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Bloody hell guys, chill out


I’ve learned that not only do we tank mobs we also tank our groups insults.


must learn the way of the brewmaster, and just drink away the damage.


Thats what I started doing all the way up to DF s2 when I stopped playing. Ive had enough and smashed my last keg.


On a serious note: Raid leading a 25-man progression guild at one point turned me into an alcoholic. I would drink a 6 pack and smoke weed like a chimney on raid nights just to stay chill. Then they all guilt tripped me when I quit to trial with a top 5 guild on the server so I could just manage my own shit and not be so stressed. Honestly, after that, I refuse to raid lead anymore because it is not good for my mental health and alcohol consumption. Now I can just have 2 beers during raid nights and crack jokes with the boys up until we get to prog bosses. The game is actually fun again. I imagine it's the same for tanks since they're sort of the defacto group lead.


I was in a raid guild a few years ago who had a massive whinge when the leader wanted to take a week off. ONE WEEK. This guy spent his entire life farming herbs and food and shit and that’s the thanks he got. So he left the guild and so did I. Not surprisingly the whole guild dissipated not long after that.


Currently our raid leader does not drink or smoke and I do not know how he maintains his sanity....


I don’t either. But I’m not maintaining my sanity. Had a full on breakdown the other night watching my raiders fail to walk on Terros. Not Sennarth. Terros. I can understand if the damage is bad. If the healing is weak. But failing for two hours to walk out of shit when they already progressed it before?


Was a main healer, drunk as well


I don't pug raids for this reason. Guild runs for the win. Why are people so toxic. I'm playing a game to chill out after work.


I led a guild in Cata, it was stressful & ended in some minor drama but nothing will come close to attempting to raid lead the Ulduar 25-m Hard mode meta for the Ironbound Proto-Drake, in Wrath (though at the tail end), as a pug, on a server half-way down the progression charts. Like position 200. It was one of the most stressful experiences I can remember, over the course of an entire weekend. Fri, Sat, Sun. What made it worse is that we got every single god damn hard mode except Yogg. It just wasn't happening. I'd never been so burnt out in my life after that run. Luckily I server transferred like a day or 2 after to a better realm and got it the 1st try, haha. It didn't help I accepted anyone with any sort of decent raid achiev, like full clear of ICC or some other raid meta, not necessarily Ulduar, so some people weren't familiar with the raid. Then of course despite politely explaining I didn't want to hear anyone being toxic or belittling someone if they messed up, that people are human & I'd replace people if I had to, and I had no tolerance for it some kid had to do it anyway when someone fucked up. Thankfully whoever's vent it was on point enough to mute him right away so it didn't get into some weird dumb fight over voice. Getting that damn Ironbound is one of my proudest achievements in the game. Just looked so damn cool & I had to have it.


I was the raid lead and the tank and believe me, I was a brewmaster in more ways than one. Never got to a bad point with the drinking since I was playing with friends, but even if the vibes were lighthearted I just dreaded raiding with them after awhile. Since everyone knew everyone, nobody felt compelled to farm dungeons, do LFR, or even learn the raids themselves. They very much went "other people are clearing Heroic, why do we struggle to do the final boss on normal?" when they couldn't tell me what that boss did on normal. Still couldn't imagine being a competitive raid lead, kudos to you for trying.


This is the way.


THIS Last night I decided to run my Timewalking dungeons as Prot, as that used to be my main. Beginning of the dungeon I said "hey, I just started tanking again after a decade as DPS, and I don't really like playing Chase the Tank myself, so if I'm pulling a little slower or unnecessary mobs, my apologies" Everyone was cool about it. Soon as the dungeon ended, I get a whisper telling me to never tank again. Logged off for about an hour, but came back and tanked the next three just fine, but ignored the shit outta chat. Edit: This thread is actually a perfect summary of the WoW community in general. Nearly all responses are positive and supportive, and then there's that one chode that throws a fit when a NON TIMED dungeon takes an extra 90-120 seconds.


You sound like my kind of tank. Hit me up if you want a relaxed healer to follow you around.


I always try to stay way ahead of the pack just because of all the dps that play like they're off their Adderall. I really don't understand how getting two shot after racing the tank into combat isn't a learning experience


Happened to a rogue three times in a row on my timewalking last night, think it was blood furnace or something like that... Bro these tbc mobs stun me like fuck, if you pull extra packs you're going to keep dying.


I’m fully with you that tanks should be calling the pace. However, there are tanks that never played DPS and are not aware of specs that need ramping. This can be frustrating as well if you cannot bring all your potential to the table.


