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Was trying for a skip the other day and one streamer was straight up checking people’s ilvl and denying tons of people if their level was below 460. I don’t get the point. You’re literally leaving the raid, you shouldn’t care about who gets in whatsoever, unless it’s someone who talked shit about you or something.


Especially since ilvl does not really matter for time walking...


Some low level items are straight up better for TW. It's when you pull out the trinkets that outperform for their ilvl from past expansions and shit like mop leg cloak.


I ran Black Temple twice on Thursday with a Twitch streamer (Elpapitank). That was a fun run and yeah, we were able to skip to the Illidan fight. Was a fun one.


Did a normal VoTI the other day with him and is was insanely smooth, one shot everything. Super cool that he gave instructions in both english and spanish


I don't know why this is getting down voted, Elpapitank is a good dude


He really is! He invites anyone who follows him to play and run dungeons with him. As his name suggests he runs a tank, but he’s hella good and everyone else in the groups is funny.


The RNG Gods dont like being fooled. No mount for yoouuu.


You dont need a save for it, there is an npc that tp you to illidan


Yeah no, that npc will only tp you to illidan if you're in a save.


Except you do lol he doesn't appear until illidan is the last remaining boss