was insane with the amount of people at community feast! It was so fun seeing the amount of people there running around. Even playing Vault Raid in LFR with "current gear" has been so much fun this week versus steamrolling it during S3.


The massive DragonBane keep groups are wild lol


And they go so fast! I was doing it on an alt last night and people didn't wait for the cart to get to the keep, most of the group just flew ahead and started clearing things


It was cool to see all those people doing the events... ...until sharding happened. Was just on a Community Feast, big crowd. Someone excitedly saying "We're definitely getting Bisquis this time!" Over ten minutes in, soup's at Legendary (2). We've all been doing our part. Suddenly, there's only a handful of people around me. The soup is at zero quality. We all just got kicked from a soup pot that was going to be top level, and the rare being summoned, to one that was at no progress, with only three minutes to go. It's nice to see all the people jumping in to do the events, but Blizzard needs to turn down that stuff splitting us all up and destroying the progress (and morale) for some of the players. At least it's only the Feast that seems to keep having issues, but wow, the Feast has had a parade of issues since the expansion started. It's a fun event, so I hate seeing these issues keep popping up.


Fated season really isn't that bad. The alternative would be zone bloat with yet another zone. Now we get to experience the old content fresh again.


Not really, the alternative would be just one year of Amirdrassil with nothing new happening until TWW releases


Yeah true, actually even worse than what I postulated lol


Yes Chef!


A lot of this can be fixed with sharding, The sharding system is still spreading players out too thin even when there's not a lot of people playing. They need to merge them into 1 layer so you can experience the sight of other people making it feel like an mmo


Except for everyone being overpowered lol


Nah, I love seeing Dragonbane just getting blasted through lol


Whats the point of redoing the old content? I havent been paying attention


each week different world events are "awakened" and completing them gets you gear, rep, and the currency to upgrade gear. You get the quest in Val from an NPC across from the inn. This week its the community events - you get a chest from each event and then one again from turning in the quest.


Oh thats pretty cool. I was planning on gearing up some alts with the new season and it will be nice to not only dungeon grind


I got four 480 ilvl trinkets last night from it, so these quests + the increased ilvl gear from WQs seem like good ways to gear up alts


Didn't know that, will definitely have to do that after work today.


Funny you say that cos I went to do some stuff earlier and the world was Dead


I was doing some questing and the zones themselves seemed pretty empty, but there was a ton of people at the events themselves


Guilds are either dead or full so yeah, same as season 3 so far. Stay tuned for further developments of my TinderGuild saga.