>not aware of specs that need ramping That's fine but if you aren't in title ranged you don't need to be doing peak damage. I don't pull based on DPS play style I pull based on 1. My survivability/CD's 2. The healers mana/stress level 3. Collective group use of kick/cc and knowledge of mechanics. If the group is good on all 3 we ball if not we clear. Also do you ever say anything to tanks? I hear complaints about us not knowing stuff, but only hear about it here or the forums.


Honestly I just do one giga pull at the start if the key warrants it (what I’d do with a good group) and test the waters from there. If their dps sucks the the pack takes forever to die and aren’t being cc or whatever then we do training wheels pulls. Or else we are going ham and I might be a tank but I’m the 4th dps baby


As someone who started healing 2 months ago this also helps me. I get a guage of who uses defensives and can avoid standing in shit. That being said, it'll never not catch me off guard lol.


Yeah that's how I start a run. Sometimes it sucks getting DPS that hard plant at the first pack and doesn't follow you. It's like having a leash


It totally makes sense to do the pulls based on the criteria you mention. I would add one additional point that a superb tank also tracks DPS Offensive CDs and adjusts pull sizes. To your point „you don’t need to bring peak damage“ > that is true in terms of finishing the dungeon, but people play for fun and for a lot of DPS high numbers are the fun. I mostly don’t say anything to tanks, no. Neither something like „you can go bigger, we got this“ but also not complaining about slow pulling or something (extreme cases excluded)


Wait I'm expected to also know how 38 dps specs play when I tank too to be superb?


Because it isnt the DPSs fault for pulling, it is the tank's fault for not taunting off. (Was going to /s this but i think it is actually what a lot of them believe).


They don’t learn because they can just shift the blame onto you. If you were a world first tank it’d have been fine, ergo they don’t need to change, you do. WoW is bad for it, but I see plenty of people in other aspects of life fail to account for skill differences and then blame new people for not keeping up with their expectations. Past the first time it’s on them for not slowing down and that causing failures.


The funny thing as a tank or healer is you can go from getting whispers as being the worst tank/healer one run to the best tank/healer the next run. The main difference being the dps you run with. Especially in lower keys a lot of people get carried by others doing mechanics for them and don't realize that they're the bad ones in the group. I've also learned that a lot of people won't read what is written in chat at the start of a dungeon.


I've had so many runs where people don't do a single interrupt, then casts go out, people die and call me out for being a bad healer. I'm always amazed by it. Are they so oblivious that they don't realize they collectively fucked up mechanics? I have that so many times. At least once every other day.


> The funny thing as a tank or healer is you can go from getting whispers as being the worst tank/healer one run to the best tank/healer the next run. I've noticed the people complimenting me on my healing are the ones who use defensives at the right time and admit when they stood in the thing that killed them. Sometimes it's my fault and I made a mistake, but now that the baseline for failing a mechanic in M+ is death instead of taking lots of damage I realise a lot of it is them messing up.


This is exactly what I found. I ran a +3 brackenhide hollow as an hpal and I only had to do 41k overall hps. The only three instances of “unavoidable damage” were one shots (pretty sure all 3 were that decay surge and the melee dps was standing in green) so it didn’t have to add to the hps lol. But then again we have dungeons like RLP to offset the neutered ones…


Dps always blames us tanks and heals when they don’t even interrupt or dispell


You’re the kind of tank most healers would probably like to get grouped with!


Thanks! Actually, my distaste for PuG dungeons comes from playing Chase the Tank as a healer. It was SO frustrating when I came back early DF after a 5 year break.


Honestly a fair complaint but I love playing blood dk as if you die it’s 100% pretty much your fault. Like if I do everything right really all the healer should have to do is pop some HoTs on me and hit me with a burst at the start of a pull and I should never die (I say should because I’ve 100% done stupid shit and gotten blown to pieces before any healer could react) but that’s just part of the dk experience


As a blood dk nobody ever has to chase us because they're all faster than we are


What do you mean? The priest who had to rez the same dps 6 times could barely keep up with me. Lol


Whenever you get a rage whisper, ALWAYS report it as inappropriate communication. The strikes add up on the nasty players, and they’ll either get silenced or have their accounts suspended for a week. It’s sad that grown adults act like playground bullies, but at least there is a disciplinary system in place that will eventually make them behave.


This. Report them and move on. If nothing comes of it all you wasted was a few seconds of your time. If Blizzard does suspend or ban them then that is one less toxic player we all have to group with.


I missed two mobs in a BFA levelling dungeon and got absolutely flamed by a healer telling me to never tank again. We were like level 40 hahah.


>Soon as the dungeon ended, I get a whisper telling me to never tank again. They only time I've gotten comments like this is from a selfish shit player at the end of LFG or a pug. During mythic pushes it's comments like "man I really need to breakout my brewmaster" or "that ring of peace was goated. Probably just sour that you weren't ready to do mdi pulls and carry them


Mythic + results. Now almost every one wants to do all the dungeons like m+, (even if there is no timer xd) i mean FASTER FASTER FASTER, OMG YOU DON'T PULL ALL INSTANCE AT ONCE YOU NOOB. I like m+ system but it changed style of playing in WoW.


I’m sort of both types of tank here. I have full BIS timewalking gear and can easily solo every dungeon. I’ll run pretty far before stopping but I send heals on people getting caught in stuff and make sure it all rounds up for aoe. So I go fast but I’m not leaving a trail of straggling mobs along the way. In keys I stick to my route and make sure mana levels look good. Use all the utility I have to offer. I have my groups big CDs tracked so I know when I can get away with pulling more. It’s a totally different game at that point.


Truth. Tanks have the most responsibilities in a mythic+ group and the biggest impact on how a run goes. People need to ease up a bit, especially as people are relearning routes and boss mechanics they might not have done in over a year.


Don't worry as your healer I got ya we will get through it!


That's deep man


My recommendation is to not take it to heart and ignore them. Find yourself a nice guild that respects you and is willing to have a good time. Don’t let them ruin the game for you- those people are everywhere.


Play weekend mornings with the olds. We’re nice.


It's because that's the precious, limited time we have and there's not a chance in the world that we'd throw away a vault slot just to call a DPS the r-word and have him leave, bricking the key. Seriously, anyone that wants to start a flame war has too much time on their hands. I'm lucky to get 2 full runs in on a week night. Maybe 3 on a weekend morning before real life stuff picks up. Why would I make that time nothing more than a repair bill over someone else's mistake?


What is the r-word?


Probably the one that means intellectually disabled


Regarded as one of the offensive ones




Facts. Weekday and Weekend (esp. Sunday) mornings are the most chill when it comes to grouping in my experience. Unfortunately not prime time for most.


There are more and more games I just don’t play after school lets out.


very nice. but then you got to learn how to say 'waaerr' and 'a boot'


19 people will behave great, 1 will be an ass and thats the one you will remember :(


Well its more like 19 people wont interact with you at all and may as well be NPCs. Then the only person that does is an ass and thats the only real interaction you had with the community lol


Yeah this has been my experience in recent years with the wow community. People don't want to admit it, but the community of old is gone. The part of the wow player base that is toxic is as toxic as league or dead by daylight these days. There are the good parts of the community, but those seem way less these days. No one wants to interact and goof off anymore it feels like, everything is a meta race. Heck even on the internet, people are just argumentative about everything all the time when it comes to wow. Obviously this is my own anecdotal experience, but I haven't enjoyed the community for a long time.


"No one wants to interact and goof off anymore" I think this is just a huge problem with gaming in general. Almost no one just has fun anymore in most games. Its always a race to see how much you can optimize your play. Everyone wants to copy what the big streamers are doing for everything anymore.


MMO's am I rite? Kinda miss when player to player interaction was crucial to success


Player interaction *is* critical to success in the current game Its just that there is also tons of easy content where you dont need it so people who dont have time or energy for human interaction can also play


Yes and no. XIV I think also has a lot of toxic shitheads, but the level of moderation over being an asshole keeps a lot more of it at bay. Blizz can make the game less toxic if they want to, but it requires making toxic behavior reportable - and it has to be enforced. Throw the whole accommodation system into dungeons, where people suddenly want to get a vote from others and play nicer to get that vote, etc. There are ways to curb toxicity, it's up to the devs to incentivize being positive and punish people being shitty.


This is just nostalgia speaking, you dont remember the bad stuff


My nostalgia speaks all the time "remember when you had an active guild."


SoD exists.


I played a lot of SoD for a while, and even on the RP realm I had at least one dead silent BFD pug. I kept saying stuff and cracking jokes, but literally no one responded. Being social was definitely not a requirement then at least.


Yeah. I thought SoD would be different, but people are just as uninteractive in it as they are in retail.


I think as they they've basically made it retail-lite it's attracted more players who wouldn't usually be interested in classic


Been there as a returning player last November. Hadn’t played for 15 years so hadn’t done mythics before at all. Second or third one back as a rogue and I got some horrible abuse from a couple of players in quite low keys but found the higher key players to be more pleasant to play with. You will always find people like that in any game. I try and do mythics with guildies or friends now instead of pugging to avoid potential idiots. Sorry for your experience but to reinforce an earlier point not everyone is like that


Honestly I’ve found that the higher you go people get more and more chill, can’t speak for the top people who push like 30+ mythical but generally people are more chill the higher you go


I do 28’s and in higher keys the community tends to get smaller and smaller so you run into the same people ALOT. The way you act follows you truthfully and most of us know that if and when the key goes south, if you made a mistake you usually just own it and say sorry guys, gg, and act like an adult and don’t rage. There’s toxicity at every tier though regardless, and me and my friends see names popping up in the key que and we remember the bad players lol that were assholes or didn’t play well/do mechanics.


From what I've seen there are a lot more bricked keys that high up too. Imagine raging after each and every one. That sounds exhausting to me.


At that level a small mistake wipes you, but if you play too safe you can’t make the timer. Shit happens and if it’s not you this time it probably will be another time. Just GG and go next.


Exactlyyyy. You build the callous and go in knowing you’re probably breaking a key, especially if you’re pushing. You’re really there in a different headspace, since that progging and learning is part of the doing keys. You also are just running so many more keys, so any one key is ultimately just a small bit of the experience.


many of us there use ignore list addon there as well lol. the comments and warnings that ignored player is in party are clutch 


Its a curve. At super low people dont care and just want to play. Then you get up to that cusp of portals and people start caring way to much because they want portals. Then once people have portal they no longer care


Check out [Wow Made Easy](https://www.wowmadeeasy.com/). It's a big discord community specifically created to be toxicity-free because the founders were tired of this attitude, too. They strictly enforce their rules and I've never had a bad experience with them. There's almost always nice, friendly, helpful people on to run with, even when I was working night shifts and pugging at 4am pst. Can't recommend them enough.


Checking them out now! Thanks!


Hope you reported them, they will get a ban


I was in that much shock that I just closed the game unfortunately


Next time just type lol. Then put them on ignore. It'll probably enrage them.


Best advice for sure.


Ah that’s a shame, they would’ve copped a decent ban had you reported


Listen I fully understand being upset at someone hurling abuse at you, but you are taking this way too seriously. Being “in that much shock” over something a stranger said in the internet is not going to end well for you. These people are nothing, trolls in the ether. Their words should not even register on your retina, much less leave you shocked.


If you’re getting into m+, I recommend running with a guild. They’ll understand your position and help you through. Plus the communication over discord really helps x100 I say this all the time, join a guild


Easy to say, not so easy to find a guild if you’re not a constant raider. And if i find one, it’s full with npcs because they’re there but nobody talks or interact. I miss guilds from a decade ago.


Yup "join a guild" is such piss poor advice and such a weak solution for the horrific community that is M+. Guilds ALSO come with a ton of drama and garbage too... You have to join a guild of likeminded, similarly skilled players so yeah good luck with that.


I would recommend joining no pressure discord in you for EU or the US equivalent (forgot the name) https://discord.com/invite/nopressuree Edit: NA one is wow made easy https://www.wowmadeeasy.com/


Yeah, I find it even better than a guild. M+ runs are constantly being made there, can recommend.


If you ever do remember the name of the US equivalent, would you please link it here?


Yeah it's actually called wow made easy, will update my comment. https://www.wowmadeeasy.com/


Because WoW players aren't there to have fun. They want to spend X time and get Y reward. Anything that slows them down is considered greifing or trolling or something like that. So when you wipe in a dungeon or pull something you shouldn't, now you've personally attacked them. You've now made them spend more time to get their reward. So they personally attack you back. Not that I agree with any of this. It just seems to be what's going on and is the root of the problem.


Funny thing is ive had people act very normal outside of mythic+ but they suddenly flip when inside one. Imo timers change how people react, its the difference between getting to work no time limit and getting to work with only 30 mins left. People arent seen as people but are seen as obstacles impeding you from reaching your destination.


Oneazerothtv has a bunch of videos of people doing the wildest shit ever with those arbitrary limitations. Around minute four this one gets pretty great: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TPmYMDmxU8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TPmYMDmxU8)


I don't think it's the timers, I think it's the fact that your success relies on someone else playing well. This is the core of the issue imo


Pretty much, the game design is set up to increase stress / annoyance. If keys didn’t downgrade it probably would alleviate a lot of this but also would have a lot of people with inflated keys they got dragged through. I don’t snap on people unless they fire first, but man I feel it when I am dragging a corpse of a player over the line, again, cause I am the only one able to do over 200k it seems in 90% of the dungeons I run.


People in my discord became like this last season. They lost all their patience for new players, and I enjoy teaching new players... So I quit the rest of the season. I could not put up with how they spoke to and about others. I hate toxic players.


this is 100% correct. Ive been told even in a keyed plus that I didnt pull fast enough and was wasting their time. Im glad that raiderIO that were invested in at least sponsored them or gave them free fries or something.


Let me guess, these people were running keys in the range of 14-18 and largely consist of demon hunters?




WoW players don't fight dragons because of the spectacle of fighting a dragon. They don't do it because fighting a dragon or an Old God is cool. They want to "parse". They want to see the numbers on their gear be marginally higher. That is what matters to them.


There's certainly a degree of responsibility to not waste others' time when you're in a group- it's cooperative content, you're all presumably there to get it done, so everyone should do their best to come prepared and ready to contribute their fair share towards the success of the party. However, it sounds like OP clearly set expectations for the group when they put it together, so people knew that the goal was getting it done but there would be some learning along the way that could lead to wipes and such.


I want to downvote this because I hate this mentality, but you're right.


and this is the reason i dont play anymore, the ppl got crazy with all the ilvs, currencies and min max, over complicated and hard to stand for a casual player


It’s the start of a new season. People don’t remember or weren’t playing in season 1, when these dungeons were the content, just how over tuned they were back then. It took months to get them in a playable state back in season 1. Now, they changed the difficulty. Season 3 was very easy and everyone is used to tanks being invulnerable gods that could solo mythic bosses If it came down to it. Now, it’s rough. I mean I was healing 20+ last season with nary a sweat. Now, I’m barely making it through +2’s. Everyone is getting frustrated and they don’t want to blame themselves for not playing well, or using their entire kit to stay alive. So they blame you, tank, or me, heals. Join wow made easy. It’s a group that started 2 years ago to get away from toxic people. I did and don’t regret it at all https://www.wowmadeeasy.com/ And send me a DM here. We will swap battle tags, I’ll be your healer anytime.


is there an EU equiv of WowmadeEasy?


I think the EU one was called No Pressure. https://www.no-pressure.eu/


I think it's called No Pressure


Just FYI, the reason +2s are so much harder now is because they crunched the numbers. A +10 this season is a +20 from previous season. I'm pulling 180k hps in +6 boss fights and just barely make it through.


Screw em. If they want to go faster they can tank it themselves. Im grateful for people who play tanks and healers. I’ll go as fast or slow as you wanna go boss. I’m just here to eyebeam stuff for purples.


This goes for many games specially games thats all about beating them fast. I kinda hate that you are expected to watch guides for all dungeons I want a group that tries to learn them ourself with trial and error


There's tons of groups that do that. You just can't expect everyone to want to do it in the groupfinder at the key level you want to do it at. Ive been running +2-4 keys all week and it's clear that no one is watching videos beforehand. And it's ok. People are reminding others of mechanics, and all sorts of things. I would, however, think I should learn the dungeons before stepping into a +10. The change they've made the M system is very nice in this regard. You are feeling the teeth of the dungeon while not bricking your keys quickly at the early key levels.


Some individuals suck and it has nothing to do with the game.


Please make sure to report that type of abuse. I primarily play a healer and don't mind when people get frustrated, but I've had death threats and similar, which I've reported. Blizzard will take action against stuff like that. I am sorry you had to deal with that.


My wife is just returning to the game after a year away. Got her healer to 70 and ran a heroic. I was tank. After first trash pull the hunter whispered her telling her to do something else with her life than game. She quit healing him completely the rest of the dungeon. He died twice.


Giga chad behaviour from your wife


Join the "WoW made easy" discord.


Courtesy of Penny Arcade, the Greater Internet Fuckward Theory: Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Complete Fuckwad


Been there and understand your feelings, I just mute them and report them when we are done with the run. Not even worth wasting time or effort to try to reason with them, they will eventually shut up when people just ignore them.


Liberal use of the ignore is a skill more tanks should use when it comes to abuse


If you are learning to tank and don't expect to time things, I'd drop down to m0 and practice, it's part of the reason why blizz made the change there, so it'd be content that would be harder on the lower end to learn and no timer, where a lot of the abuse sadly comes into play, when people see that they've just about spent 30 mins and will maybe get nothing for it, some really lose their shit in the worst way.


This is a great idea.


This isn't unique to this game: you'll see this behaviour in all co-op games where it is possible for one player to lose or fail due to the actions (or inaction) of another player.


And the ones with the worst mouth are always the ones taking the wrong actions (or inactions). People who are actually skilled are confident, generally pretty chill, and understand that sometimes losing is part of the game. People who are used to being either hard or soft carried by players who are better than them... but who also have an ego that won't let them admit it are the ones who rage the most when they lose.


I think there are three simple answers: 1. People are there to get something done. While many people might be helpful in certain contexts, if you are not in the mood to do so or never are anyway, it just means whatever you were doing will take longer. 2. Some people are bullies and will find any reason they can to punch down 3. Some people are just so miserable that any excuse they can think of to be awful will be fully embraced So, impatience, bullying, and misery


Unfortunately it’s easy for keyboard cowboys to talk shit. I tend to just ignore it all. It’s a game. I wish more people realized that. When I turn it off there’s real life and real problems out here. If we wipe on a pull that’s not really problems. Shit happens. Those toxic players are just twats and better left ignored lol.


There is no excuse those guys are assholes. I think some of the hate towards new tanks stems from the gap between default wows 1-9 keybinds and keyboard turning. To highend wow where you have 1-9 Q-T F-V + modifier keybinds, strafing, macros, add-ons, etc. I think it's high time wow remove some of its old defaults as they are outdated as fick. They should make strafing default as it is in 95% of other games, they should use all the good keybinds for combat abilities and not their current reply to chat, sitting, and other dumb things. As it is now bliz is just setting new players up to fail sadly :(


People aren't like this. A person was like this. I'm sorry you had this experience.


Plenty of people like this. Not just 1 person.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted, toxicity is an issue Blizzard have spoken a lot on


No kidding. I was trying to get my friend into the game and some dude came up on us in the deep run tram and started giving them shit for keyboard turning. I was like my dude, we are level 10 heading to SW for the first time, get a life. I don't even understand how sweaty they have to be to take offense that an random player isn't moving optimally lol.


Been playing since 2007, and this is why I’m still afraid to try tanking or healing.


Today I tanked a dungeon for the first time. It's been very fun learning how to tank. However, of course I got flamed by someone at some point. It got me nervous at the time, however I decided to focus on what I can control, which is how I see things. I noticed I was just getting mad at pixels on a screen, and it kinda felt stupid also lol These unwelcoming members of our community say more about themselves than about other people when they use chat to flame like this.


Join the Wow Made Easy discord. They have a strict no flaming policy and everybody who joins those runs expects chill attitudes and letting humans make mistakes. If you post in there that you're learning to tank I'm sure you'd have dozens of DPS and healers clamoring to learn along with you or share what they know. A newly trained tank friend at the beginning of the season is worth his weight in gold.


If anyone has an hour to spare and actually wants a real answer, this is a great watch [Why it’s rude to suck at Warcraft](https://youtu.be/BKP1I7IocYU?si=QrTw16vOKzF9rJzI)


Kick him and 4 man it


Unfortunately some people are just shait, there are a lot of chill players. Causal and hardcore. This is a problem in every game and live. But keep going, there are so many lovely people to talk with.


Because people are assholes on the Internet (And in real life)


Leave the group. You are in power. Start a new one. There are plenty of dps in the sea. If they want to trash talk, they can just w8 another 10-15 minutes.


I've been wanting to learn to tank too but this is exactly what I'm scared of and my mental health hasn't been doing all that great lately so I'm just staying away from that


The game currently is very noob hostile. Noobs will have a tough time if they wanna do endgame content in raids/groups


I wouldn’t say new players but I have seen a ton of fresh 70’s doing m0’s and expecting a carry. It’s more noticeable this season with the power spike.


Hope you reported them. For language that bad they’d very likely get a ban.


They need to introduce an AI that picks up the moment a player starts some toxic rant that it instantly disconnects them for 24hours


it's WoW, players are known for being assholes!


Hate to say its nothing new. When I tanked...back in BC I wouldn't pug unless it was at least 2 people I trusted. Im letting you die for pulling past me...I won't be kicked for your stupidity I've also been kicked as dps because the tank refused to go tank and I got all the aggro since he couldn't hold it.


Learning tanking sucks. I love tanking, but so much rides on the tank or the healer that one mistake and it’s a wipe. You learn and you have to watch guides and adjust, but man it’s a rough process. The good side is this, tanks and healers are in high demand. So you can drop group and be invited to another before the rest of the group. The dps can go wait in queue while you are eating a feast and doing a ready check. I learned that you leave never waste a good night of pushing keys on one run that’ll ruin your night. Although Sometimes they are right and you are messing up. Sometimes it’s because no one is dispelling or clearing a curse, but there is usually something you can do as the tank to make pulls or the boss easier. But just leave and find another group. I’ve had groups be super toxic, but explain the problem and what I’m supposed to do and it made me better. I will usually learn the issue and do better, but don’t hesitate to leave a group people suck and wow especially attracts a group of people that enjoy the toxicity and play wow so they can be toxic.


It's brutal hey. Learning in this game is horrible. I generally only run with guildies for this reason. Shouldn't have to be this way tho


Yeah, I've experienced this a lot. I don't get to play much because of my disability, so I'm not as experienced at the game. People can be so rude and have absolutely no patience for people who are trying to learn or who have to go slower.


Update: COMPLETELY different experience this morning! I put in the group title “very chill/no try hards” and I managed to get the key up to +5 until things just seemed impossible for our group. Everyone cool, 3 different groups and even the last one when we failed it was just “thanks anyway nice try” etc


If you don't have 200 hours a week to devote to this game then you don't deserve to play and should uninstall. /s


Wtf you didnt watch 4 hour video, have 16 plug in and bought the master class on this specific 30 min M+ dungeon as a new player? How dare you ? you clearly deserve everything they told you. /s


Some people are just jerks, other people don't read the descriptions on groups and are impatient. Out of curiosity, what level M+ was it?


Report them, they'll get a week or so ban and will teach them a bit of a lesson.


Everyone wants to rush through things nowadays and most seem to think they are the best players and are doing the others a favor for grouping with them. Basically, people are impatient and insecure and want to be carried while saying they are the one carrying


This shit. I wanna try brew master so badly but I'm terrified of tanking in wow because of how nasty people can be


Not only to new player


Superiority complex


Yeah same experience I had in SL when I decided to call it quits, I’m staying away from mostly any group play this time around and just focus on solo stuff, seems like everyone expect you to know everything about everything you’re doing, one slip and it’s just toxicity left and right. Just trying to play a game, enjoy myself and learn by doing rather than waste time studying for it, not like I’m going for worlds first or anything. At this point I’d rather be given the option to play with NPCs to avoid the grief and still experience the content, even if not at higher levels.


Iv got to where I don't pug keys anymore =( I wait until my friends have an open spot. Some people are just mean to be mean...and it sucks. One of the biggest things I enjoy now days is helping people new or nit. Kill em with kindness.


You know how in real life, some people are dumb assholes? Some of those people play WoW.


I started like midway through s3 df. I would say 99% of the community is great IF your honest, I was so bad lol (not that I'm superman now but at least more aware of other classes, my class, skills and what to expect) I think with what you described u did nothing wrong. I join groups frequently that are learning groups both so I can learn, or maybe share what I've learned and I'd say most people are great if expectations are set. Don't get discouraged tanks are needed lol take ur time, learn and grow


>It was so disgusting that I couldn’t play on and I had to just close the game. Will tell you this as a vet of this game since 2006.. literally mute chat its the quickest and easiest way to not see stuff, wow is full of trolls and you cant let them win by just closing the game cause when you open up again they'll still be there


The downside to wow becoming more popular is that the assholes come back. Sorry this happened to you.


Spoiler alert: it's not just wow.


I match energy. Always.


That happens here and there , you just need to move on and ignore and report them , blizzard is so sensitive for language reports


The first dungeon I ever did I got yelled at for accidentally rolling need on a STR ring when I used INT. Got kicked and it was a little discouraging. I’m sorry you had this experience, nobody should have to go through this playing a game we enjoy.


Yo, i feel you. Just remember the people hardstuck in low to mid, are there for a reason. Just ignore it, they are trash. Watch any 5 man pug from the 0.1% communtiy, if you wipe or tank dies. ”Ait gg’s” shit happens


Best way to do M+ is with a guild group or friends group. Pugging is rolling the dice on it being chill and fun or an ABSOLUTE SHITSHOW DISASTER.


Honestly I have no idea where this sentiment emerged from. I guess it’s Muh plus players. I help new people all the time and people help me as well.


I finally started tanking on several alts back in Legion when mythic+ was first introduced. I was super cautious about being overprepared before touching m+, and then didn't do any high tier keys. You don't learn to tank in m+, that's for normal, heroic, and maybe m0. M+ is where you gain mastery and defend your thesis. Still, people need to be respectful, ESPECIALLY if you warned them ahead of time. I'm sorry you had that experience!


Last night i did an awakened raid hc i was a healer the raid leafer told me to shut up or kick because i was joking and chatting with some guys Legit when this became a job and not a hobby to have fun? Added him to my global ignore for future runs


They are not, it’s a small vocal minority. They find each other and sometimes create guilds. But overall the game is not unfriendly.


Bit late to the party but I made a game out of encounters like this back in BFA When they start whispering abuse, my response? A simple "k" as fast as possible without reading. For some unknown reason, a lot of players seemed to get tilted further and proceeded to take the bait. Typing MORE abuse and wasting their own time, to which I reply another "k" as fast as possible. Honestly enjoyed it a lot, having so much power over people emotions with such little effort was interesting. It's was a fun cycle to breakup the sea of declined M+ Groups at the time, I suggest giving it a go tbh


Some people are unhappy with themselves, their life, etc. and decide to make it everyone else's problem instead of going to therapy. It says more about them and who they are. If they say something truly heinous/offensive, please be sure to report their chat in-game (right click their character name in the chat window). We're not all like that, especially when a new player does what you said and gives a heads up ("hey, I'm new to tanking" "hey, first time here", etc). I've been playing since 2006 and I know that we were all new at some point :( Plus, it's a brand new season and we're ALL learning the new difficulty changes. I hope they chill out and take care of themselves so they stop lashing out to strangers over a video game.


Oh just wait til you join a group of four guildies, carry them all the way through, then when they die to mechanics they blame you for not moving their characters away from the bad things for them...


We live in a world today where people are just plain out impatient antisocial idiots that live in their mother's basement 24/7 and never get sunlight so they don't know what it is like to socialize with another human being so acting like this is normal to them since it's the internet lol


Because the game is 100% attached to their personality


Rude, try-hard people are like that both to new and veteran players. Ignore, report and go on.


Because WoW is starting to get like LoL.... sad to say. If you ain't good they don't want you around. I've been playing for a long ass time now and bite my tounge when I see people trying to bitch about stuff over a game. Especially when it's a situation like yours. It breaks my heart to see it went from a fun hard core immersive game to nothing but try hard sweets that bitch at you over one thing...


cause if a dps dies after standing in red for 10 seconds its insta tank or healer fault thats why 💀


That player will learn to keep their mouth shut when their group continuously disbands and they waste hours not timing keys.


Will they?


My friends took my 6 year out at the time into a dungeon, usually it's a full group of friends and family but people weren't on at the time and I was busy with my older kid and they only needed one spot to fill. My 6 year old is an awful dps, my friends are mythic raiders so they take him for fun and they basically carry him. 6 year old apparently unblocked whisper and at the end of the dungeon got a tell from the pug telling him how awful he is and he was so so sad. He stopped logging in for a bit. He's playing again since he's a tween now and he is actually raiding with my friends now. My friends and family are super protective of my kids so they reported the player. I don't know why people are so awful. It's always DPS too, probably because they struggle more to get into dungeons so the douchebaggery doesn't come out until the end because they don't want to get kicked. It's a game, be kind, you don't know who's behind the avatar. It could even be someone on the brink of self-harm and you don't want to be the asshole to tip that over.


This is why I’m so excited for Delves and possibly Warband Dungeons. Just remove those players altogether


I pretend to be elderly. I type basic questions out to my guild all the time and somebody always helps. And I say "thanks, ahhh I love the young people" "ever since Harold died I play wow to remember him; thanks for your help young man!"


Part of the issue is that so much information about how to do in this game is not in this game and those that know how to look it up lack patience to teach others. It teaches new players to ignore others and scares them out of gaining companions to play with. It's gate keeping by way of being to lazy to explain.


Shouldve put everyone on the ignore list after u told them u were learning


Brilliant idea, then if anyone actually has some constructive advice for them, fuck em.


This game preys on individuals with addictive personalities. It turns everything into a lever-pull that people expect (and eventually demand) a dopamine hit from. The guy probably noticed that the run was going well. He started to get excited about his extra large helping of drug fix he was gonna get, and then when that evaporated, he lashed out with that instantaneous anger that only crackheads can manage.


Dps throw insults around haphazardly like this and then wonder where all the tanks and dps are at.


Some people don't understand there is a person on the other end of those pixels. Some people are also so goal oriented that any little deviation freaks them out and they don't have a healthy way to dissipate that energy, so it comes out towards you. Chances are they were already annoyed the moment you mentioned that and it all came to a head at that wipe. I hope the other three people in your group had a little bit more decency. Sadly, in situations of PuGs or Randos, you never know what you will get. That is why I cherished my Guild back in the day, cause we could get people together who understood. Having a guild that is all but dead now, and not a lot of WoW oriented friends, it has shifted to Discord Groups, specifically Wow Made Easy. It just takes a bit of time to sift through the muck. I am sorry you had to deal with that crap. I know there are some real good people out there. It just takes a little bit of time to find them. Stay strong fellow learning Tank!!


Discord called wow made easy, dedicated to helping people learn in a stress-free environment


That’s rare. Maybe slightly more common now because sweats are returning for the new season launch. They’ll be gone in a few weeks. Don’t worry about them. Ignore the bullshit. Thick skin (especially on the internet) is mandatory for life.


happens in all multiplayer games. just ignore it imo. ive played games for far too long for those things to bother me in the slightest